Tuesday 31 October 2023




The most used weapon of witchcraft is sex.  


Many giant fell. Many ministries collapsed. Because of that weapon of witchcraft. I want to let you know witchcraft is real. When somebody is coming to entice you for sex don't just see that he wants sex with you. Don't just see oh we love one another so let us have sex. There is witchcraft if it is not from God. You will not fall in the trap of the devil in Jesus name. 


Judges 16:4  And it came to pass afterward, that he loved a woman in the valley of Sorek, whose name was Delilah.  


Judges 16:5  And the lords of the Philistines came up unto her, and said unto her, Entice him, and see wherein his great strength lieth, and by what means we may prevail against him, that we may bind him to afflict him: and we will give thee every one of us eleven hundred pieces of silver.  


When the Lord of the Philistines came up unto Delilah, they said four things.  


Number one, entice him.  

Number two, see where his strength comes from.  

Number three, we bind him, we'll prevail over him, and  

Number four, we will afflict him. 


That is what happens when you are committing fornication.  


I want you to understand that sex is not just only I love you and you love me. No. It goes beyond the physical.  


That is why the Princes of the Philistines used this woman Delilah who was practically a witch to bring him down. I pray that you will not be a victim of witchcraft in Jesus name.  




Praise the Lord Word of Life. Welcome to the morning Altar Of Prayer today. Lift your voice where you are and let us pray together in the name of Jesus the Son of the Living God.  


Father, thank you for this day you have given unto us in your presence. We come before you. We praise your name. We worship you almighty God. We bow before your throne. We worship you Jesus. We adore you our God. 


There is no else like you. All the other Gods are the works of men. But you are the most high God. There is none else like you.  


Blessed be the name of the Lord. Blessed be the name of Jesus. Jesus I worship you. Today I adore you. You are my God. There is none else like you. 


Receive the praise. 

Receive the glory. 

Receive the honour. 

Receive the adoration.  


Oh we worship you this morning oh God. Receive our praise. Receive our Thanksgiving in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit we have prayed and we all say amen and amen. 




We continue with the topic on soul ties and today I want to talk to you about Sex, Altar and Blood Covenant. 


I won't go back to what I mentioned yesterday. You can go back to the teaching and get what the Lord has spoken to us. 


Judges 16:4  And it came to pass afterward, that he loved a woman in the valley of Sorek, whose name was Delilah.  


Judges 16:5 And the lords of the Philistines came up unto her, and said unto her, Entice him, and see wherein his great strength lieth, and by what means we may prevail against him, that we may bind him to afflict him: and we will give thee every one of us eleven hundred pieces of silver.  


May I remind you this morning that sex is not just a connection between two genital organs. What I mean is that there is a spiritual involvement in sex. There is an emotional involvement also in sex which goes beyond only the physical. 


And the case we study with you is a clear indication that sex goes beyond the physical. 


The Lords of the Philistines came to Delilah with a clear purpose and told gave her a task, an assignment to carry out for the downfall of Samson. 


But I am interested in verse four the bible says ... "He loved a woman..." 


Listen to me... Love is not enough for you to enter into a covenant with a man or with a woman. Love is not enough. 


... He loved ... 


And immediately, after according to him loving this woman, they came together, jumped on the bed, said to one another, Come and stay. 


But I am interested in something...Where did he love her? In the valley of Sorek. Sorek means grapes, vine or wine. 


So it is not in vain that the Bible puts Sorek and love there. So Samson was drunk with love as to say. 

And in his drunkenness, he could not see anything about this woman. That is where you see people say love is blind. 


You know? A drunkard doesn't see anything. He doesn't see any danger. As I was reading some literature, they talk about the Oxytocin, which is the hormone facilitating binding love of bonding between two individual. Oxytocin is what we call love hormone. 


So, when somebody is in love and somebody is drunk, the same hormone is produced. There is that excitement. Even the walk is disorganized. One can stand in front of the door, but they see like the door is moving. Everybody around him can be laughing at him, .but according to him, he is okay. 


This is exactly what happens when somebody is drunk in love like Samson. 


That is why I always say, "Don't fall in love. Walk in love" as the bible says clearly in Ephesians 5:2. 


When you walk in love, Love is the fruit of the spirit and one of the thing about the fruit of the Spirit, there is Self Control. 




In his love drunkenness, Samson jumped and stayed together withh Delilah, without any preparation at all. I don't see any transition between the moment he loved and the moment they entered together. There was no preparation.  


I like 2 Chronicles 27:6, where the Bible says, “So Jotham became mighty, because he prepared his ways before the LORD his God”. 


I pray you will sober up. Be sober. Because marriage is not something that you are entering just for a while. No. It is a long and lifetime commitment. And it requires preparation. 


Anything given before the right time is not a blessing. If I give my son the car and ask him to drive, it is not a blessing. It is a curse. Because he cannot handle it. And Samson was not prepared. Samson was physically strong, but mentally, emotionally, sexually and spiritually weak. 


To be of age and to be mature are two different things. To be of age is in the calendar, to be mature is in the character.  


Samson was so spiritually weak that he was found praying only 2 times, when he was thirsty (Judges 15:28) and when he was dying (Judges 16:28).  




Compared with Delilah, Samson did not know the purpose while Delilah knew. She entered knowing her task and assignment. It was not a marriage. It was a business. Delilah never entered because she loved. No. There were 11, 000 pieces of silver offered to her to afflict Samson. 


She entered with a clear purpose. And this man he did not know any purpose. Please don't ever get engaged in any relationship if you don't know your purpose. 


Delilah knew why she was there. Samson did not know. 


Before God gives you your soulmate, you need God to give you your purpose. Your soulmate should be your purpose mate. 


If you don't know the your purpose you will end up slaughtered like Samson. 


You should ask yourself the question, “The relationship I am entering in, is it fulfilling my purpose?” By the way, do you even know your purpose in the first place? Do you know the purpose of your life? Or you are just there opening the legs everywhere? 






I want you to write down the truth number one sex with Delilah binds you to the altar of her gods. When I talk about Delilah, Delilah can be a man or a woman. And when I talk about gods, I'm talking about the false Gods. 


Take note that the foundation of any Godly relationship it is the altar. Please understand me well. The problem is not sex. The problem is sex with who? 


Obviously, Samson did not know this woman. 


Be careful with somebody who always has secrecy. Delilah was a stranger to this man. She was connected to evil altars and Samson did not know. 


She made covenants and Samson did not know whose altar she was connected to. Clearly, she was connected to the altar of Dagon. She was a representative of Dagon and Samson did not know.  


When you check Samson’s own altar, he did not even have one. There was no prayer in his life.  


Let me tell you something. If at all Samson was prayerful, he could have known what was going on, because it is written in Jeremiah 33:3, “Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things , which thou knowest not”. 


In Daniel 2:22, there was a mystery the king wanted to know. God revealed the secret to Daniel through prayer.  


In Acts 1:24, the disciples prayed God to show to them whom he has chosen as the replacement of Judas.  


That is why I want you to know the mystery of altars. 


Sex connects and binds you to the altar. I don't know how many men you have slept with. I don't know how many women you have slept with. But you should know that any Delilah you sleep with or any Delilah you have sex with connect you to their altars. 


If you are doubting, go to first king chapter eleven and you will see what happened to that man called Solomon. 


1 Kings 11:4 For it came to pass, when Solomon was old, that his wives turned away his heart after other gods: and his heart was not perfect with the LORD his God, as was the heart of David his father.  


1 Kings 11:5 For Solomon went after Ashtoreth the goddess of the Zidonians, and after Milcom the abomination of the Ammonites.  


1 Kings 11:6 And Solomon did evil in the sight of the LORD, and went not fully after the LORD, as did David his father.  


1 Kings 11:7 Then did Solomon build an high place for Chemosh, the abomination of Moab, in the hill that is before Jerusalem, and for Molech, the abomination of the children of Ammon.  


1 Kings 11:8 And likewise did he for all his strange wives, which burnt incense and sacrificed unto their gods.  


You see ? If you are connected to somebody and the connection with that person is healthy and Godly, it will draw you closer to God. You will be praying the more, fasting the more, reading the Bible, seeking the face of God, but if you are just having sex all over there, no prayer, no meditation, no fasting, my friend, you are in danger.  


And you should know the mystery of altars.  I WANT YOU TO KNOW THREE THINGS ABOUT ALTARS.  




Please, I want you to understand that when we talk about altars, altar means a place of slaughter and sacrifice where blood was shed and death took place. That is something you need to know about altar.  


So please brethren may your eyes be opened to understand sex is not just sex. 


Altar means a place of slaughter. And there are many people whose destinies were slaughtered on the altar of sex. Many ministries are slaughtered on the altar of sex. Many finances have been slaughtered on this altar of sex. 


There is a scripture I saw in Proverbs 7:22, "He goeth after her straightway, as an ox goeth to the slaughter, or as a fool to the correction of the stocks".  


That scripture is scaring and it confirms to you that there is a connection between sex and altar. 


I was reading it from the message version, which says,  


Soon she has him eating out of her hand, bewitched by her honeyed speech. Before you know it, he’s trotting behind her, like a calf led to the butcher shop, Like a stag lured into ambush and then shot with an arrow, Like a bird flying into a net not knowing that its flying life is over.  


How many lives are not butchered on the altar of sex?  


Samson entered in a butchery. He entered in a slaughterhouse. And there are many relationships today where people are in a butchery, a slaughterhouse. 


I pray standing on the word of God and on my authority in the name of Jesus Christ, you will not be slaughtered in Jesus name. Your destiny will not be slaughtered in Jesus name. 


Many stars have been hijacked because of sex. This Potiphar's wife wanted to hijack the star of Joseph by having sex with him, but thank God that he escaped. I pray you will escape in Jesus name. 


That's why we need to teach our children as small as they are to know to keep themselves pure sexually. 


Sex is not a joke my friend. It looks casual today. When you type sex on Google, you have all the sites. It looks casual, but it is not as casual as it is. Behind those that sex there are altars connected. 




In Revelation sixteen verse seven, the Bible says, "I heard out of the altar." 


The altar of Dagon was speaking in the life of Samson, but he was not aware. What is the altar speaking in your life? 


You know well that since you started to have sex with that man/woman, how things are going on your life. Right?  


The one that was to be sacrificed was Samson, but he was not aware. 




Paul says in 1 Corinthians 10:20, “But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils.” 

Fellowship in Greek is Koinonia. 


So when you are sleeping with Delilah, you are not just having sex with her. You are in fellowship with demons.  


What then happens in return? 


One : Obsession. 


You become obsessed with that person and you are wondering what happened.  


Two : Possession.  


You can be possessed through sex. You think you are possessed with that man, but in reality, you are possessed with demons.  


So, when that man Samson was having sex with Delilah, he was connected with the Dagon. He was having sex with Dagon waiting for the right moment to slaughter him. 


You know? Koinonia fellowship means to share the same fate. So, when you are connected sexually with a Delilah, you share the same fate with her. 


Which means that what happens to one happens also to the other.  


That is why when you have a healthy connection with somebody, you will know that it is healthy when you think the same way. You talk the same way. You feel the same way. if it is healthy. Now what if it is unhealthy? 




Judges 6:25 And it came to pass the same night, that the LORD said unto him, Take thy father's young bullock, even the second bullock of seven years old, and throw down the altar of Baal that thy father hath, and cut down the grove that is by it:  


Baal means possession. 


An altar can claim your family, your finances. That is why it was so easy to capture Samson. And there was no way he could escape. But I believe that in the name of Jesus, you will escape in Jesus name.  


So you see? The altar of Dagon was speaking in the life of Samson, but he was not able to see it. Why?Because sex with Delilah blinded his eyes. Yes. Indeed. Sex with Delilah blinds and binds.  


So, because the altar claims, it happens that sometimes, sexual relationships are not easy to break. That is what I will teach you this week.  


Let us see how Samson was blinded by Delilah’s witchcraft  … 


One, He could not be able to see the Philistines behind Delilah. 


Two, She was repeating the same thing, asking the same question, but Samson was not be able to ask himself, why is she asking me this question? Blinded. 


Three, He could not be able to see the pattern happening in his life. And he was giving answers and was talking without thinking because he was blinded. 


For example, there was a pattern of night attacks. It happened three times and the fourth was fatal. Samson, can't you open your eyes and see something is wrong somewhere? 


For example, the moment Jonah came in the boat is the moment the boat started sinking. 


Check your life. You've experienced and are experiencing one miscarriage after another and you are just there without asking yourself what was happening. 


You are losing things. You are losing joy. You are losing peace and you can't understand. Why? Because sex with Delilah blinds.  




Now why does the sex with Delilah blind? Simple. Because sex is a blood covenant. 


Leviticus 17:11 For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.  


Remember. I told you that an altar is a place of sacrifice where the blood is shed. Do you know why when a woman is having sex for the first time there is blood? 


The soul is in the blood. If there is an highest covenant ever, it is the blood covenant. And blood speaks. 


And we read with you Proverbs 7:22 where the Bible is clear that having sex illegally and illicitly, it is like going to the slaughterhouse. 


Anytime you have sex with the with Delilah, you should know that it is a blood covenant. How many men have you not slept with? And how many blood covenant did you not have with all those men there in town? 


When you are having sex with somebody, your blood is connected to that person through sex. There is a blood covenant and the soul that is in the blood ties you to one another. Because the Bible says that the soul is in the blood.   


And you don't just have sex with that person you are also making a blood covenant with the person. And when you have the blood covenant with somebody you become one with the person. And the consequences are what's happening here in the story with Samson : Attacks over attacks coming one after another. 


What I mean is that you can also be very much legally married. It doesn't matter. The question is ... who are you married to? It does not mean that because you are legally married you are safe. No. Who are you married to? 


Friends, blood speaks. 


Genesis 4:10, And he said, What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground.  


There is a declaration concerning Samson. 


In Verse 16, the Bible says, "She pressed him daily with her words. And urged him so that his soul was vexed unto death depression". 


In Verse 17, he told her everything and opened his heart to her. 


Friends, there is hope with the blood of Jesus because in Hebrews chapter twelve verse twenty four, the Bible says that the blood of Christ speaks better things than the blood of Abel. 


In Psalm 124:7, the Bible says, “Our soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers: the snare is broken, and we are escaped”.  






Today I want us to pray.  


Let any snare than in which somebody might find himself in may any snare be broken today in the name of Jesus.  


You can claim back your soul. You can claim the escape of your soul by the power of the blood. But you have to repent for any sexual sin you might have found yourself in.  


You need to repent. You need to tell God Lord forgive me. Lord have mercy on me. 


You need to claim the blood. Revelation twelve eleven they have overcome by the blood. Hebrews twelve twenty-four the Bible said that the blood of Jesus speaks better than so so father in the name of Jesus we also to destroy the altar.  


Those are the things we we need to do. Destroy the altar. That is why what God told the Gideon. Say judges 625 take thy father's young bullock even the second bullock of 7 years old. 


Throw down the altar of you need to throw down the altars. 


Where your soul has been connected to through sex. Throw down the altars. Throw down the altars. Throw down the altars. Then you need to raise an altar of an altar for you. The altar of the cross. 


The altar of service. The altar of sacrifice. For your body, for your soul, for your spirit. And pray that God will help you to lead you to the man God has ordained for you. 

In the name of Jesus Christ  


Oh Lord. 


Can we pray? To repent before the Lord. If you have not given your life to Christ you can give your life to Christ today and say Lord I give you my life, I give you my heart, I give you my soul. 


Deliver me. My soul is our soul is escaping. As a bird out of the snare of the fowlers the snare is broken. Lord deliver my soul. Lift lift your hand and pray.  


Father I have given my soul to many people oh God my souls are scattered. Lord I pray in the name of Jesus forgive me for any sexual sin oh Lord I had with Delilah.  


Delilah Lord whatever in the office, Delilah at work, Delilah at home, Delilah in the car, Delilah in your house, Delilah oh Lord wherever he is, my uncle, my brother, my daughter, Lord let your soul escape, let your school escape now, now, now, now, now, now, now, now. 


You can claim the blood, claim the blood, claim the blood, claim the blood, claim the blood, claim the blood, claim the blood, finances, speaking in my womb, let any altar that is not of God be destroyed. I throw down the altar of dargon of of whichever altar I have connected to true sex. Lord let those altars be broken today. Let them be broken today. Let them be broken today. 


Let them be broken today. In the name of Jesus Christ. Ah my soul escapes today. My soul escapes today. My soul escapes today. My soul escapes today. My soul escapes today. My soul escape today. My soul escapes today. My soul escape today.  


Father let the blood of Jesus Christ break any other altar. Any other blood. Any other soul have been connected to. You can mention the name of that person. Or those individuals you have been connected you and let God set you free.  


Let God set you free. Let God set you free. If the son of God set you make you free you are free indeed. I pray for you to be free from any ties. Section ties. I don't know who you have slept with. I don't know who you have slept with and those altars are speaking in your life find a church. 


Connect to a church. Connect to the man of God in the church. Stay there. See how in the Lord and in Christ. And God will deliver you.  


That is your season of deliverance. In the name of Jesus Christ the son of the living God we have prayed and we all say amen. Thank you very much. Let's meet ah again tomorrow.  


I love you all. Have a great day in Jesus name. 





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