Tuesday 24 October 2023






Shekinah Greetings Word of life, I welcome you to the Morning Altar of Prayer today. It is a great day that the Lord has given to us and we give him the praise and the glory 


Father thank you for this day you have given unto us. We give you the praise, we give you the glory, the adoration oh Lord because you deserve it. Receive our thanks in the name of Jesus.  


Bless this session of today, and we will be careful to give you the praise the glory and the honour in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen and Amen.  


As far as the relationship is concerned the design of God is what we find in Isaiah thirty four verse sixteen. The bible says,  


“Seek ye out of the book of the LORD, and read: no one of these shall fail, none shall want her mate: for my mouth it hath commanded, and his spirit it hath gathered them.” 




Who is my soulmate who is your soulmate?  


My soulmate, your soulmate is the man or the woman God has ordained for you and the spirit of God has connected you with. It simply means that the soulmate must meet those two conditions. I am talking about the word. 


Number one He or she must be the man or the woman the mouth has of God has ordained for you. 


Number two He or she has to be connected to you with by spirit of God. 


If it is not the mouth of God and if it is not the spirit of God working to connect you it is but in vain..  


We are studying the story of Ruth and Boaz and definitely we can say that Ruth and Boaz were soulmates. 


We have seen from scriptures since we started studying those two people what God said about the two of them because the spirit of God will organize everything for the two of them to meet.  


I strongly believe that the encounter with the soulmate answers to some laws. What I mean is, there are principles that govern the meeting the encounter which simply means the encounter between the soulmate is not the product of chance.  


That's why I just want to assure somebody if the mouth of God has ordained for the two of you to be soulmates, forget about the devil forget about the witches because what the mouth of God ordains the spirit of God will connect. 


Please believe me. The spirit of God knows how to connect people.  




The answer, we find it in what Ruth says in Ruth chapter two verse two. She says to her mother-in-law, let me now.” ‘Let me now’ is very powerful. And you will see that ‘me now’ comes before encountering boss. 


Ruth 2:2  And Ruth the Moabitess said unto Naomi, Let me now go to the field, and glean ears of corn after him in whose sight I shall find grace. And she said unto her, Go, my daughter.  


PRINCIPLE 1 | Before you connect with your soulmates, you must connect with your own soul.  


You must know who you are. Otherwise you will connect the unconnectable. In electricity for example, not every cable is connectable. There are cables when you connect. the boom! There will be explosion 


That is why some relationship don't work. Because you are trying to connect the cables that cannot be connected at all. That one you should consider it very important. If the nature is teaching us such truth. It is also true for the relationship.  


You need to know who you are so that when you are plugging to somebody you are not plugging for the wrong reasons because you know already who you are. You know the size of the cable, you know the nature of the cable and you know if I connect with this between this and this one the electricity will pass. Otherwise it will not pass or if the electricity comes in one it will destroy the whole house. 


PRINCIPLE 2 | You need to know who you are.  


You cannot relate well with others if you don't relate well with yourself. Poor relationship with yourself will affect your relationship with others whether you like it or not.  


Now listen to me, the real problem is not others, the real problem is you. The real problem is me. That is why Ruth says let me now, me, me, me, now. And me now is the beginning of the encounter with Boaz. 


The problem people will say oh well everybody is fake. You are not so sure whether you can meet the right person. Everybody is fake. I don't believe that everybody is fake. I don't believe that everybody is fake. Yes people are fake. Yes, there are people who are not genuine. But I believe that the problem is not how people are fake, the problem is how myself I am fake toward myself. How I am not genuine toward myself. Because if you are not genuine toward yourself don't expect to meet somebody will be genuine toward you.  


Remove from your eyes so you can see in the eyes of others. 

Jesus establishes that principle so very well. 


Mattthew 7:5  Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.  


If you can't love yourself, you can't love somebody else and if you don't love yourself nobody will do it for you and it will be very strange and difficult for you to distinguish the love that can come from somebody else because in the first place you have not learnt to love yourself. 


The problem is not others, the problem is you.  




Now, today I want to talk to you about the second law. The law of self image 


I will give to you 10 keys for you to build a healthy self image.  


What is self image? 


  1. Self image is how you see yourself; how you perceive yourself,  

  1. Self image is how others perceive you.  

  1. Self image is how you perceive the way others perceive you. 

  1. Self image is how you perceive yourself perceiving yourself when you stand for the mirror, how do you see yourself? What do you say about yourself? That is fundamental.  


You can't have a wrong self image and expect right relationship. Where will it come from?  


One thing I want you to know is that, one of the factor that plays a role in the self image of the individual  is childhood. 


How we see ourselves since we were children, since you were child, will have a big impact on the self image of the individual; you and I That is what I want to teach you today. 

Stay connected take note follow in prayer with expectation and at the end of the message, believe God, he will heal your self image.  


If you are a parent, build the self image of your children because that will be a help for them tomorrow to meet the right person in their life and that will have an impact.  


Let's go to the teaching now. 


Somebody said …” 


- If a child lives with criticism he learns to condemn. 

- If a child lives with hostility, he lands to fight. 

- If a child lives with ridicule, he longs to be shy. 

- If a child lives with shame, he learns to feel guilty. 

- If a child lives with tolerance, he will learn to be patient. 

- If a child lives with encouragement, he learns confidence. 

- If a child lives with praise, he learns to appreciate. 

- If a child lives with fairness, he learns justice. 

- If a child lives with security, he learns to have faith. 

- If a child lives with approval, he learns to like himself. 

- If a child lives with acceptance and friendship, he learns to find love in the world. Children learn what they live. 


Childhood is something very important to consider. In Psalm chapter one twenty nine verse one to four from the KJV the bible says, 


“Many a time have they afflicted me from my youth: yet they have not prevailed against me. The plowers plowed upon my back: they made long their furrowsThe LORD is righteous: he hath cut asunder the cords of the wicked.” 


The cords of the wicked symbolize the power of the darkness that can take hold of somebody when he young. 


And here Israel is talking of the experience they had in Egypt; the experience of affliction, of rejection, of slavery, mistreatment. All those experiences had a very negative influence in the people as a whole, as a community. 



In his original plan God never intended for Israel to spend 40 years in the desert. No.  


Deutronomy 1:2  (There are eleven days' journey from Horeb by the way of mount Seir unto Kadeshbarnea.)  


He wanted the people to enter straight to the promised land. That was the original plan of God. That is why Moses the man of God sent spies to go to see the land and bring helpful reports for the conquest. Go and see the land and give us a report so that we can start the conquest. 


Numbers 13:17  And Moses sent them to spy out the land of Canaan, and said unto them, Get you up this way southward, and go up into the mountain:  


Numbers 13:18  And see the land, what it is; and the people that dwelleth therein, whether they be strong or weak, few or many;  


Numbers 13:19  And what the land is that they dwell in, whether it be good or bad; and what cities they be that they dwell in, whether in tents, or in strong holds;  


Numbers 13:20  And what the land is, whether it be fat or lean, whether there be wood therein, or not. And be ye of good courage, and bring of the fruit of the land. Now the time was the time of the firstripe grapes. 


Unfortunately they failed the test. Out of the twelve spies sent to spy land, ten were attacked from within. They were paralyzed, they were intimidated not by the giants that were in front of them but by the complex, the feeling of inferiority within themselves.  


So the problem was not the giants in front of them but the giant inside them of inferiority complex.  


In Numbers chapter thirteen verse thirty three they say something you see there, “we saw the giants the sons of Anak which come of the giants and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers and so we in their sight. 


Do you see how the root of childhood can affect adulthood?  


Remember Psalms chapter one twenty nine verse two they said, we were afflicted from youth.  


They grew in an environment of ridicule. They grew in an environment of slavery. They grew in an environment of humiliation. Then as they grew, the root of their childhood affected their self image 




Random house dictionary define self image as the idea,  conception, or mental image one has of oneself.  


The mountain state centres for independent living explain something very importantSelf image is how you perceive yourself. It is a number of self impressions that have built up over time. These self images can be very positive giving a person confidence in their thoughts and actions or negative making a person doubtful of their capabilities and ideas. 


My definition of self image is, what you see when you look in the mirror and how you picture yourself in your head that is your self image. 


Our self image is built from childhood. 




Let us do a quick bible study over the testament of those people those spies. 


Observation 1.  It is not the giants who speak but the children of Israel who are speaking. The giants never told them, “you are grasshoppers.” The giants never said, “we are giants.”  


Those are the children of Israel speaking. The giants never told them, “you are locust.” 


Observation 2. When they say and listen to their statement carefully. They say,’ we felt’ ‘we seemed’ so it simply means that the feeling of inferiority was not the reality of things. It was an impression, an imagination, a twisted mental representation of reality. 


They were looking at themselves. And how you see yourself affect how you feel about yourself. If you see yourself as ugly you will feel ugly. 


So how you see yourself affect your feelings.  


And all those images, those pictures come from childhood. If the child has a a picture of himself as a stupid man he cannot make it. 


You parents who always, when the child has not performed as you are expecting and you start saying you are stupid you are a stupid boy, a stupid girl and all that; what will happen to that boy or girl? The image will be that, “I am stupid because my mother told me that I'm stupid. So then, nothing that came from me.” 


How you see yourself will affect how you feel about yourself. When you see somebody like a pastor like me, you see me like a trash you will feel that way because that is how you see about me.  


Observation 3. The third observation I want you to write down  is that, they were intimidated and paralyzed not by the giant they saw but by the way they saw them. 


So the way you see things is what can paralyze your destiny and there are many children and many adults who are paralyzed in life because of how they they see themselves.  


Observation 4. They poisoned the whole congregation negatively and were disqualified from the promised land to the point that a short trip supposed to take a few weeks took 40 years. How you see yourself can be contagious. 


It can contaminate the whole the whole congregation, the whole country. So just those 10 people who saw themselves as grasshoppers.  


How you see yourself is a determining factor even for the fulfillment of the prophecy of the promise of God over your life. The land was promised. God said that is yours. But because of how they saw themselves they could not enter the promised land.  




So what is inferiority complex? Inferiority complex is defined as the painful feeling of being inferior to someone that leads to self contempt, self affliction, self pity, loss of self confidence, with all the spiritual, emotional and sentimental ramification connected to it. 


All people who always crave for sympathy, sympathy. Oh you see Nobody cares about me. Oh can you love me? You give only what you have. So if you don't have a good self image don't expect a happy marriage, don't expect a happy relationship, don't expect to succeed, don't expect to go forward in life because it starts from how you see yourself. That's why Israel stayed for 40 years in the desert because God wanted to fix their image deteriorated from childhood by the Egyptians.  




Let me give you the keys to break the gas whopper complex. Today  


Key Number one : You need to uproot the plant of impurity from the heart. It is your responsibility.  


If it happened at your childhood and in your adulthood you are showing those symptoms you need to take responsibility.  


Jesus says that every plant my father has not planted shall be uprooted. 


Matthew 15:13  But he answered and said, Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up.  


You need to take responsibility, uproot it yourself. Low self esteem, timidity, cowardice, fear, self contempt, it is you have to uproot it in your own life, take responsibility.  


Key number two : To never despise yourself and never allow anyone to despise you because God is rising up on you to use you as a model for many.  


Remember that is what Paul said to Timothy don't let anybody despise you. ( 1Timothy  4:12  ) 


The things I'm teaching you are crucial because I was a victim of it. I grew up in an environment where my siblings were mocking me. They were mocking the shape of my head, the shape of my body, the shape of my feet. It affected me for very long time that made me grow very lonely, isolated. Thank God because it turned for my good; for my leadership skills but it affected me. 


So I had to follow those steps that set me free. No one can intimidate me anywhere under heaven. Because I have learnt to never despise myself.  


Parents never despise your children. You don't know how you make them feel. You don't know how you are killing the self image. I was not standing before people. I could not. It was a problem for me even to put new clothes. I could not even talk to women. It turned to my good anyway. But it was painful.  


Key Number three : Pray the Holy Spirit to come down on you to open your eyes and make you discover the giant, the potential, the abilities, the gift, the talent buried in you.  


That is the third thing I did. I asked the Holy Spirit to open my eyes to see my gift.  


Paul says, “Stir the gift that is in you.”  


2Timothy 1:6  Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee by the putting on of my hands.  


I have discovered my talent. I have discovered my gift. Writing is a gift, talking is a gift, preaching is a gift, leading is a gift, organizing is a gift, structuring is a gift, planning is a gift that God has given to me. When I discovered it and it killed a slow self image 


I pray for you that God will open your eyes to see the gift that is in you. What did I do?  


Key Number four : Silence the voices of people who have mocked or mocked you who under estimated you, who always relegate you to the background, who belittle you, who insult you, let only the voice of your creator be what you will hear.  


First Corinthians fifteen verse ten Paul says, “by the grace of God I am who I am and his grace has not been in vain for me.”  


Paul was belittled. Paul was mistreated. You what are you saying? You are a killer. You are a murderer. How can you be an apostle?  


Now, Paul was facing all those attacks. What helped him? He silences the voices.  


Silence the voices. Those who belittled you. Even in my ministry people mocked my ministry. People mocked me. Who is this one? You can you be a pastor? I had to take a strong stand to silence voices. Or people who were mocking me. Even in my youth. I had to take a strong stand.  


So when you hear me making those declarations, those bold declarations it shows you that was the way for me to be free to restore my self image. It is important.  


You need to come to a place where you silence the voices by confessing the word of God. 


You know David also suffered a lot of rejection. That's why when you read for example Psalm chapter one thirty nine verse fourteen that is an answer how he was silencing the voices by declaring how amazing he was by declaring I am wonderfully made.  


By declaring I am saved. By declaring I am handsome. By declaring I am beautiful. By declaring I am made at the image of God. By declaring I am forgiven. 


Be free from the voices which are killing you and those voices started from childhood. 


Key Number five : Command the resurrection of your buried potential.  


Remember this man had a talent he buried his potential. Matthew 25:18  But he that had received one went and digged in the earth, and hid his lord's money.  


I pray your potential will be unburied in Jesus name. But it is you to command those potential to be unburied, the grace I was born with, the favour I was born with, let it be unburied. Don't bury your potential because of the voices you are hearing the town. 


And mostly also in churches. That is where many potentials die. Because of people who are criticising you how you are singing. You can you sing you which voice do you have? And you feel like oh my voice. My friend, may your your talent never be buried.  


Key Number six : Confess you are healed, free and delivered forever  from the feeling of inferiority.  


You need to confess it. It's an evil spirit and you must confess your healing.  


Key Number seven : You must confess your thanksgiving to God.  


Thank God for the colour of your skin, thank God for your size, for your level of education, for your back social plan, your financial situation, your place of residence, your tribe, your country, your civil status, your past life. Thank God for who you are. Don't be ashamed of your past life.  


Paul says there is no more condemnation for those who are in Christ no more condemnation. 


You have aborted yes, but I'm forgiven. I was a constitute but I am forgiven. I thank God because I am forgiven. You can you preach? Yes I am saved by grace. That is a way you can silence those voices.  


Key Number eight : You need to pray God to be surrounded with men and women who see the richness in you, who encourage you in what God has called you and help you become the best of yourself. 


You see, so the surrounding is also important because most of the time the self image is destroyed by the kind of company you are keeping.  


First Corinthians fifteen verse thirty-three the bible says that mind your company.  


If you are surrounded with people who always belittle you, you will never grow. Disconnect from people who don't see the best in you, who don't see the great in you. 


Key Number nine : Arise, shine in your family, in your neighborhood, in your community, in your family and in your own world.  


So it is you to arise. You need to take responsibility. No one will arise on your behalf. You need to arise. 


You know the story of Tamar who remained potent for the rest of her life.  


2Samuel 13:20  And Absalom her brother said unto her, Hath Amnon thy brother been with thee? but hold now thy peace, my sister: he is thy brother; regard not this thing. So Tamar remained desolate in her brother Absalom's house.  


Maybe you have some trauma, and you are paralyzed. Friend, arise and shine.  


The things I'm teaching today are my experience. How God delivered me from my terrible childhood of humiliation, of rejection of all kind, and today standing before you and before men I'm not ashamed.  


Key number ten : You need to learn to encourage yourself and never ever compare yourself with anyone under heaven.  


The Bible says concerning David he encouraged himself in the Lord.  


1Samuel 30:6  And David was greatly distressed; for the people spake of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and for his daughters: but David encouraged himself in the LORD his God.  


That's what I do. If you are still waiting for others to encourage you you will die as a liability. I don't need anybody to encourage me. I encourage myself.  


The church Word of life is a Mega church. I don't need any encouragement from anybody. It is a Mega church. Your opinion is irrelevant. I learned to encourage myself.  




Biblical Cases 


Joshua : Before Joshua started the conquest, God told him five times, “be strong and of good courage.” ( Deuteronomy 31:7, Deuteronomy 31:23, Joshua 1:6, Joshua 1:7, Joshua 1:9, Joshua 1:18 ) … be strong and of good good courage, be strong, encourage yourself. 


Ephesians chapter six verse ten, Paul writing to Ephesians he told them to be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might.  


The woman with the issue of blood did not wait for somebody to encourage her. She could have never been encouraged. She encouraged herself. ( Matthew 9:20-22, Mark 5:25-34,Luke 8:43-48 ) 


David : Psalm 139 verse 14, David encouraged himself I am a wonderful creature.  


Solomon : Song of Solomon 1:5, Solomon’s wife was black in complexion, she encouraged herself. She sais, “I am black and beautiful.” 


That is how you can deal with the root of self image from your childhood.  


Here I am, super healthy mentally, physically and all other areas of my life are aligned because I learnt the lesson from the word. 





  1. Father in the name of Jesus Christ let the plant of inferiority be rooted out of my heart. Father in the name of Jesus Christ, free me from low self esteem, timidity, fear and self contempt. 


  1. Father in the name of Jesus I declare silence the voice of people who mock me. I declare silence the voice of those who underestimated me. I declare silence the voice of those who always relegate me to the background. I declare silence the voice of those who always belittle me.  


  1. Father in the name of Jesus Christ, let the holy spirit open my eyes to see and resurrect the giant the potential, the abilities, the gift and the talent buried in me.  


  1. In the name of Jesus I declare I am who God says I am. I am blessed. I am beautiful, I am handsome, I am wonderfully made, I am forgiven, I am accepted, I am loved, I am cared for, Jesus died for me, shed his blood for me, and I am a new creature. My past is past, I am free from condemnation. No more condemnation for me in Christ. In Jesus precious name, we have prayed. 




Follow this message over and again. 

Apply the ten keys and see how your life will turn around. You are beautiful. You are handsome. The devil is a liar. God bless you all and do you good wherever you are in Jesus name. 



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