Monday 30 October 2023





Shekinah Greetings Word Of Life. Welcome to the morning altar of prayer. 


I believe you have been well from your end. From our end we are blessed of the Lord as you know and we just give him the praise and the glory.  


Now lift your voice where you are and start praying God this morning.  


Tell God Lord I'm coming at the altar of prayer. I want to receive instruction from you. I want to receive your word. I'm ready to receive your instruction.  


Lord let my heart be ready for you for the word for the message of today in the name of Jesus the son of the living God. 




Father, thank you and blessed be your name in the name of the father, the Son and the Holy Spirit we have all prayed and we say amen and amen.  


Well perfect. I'm starting as I announced to you last week a new series of teaching on soul ties. And today specifically I want to talk about sex dagon, witchcraft and Delilah.  




Now in a very simple way to tie is to be attached with string or similar cord. To tie is to restrict, to limit to a particular situation or place. To tie is to bind or to join closely or firmly. To tie is to connect, to bind, to attach someone or something to something with a string and a rope.  


Now there are many ways that two individuals can be tied. But for the sake of this teaching, I want to talk about tied by sex. 


We have the case of Sichem. The Bible says in Genesis 34:3 that the the soul of Sichem was tied to Dina who was Jacob's daughter.  


When we go to 1 Corinthians 6:16, Paul talks about the fact that being united to a prostitute can make one become one, meaning tied. 


When you go to 2 Corinthians 6:14, Paul says, "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?"  


Okay? So that is what I will talk about this week specifically as I said if God gives us the grace we will go further and deeper into it.  


Now there is a Scripture in Hebrews 12:16, "Lest there be any fornicator, or profane person, as Esau, who for one morsel of meat sold his birthright".  


This Scripture is is abit strange. I struggle a little bit to understand it but God opened my eyes understand it. 


Here I see the word fornicator or profane. Fornicator and profane are the same.  




Profane means somebody who does not respect what is holy. We are getting? So it shows very clearly that the birthright that God gave Esau was something holy. 


Now a man who does not respect what is holy is a fornicator. So a fornicator is therefore not just only a man who is having sex outside marriage or sex with somebody who is not his husband or his wife. But fornicator is also somebody who does not respect what is holy.  


Now, this definition has helped me understand that sex is supposed to be holy and respected. Are you hearing me? 


Now when you go for example in Hebrew 13:4, "Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge".  


So you see? Sex is is sacred. Sex is holy and sex has to be done in the context / compound of marriage. That is why marriage must be honoured and that is where sex is supposed to take place. 


So when God says that Esau was profane, it means that he was not respecting the holiness of his birthright. And do you know what happened to him? It was just catastrophic. 


Hebrews 12:17 "For ye know how that afterward, when he would have inherited the blessing, he was rejected: for he found no place of repentance, though he sought it carefully with tears". 




You know what? Esau lost his birthright on the basis of what happened to him. 


Now, when I was checking on what happened between Esau and Jacob, it opened my eyes. And I was like, what actually happened? So I came to see there are four things that happened.  


Number One | Esau was trapped. There was a trap. He fell in the trap. Behind the trap his brother manipulated him. 


Number Two | There was a transaction. A transaction took place because he released the birthright and he got the food. So he got food and vowed to sell out the birthright. 

Number Three | There was a tie. He was tied by his word. There was no way that he could withdraw what he said because he vowed. 


Genesis 25:33  And Jacob said, Swear to me this day; and he sware unto him: and he sold his birthright unto Jacob.  


Number Four | Torture. Why? Because we see that later, he was afflicted. He cried. But there was no way that he could change anything.  




Somebody could ask me, "Pastor what are you talking about? Is it Isau or is it something else you are talking about?"  


I just wanted to let you know that what happened between Esau and Jacob is exactly what happens when somebody has an illicit sex. When somebody is having an unholy sex. When somebody is having an ungodly sex. When somebody is having sex outside marriage. When somebody is having sex with somebody who is not his or her husband. When somebody is having extramarital sex. 




So please bear with me and you will understand. Sex is not only a physical contact between two genital organs. Sex goes beyond the physical. Sex has spiritual repercussions and spiritual consequences. 

 Sex is not just when a man penetrates, allow me to say that, a woman sex goes beyond the physical. It has spiritual repercussions, sentimental repercussions, sexual repercussion in the life of somebody.  


That is why the Bible says in Revelation 22:15, "For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie".  


In Galatians 5:19, Paul says,  Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, 5:20  Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, 5:21  Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. 


So sex goes beyond the physical sex and it has spiritual consequences. And that is what I want to show to you. And I believe God will help you.  




And you know the story Potiphar wife. She wanted to have sex with Joseph. But Joseph fled. He preferred to go to prison than to have sex with this woman. Can you imagine? Just to let you know that sex can hijack your star. 


Joseph had a star and sex with this woman could have hijacked his star. See how Joseph became great. Are you hearing me?  




We have the case of the Moabites who came to have sex with the people of Israel.  


We read in Numbers 25:1  And Israel abode in Shittim, and the people began to commit whoredom with the daughters of Moab. 


Numbers 25:2  And they called the people unto the sacrifices of their gods: and the people did eat, and bowed down to their gods. 


Numbers 25:3  And Israel joined himself unto Baalpeor: and the anger of the LORD was kindled against Israel.  


You see? They were almost about to enter the promised land, but they lost it because of having sex with those women. It shows you to you that ungodly sex can cause you to not inherit the promised land. It can cause you your eternity.  




It will show to you again that after Adam and Eve committed sin, what happened? They protected their their genital organs. Why? To show to you that ungodly sexs attracts shame and reproach. And I pray you will not suffer sexual shame and reproach.  


You have the case of some of our famous contemprary people like Jimmy Swaggart, Bill Clinton, if I can mention only those two.  


You see? Sex is not just when you have physical contact. That is why I want you to have a broader vision and understanding that sex is not just something you have with somebody. It has consequences which can be in this present world and goes also beyond. 


You know the affair between David and Bathsheba? And you know how he was entangled with Bathsheba. And you know what happened next. He killed Uriah and Bathsheba became his wife to the extent that even in the genealogy of Jesus this woman is still identified as the wife of Uriah.  




So you see also Sodom and Gomorrah. It was destroyed because of what? Because of sexual sin. 


So sexual between David and Bathsheba provoked divine anger to the extent that four of his children died.  


So illegal sex, ungodly sex, uncovenantal sex, open the door to destruction and divine judgement.  




And you see again? The spirit of lust was transferred to David's children. Amnon lusted after his own sister Tamar. And you know what happened? He raped her. And then what happened? Absalom his brother killed him. 


May you have your eyes opened so that you can understand that sex is not just about two genital organs coming together. It has spiritual eh repercussions. That is why the topic of today it is dagon, witchcraft, sex and Delilah. 




Judges 16:4  And it came to pass afterward, that he loved a woman in the valley of Sorek, whose name was Delilah. 


Judges 16:5  And the lords of the Philistines came up unto her, and said unto her, Entice him, and see wherein his great strength lieth, and by what means we may prevail against him, that we may bind him to afflict him: and we will give thee every one of us eleven hundred pieces of silver.  


From the text above, the princes of the Philistines say four things :  


Number one | Entice him.  

Number two | See where his strength comes from.  

Number three | We will bind him, prevail over him, Number four | We will afflict him.  


That is what I want you to understand what happens when one commits adultery and fornication. I want you to understand that sex is not just only I love you. It goes beyond the physical.  


So the Princes of the Philistines use this woman Delilah who was practically a witch.  


I declare and I decree over you that you will not be a victim of witchcraft in Jesus name.  


I remember a story not a real story a young man who came to me. He had red eyes. When I looked at him, I was asking God what happened in the life. 


When you look at him, he was purely in drunkenness and he was sleeping around with women older than him and the Spirit of God told me that the predicament/ plague of this young man came from the sex he had with his teacher when he was in high school high school. 


I asked that man, "I heard the Spirit of God telling me that you slept with your teacher in school. Right?" 


This man admitted and confessed that after having sex with her, she gave him a necklace and since then, the plague of alcoholism and immorality started. 




*Number one | Witchcraft comes together with manipulation. That is why they told her ... entice him …*  


I want you to know that when you allow yourself to have sex with somebody who is not yours, you open a door to manipulation. 


What does "Entice Him" mean? Entice Him means ... charm him, deceive him, persuade him, coax him, trick him, seduce him, lure him, tempt him, trap him. 


Listen to me.  


Any illegal or ungodly sex is a trap of the enemy. You see the rat? When you put a meat on a trap, it will attract the mouse/rat because it likes that meat. Once attracted, it is trapped and cannot come out. 


See how some of you are trapped. You believe and say to yourself, "I will change him. We will go with go with him in counselling etc..." 


Little do you know that they are coaxing you. Coax means to get something from someone by being kind and patient or by appearing to be. They come to you using nice words to you, flattering, caressing, kissing etc. They start with the beard. After the beard, it is the neck. After the neck and then and then and then and then. You better be careful. 


Witchcraft uses manipulation. And there are people who will come to have sex with you to manipulate you. And you know sometime when you are in your lowest moments, that is when that person sleeps with you. How many counsellors have not slept with their clients? 


This poor woman comes crying and the counsellor caressing a bit of the hair and the hair, he goes further.  


Delilah can be a man. Delilah can also be a woman.  


Friends, be careful with manipulators. Any manipulator is a witch. I don't care who he is. It can be a pastor manipulator. A pastor's wife manipulator. A husband manipulator. And you know that was the first mission of madam Delilah ... Delilah came to manipulate Samson. Somebody can be kind to you, but their kindness is just a trap. It is like that mousetrap meant to catch you. And then when they catch you, there is no way you can escape. 


That's why there are people who are in toxic relationship because they are trapped. Friend, ungodly sex is a trap. It is a demonic trap. Write it down.  


But I declare and I decree that you will not fall in the trap of the enemy. Can you say good amen to that? In 1 Samuel 16:17, God says to Samuel, (I paraphrase) ... "Not this man... Don't look at his appearance". 


Don't look at the appearance. Don't look at how kind somebody can be. Consult God always. My prayer has always been when a person comes close to me ... "If he/she is not of you, oh God, disconnect him from me. I don't care who she is. I don't care how kind she is. I don't want a person". In Acts 1:24, the disciples were praying saying, "Lord Lord show us because you know the heart ..."  


Friend, always ask God to show you the heart. I have seen myself people who are very kind. But they were Delilahs. They were manipulators.  


Not everybody who comes to you and is kind or good is for you. One can be kind but deceiver. May you not be deceived. In the name of Jesus Christ. I say may you not be deceived. 


Don't give sex to somebody because he is kind. Don't give sex because she is kind. No. That was what Delilah came to do. And that is what witchcraft comes to do. 


Jesus says in John 10:10, "The devil comes only to kill, to destroy and to steal" How does he do that? He comes to manipulate, to trick. 


Look at the story of Tamae and Amnon. Amnon was a trickster. He came to trick Tamar. Somebody can come to take advantage of your goodness, to use you so that they will have what they want. That is witchcraft. 


Amnon was a witch. He pretended to be sick because he wanted that lady at all cost. A woman can also come to look like she's coming to serve the pastor, but she's coming because she wants to trick him.  


How many women have I not seen? As always, my prayer has always been, "Lord, reveal me the heart of the woman. Reveal me who is behind". 


Let me tell you something. Behind Delilah there were the Philistines. Delilah was sent by the Philistines. Some women come in your life because they are devil sent. Some men come in your life because they are devil sent. Mark my word. God will deliver you in Jesus name. 



*Number Two | Sex is a transaction*.  


Behind every sex, there is a transaction. That is why we talk about the affair. When you talk about the affair, affair means there is a business arrangement. It means you give something and you are giving back something else. It means that in every sex, there is a transaction. And in every illegal, ungodly sex, there is a demonic transaction. 


The Princes of the Philistines told Delilah in verse five, "We will give you 1100 pieces of silver". It was a transaction. And I was doing some calculation it is 89,100 dollars. That was a lot of money promised to her to bring Samson down.  


Listen to me. In a transaction there is a buyer and there is a seller. Isn't it? There is one who sells and there is the other one who buys.  


And you should know that in every transaction, when you buy something, you lose power over what you buy. Right? Yes. And the one who buys the thing, become the owner, meaning he has full right.  


And you will agree with me that any ungodly sex gives the power to the devil over your life. 


In Mathew 12:42 to 45, Jesus talks about a spirit that leaves a house, then goes around looking for a place to rest. Then, he finds none. And he says, I will return to my house. When he returns, he finds the house clean and he goes look for 7 evil spirits more wicked than him and they enter the house and the condition of that man is worse than before. 


When you have sex with somebody, you give that person right over your body and over your life. You give them right. I can't give anybody right over my life unless it is God. 


When you are having ungodly sex, when you are committing fornication, when you are committing all those things, you are giving power to the devil and the demon to come to enter your life. 


That is why sometimes fornication lead to demonic possession, and the house becomes the den of thieves. Remember Jesus when he was in the temple.  What did he do? He cast out all those who were coming to buy and sell. 


Some lives, you know yourself. You have slept with how many men? You know yourself how many men you slept with. If at all you have not repented, all those men or women you have slept with, they have authority, they have right to over your life.  


The demons come and enter your life, your business, your ministry and destroy everything in your life and you find yourself that you can't move anywhere.  


That is why Jesus says, "The prince of this world is coming, he has nothing in me". (John 19:30) 


I pray today every right you have given to the devil in your life be cancelled because Jesus paid the price with the blood. Can you say a good amen to that? 


The point is this one ... There are demonic transactions during sex, but you cannot see them with your physical eyes. That is why this man Samson could not see there was a covenant against him. May God open your eyes. May God open your eyes. May God open your eyes for you to see every covenant people have made behind your back to destroy your life. 


I stand from this place and I declare and I decree that those transactions are cancelled in Jesus name. But you need to be very much aware. 


The reason why Jesus was casting those tables because those transactions were illegal. I don't know what are the demonic transactions that have ever taken place in your body that is allowing the devil to come and torture your life, I pray for your freedom. 


I pray for your freedom. I pray for your freedom. Say amen if you believe. I pray for your freedom. If you want to talk to us the numbers are there. You can contact us. We'll pray for you. We pray for you and God will deliver you. 


*Number three | When you have illegal sex, you are tied*. 


You know that you cannot control what you don't tie. Tying has the power and the purpose of controlling the person. When you are tied to somebody on the basis of sex, you can't go anywhere. Even if you go far in Canada, the tie will still bring you back to him. 


That's why there are people who make ten miles ahead and 20 miles backward. They are always experiencing setbacks in their life. If such is your life, check your sexual life. 


You try to go forward, but when you just want to decide to settle in your life, then that guy you had a the soul tie with appears from nowhere and comes to disturb you. Don't you see something is wrong there? Can't you understand something is there? It ties you. Sex ties you. 


I like the Bible where Jesus says in Matthew 21:2, "Untie and bring to me". Jesus is ordaining me to untie somebody today in the name of Jesus Christ. 


Don't you see yourself that even if you say, I don't want it anymore, I don't want sex with this man again, after some days, if he calls, you fall again? 


He just calls you,  



-How are you?  

-I'm fine.  

-Are you okay?  

-I'm okay.  

-Have you eaten?  

-Can I come over just for...? 

-No, no, no, no,  


But while you say no, he's already there. He's removing your cloth, you are saying no, but he's already inside. See how you are powerless. It is a proof that you are tied. 


Now this week is the week of deliverance. That is why when you are facing such situations, it is good to open up to a spiritual authority who can help you, who can pray with you and for you. 


Don't just remain convincing yourself, ... I will overcome on my own... It is deception. You need to open up and God will help you. Every sexual tie. I declare it broken. 


Now let me show to you how sexual tie happens. Sexual tie does not happen only through sex. Sexual tie happens through words. 


In Proverbs 6:2-3, the bible says, "Thou art snared with the words of thy mouth, thou art taken with the words of thy mouth. Do this now, my son, and deliver thyself, when thou art come into the hand of thy friend; go, humble thyself, and make sure thy friend.  


Do you see where the tie comes from? By the declarations you make : you and I forever until heaven or until the grave. 


When you are telling him, "You and I until until the grave", my question is ... Did God tell you anything about that man? 

Last week I talked about the soulmate and the soulmate is the one the mouth of God has ordained. Now, when you make such a vow about that man, my question is, Is this man the one the mouth of God has ordained for you? 


After you break up and you want a serious relationship, do not wonder if you get none because the question is ... Did you cancel the words you previously declared? 


In Matthew 12:36, Jesus says, "I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment". 


You should know that when you are having sex, all the words you speak are not just vanished. They tie you. 


I know a man who was married in my country to a woman. This woman was sold to another man in the village where she was. You might ask, sold how?  


Well ... Her husband was playing a game somewhere in the village there. And you know when you play that kind of games, you bet something on the table. If I lose you take it and if I win, I take it.  


It came to pass that this man bet for an amount of money, and he lost. He refused to concede defeat. He bet for more money and lost again. He bet again his cloth. He lost. He bet again his personal items. He lost. Until at the end he bet his wife and lost again. The guy who won refused to take her. But it was a covenant. It's a covenant already. 


After a while, this woman broke up with her husband and decided to relocate to Kinshasa. There, he got married to a certain man.  


After they got married, and this new husband saw in a dream people following him with arrows following him and claiming his wife. 


He was like what is the problem? Yet he was married with a woman who was tied by the previous declarations. 


Friend, receive the grace to be serious. Don't sleep around there with everybody which you don't know. Don't sleep with a man unless you tell him like Tamar to Amnon, "Talk to my father". 


See your pastor if you have a pastor. Talk to him if a man comes to you. Don't just go there and say, let us stay together because. My friend, if you do so, you will suffer more than you will be blessed. 


Today, many are tied because of sex and are wondering why their life is not moving forward. 




Dagon is a is a demon. It's a principality of the Philistines. Dagon is a cruel kind of divinity. To prove how cruel Dagon was, everybody who was killed by the Philistines was always killed in a very cruel way. Check how Saul died. He was beheaded and his children died with him. After they cut his head, they brought it in the house of Dagon. 


Check also what they did to Samson. They plucked out his eyes and they went to the house of Dagon to worship their god because according to them, it was Dagon who gave to them their enemy. 


Take note that behind any immorality, fornication, illegal/illicite sex with Delilah, Dagon is there. And I'm telling you the truth, Dagon will torture your life. 


See this ... The moment Samson started the relationship with Delilah, he experienced 4 night attacks. 


And my question to Samson is ... Can't you see? Can't you understand? Don't you notice that since you started with that relationship, you are experiencing miscarriage after miscarriage? Can't you understand that something is wrong somewhere there? 


Remember what the Philistines told Delilah ... We will afflict him... 


Know that when you are having sex not permitted by God, you are opening the door to affliction, misfortune, misery, and all kind of attacks of the enemy. 


Let us look at the serial attack experienced by Samson... 


Judges sixteen verse nine, the first attack. 

Judges sixteen verse twelve, the second attack.  

Judges sixteen verse fourteen, the third attack. Judges sixteen verse twenty, the final. 


Since you started with this woman, since you are having sex with that man, check well the occurrences happening in your life : maybe accident after accident, you lose things, death is following you etc. Those are messages. But unfortunately, witchcraft comes with blindness. 


That is why I believe that this man was blinded by Delilah's witchcraft. 


Woe unto you if you are related with a woman who is a witch. Woe unto you if you are related with a man who is a witch. They will blind you and bind you. Everybody sees that it is wrong, but you are the only one who cannot see. And to justify yourself, you say ... Love is blind. 


No. It is not true. Love is not blind. Witchcraft is blinding you. Because there are people who are using witchcraft powers to blind people and stop them from seeing the danger ahead.. 


Remember this man Samson. He was believing that no matter what, he will always come out, he will always be delivered. One day, he tried and failed and he became the laughingstock of his enemies.  


I pray for you that you will not suffer mockeries in the name of Jesus Christ. He died by suicide because of that kind of witch called Delilah. I pray for you, you will live like a champion. You will not die a loser in the name of Jesus Christ. 


Sex was used to bring Samson down. And Dagon was the demon behind that sex with Delilah. All the sexual activities which are not in the plan of God hide demons behind. The instrument was Delilah and above all the power orchestrating everything was witchcraft. 




Pastor what can I do? Simple. 


*1- Open up*. 


Wherever you are, see a man of God. Speak. If you find yourself that you fall all the time with the same man/woman, open up, speak up, speak out, confess.  


The Bible says in Proverbs 28:13, He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.  


The meaning of this verse is that you should make your struggles public by sharing with the man of God or a woman of God who can help you. 


*2- Repent*. 


1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 


Friend, don't wait until your eyes are plucked out. Don't wait until this woman come to pluck out everything from your life. Don't wait until you die like this man who was stabbed with twenty-five. Be careful my friend. Be careful. Be careful. And ask God to forgive you. 


*3- Revoke*.  


If at all you made declarations/vows from your mouth, revoke those vows as it is written in Proverbs 6:3 "Do this now, my son, and deliver thyself, when thou art come into the hand of thy friend; go, humble thyself, and make sure thy friend". 


Revoke the words that you know you have spoken. Again, you can see a man of God, confess and say, Man of God I want to revoke those words. 


*4- Resist the devil*. 


The Bible says in 1 John 4:7, "Resist the devil and he will flee away from you."  


Resist those forces. Stand firm on the covenant 


*5- Make a covenant with your body and dedicate it as  the temple of the Holy Spirit*.  


Make a vow for your body like me I made a vow concerning my sexual life that I will never sleep with a woman outside marriage. 

*6- Disconnect from any source whether spiritual, mental, emotional or physical which is bringing you down*.  


2 Corinthians 6:14  Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? 


2 Corinthians 6:15  And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? 


2 Corinthians 6:16  And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. 


2 Corinthians 6:17  Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, 


*7- You need counselling* 


You can go for counselling sessions, for you to heal, for you to be empowered as it is written in Act 1:8, "You will receive the power of the Holy Spirit" and He will empower you 


*8- Serve the Lord* 


When you serve the Lord, it empowers you to walk in victory. The Bible says Isaiah fifty-four verse seventeen, "the weapon formed against you shall not prosper. And it is the heritage of those who serve God..."  


So, when you serve God it empowers you to overcome the enemy. 


9- You need to go through deliverance in case you notice that you are obsessed or possessed.  


In Matthew 17:20-21, Jesus says, "This spirit can go only by fasting and prayer". It mean that you need to go through some deliverance sessions for you to break those ties that can tie your life. 


In Matthew 12:28, Jesus says, "If by the Spirit of God I cast out demons, it mean that the kingdom of God is come unto you." 


So, Jesus can set you free. I say Jesus can set you free. 


10- Make a covenant with God with your body. No sex before marriage. 


If a man comes to you, meet a man of God. Ask for guidance. Ask for prayer and see what God will do for you in the name of Jesus Christ 


This teaching is very important and I believe it will help you to overcome and to walk in victory 





Let us pray now declare before the Lord father expose and destroy any evil covenant that made in darkness against my life father expose and destroy any anyone sent by the devil to waste to spoil my destiny to ashamed to make me a knowledge of mockery. 


Let any Delilah sent by the devil to monitor me, to afflict me, be exposed today in the name of Jesus Christ. Father I pray my marriage will long serve the purpose of the enemy. My marriage will not be used by enemy to afflict my life. No relationship with anybody will come to afflict me. I destroy any altar and any covenant taken to afflict me in my marriage, my friendship. In the name of Jesus the Christ. Father set me free. 

From sexual immorality. Set me free from conformation. Set me free from any bondage of sex oh God illegal sex father. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray for your deliverance. Anybody who had sex anywhere which were ungodly. I pray be delivered in the name of Jesus Christ. If you have not given your life to Christ give your life now. Say Jesus I come to you. 


Say with me. I receive you in my heart. As my Lord and my saviour. 


Deliver me set me free. From the power of darkness. From the power of the enemy. Lord I come to dedicate my life to you. Now revoke the word you have spoken. Any word I have spoken oh God.  


Any promise I made with my mouth promising anybody I will live with him or her for forever. If it is not in your plan oh God I delete those words but the power of the blood go go confess confess confess confess confess confess by the power of the blood I declare cancel any covenant I made with my mouth that has entangled me deliver me in the name of Jesus Christ the son of the living God set me free today set me free oh God from now  

I want to be or or my body to serve you my body to serve you my sexual life to serve you with my wife with my husband the Godly husband you have sent to me the Godly wife you have sent to me Lord forgive me forgive me for my fornication forgive me oh God for any sex I have before oh God and even I'm now. 

Father forgive me and deliver me. Set me free in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit we have prayed. And we all say amen. 


If the son of man set you free, you are free indeed. Have you been blessed by the teaching of today, you can contact us. Share the link, encourage somebody. There's hope for you. Jesus set me free, he can set you free. You have a blessed day ahead. Meet on Sunday. 



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