Monday 23 October 2023




Praise the Lord word of life. I welcome you today. The morning altar of prayer.  


Let us lift our voices and pray the Lord in the name of Jesus. Father, we come before you. We pray that you stretch your hand upon our lives. We ask of you oh Lord to talk to us. Show us the way. We need you more than anything else. Lord, guide us, lead us in the name of Jesus. Thank you for yesterday's Sunday service. It was great and powerful. Thank you also oh Lord for your hand upon our lives. Thank you oh Lord for everything you do for us. Thank you for this new week. And let your name be glorified in the name of Jesus Christ the son of the living God. Amen. 




Well we are starting this new week with a new topic. I believe it will be a blessing unto you.  


*Isaiah 34:16  Seek ye out of the book of the LORD, and read: no one of these shall fail, none shall want her mate: for my mouth it hath commanded, and his spirit it hath gathered them*.  


Somebody can ask me a question, "Pastor do you believe in the soulmate? Is it for real? Or is it just human invention?" 


When we talk about mates, please understand that it talks about a look alike. When we talk about mates, remember that when God created Adam and Eve, he created them at his image and likeness. So image and likeness are the foundations that will help you understand mates. 


So when we talk about mates, understand that soulmate is not the only mate that you need in your life. We have also a spirit mates. A man and a woman who want to enter into the institution of marriage need to have the same spirit. They should have more things that bring them together than things that tear them apart. 


It is beautiful to see that scriptures say, "Seek ye out of the book of the LORD, and read: no one of these shall fail, none shall want her mate: for my mouth it hath commanded, and his spirit it hath gathered them." 


I just want you to know that it is the Spirit of God who connects the mates. It is also the mouth of God himself that commands. As a matter of fact, if it is the mouth of God that commands, it is only his Spirit that shall gather them. 


So, the Scriptures we have read already shows unto us that for the soulmates to meet, it will take the Spirit of God because the Bible says ... his Spirit had gathered them ... 


*Isaiah 34:16 Seek ye out of the book of the LORD, and read: no one of these shall fail, none shall want her mate: for my mouth it hath commanded, and his spirit it hath gathered them*.  


It is in the Bible, the Word of God. It is the mouth of God. So, when we talk about the mates or the soulmates or the spiritsmates or the destinymates, I am talking about the ordination of God. It is the mouth of God who declares and it is the Spirit of God who gathers. 


Ezekiel was in the valley of dry bones and the bible says ... 


*Ezekiel 37:3* And he said unto me, Son of man, can these bones live? And I answered, O Lord GOD, thou knowest.  


*Ezekiel 37:4* Again he said unto me, Prophesy upon these bones, and say unto them, O ye dry bones, hear the word of the LORD.  


*Ezekiel 37:5* Thus saith the Lord GOD unto these bones; Behold, I will cause breath to enter into you, and ye shall live:  


*Ezekiel 37:6* And I will lay sinews upon you, and will bring up flesh upon you, and cover you with skin, and put breath in you, and ye shall live; and ye shall know that I am the LORD.  


*Ezekiel 37:7* So I prophesied as I was commanded: and as I prophesied, there was a noise, and behold a shaking, and the bones came together, bone to his bone.  


So, when we talk about soulmates, we are talking about two individuals God's mouth has ordained to be together and God's spirit has orchestrated to come together.  


So it has nothing to do with what men say. It has all to do with what the mouth of God has said. When God has ordained that you and your soulmate will be together in a marriage, because the mouth of God has said, it the spirit of God that will confirm it. 


And we see very clearly in the book of Ezekiel how the Spirit of God moved to bring the bones which were separated together. God is the one who knows how to orchestrate things for two people who are ordained to be together since eternity to be together. It doesn't matter where they are. It doesn't matter the distance. It doesn't matter the miles. God will orchestrate things together to bring them together. 


Now can you imagine that in the Bible everywhere you see Ruth, she is mentioned as Ruth the Moabitess. All the way from Moab, God brought her in Bethlehem and in field where Boaz was so that they can meet. Are you hearing me? That is the meaning of ... the mouth of God has ordained or commanded and his spirit shall gather them. 


Listen to me. I don't know where the man God has ordained for you is. In whichever country he is I don't care. God is God. I say God is God. He knows how to arrange things. He knows how to orchestrate things. He knows how to bring together. If only if the mouth of God has ordained for you to be the wife or the husband. 


If the mouth of God has commanded I don't care what people say, it shall be so. And we have the case of Ruth and Boaz. How circumstances were orchestrated for them to meet, it could only be God. That is why this week, I'm teaching you the biblical requirements for you to encounter your soulmate. If you believe it shall be so for you in Jesus precious name.  


I remember the story of a man. This man was 80 years old or so. Back to the High School, he had a girlfriend. They loved one another so strongly but thing just happened and they parted ways. Since then,  there was no news of one another. Obviously each one got married with different spouses and they lost contacts according to their story. A real story. After many years, it just happened that the man lost his wife. And the lady also lost her husband. And according to the story of this man he just sat and went to Facebook with in mind the name of that Highschool lady. He found her, sent her a friend request. She replied and they started communicating and the memories of what happened in the past started now coming up. 


They were in the US and the man testified that he was very far miles away from where that lady was. The man drove many miles away, went to see her. And you know what? They got married. Real story. Eight years old plus with that lady. At least you will understand that when we talk about soulmates it is so true. 


I want to tell somebody who is listening to me to believe that it is possible to meet and connect to your soulmate. It is possible. If at all it happened to Mrs Ruth And Mr Boaz, it can also happen to you. You can still believe in your dream. In fact I just want to tell somebody today keep your dream alive. He is faithful. 


Remember. God is asking a question to Ezekiel, "Can these bones live again?" So I just want to tell somebody that your dream is alive. But remember that in the book of Isaiah, if his mouth has commanded, his spirit will gather. It takes the mouth of God. It means that even in your life,you must continue to confess that your dream is alive and it will come to pass. 


I don't know in which relationship you are right now. Maybe your relationship is so devastated that there is no hope. But I want you to know that you can still keep your dream alive because the mouth of God has commanded it. Confess that your dream is alive and as the Lord said, his Spirit shall gather you the same way those bones came together. 


As per the Spirit of the Almighty God, God is able to connect you to your soulmates. God is able to bring you together in a place of happiness and joy. God is able to bring you in that place where you are living your dream.  




Oh I am again back to Ruth chapter two verse two, ... Ruth said to her mother-in-law let me now... 


I am so interested in those two words me now. Me now. The first requirement for you to meet your your your soulmate it is the me now the law of me now and you know what today today I want to give to you ten hard truth to build your self love. Listen to me for you to meet your soulmate you need to work on you first. 


*Me now*. Let me tell you that you are the determining factor. Before Ruth goes and meets Boaz she says me now. Me now you are the one. Because even when we talk about soulmates. Soulmate the soulmate is the soulmate to your soul. 


Let me remind you again this morning that you attract who you are. If your soul is wounded, you will attract wounded souls. If your soul is unhealthy, you will attract unhealthy souls. If your is broken, you will attract broken souls. If your soul is unhappy, you will attract unhappy soul. 


Have you ever met people in your life and you are like exactly the way they think, the way they talk, the way they react and it looks like they are the same people? How your soul is determines who your soul will meet. Tell me how is your soul and I will tell you who will be your soulmate. So you need to work on your soul. 


Today I just want to talk to somebody who is heartbroken. When you are heartbroken you don't need to date. You need to heal. The solution to heartbreak is not dating. It is healing. You need to be complete. So that you cannot compete or fight tomorrow in the relationship.  


*I like Ruth ... She says ... me now ...*  


For you to be sure that you can meet your soulmate, you need to ask yourself some questions, do you accept yourself for who you are? Do you have a made-up mind? Can you tell me that you are healed from the previous relationship? Are you secured? Can you tell me you have let go?Can you tell me that you are healed? 


My friend, if you are not yet healed, if you still have bitterness or inferiority complex, I am sorry. It hurts but let me tell the truth. You are not yet ready to meet your soulmate. You don't need somebody who will come to fill up the vacuum of your heart or the emptiness of your heart. You need your heart to be complete and whole. The soulmate who will come in your life won't come to complete you or to fill up the emptiness of your heart. They will come to walk along with you to reach a common purpose.  


*Ruth says...Let me now...* That is the first statement before she meets the soulmate who was Boaz.  




Israel was at the entrance of the promised land. They did not have a right perspective of themselves and they never entered. We read ... 


*Numbers 33:55But if ye will not drive out the inhabitants of the land from before you; then it shall come to pass, that those which ye let remain of them shall be pricks in your eyes, and thorns in your sides, and shall vex you in the land wherein ye dwell.  


*Numbers 33:56* Moreover it shall come to pass, that I shall do unto you, as I thought to do unto them.  


The question today is this ... Are you sure that you have a right perspective of you? If you have no right perspective of yourself, you are not ready. 




You may read yourself in Genesis chapter 42 to 43. There, when Jacob was told by his children to release Benjamin, Jacob was not ready to release Benjamin. And as long as he was not ready to release Benjamin, he could not meet Joseph.  


The same way, as long as you are not yet ready to let go of Benjamin because of fear. As long as you still have those fears in you, you are not yet ready. As long as you have not let go of negative memories of the things that people did to you, you are not yet ready and you will never meet your soulmate. 


I pray for you to have a me now experience. Heal first. That is what Ruth did. As long as you still listen to those negative voices belittling you, of the things people did to you, maybe you have been raped in the past and you have not yet recovered from that rape, you need to heal first.  


That is why if at all you meet somebody who has not been healed from the past who is still holding onto some Benjamin of his life believe me you will never be happy in that relationship me now what can you say about yourself as far as you are you know in the bible there is a story of ah of a woman called ah I believe you know that lady ah her name is eh Leah. 




Leah entered in a relationship with a huge self love deficiency. As a matter of fact, she suffered alot. Let me confirm it to you from Scriptures... 


*Genesis 29:31* And when the LORD saw that Leah was hated, he opened her womb: but Rachel was barren.  


*Genesis 29:32* And Leah conceived, and bare a son, and she called his name Reuben: for she said, Surely the LORD hath looked upon my affliction; now therefore my husband will love me.  


*Genesis 29:33* And she conceived again, and bare a son; and said, Because the LORD hath heard that I was hated, he hath therefore given me this son also: and she called his name Simeon.  


*Genesis 29:34* And she conceived again, and bare a son; and said, Now this time will my husband be joined unto me, because I have born him three sons: therefore was his name called Levi.  


*Genesis 29:35* And she conceived again, and bare a son: and she said, Now will I praise the LORD: therefore she called his name Judah; and left bearing.  


Leah believed that if she gives birth to children Jacob would love her. That is the problem many people have. 


If at all you come in a relationship and you have never learnt to love yourself, you will expect love from people and you will suffer. 




Now let me give you quickly the ten truth that you need to build self love. I pray for you from this teaching you will have a healthy self love in Jesus name amen.  


*TRUTH 1 | No relationship makes anybody happy. Only happy men and women make a happy relationship*.  


Don't ever think that eh ah I will be happy when I will be married. No. You cannot and you will never be happy if in the first place you are not happy. Are you hearing me? That is a very fundamental truth. No marriage makes anybody happy. Only happy people will make a happy relationship. If somebody is unhappy and you believe you will be a happy husband. How?  


*TRUTH 2 | No relationship heals anybody. No relationship makes anybody whole*. 


Be happy. Be fulfilled. God says in Genesis, "It is not good for a man to be alone. Let me make him a help meet". So, God knows. You need to be whole first. You do not need a woman to be happy. Be Happy now. There are people who think that when they will get married they will be happy. It is not true. If you have not learnt to be happy when you are single you will never be happy when you are you will be married. 


*TRUTH 3 | There is no joyful marriage if you are not yourself first of all joyful*.  


Paul says in Philippians 4:4, "Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice".  


Rejoice. Rejoice. In Nehemiah 8:10, the Bible says, "The joy of the Lord shall be your strength". Praise be the living God. Hallelujah. The joy of the Lord. The joy of the Lord.  


Never ever get married to somebody who is not joyful now. If he is not joyful always and all the time, you will suffer. If you are not joyful in the first place, you will never have a joyful marriage. Forget about it my friend. That is why Ruth started by working on herself. Before you meet your soulmate you need to work on your soul. Work on your soul before you meet your soulmate.  


*TRUTH 4 | Happiness does not start your partner. Happiness starts with you. You are a determining factor*.  


Don't expect your spouse to make you happy. Be happy and God will reflect it in your life. You are the determining factor. Happiness starts with you. You cannot meet your soulmates if your soul is not happy. If your soul is not joyful. If your soul is heartbroken. You need to heal. And when you are healed you will be sober enough to identify your soulmate. Isn't it?  

In *Proverbs 15:13*, we read, "A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance: but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken.  


In *Proverbs 15:15*, we read, "All the days of the afflicted are evil: but he that is of a merry heart hath a continual feast".  


*TRUTH 5 | Partners in a relationship give only what they have*.  


Are you hearing me?  


In *John 3:27*, it is written, "A man can receive nothing except it be given him from God". 


Can you imagine in *Genesis 30:1*, the Bible says,  "And when Rachel saw that she bare Jacob no children, Rachel envied her sister; and said unto Jacob, Give me children, or else I die".  


What was Jacob's answer? In *Genesis 30:2*,  Jacob's anger was kindled against Rachel: and he said, Am I in God's stead, who hath withheld from thee the fruit of the womb?   

Don't deceive yourself expecting somebody who doesn't have the love of God in him to love you. It is impossible. You will be frustrated. A man who does not know how to encourage will never encourage you. He will be a discourager.  


That's why I say your relationship is a reflection of who you are. Oh well he will change when you will be married. A crocodile in Congo will still be crocodile in Kenya. 


*TRUTH 6 | Your relationship is the reflection of your heart and your mind*.  




You cannot have a victorious marriage with a defeated heart. You cannot have a settled marriage with an unsettled heart. You cannot have a sweet marriage with a bitter heart. You cannot.  


*TRUTH 7 | Healthy relationship is built on love and affection*.  


Affection is your feeling toward your spouse's quality and strength. Love is your commitment to keep your affection toward your spouse despite their weaknesses. Hello.  


We sometime confound affection, love and infatuation. This last one is the feeling towards somebody who for you is perfect. In fact infatuation is a deception. You need to come to a place where you discover the weakness of your partner and you see yourself if you can be able to handle their weakness. If in your eyes your partner is perfect, if there is no weakness in them, if everything is strong, strong, good, perfect, that is a red flag. I can suspect it is infatuation. 


In *Romans 5:8*, Paul says, "But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us".  


That is why you see in the beginning of many relationships, there is a chemistry, their heart is pumping for one another, but when the weakness appears, cold starts taking place. That is why it takes only soulmates to be able to display affection when they the qualities and to display love when they see the weaknesses. 


I love you is not when things are okay and good. I love you is when you are facing the weakness of the person.  


*TRUTH 8 | A wrong perception of yourself destroys your perception about others*. 


People's opinion is people's opinion. It is not mine. And sometimes somebody can say you are wrong. In reality, it is not you who are wrong. It is them who are wrong. That's why somebody says, if you allow people to define you, you allow them to confine you. Don't allow people to define you, they will confine you. Don't allow people who have a wrong perception of themselves to determine the perception about you. 


*TRUTH 9 | Healthy self love is the foundation for true love*.  


If you never loved you, you will fall in love with a wrong one. As the matter of fact, when somebody will love you, it will look like a miracle just happened. You must learn to tell yourself what you know about yourself so when somebody compliments you, it will not be an information but a reminder. 


That is why there are many people who are codependent because of the compliment of others.  


You need to come to a place like David in Psalm 139:14, "I will praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Marvelous are your works and that my soul knows well".  


Ah! You see? My soul knows well. If you don't know what is in your soul, you will never know your soulmate. Because how can you know your soulmate if you don't know your own soul?  


My soul knows that I am handsome. I don't need your opinion. I have accepted myself the way I am. I  always share with you how I suffered of inferiority complex in my life. I told you how I suffered because of insults from people. People were insulting my head, my body, the shape of my body, the colour of my skin. It has affected me so much and I got married without getting healed over those things and it was a big problem. So that is why you need to heal first.  


*TRUTH 10 | Not everyone who comes to you come for you*. 


There are those who come to you not because of you but because of themselves and because of what they want to get from you. Once they get what they wanted, they will leave you because they never came for you.  

Look at those who left Jesus.  


*John 6:67* Then said Jesus unto the twelve, Will ye also go away?  


*John 6:68* Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life.  


*John 6:69* And we believe and are sure that thou art that Christ, the Son of the living God.  




  • If you work on those ten things, you will reach a place where you accept yourself. You will no longer live in the guilt of the past. Have you committed abortion? Jesus tells you, "You know what? I forgive you. Go in peace".  

  • Even if somebody reminds you your past, it will not change anything because you know that you are forgiven.  

  • Somebody can come and tell you, this one committed abortion, this one has killed people here and there, it will not change anything in you because you know you are forgiven. David says, ... My soul knows...  

  • Do you want to meet your soulmate? The answer is ... your soul... May you be healed. Accept yourself. Paul is a man who accepted himself. He suffered a lot in his ministry. But he says, "I am the chief of all the sinners". 


  • He accepted himself. He says, you know what? I am who I am and the grace of God has not been in vain in me. (1 Corinthians 15:10). He accepted himself. I accept myself.   

  • Now listen to me. Whatever people can say about me, consider it to be true. I know who I am. I accept myself. I accept the way the church is. I accept where the church is. Oh this church is small. Yes we are small. Thank you. Oh this Pastor is so and so,... Thank you. It is me.  

  • When you accept yourself the arrows of the enemy against you will not touch you. The humiliation of the people will not touch you. The insult of the people will not affect you. Because you are healed.  




  • Can you lift your voice where you are and say Lord I make up my mind. I believe in you that you are the God who ah connect people. The Bible says the mouth of God has commanded and spirits has gathered. I believe oh God in you that somebody under the sound of my voice this is your season to meet your soulmate but you need to first of all declare me now as Ruth declared. 


  • I pray that you will be healed. Be delivered. You will accept yourself. You will say you will know how amazing you are. Will not let others define you so that they cannot confine you. Your heart will be healed in the name of Jesus. God will help you accept yourself. Will know that you are marvelous. I want to tell somebody this morning that you are unique. 


  • There are no to you in this world. I pray that God will help you to be healed in your soul. You be happy even without a husband. You can be happy even without a wife. You can be happy even living in a place that cannot be maybe the way you are expecting it to be. Your happiness does not depend on marriage. 


  • You don't need to be married to be happy. You can be single and be happy. If you have not learnt to be happy being single you will never be happy even when you are married. Receive the to accept to be contented where you are. To accept the little you have now. Because if you are not happy with the little you have you will never be happy when you will be you will have a lot. 


  • May God visit you. May God minister to you. May God deliver you. May God help you to work on you first. And then the rest will come. Hallelujah. Receive the baptism of self love. Be delivered from self hatred or self doubt. From bitterness, from resentment, from belittling yourself apart from hating yourself. In the name of Jesus Christ. The son of the living God. 


  • I have spoken and we have prayed and so shall it be for you. Amen and amen. Glory be to God. God bless you and God do you good in the name of the father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen and amen. Glory be to God. Now you have a blessed day ahead will continue tomorrow. You know the topic it is about soulmate. Meeting my soulmate. Encounter with my soulmate. What are the requirements? And I believe this teaching will change your mind if you are single. 


  • It will change your life. Maybe you are married but you are not happy in your marriage. It will change your perspective things and it will change you forever. In Jesus name amen and amen. Glory to God have a blessed day ahead. See you tomorrow. Amen and amen. Glory to God. Thank you very much ah for connecting if you have not subscribed to this channel I encourage you to subscribe. Why should you subscribe to our channel? Because in this channel we provide to you in depth life applicable life building, life changing bible studies that will move you from where you are to where you ought to be. 


  • Why should you come in the word of life? Because the word of life is a place where we praise the king. And the king raised the kings. I invite you to come and get something great for you in Jesus name. Blessed day. 



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