Sunday 13 August 2023




Can we go to our Bibles and let's read together. First Corinthians chapter ten verse thirteen. The apostle Paul says that, “God is faithful and he will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you can bear. But anytime there is a temptation anytime there is a trial there is a way of escape”. (Paraphrased)

That is my core message of today. No matter in which situation you are there is a way of escape.

Now the beauty of first Corinthians 10:13 is that the Bible says …. God will make a way… Isn't it?

So, there is the way of escape on your own that you create yourself, but there is a way of escape from God. Isn't it?

But there is something I like in that Scripture. The thing is that God will not allow you to face a situation beyond your capacity to handle it. Yes.

So, what you are going through, you better know that you have the capacity to handle it. When somebody says, “It is stronger than me, it is not true. I don't believe in you. It is not true. It can't be true.

There is always a provision of strength to handle the situation. 

When you look at Job for example, what he went through, well, somebody can say, “How? Me? Ah! No”. No, you are not Job. He allowed Job to go through it and he will also give you the capacity to handle it when you are there.

But you know the mistake we make most of the time is that when we are going through affliction or hard time, we pray and we tell God, “Lord, deliver me from this situation”.

Ah well it is a good prayer, but God will not always answer it that way. Sometime you can be in a hot place, hot situation, difficult marriage, difficult relationship, financial hardship and then you cry to God to deliver you, but God will not deliver, he will rather strengthen you and then deliver you.

So, when we talk about the way of escape, please don't misunderstand me. It is not that always God will will get you out of it. Sometimes, he will keep you inside he will strengthen you there and then you escape.

Ah well, there are people who are like, “Oh well ! You know? I can't handle it. I can't handle it. I can't handle it. I can't handle it”.

It is not true, you can handle it. Because God is the one who gives us strength to handle some situations before you come out of it.

So, the prayer should not always be, Lord I want to come out of it. No. The prayer sometimes should be, “Lord strengthen me to handle it”.

I know you don't like it.

But it is true. Yes. Sometimes, it is just about praying and saying, “God, help me to handle it”.

That's why there are people who exit for marriage just because there are some issues. They feel like, “Well, I want to divorce”.

Well, that is your choice if you want to. But I don't advise people to exit from their marriages. I teach people to ask for grace to stay there to handle it and let God himself make a way of escape for you. Don't make your self a way of escape. It is very dangerous. He will strengthen you.

You remember the story of Hannah and Penina?

Hannah was praying God to give her a child because Penina was tormenting her so much. But I don't see where Penina disappeared until she had to handle this woman and then God gave her her Samuel.

So, when we talk about escape there is a way of escape. But, before God causes you to escape, He will strengthen you to be there.

That's why sometime you will live with difficult people.

I mean I have lived with difficult people starting from my bishop. He was a difficult man to handle and to stay with.

It has never been easy at all. But God strengthened me to be with him until the right time came and we just parted and I came here. But it was not easy.

So, I pray that God will give you strength you can be in a place God give you give you strength to handle that man, to handle that woman, to handle that boss, to handle that colleague.


That is why there are people for a fact who will never be successful in life because any time they face any obstacle or any adversity, they always look for a way of escape. That is escapism.

They look for a way of because they can't handle adversity. They can't handle trial. It's a very wrong attitude. It's a very wrong way of handling life.

That is why there are people I mean for a fact they will never be successful in life. Because they always look for a way to escape from everything.

A problem in a church, a difficulty in a church, some misunderstanding in a group, they just say, “Me I want to withdraw. Me, I will never go there anymore”.

My friend, no wonder there are people who will never be successful in life. Because they have never learnt to handle hardship, to handle adversity.

For them, escape means to run away. Listen to me, when I talk about escape, escape does not mean to run away. Tell tell your neighbor, escape does not mean to run away.

Escape does not mean to run away. So you should understand when we say escape, maybe you are thinking of running away.

And I have so many people who used to run away from any problem. When facing a problem, they would run away, go to the village and complain to their parents, “Mum, mum, mum, mummy, daddy…”. But God has delivered them.

May you have that grace to never run away from problems! Face it. Amen. Face it my friend. I faced a lot of problems.

Face it. Face it my friend. Face the problem. Face the adversity. Face the opposition.

If you want to know one of my secret, I don't run away from opposition. No. No. It strengthens me. When somebody starts a battle against me, I am excited. I'm like wow. Hallelujah. Thank you Lord for that battle. Because it is what will help me to go to the next level.

And you know all the best players we have in the world. Do you know what makes them to be who they are? It is all the competitions they have faced. Isn't it? The competitions.

The one called the Greatest Of All Time cannot be greatest of all time if he had not faced challenges.


And I know there are many who are looking at me here. Just a small problem you won’t see them in Church. Rather, you will hear them saying, “Me I don't want problem. I don't want problem”.

My question is … Where will you live in this world without problems? Where?

You will hear them saying, “I will not serve God there because there is a problem”.

My friend, where are you coming from? You say you won't come to Church? You say you won't serve anymore because there is a problem there?

Now where you are working, are there problems? Yes or no? Now why don't you quit your job? Simple. Because number one, you love money. Number two, because in Church, no one pays you.

When I will be giving every worker one million per month, you will see how people will be dedicated.

Running away is an easy way of handling problems. Can you mature please? Can I pray for you to mature please? Mature. Can you tell your neighbour on my behalf, Mature please! Grow up ! Grow up a little bit.

I pray that in this Church people will never be petty. Are we together?

Petty people always complain, “Pastor did not call me… blablabla. I won't go to that Church anymore”.

Now, if you forget anything, just look at Mister Ruto the President of this country. I love this man. In the midst of opposition, not from anybody, but from the one he worked with. All over the the country, they were against him. Yet, he said, “I will be the President of this country.”

He faced opposition. I love this man. Now, I have nothing to do with him. He doesn't give me anything. But it's a spirit.

This generation is made of people who can't face adversity. I don't understand this generation Mister Kimani. Can you help me Mister Kimani? Help me to understand our generation. Today, our children, when facing a small obstacle, choose to run away and think of changing school.

Question. You want to change school to go where? Those two boys of mine wanted to go to Mountain View, and I told them, “Go there and you will pay fees yourself. Stay there my friend”.

Maybe you are there and you are looking for a way of escape, but that is your own way of escape. Praise be the living God. Hallelujah.

Does it make sense? Does it make sense?

This couple I'm sharing today, they faced obstacles, a lot of obstacles. But thank God we were together. And you know sometimes, I will stand with them and say Mrs Kimani, you are going nowhere. Mister Kiman you are going nowhere. Stay there. It was painful, yet in the midst of the pain they were growing together. Isn't it?

Receive the grace to handle pain. If you give up you will not give birth. If you want to give up, if you want to give birth, don't give up.

And the beauty of it is this, when you have given birth, for all the mothers who are here, after giving birth, you forget that you were pregnant. You forget the pain. Am I right mothers? You forget the pain. it is no longer there.

That is my prayer that in this Church, people will mature.

I don't want to hear those things like, “This one has said this to me. This one has done this to me. You know that day…”

Can you stop that? That is childish.

I want to handle things with Baby Pink (Alma), man of God (Aviel) or Alvin.

Those are the things they can complain, “You did not give me the cup… Because it was too hot… And you did not stir it very well”.

No. Leave it for babies. Grow up. Handle issues in a mature way. Isn't it?

If Josephine did something wrong to you, see her and say, “You know Josephine? What you you did to me yesterday, I did not like it. For real, I did not appreciate what you said yesterday.”

And Josephine would reply, “Oh! I'm sorry for what happened”. And then, you move on.

If I tell you Mister Kimani, the reason people leave this Church, it is like Alma, Aviel and Alvin.


And that's why I pray that people who are here, I see that you are mature. May you be mature. That is my advice if you want me to tell you something.

You know? Not every misunderstanding between us should be advertised. Isn't it?

There are people who are like, every misunderstanding, they have to advertise it, leave the group, leave Church. Why? Because me and Lucy or me and Josephine, we misunderstood one another.

My friend, I swear you will never succeed in life. Will you? Look at even in the world. The competition is rough. Isn't it? We are in a very rough competition. And you will see businessmen, in their lack of knowledge of the things of God, they face it. They face adversity. They face opposition.

Look at Donald Trump. He is being fought by Biden. Does he give up? No. He does not give up. He says, “I am here. I will fight.”

And no worry. This man can become the Next President again in 2024. Indictment here. Impeachment there. Fighting here. FBI there. CIA there.

But despite all the above, you will see him in front of the camera like nothing is happening.

Me, I wonder what is wrong with believers?

Leave it. If you came in your mind that I will escape, my friend, I disappoint you already. Stay there. Handle it until God himself makes a way of escape for you.

How many times was I not tempted to leave the Church where I was? Many times. Many times. I faced all kind of oppositions. But in the midst of it all, God strengthened me.

Praise be the Living God. God will not always deliver you from fire. Sometimes he will let you go through it until you are well roasted and then, you will escape.

We must stop that kind of prayer asking God, “Oh God, send fire. Roast my enemies”. If there is someone who needs to be roasted, it is you. Your flesh must be roasted. You.

I know somebody is like, “Eh! Is it the Way of Escape Sunday Service?’ I thought we will pray God for us to come out … “

My friend, be there until God makes a way out for you in Jesus name.

Now a question. What if you take a seed, you plant it somewhere. After planting it, you uproot it. You go again to plant it elsewhere. After a while, you uproot it again to plant it elsewhere. I'm asking you a question. Will that seed grow?

Can we talk a little bit? Why are you always tempted to run away from problems? Safety? Escape pain? Fear?



So, Josephine tell me …. You just want to escape? No. You will have to bear it first. Well so did you understand something? Okay let us go to the to the next scripture.


In Second Timothy chapter four verse eighteen, from the Voice Version, Paul is talking about the Lord rescuing him from the snares of the enemy and carrying him safely to his Heavenly Kingdom.

The truth of the matter is that the journey toward eternity has adversities along the way. No matter the snare of the enemy, you will escape. The purpose of it is for you to reach safely the Kingdom of God.

Now, let us go to Daniel chapter three verse sixteen to seventeen. That is the main Scripture for today.

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were in front of the fiery furnace. And the king said, “Well, I want you to bow down and worship my god” (Paraphrased).

And those three men said to the king, “O Nebuchadnezzar, we are not careful to answer thee in this matter. If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O king. But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up

And I like those people. Now you understand if it were you and I in the Sunday Of Escape, our prayer should be, “Lord may I not enter that fire.”

Right? That would have been your prayer? Yeah.

Now, did they escape from the fire?

So, to escape does not mean that you will not enter the fire. No. Forget about it They entered the fire.

And I want to let you know it can shock you. I'm sorry if you are a bit disappointed by the orientation of today's message. Forgive me but you will enter the fire.

Well. Don't worry. Somebody might say, “Pastor, I'm already in the fire”.

Now I was very much interested to see the attitude of those people before the fire. And I was so much interested as well to see how they escaped from this fire.


Now let us go back to verse sixteen to eighteen. Let us read it together. What do you notice?

Dan 3:16 we are not careful to answer thee in this matter… our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O king. Dan 3:18 … we will not serve …

They say we…our…us… 

So the three men, had one language. They were speaking the same thing.

And you know friend that is what I want you to understand.  Were they speaking the same thing? Yes.

That is why the part one of my message today it is agreement. The way of escape is in agreement.

Dear friends, when you are facing trial that is the very best time moment for you to remain connected with the body. With your brothers, with your sisters. With your pastor. To remain together.

Escape will happen as a result of agreement.

Agreement carries power.

Now look at now how you behave when there is a problem or a fiery furnace.

You start saying to yourself,  “I think I should just be at home. Let me just remain in my corner because I don't want problems with people”

And then, you remain in your corner, in that small house, that bedroom, that dark bedroom and then you are just there crying.

Now, my friend, crying won’t help you escape.

You need to agree.

I just want to pray that God will help you and I to have what I call prayer partners.

Do you know that it is important to have somebody you agree with.

But there is also a problem because there are people whom I agreed to pray with, when they came out of the fire, forgot me.

Find somebody you can agree with and you can trust.

That is the problem we have because you don't know who you can trust and share.

Now, listen to me. When somebody comes to share something confidential to you. When he comes to share his problem. When he comes to share his tears. When he comes to share his fears. It is not an opportunity for you to advertise it on social media.

When somebody shares something with you, it is between you and that person. Don't advertise it. Don't make it an object for you to spread it all over.

Agreement is very important. Why am I saying that agreement is important.


1- Because the devil and his agents know the power of agreement.

Act twenty twenty three verse thirteen shows us very clearly that the devil and his agents know the power of agreement. If you neglect agreement the Kingdom of darkness does not.

Listen to me friends as we are taking note. Thank you for taking note.

I pray that this Church … Do you know my dream? … My prayer is for this Church to be a family. Okay? A family.

2- Because agreement is strength.

I feel happy when at the end of the service we greet one another, hug, talk, share the cup of tea, etc.

Listen to me. I know you can afford tea. We give tea to build our friendship. To build our unity. When we are taking together and saying to one another, “Oh how are you? Oh you are well. Oh my goodness. Long time you are looking good”.

That is the power of agreement. Because it is a strength. Are you hearing me? It is a strength.

I will never ever at all in this Church encourage or entertain the spirit of division and enmity where there are people who say things like, “me and this one, we will never ever greet…Until death … until the grave…”

My friend, that spirit will never be found in this Church in Jesus name. If that is your case, you better don't come here. Go to where people entertain those kind of spirits.

When you look at your neighbor or your sister, see us as a family. It is a power.

3- Because an army that is not in agreement will never win any battle

Amos chapter three verse three says very clearly 2 can never walk together unless they agree.

Agreement is power. Agreement is strength.

And you know? The problem is that we are ignorant.

Hosea four six says, “My people perish because they don't have knowledge”.

In Second Corinthians two eleven, Paul says, “We are not ignorant of the devices of the enemy”.

In Isaiah 5:13, the Bible says, “They will go to captivity because they have no knowledge”.

In Hebrews ten twenty five, the Bible says, “We should never neglect the gathering of the saints”.

Never my friend neglect the gathering. Never neglect the gathering. Never neglect the gathering. The gathering of the saints never neglect it. Praise be the living God.

4- Because in agreement, we increase our strength

When you go to Deuteronomy chapter 32 verse thirty.

That is what I want to help you to understand that gathering it's power. It is power.

In Deuteronomy 32 verse verse thirty, the Bible says, “One can chase 1 Thousand, two can chase 10000”.

Word of Life Church, we have Saturday Evening where we are gathering on Google Meet to pray for the Church. Please, if you are part of this family, endeavour to be there for us to pray together.

We saw a lady. I don't know her maybe she's following me right now. She might be in Zambia or whichever country where she is. She said, “I was just passing randomly and I found this channel. I found you at midnight praying”.

You know? There are people at night who have insomnia. They don't sleep. They have a lot of stress and don't know what to do.

Now, God put in my heart to put that Midnight Praise at that time.

According to her, she got a deliverance in her home when following that session of praise at night.

Please, don't miss the gatherings. Find it an opportunity for you because if alone you can overcome 1, 000, with your friend or with a partner, you can cast out 10000.

5- Because in agreement, God opens doors.

And you know? There are many in this church or even those who are abroad, I stood with them when they were in trouble and God opened doors because of agreement. Are we together?

May you come to a place of agreement that is the way of escape for you.

The way of escape is not when you believe that you'll be in your corner saying to yourself, I won't go to church. I will stay home.

Friend, that is where the devil will break you into pieces well well.

May we take advantage of this time where we are together and together we can overcome. Isn't it?

That's why the devil knows that the best way to scatter is to divide.


I pray in this Church and I will tell you the truth before the Lord, we will never know division in this Church. I'm telling you the truth. Mark my word. We will never know division in church.

Anyone who will be an agent of division. You will just find they don't come anymore here. There will be no place for division in church.

6- Because in agreement, there is victory

In Exodus seventeen verse nine to ten, Moses was together with Aaron and Hur.

There was a battle and they were standing together and praying. And you know the enemy were defeated.

Why? Because Aaron was there, Hur was there, and Moses was there.

Can we please come to a place where, when somebody falls or when somebody is in trouble, we stand in the gap and pray for others?

In fact, do you pray even for others? Do you pray for others? All the prayer is about, Lord me, me, me, me, Oh Lord deliver me, Deliver me, Escape, Escape, Escape…

Now, you won’t escape on your own. You need to come to a place where you pray for others.

I have a powerful testimony of one of my daughter who  went through Chemotherapy last week. And you know before then, I instructed her and told her, “Don't pray for you. Pray the Kingdom Advancement Prayers”

I know there are people who don’t engage those prayers. I know. They just pass it and say, “Eh! They have posted. Let me check how beautiful is the person who is talking. Oh! It's Josephine. Eh! It is Hilda. Hmm. Always the same people”.


This daughter of mine is praying Kingdom Advancement Prayers. Can you imagine? She went through chemotherapy. It was last week. She went there. They injected the chemo in her body. It is strange. She told me, Pastor I am feeling no pain in my body. No headache.

I was like, my goodness. And the family was feeling sorry for her because the first time it was so painful.

But this time round, she told me, “Pastor, I am praying for the Advancement of the Kingdom”.

You better know that this lady is in France. As I'm talking to you right now, she's in Lyon with her family and she says, “I wake up in the morning. I don't pray for myself. I just pray the Lord to remember the Sunday service. To remember Pastor Kasuku and his family. To remember and deliver the Church from this and from that”.

So, for doing that, she has escaped from the pain. Are you hearing me?

Job was in trouble. In Job forty two verse ten, the Bible says that he prayed for his friends and when he prayed for them, he escaped.

I will let you know, friends, some situations, you will escape when you forget yourself and you start praying for others.

We have many people who are selfish in their prayers. No wonder they don't see the hand of God.

In case you did not know, God is my witness, I don't pray for me.

My Prayer has always been, “Oh God, remember my people. Oh Lord, stretch your hand on wherever wherever they are. Jesus, for those who are listening to me, I pray as I'm preparing the message for you to touch them”.

That is now because I pray for others I'm telling the truth no matter the trap I always escape.

I escaped an accident, you remember, in 2020. I was on a motorbike as I was going to work. Then, a Noah hit me. I escaped, but the rider was broken as well as his bike.

According to the people who saw me, they told me that they saw me jumping out of the bike.

The same Friday, I was to go to Ebony Meeting Chamber because we had a Peniel there. After escaping I went for Peniel.

Until you come to a place where you stop being selfish in your approach, you will never escape.

I escaped poverty. By the grace of God struggling financially I escape from it. God is my witness.

Ask those who are serving God together with me. The money that I can have. I can't remember the last time I bought anything from me. I can't remember.

Maybe to shock you. All the cloths you can see me putting on me are from 2 years, 5 years, 10 years. Or somebody can have mercy on me and SEND me shoes like the one I have put on today.

Can't I buy shoes? I can. But my priority has never been me. My priority is others.

That's why if you attack me, you are in trouble.

And I told you that I want to go to France, not for me. I want to go to visit this lady. Just to go there to see her and her family and come back to Kenya.

God knows my heart. May you be free from selfishness. In Jesus name. That's how you can escape.

7- Because Jesus also needed partners to pray with

Jesus was praying with his disciples (Mark 5:37/Mark 9:2/Mark 14:33). If Jesus is God and was praying with others, who are you not to pray with others?

Who are you to think that you don't need others? I'm asking you a question.

That is pride. You know there is a level of pride I have seen in this country when somebody thinks that they don't need Jesus, they don't need people. They convince themselves, that they are so unholy, the holiest of holy with all the long nails of holiness. Are you holy?

Let me tell you something … To be easily offended is a sign of pride. When somebody is too proud everything will offend him. Isn't it? Everything. Pride.

To be offended all the time is also a sign of entitlement. Isn't it? Entitlement.

You go to a place and you believe that you are entitled to be treated in a certain way. Isn't it?

So, you know us ministers, when we go to a conference, we want to be given the first place, we want to be given water, and then when you come in that congregation and they don't give you the place you were expecting, then you get offended saying, “I will not go there because they did not give me the first place …Ah me … Pastor, Apostle, Bishop, Archbishop…”

Nonsense. I like that silence. It's beautiful.

God has set me free from offence. You can call me Kasuku I'm not offended. It is my name.

Somebody else would be like, “Ahh! You did not put pastor before my name? Ooh ! Jesus Son of God, Come. He offends me ohh! He did not call me pastor”.

Who are you in the first place to be called pastor? Call me Kasuku I'm okay. I won't be offended.

A man of God was called by his name… Pastor So and So. Then, he turned and told the young man, “Young man, come here. How did you call me?”.  

The young man replied, “Pastor So and So”

And the pastor replied, “And reverend? You kept it to your mother?

So for him, when you call him, you have to call … Reverend Pastor So and So. If you forget Reverend, you are in trouble.

Offense is a trap of the ennemi. Word Of Life, I pray, be free from offence.

Because you know, offense is what kills the agreement. Because of taking offence, the agreement in Church dies.

All the time, people are like, “I'm offended. I'm offended. I'm offended. I'm offended. I'm offended. I'm offended. I'm offended”.

Please, can you leave offence to children? Leave it. Leave it. Leave the offense to children.

The only people allowed to be offended are Alma, Finlay, Baby pink and Aviel. Those are the only people who are allowed to be offended in this Church. Only them. If you are past their age, you are offended, you need to go to baby class.

By the way, don't you know those children they don't get offended? By the way, let us talk sense. They don't even don't get offended.

Offended people are like, “The other day you have put the names of everybody, but you did not put my name. In this Church, you just choose one another”

My friend, in case your name is not there, just take it easy and say to yourself, “Oh! Let me relax”

Tell your neighbor … Take it easy… Take it easy… Take it easy… Take it easy… Take it easy… Take it easy… Take it easy!

Offended people are also like, “Ah! you know? You did not post my birthday. I'm offended”

Now, I'm asking you a question, “Lucy did you post my birthday? Hilda, why did you not post my birthday? Tell me. Me the Pastor of this church? And you know the date. Right ? Why did you not post? Why? What's your problem? Do you want to be fired?”

Mister Kimani, you understand how people are petty. My birthday was on 29th May. It passed. Did you give me a gift? Tabitha, even you?

But, you know I have come to a place where I stopped being offended. It is not an offence to me. Does it change anything in my life?

Offended people are like, “They did not even wish me happy birthday. I will leave Church. Next Sunday, you won't see me because you did not sing for me”.

My friend, don't you have anything to do?

Now, I talked about it so much. But my point is you need to grow up. Isn't it? You need to grow up.

You know? Even our children must come to a place that if I do something for Honneur, it's not a must to do it for Faveur. Okay?

Alma and Alvin. If mum does something for Alvin, not for you, don't say/complain saying, “Why you have not done for me?”

You know? I'm mixing because we have also the Sunday School children here. So, I'm putting it all together.

You receive the grace to be happy when something happened to somebody.

Let us not break break the agreement because something that has been done for somebody else has not been done to you. Be free from it. In Jesus name


8- Because agreement exposes the hidden snake

When you go to Act twenty-eight verse three, agreement is powerful because the snake cannot still remain where there is agreement.

When people are together, the fire of being together cast out snakes. Isn't it?

9- Because agreement is what made the first Church to be strong

We can read it in Act 1:14/ Act 2:1 / Act 4:24.

10- Because agreement is a powerful covenant platform that guarantees answers to prayers

In Mathew 18:19, Jesus says, If two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven”.

When you agree on earth to ask anything to the Father, he will do it for you.

Isn't it? Agreement is power.

So the first thing that helped those young men Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego to escape from fire, was the agreement.

They had the same language. They had the same declaration and they were saying the same thing. Okay? Very important.

Number two, the second key is belief. What? Believe.



Go back to Daniel 3:17-18.

So you see? The second way of escape is to believe.

Those young men said our God is able to deliver us.

Please, I want to let you know faith is power. Faith carries power of escape. You will escape by your faith. By what? Your faith. You must believe that you will escape and you will escape.

And you know ? These men said, “The God we serve is able”.

I want to let you know that God is able. I say, God is able. I say, God is able. I say, God is able. I say, God is able.

Can you say with me God is able? Say, God is able.

God is able, my friend. For you to escape, know that He is able. He is able. He is able. He is able. You must believe that God is able.

Praise be the Living God. Believe He is able. Ah you are not hearing me. Believe that God is able. God is able.

My friend. My friend. Do you know what? God is able to deliver you to for you to escape poverty. God is able.

I was sharing with the driver who drove us here and I told him, God is able.

I want to tell somebody that where you are, you will escape. You will come out of it.

If I tell you that for four years, me and my family, we had no house. As I'm standing here, I can see again that bed that was given to us. It was a double decker bed for their children.


So, we were given the four of us (Jenny, Honneur, Faveur and me).

Can you imagine a grown up man like me sleeping on a double decker?

Where you are is a transition. You will escape.

And I can't believe today, by the grace of God, I have the house where I am, I have the office where I am, those two, I'm paying them monthly without struggle. Come on. You will escape.

I say you will escape. I say you will escape. That 100 dollars that look a lot for you, one day, it will become your offering. Yeah, you are not hearing me.

The minimum offering you will be giving will be 10000 and you will not feel anything. You are reaching that level.

There is a testimony that is loading. Somebody in our midst, I told her, For the first time you will hit one million sales. She called me and told me, Pastor, I have reached 1 million sales.

Can you clap for the Lord for that miracle. But when I was telling her, she was looking at me like, Pastor, do you realize 1 M?

I say to you, you will escape. You will escape from poverty. My children were sleeping in a kitchen. I can see that kitchen, even right now. We did not have a bed. We were sleeping on the floor.

Someone would complain, “Life is too tough”. my question to you is, “What tough are you talking about?”

Am I still there? Not at all.

I was chased away from a house. I was not able to pay 15, 000 Kenya shillings (150 Dollars). I was Chased like a dog and was told, “Get out of here my friend. You are not able to pay my house. Get out”.

I pleaded, “Give me some days”. But in a rude way, he said, “Today, today, you are leaving my house”.

I can shock you. Today 15,000 it is my electricity bill.

God will change your situation. I don't know how but God will change your situation.

I say God will change your situation. Where you are is a stepping stone to where you are going.

Don't allow anybody to look down on you. Don't allow anybody to tell you that you are nothing. Because God will change you. You will escape. Because God is able.

Say with me, God is able. Say with me, God is able. Say, my God is able.

Now, you know? Those people believed. I don't have time to read all the Scriptures…

People laughed at me in my life. Today, I'm standing and preaching to precious people like you sitting and listening to me.

Who would have thought that I would stand and talk to people? Nobody. God is able. God is able. God is able.

I had a PhD in trekking. When you see me on the road, it's like I'm going just the next street. But I was going one hour further.

My children, did they fail to go to school because there was no mean? No. They never failed.

God is able. I say, God is able. You will escape.

Somebody, as the Lord liveth, in your lifetime, if there is a tithe you will be paying it will be millions. God is able.

I'm challenging my own tithe.

Now, listen to me. I told Tabitha that this month of August, we will not be paying for each Sunday. No more. We paid for the whole month. The whole Month.

I signed a check and said, “From now that thing of paying one Sunday after anther is so diminishing”.

Now do I depend on your pocket? I'm not sure. God is the one providing for us. I say God is able. I say God is able.

I don't know what situation you have come in today. I say, God is able. You will escape because God is able. He is able.

I remember there was one year Jenny is there. One year, I could not pay $100 for the feeds of my children. $100 was a problem. It was a big problem. But God is able. God is able. Today, my children who are there. The minimum I can pay for them per term is 150,000.

Am I struggling? No. Am I asking you? No. God is able.

I say God is able. I say God is able. Where you are, you will escape.

Say with me, I will escape. Say with me, I will escape.

That's why I was telling you there are time where God will allow you to be in a hot/difficult place not because He does not love you. But because He's building your muscles in that situation, in that stage.

He's building your faith. He's building you.

Don't despise God. If your children can afford to go in that school, thank God and say, Lord thank you. But in your mind, believe that one day, I say one day, I say one day, I say one day, it will not be somebody paying for them the fees. You will be paying the whole year. The whole year completely paid. And you reach a place where you forget that the school fees exist.

God is able. Believe.


Those people, when they faced the fire, they confessed.

The way of escape is through confession


Hebrews thirteen five to six… Confess what God says. Amen. What God says to you, make it your declaration. Not once. Not twice. But all the time. Confess it. Amen.

Kplc will never cut electricity in my house. One day, they tried, but I escaped.

I want to let you know that one of the proof of your faith is your confession.

From Paul in Second Corinthians chapter four verse thirteen, if you really believe, confess it.

I will be alive to see billionaires in this church. I will be alive. To see billionaires in this church.

We will come to a place where some people will be coming with choppers in Church for the Sunday Service. And, then, they finish, enter their chopper, go back to wherever they want to go. That will happen in this Church.

You just remember. Remember.

Do you know there are some Churches which are that way? People come with their choppers and the Church has a parking for choppers.



From Second Samuel one sixteen, I just want to let you know that your mouth is one of the reason why you are in trouble in life. Do you agree with me?

There are many who are in trouble because of their mouth. They talk too much.

Receive the grace to confess properly to confess the right think.


From Numbers fourteen twenty eight, I want you to know that your confession is taken seriously by God. God hears your confession as well as he hears your prayers.

Listen to me … Your confessions are prayers…

God says in Numbers 14:28… As truly as I live, saith the Lord, as ye have spoken in mine ears, so will I do to you”.

God did not say, “As ye have prayed…”. God said, “As ye have spoken…”.

You who always declare, “I wish I die, I wish I die, I wish I die, I wish I die, I wish I die, I wish I die,…”

Now when death comes, you are the one crying and praying God, “Oh God, deliver me”.

My friend, I will pray for you to go because you wanted it.

You know I always confess, “I will never be poor” and God says, “Wow I will do as you have said”.

You know I always confess, “I will never bury my children. Never. Never will I bury my children” and God says, “I will do as you have said”

You know I always confess, “I will live long minimum one twenty years” and God says, “I will do as you have said”

You who say, “What is marriage? I'd rather remain single than be married”.

Now that the desire to have a husband comes, you start praying God to give you a marriage. You know what? God will tell you, “Stop that prayer. Stop that prayer oh. Stop that prayer. Remain single. What did you just say?”



Go to Proverbs 6:2-3 , “Thou art snared with the words of thy mouth, thou art taken with the words of thy mouth.  Proverbs 6:3  Do this now, my son, and deliver thyself, when thou art come into the hand of thy friend; go, humble thyself, and make sure thy friend. 


Listen to me … There are some deliverances, you have to do them yourself. Because there are prayers I cam make for you saying, “Oh God. In the Name Of Jesus Christ! Intervene Oh Lord”

But this prayer will go nowhere. Why? Because you are snared by your own Words. The own words you have spoken are putting you in trouble. So nobody can deliver you unless yourself.

We were praying for my bishop when he was admitted. And in the office I just said to to the PA saying, “Ah now, we are praying, but the bishop is not ready stay. He is ready to die”. So I stopped praying.

The same same day, I believe, in the evening, we have heard that he died.

So, you can pray for somebody, “Oh God, in the name of Jesus, heal that person”. But him is praying. “Holy Spirit take me oh”

You are praying for that person to be delivered but this you must free yourself from the words you have spoken.

Can I can I shock you? Can I shock you? Can I shock you? So, you know that even our young people who are there who make vows to their boyfriends saying, “You and I forever. Until death”.

And then, somehow, somewhere it does not work and then you come to Church for prayer, “Holy Spirit carry me Oh!”

That's why I don't rush praying.

Sometimes, we pray, “Oh God! Deliver! Oh! Fire. Fire. Fire.”

But, you say to that boyfriend of you are forever. And now that you have broken up, do you think your words have been canceled? They are still there forever. Yeah. You are with him forever.

For you to escape, there are some funny words you have spoken with that boyfriend of yours or girlfriend of yours, you have to cancel them yourself. You have to nullify them.

Some say, “If it is not you, I'd better remain alone.” Nonsense. Nonsense.

So today, your escape is your own. You have to escape by your own mouth.

There's a lady I remember back home.

We were praying for her that God would open doors for her to get married.

In prayer, I don't rush. I just want to find out what is the problem? Where is the source?

For that lady, God told me, “Don't pray for her. She said from her own mouth that  she will not get married until she gets a PhD”.

Now while she was still in college, she wanted to get married. But she had to go to the Master and then the PHD. And the time you reach the PhD, you have reached fifty 60.

And then, you move from pastor to pastor, from prophet to prophet.

My friend, cancel your word. That is your way of escape.

I like that silence I know you are reflecting eh Amen.

You know I always confess … I will never die by accident.

You know I always confess … The last child ever buried is the last in my life, I will never bury one.

You know I always confess … I will never suffer lack in my life.

You know I always confess … The one who can stress me is not yet born.

You know I always confess … I will ever be strong.

Your way is of your escape is from your mouth your mouth…

You know I always confess … Even if I go through the valley of shadow of death, I will fear no evil because God is with me, He will deliver me.

Your mouth is the cause of trouble. Your mouth is also the tool of escape. Praise the living God.

You know I always confess … I am handsome. I am blessed of the Lord. Praise be living God.

You know I always confess … The opinion of people does not matter to me. It Doesn't matter.

You know I always confess … I am blessed of the Lord. Hallelujah.

Speak good things about yourself. Say yourself that you are beautiful. Hallelujah. I'm beautiful. It doesn't matter who say I am beautiful. Hallelujah.

That is a way of escape. Those people spoke and  God confirmed. It is what you confess that God will confirm.

They said … God is able.

Listen to me. No matter the financial bill in this country, you will never lack food.

You are not hearing me. No matter what is going on in this country financially, even if the tax increases, you will still have what it takes for your family, for your house, for your business, for your tithe, for your offering, everything will be there. Hallelujah.

I told you and I will tell you forever, “This Church will never close. Even if means I have only one person in Church, the Church will continue.

The Kingdom Bible studies is forever.

Even if I feel tired in my body, there is always a strength that comes in me because of the word of my mouth. And God always confirms.

Today, I want you to escape by your own mouth. Escape my own mouth. Stand on your feet.

Those 3 men entered fire. Are you hearing me? They entered fire. Fire could not do anything on their body. Because they said God is able.

And our God is able.

Time will come where we will be having two services, three services, four services, five services, six services, seven services because of the people, the abundance of people who will be coming, the multitude of people who will be coming for the church.

Hallelujah, it will come to pass.

I am not here to bury your children. Our children will live long. Hallelujah.

So you know what's happened in this Church with that baby boy? Why? Because of the words we speak.

Somebody came in my office this week and he said you know what dad? There is a peace in this office.

And he told me you know what pastor? What I will be doing is … if I am in trouble I will just come I step here, I put my head and I get some peace and I go back home.

Praise God. Because in my office, I always speak peace. Hallelujah.

Everywhere I go, I speak peace. Peace, peace, peace, peace, peace.

One day the PA said, “Pastor, the fridge is empty”. I rebuked her. I immediately said, “Don't say that with me. You are bringing the spirit of emptiness. Never say, it is empty. If it is empty, just shut shut up. Shut up”.

You know that money is a mindset? An attitude? Even unbelievers who always speak positively, they see positive things. Am I right?

They are unbelievers. They don't know God.

But you, your prayer and your confessions are 2 different things. That is the problem of people.

You pray. But what you say after prayer is different.

You know I always confess … I will never have sex outside marriage. You pastor are you tempted? Yes temptation comes, but it cannot do me.

I declare and I say that over and again… Somebody will have a testimony of escape just by your declaration today.

The Bible says in Isaiah 54:17, “No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD. 


Who shall condemn? Is it a pastor? No. You. Whatever you condemn, it shall not come to pass.

Your mouth. Hallelujah.

I don’t know what you want to escape from today, but God says today that he will put a mark of escape on you and you will escape. You will come out of it.

It will never happen in your life. You will escape. I say what? I say what? You will escape your own mouth. Any tongue crying against you, condemn it.

Somebody can come and say, “Tina, without me you will not go nowhere”. Tell him, “Stop that my friend. I will move forward with with you or without you. Condemn it.”

Now, look at what you do. When somebody speaks something against you, you cry saying, “He's saying this to me…”

My friend, stop crying. When he speaks, speak back. Talk back. This Church will never close. My company will never close. I will never go back to poverty. What I left yesterday I will not go back there.

I'm telling you the truth ... My only movement it is forward. Backward never.

In the name of Jesus Christ. My children will be healthy. They will be strong. They are blessed. They will never lack. There will be no sickness in my house.

Can you go ahead before the Lord now … I am not asking to pray. You have prayed enough. Now time is what?

Jesus says, talk to the mountain, not pray for the mountain to move. Command it to move.

Many of us are praying, while they should be confessing.

You have prayed enough. Those of you who have prayed, you have prayed  enough. Time is for you to confess now.

I declare …. I will go to places I've never been before. God told us this year is the year where some people will step in places they have never been before.

Speak it. I have been bound in immorality. I have been bound iin alcohol. I have been bound in many evil things for long. Time now has come for me to be free.

And as you say so, God will say, “I will do as I have heard. And he will confirm it. Go before the Lord. Now it's a time for you to confess. I won't do it for you. Why? Before the Lord.


I don't know which situation you are in, you don't pray for it confess




God says, As you have said, you will escape from it

Go ahead before the Lord, my God is able to deliver me from this fire. He will deliver me

Don't pray.

They confessed

Go ahead before the Lord

I don't know what you are saying today There is a way of escape.

Feel free to move. Feel free to walk around and make declaration over your life.

You have prayed, no problem but now time has come for you to confess.

Confess the word, confess what God said, confess what you are expecting. Confess the word, confess the word, confess the word, confess the word.

What you don't want to see in your life, confess it.

What you don't want to see in your life, confess it.

Don't pray. Confess. Don't pray. Confess. Don't pray. Confess. You have prayed enough. Now it's time for you to confess. You have prayed enough. Time has come for you to confess hallelujah.

God says, Confess what God says

My God is able to deliver me.

Yourself you know some words you have spoken and have tied your life. Go ahead before the Lord and untie yourself with those words you have spoken.

You have spoken bad words against your life, against your marriage, against your body, against your finances. Now go ahead before the Lord.

Holy Spirit.

Not I will not be a failure in my life. I will succeed in whatever I do. God said that whatever I do it will be a success. I am a success I will succeed in the name of Jesus.

Hallelujah. Hallelujah. My life will not be a failure. My ministry will not fail. This ministry will never lack. In the name of Jesus.

Anyone who will dare to attack this church in the name of Jesus. Lord mighty. Hallelujah. Glory to God. In heavenly places.

Declare I will succeed. I will succeed. I will succeed. I will succeed. I will succeed. I will succeed. Those who are waiting to me to fail. They will wait for long. I will succeed.

I will succeed. I don't know what you are expecting this week.

Can you declare where I will go, I will succeed.

Can you declare that declare that this week wherever I will go, there is there is a place

Where you will go this week declare I will succeed in the name of Jesus Christ.

I will be favoured in the name of the Lord I will be favoured in the name of the Lord. I will be favoured. I will be accepted. Where there is opposition there will be breakthrough. There will be breakthrough.

Can you speak breakthrough. Speak breakthrough over your life.

You have competitors around. Don't curse them. But declare, in the midst of competition there will be distinction. In the name of the Lord. In the name of the Lord. Hallelujah.

No one will pull me down. No one will pull me down. Critics will not pull me down. Misrepresentation will not pull me down.

Those who despise me oh God will not pull me down. They will not pull me down. No one will pull me down.

I will go high and higher. I will go high and high. I will go high and high. I say I will go high and high. I will go high and high. I will go high and high.

The word of Life will go high and high. The Word of Life will go high and high. In the name of Jesus Christ the son of the living God. Hallelujah.

Glory be to God. My children will not be a source of trouble for me.

Declare, declare, declare over your children. There will not be a source of trouble for me. Pray, pray, pray, pray. No, no, no, confess.

Children will not cause me trouble. My children will not cause me trouble. In the name of Jesus Christ the son of the living God.

My children will not cause me trouble. There will be a source of peace for me. In the name of the Lord. I will not be running running after them. In the name of the Lord.

My children will be blessed of the Lord. There will not be a problem to me. There will not be a headache for me. In the name of Jesus. My will now be a source of trouble for me. Source of peace. In the name of Jesus Christ. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.

Pastor TD Kasuku


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