Wednesday 1 November 2023




Shekinah greetings of life. Welcome to the Morning Altar of prayer. I am still talking about soul ties. And today I will talk about the spirit husbands and spirits wives.  


Somebody might ask a question, is it true the concept of spirit husband and spirit's wives? That is what we will see today because it is also part of what we talk about the soul ties. Is it possible that somebody can be tied to a spirit that is like a husband and a wife? 


In the Bible, there is a story of the couple of Ahab and Jezebel. We see how the spirits of those two individuals were connected but there were a lot of interferences and dysfunctions to the point that they could not function well as a couple.  


Today, you will learn by the grace of God how to win the battle over those spirit husbands and spirit wives and I believe and I know that your life will not be the same again. 


Welcome to the morning altar of prayer and welcome to the teaching of the day and I believe that your eyes will be opened, your ears will be opened and you will understand and you will get victory at the end of the day. 


Welcome to the teaching of today. May God bless you. May the Holy Spirit minister to you. May the Holy Spirit touch you. And may you experience deliverance today in the name of the Father, in the name of the Son and in the name of the Holy Spirit. 


Welcome to the Bible Study on Soul ties. Spirit husbands and Spirit wives. 




I will provide to you a couple of pictures from Scriptures to capture the reality of spirit husbands and spirit wives. 




2 Kings 9:22 And it came to pass, when Joram saw Jehu, that he said, Is it peace, Jehu? And he answered, What peace, so long as the whoredoms of thy mother Jezebel and her witchcrafts are so many?  


Jezebel means Baal is my husband. Don't forget that Jezebel was a married woman, and the name of her husband was Ahab. 


So, somebody can be physically married. But in the spirit this man can also be married to another spirit, the same way Jezebel was married to Ahab. But behind the physical marriage, Jezebel was married to Baal by the meaning of her name. 




  1. NO PEACE  


From the text we have just read in 2 Kings 9:22, we see already an indication when you are in a marriage with a woman who is married with the spirit's husband or a man married to a spirit wife, there will be no peace in that relationship.  




Since in the same Scripture, Jehu talks about whoredom, which means prostitution (multiple sexual partners). 


When somebody has a spirit husband or a spirit wife, you will know it through prostitution, fornication, infidelity,  tendency etc. 


That is why you will see that some people are addicted to pornography and masturbation. Don't forget that pornography porn comes from the Greek PORNEIA, which means prostitution. 


When somebody has a spirit husband or wife thing, they can't settle with one partner. They always find themselves moving from one relationship to another. 




Let me tell you that spirit husbands and spirits wives are a product of witchcraft. What I mean is that it is purely witchcraft :generational, personal or unconscious. 


When I say unconscious witchcraft, I say so because somebody can be in witchcraft and is not conscious about it.  


By the way, how can you explain that Jezebel, being a wife is also identified as practicing prostitution?  


It is therefore clear that Jezebel, though married to Ahab as the physical husband, was also married to another husband in the spirit who was Baal. 




There is a beautiful Scripture I'd like to show to you in 2 Corinthians 11:2, "For I am jealous over you with godly jealousy: for I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ".  


This Scripture shows to us clearly that the Church as a bride is married to one husband, Christ.  


This Scripture is a clear indication of the reality of marriage in the spirit. If it is true that the Church is spiritually married to one husband who is Christ, it is also true that it is also true that in the dark world, someone can be married to a spirit-being. 


The spirit husband/wife concept is therefore not an imagination from pastor Kasuku, but a spiritual reality. 


If Paul says, "I am jealous...", you should take note that when someone has a spirit husband/wife in the dark world, this spirit is characterized with ungodly jealousy. 


For example, you can be married, but if the man/woman you are married to has many spiritual husbands/wives, those ones will be jealous over the physical spouse at home. 


That is where now you will see where the spirit husband is at work, there will be a lot of dysfunctions.  


You will see for example that when a woman has a spirit husband, such a woman will have the tendency of dominating the man. In fact, it is not her. It is the man she is married to in the spirit who is dominating.  


When you marry a woman with a spirit husband, you might notice that your manhood disappears.  


And we have many cases. Let us talk sense. You can see a man with his wife in bed, but he can't perform. You take all kind of concoction and you mix all kinds of stuffs, but nothing happens. Why? Because the spirit husband in this woman is killing your manhood. 


You will see that man will be in the house, but he can't perform even financially. He will even not be able to buy bread. Not that he can't, but he is kind of paralyzed because the spirit's husband in her is killing the man in him. 


I know some cases of some couples and you will wonder why the man is always jobless. He looks for a job, but nothing comes up. This man can be under those powers. Because that spirit husband is so jealous, he will not allow that man to perform well.  


That is why you will see when a wife has a spirit husband, she won't satisfy with the husband in bed, but will find satisfaction in dreams. 


This woman will be having sex with unknown and strange people in dreams, yet she get satisfied in the physical, but when she is physically with the man, nothing is happening. 


This demon need to be cast out in the Name Of Jesus Christ ! 


Woe unto you man if you are married to a wife who is married to a spirit husband.  


When a woman is married has a spirit husband, such woman will be a notorious disobedient, stubborn and unsubmissive. A man can't tell her anything because his manhood is killed. The man cannot decide. The woman is the one taking decision over everything. She is the one doing all without nothing and the man is reduced to a poor puppet in the house. 


Pastor, what are you talking about? Look at Jezebel and Ahab. 


Ahab was a king. Right? But Ahab could not decide on his own. Who was deciding? Jezebel. Jezebel was the one deciding, writing contract, signing decrees in the name of the king, putting the stamp in the name of the king.  


She was the acting king as far as the political power was concerned. She was the one always in front and the man could do nothing without her because she killed his manhood.  


I don't know who I'm talking to today. If you are such a man and you are in that relationship and you are in that marriage where your manhood is killed, I announce to you with the anointing of God upon my life that spirit husband is destroyed in the Name Of Jesus Christ! 


That is why you have many women there who have a controlling spirit over the men. They want to control everything minus nothing. The opposite is also true. 


A man with a spirit wife will also operate the same way.  


The woman he's married to in the spirit will also kill the womanhood. That is why you will see a woman can be married, but she always has problems : sexually she can't perform, she's sexually dry, she doesn't have any drive for the man, she doesn't feel like to be intimate with her husband, she's hiding behind false excuses etc.  


Do you know why? Because when you are married to a spirit wife and or married to a spirit husband, those spirits come to attack the bed.  


So when a man cannot perform or a woman cannot perform or there is nothing too good to bring them together, the next thing will be to go outside.  




You will also see a man who kills the potential of the wife and vice-versa.  Now go in the Bible. 


When you open the bible in John 8:10, we read, "When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee?" 


Anytime I read this Scripture, I always wonder myself, how can they bring a woman who has committed adultery, but we don't see the man. Was she committing adultery alone ? 


It shows you that when a woman has the spirit husband or wife, they will find themselves most of the time accused. 


If you as a wife, your man always accuses you just to pull you down, that is a sign that something is wrong. 


But I like how Jesus handled it in John 8:10, "When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee?"  


In John 8:11 , She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.  


Any man or any woman listening to me today, maybe you are struggling with a spirit husband or with a spirit's wife, Jesus says to you, "I don't condemn you".  


It means that Jesus is setting you free today. Today is your day of freedom. Today is your day of freedom. 


Does it happen to you that when you sleep and you wake up, it's like you had sex with a man or a woman?  


Does it happen to you to wonder what happened, and you are feeling guilty?  


The question is, Where is the man you slept with? Where is the woman you slept with?  


Does it happen to you to find yourself committing masturbation all the time? 


The question is, who are you masturbating with?  


I don't know what is condemning you, but the Son of man is breaking the chains. Praise God. I say the Son of Man is breaking the chains. The Son of God is breaking the chains. If you are struggling with masturbation, the son of God is setting you free. 


If you are struggling with pornography, always looking for pictures that can help you arouse sexually, if there is any covenant in the spirit from any altar which constitutes the entry point of those demons in your life, I declare them broken in the name of Jesus Christ. I declare broken in the name of Jesus Christ.  


By the power of the blood, anyone hearing me today, I command the husbands demon, wives demon, to get out in the name of Jesus Christ the Son of the living God. 


Anyone who is married to any spirit under the sound of my voice, any woman married to any kind of spirit under the sound of my voice, you are set free. If you have not given your life to Christ, you can give your life to Christ. 


When somebody is married to a spirit in the spirit, you can't have peace in that marriage because that spirit that husband or that wife will not allow you to be at peace. 


Now, declare your freedom. Declare your freedom. Divorce with that spirit. Divorce in the name of Jesus with that evil spirit. Divorce with that evil spirit in the name of Jesus the Son of the living God. It is done. It is done. It is done. In Jesus name. 




There is a second picture I want to show to you from the Scriptures below… 


1 Kings 18:26  And they took the bullock which was given them, and they dressed it, and called on the name of Baal from morning even until noon, saying, O Baal, hear us. But there was no voice, nor any that answered. And they leaped upon the altar which was made. 


1 Kings 18:27  And it came to pass at noon, that Elijah mocked them, and said, Cry aloud: for he is a god; either he is talking, or he is pursuing, or he is in a journey, or peradventure he sleepeth, and must be awaked. 


1 Kings 18:28  And they cried aloud, and cut themselves after their manner with knives and lancets, till the blood gushed out upon them.  


1 Kings 18:29  And it came to pass, when midday was past, and they prophesied until the time of the offering of the evening sacrifice, that there was neither voice, nor any to answer, nor any that regarded.  






It is amazing to see that we are in front of the altar of Baal. Don't forget Baal is a husband. And before the altar of Baal, the prophets of Baal are calling upon their god with a loud voice, "Answer us Baal". But there was no voice and no answer. 


The man has nothing to tell the wife, though the wife can be making noises all over the house.  


When you notice that there is a silent treatment, then, Baal is there. 


The man asks something to the wife, no answer. The wife asks something to the man, no answer. People are not talking in the same house for months, years, forever. Something is wrong. There might be an altar of Baal there. 


One of those people might be married to Baal. In fact, Baal can be a man or Baal can be a woman. Baal always comes to interfere with the communication between people in a relationship. 


Remember Baal is husband.  


Friends, that thing of spirit wife and spirit husband should not be taken casually.  


You wonder why are we not communicating? Why are we not talking? 




The Bible says that they were leaping on the altar. To leap means that they were seeking for attention and there was none.  


You make your hair, no attention. You jump, but the man is like a wood or a metal in the house who can't see your beauty or your handsomeness. She can't see the good you are doing. He can't see the good you are doing. The effort you are putting in the in the relationship, he can't see. Why? Because there is Baal there. 


If at all you want your marriage to work, you need to cast out the spirit of Baal. You need to divorce from the spirit husband or spirit wife because those things cause a lot of problems in marriages including divorces. 




The Bible says that because Baal was not responding, the prophets were crying aloud.  


And then you see a relationship where two people cannot talk calmly. For you to listen to her or for her to listen to you, you have to shout, you can't whisper. It shows that there is no love.  


Why? Because there is an altar of Baal there. So the spirit husband or the spirit wife can attack a couple causing them to shout or cry aloud for you to be heard.  


So, we have two two scenarios.  


The first scenario is the scenario where there is quietness. The man does not talk, does not engage any conversation. He's just there. The wife is also just there on the phone talking with other people but not with the husband. 


Or the husband is talking with other people, not with the wife. Something is wrong.  


The second scenario is where you have to shout.  When the hearts are not connected, the best way to communicate is by shouting. You have to yell. That is bad.  


Those are the manifestations of spirit husband and spirit wife in couples.  


How come the same man when he is talking to people outside is talking nicely? But when he's at home, there is always tension. What is the problem?  




The Bible says they started cutting themselves with knives to show to you how cruel the spirit husband and spirit wife can be.   


Have you not noticed that husband and wife nowadays cut themselves with insults, talking nonsense, humiliating one another, hurting one another?  


Those are the manifestations of spirit husband and wives in a couple.  





After the prophets of Baal did all those demonstrations, there was no fire on the altar. 


That is why when a couple is attacked with the spirit husband/ spirit wife, you will see that there is no love. 


Because what the spirit husband / wife do, is to kill the love between two people.  






But I like what the Bible says in 1 Kings 18:30, "And Elijah said unto all the people, Come near unto me. And all the people came near unto him. And he repaired the altar of the LORD that was broken down".  


In this text, Elijah repaired the altar. 


So one of the way you can deal with the spirit husband and wife is to repair the altar. Because what the spirit husband and wife does is to kill the altar at home.  


That is why you will see that there are many homes where the altar in the house is broken.  


  1. The husband and the wife never pray together.  

  1. They never go to Church together.  

  1. They never read the Bible together. 

  1. Each one does his things on their own etc.  




1 Kings 18:36 And it came to pass at the time of the offering of the evening sacrifice, that Elijah the prophet came near, and said, LORD God of Abraham, Isaac, and of Israel, let it be known this day that thou art God in Israel, and that I am thy servant, and that I have done all these things at thy word.  

1 Kings 18:37  Hear me, O LORD, hear me, that this people may know that thou art the LORD God, and that thou hast turned their heart back again.  


1 Kings 18:38  Then the fire of the LORD fell, and consumed the burnt sacrifice, and the wood, and the stones, and the dust, and licked up the water that was in the trench.  


1 Kings 18:39  And when all the people saw it, they fell on their faces: and they said, The LORD, he is the God; the LORD, he is the God.  


When Elijah prayed, the fire came down and the prophets of Baal recognized God as the God of Elijah.  


I pray for fire to come down to consume the spirit husband and wife at home. I pray the God of Elijah to send his fire to bow any spirit husband and wife.  


I pray the altar at home be restored in the name of Jesus. I pray the altar at home be restored in the name of Jesus. 


Where the fire is the spirit husband/wife cannot stand there. Remember that the Bible says that when Paul was gathering the sticks, the fire caused the viper to come out.  


Where there is fire, the snake can never stand. Where there is fire, the spirit husband/wife cannot stand. Where there is fire, the spirit wife cannot stand. 


You cannot have the fire and you see yourself sleeping with men or sleeping with women in dream.  


Receive the fire. Receive the fire. Receive the fire. Receive the fire. Keep your altar on fire.  


You see your your device is killing the fire. Your tablets there, your phone. 2 hours, 3 hours chatting with people, no time to pray. TikTok all the time. No time to seek the the Lord.  

You need to restore the altar. You need to keep your altar on fire. That is how you can overcome the spirit husband and spirit wife. How I pray that the couples should come to a place where they can come together, kneel down and pray, open the book to read the Bible together, have time to talk about the matters of the family.  


How I pray that the couple should come to that place because when the spirit husband and wife comes, they affect and cause interference in the communication. 




Let me bring to a close. There is another picture which I see and I just want to let you know in Ezekiel 32:13, "I will destroy also all the beasts thereof from beside the great waters; neither shall the foot of man trouble them any more, nor the hoofs of beasts trouble them". 




  1. You have evil marks on you 


Some of the spirit husband and spirit wife comes in the life of people as as a footprint of evil sexual relationship sex with some unauthorized people, which constitutes an entry point of spirit husband and spirit wife. 


The moment you have sex with a man or a woman, this relationship will leave a footprint on you. So there are people who have footprints on them. They have demonic stamps on them.  


But I want to pray for you today. 




That is another picture I want you to see. The spirit husband and wife can come in you because of that sexual relationship with that person you had with. 


I don't know which woman you had sex with. But the truth of the matter is that anytime you have sex outside the design of God, you are opening doors to evil beasts in your life : the beasts in the forest, the beasts from the waters etc. I command those doors to be closed in the Name Of Jesus Christ! 


Repent for any sin of sex you know you have ever had in your life. May God deliver you from sexual promiscuity.  


May God deliver you from evil marks that are on your body as a result of sexual relationship with unauthorized people. I pray by the blood of Jesus for your freedom.  


In Psalm 68:6, it is written, "God setteth the solitary in families: he bringeth out those which are bound with chains: but the rebellious dwell in a dry land". 


When the Bible says, "The rebellious will dwell in dry land", what does it mean?  


You should know that if you have the spirit husband/wife, it is a captivity. And you should know that you can't have that spirit husband and wife and be settled with the right partner.  


From the Scripture we have read in 2 Corinthians 11:2, Paul says, "I'm jealous of you".  


As a matter of fact, the spirit husband in you is jealous and will not allow you to be married to the right person. That is why you will see if you are single, you will be just there stuck because the people who come to ask you for marriage are just funny people. 


You will never get a serious man coming to you to marry you in a serious way. You will find yourself that when they come to you, they only come for sex. They don't want to commit to you. Or those who come to you are married people. No one comes seriously to settle with you. 


May that spirit live your life in the Name Of Jesus Christ! 


  1. Serial non serious relationships  


You should know that when you have a spirit husband or spirit wife, you will find yourself that you are having a problem of what I call serial non serious relationships. 


Let us read John 4:18.  


Jesus says to the Samaritan woman at the well, "For thou hast had five husbands; and he whom thou now hast is not thy husband: in that saidst thou truly".  


What is happening in this text is the effect of spirit husband/wife. You can't get married with a serious man.  


You must divorce from the spirit husband or the spirit wife who is tormenting your marital destiny.  


I pray for your freedom today.  


And you will see there are some women who don't want serious relationship. Yet they want sex, but not something serious. They sleep with you, they touch you here and there and then don't want to commit seriously.  


If such is your case, you are possessed with that spirit.  


But there is a good news because in Isaiah 54:5, the Bible says,  


"For thy Maker is thine husband; the LORD of hosts is his name; and thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel; The God of the whole earth shall he be called".  

Friend, your maker is your husband. Your maker is your husband. Your maker is your husband. Your maker is your husband. Your maker is your husband. Not Baal. 


That is why in 2 Corinthians 11:2, Paul says, "I have married you to one man. The man I married you to is Christ".  


That is why Jesus told that woman who was there at the well, "I am the one who is talking to you the Son of man".  




  1. You can get married to Jesus and you can have your maker as your husband.  


That husband is God. That husband is Christ. He will not hinder your marriage. He will direct you to the proper man. He will direct you to the proper woman. Hallelujah.  


When Paul says, "I married you to one man who is Christ", what does it mean?  


Marriage is a covenant. If you want to break free from that spirit of spirit wife/husband, what you need to do is ... enter into a covenant with the master, with your maker.  


  1. Dedicate your body to be the temple of the Holy Spirit 


In 1 Corinthians 3:16, it is written, "Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit".  


I am very much aware that my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. That is why I made that vow of no sex outside marriage. 





  1. Mind the altar you connect yourself to 


And the last verse is 1 Corinthians 10:20, where the Bible says, "Don't have fellowship with devils". 



Be careful with the altars you are connected to. Because some spirit husbands and spirit wives come from altars people connect to. 


I know some people who came from certain churches to the Word Of Life, they came with all those evil spirits. That is why I say, Be careful the altar you are connected to. Don't fellowship with devils.  




Let us pray. Hallelujah.  


Now we pray with Isaiah fifty four verse five and declare before the Lord … Lord I make a covenant with you as the husband of my life. I divorce from any spirit husband, evil spirit wife in my life. I repair my altar. I repair my altar. I build an altar today. I enter into a covenant with you my maker. My maker is my husband. 


I build an altar. I want to have intimate with God to have time to fellowship with God in the name of Jesus the Christ in the name of Jesus the Christ the son of the living God  


You can pray with Ezekiel thirty-two verse thirteen by the blood of Jesus, my body is cleansed from any footprint of evil beast in my body. Anyone I have ever had sex with who has left the marks in my body, I declare today my freedom in the name of Jesus the Christ. I declare my freedom from any footprint of evil beast in my life.  


Father, cleanse my mind. Cleanse my body. Cleanse my sexual life. Cleanse everything in my body in the name of Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God.  

We are praying Psalm 68 verse six and say, I break free from the bondage of spirit husbands and the bondage of spirit wives in the name of Jesus the Christ the Son of the Living God. 


Set me free oh God. Settle me in my family. Settle me with my wife. Settle me with my husband in my family oh God in the name of Jesus the Christ the Son of the Living God. 


You pray with first Corinthians 3:16 and dedicate your body to Christ. Lord, I dedicate my body to you. This body belongs to you. It will not go again to the prostitutes. It will not have any intercourse with anybody who is not my husband or my wife.  


My body is dedicated to you in the name of Jesus the Christ  


Father, I pray with John 4:18 and I declare according to your word that I refuse my life to be a life of serial relationships. I want serious relationships oh God. I don't want to move from one man to another. I don’t want to move from one woman to another.  


Father, settle me settle me.  


I command spirit husband and wife in my life to leave me alone in the name of Jesus the Christ the Son of the Living God. 


I am free forever. I am free forever. My marriage is free forever. Myself I am free forever. I'm repairing the altar. I'm connecting to you.  


Let fire fall down. Let fire fall down. Let fire fall down. Let fire fall down. Let fire fall down. Let fire fall down. Let fire fall down and give me victory in Jesus Precious Name we have prayed and we all say Amen, Amen and amen. Hallelujah. Glory be to God forevermore. 


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