Friday 11 August 2023





Welcome to the Kingdom Bible study this day. I believe you have been well. I believe you had a great and blessed night in the presence of the Lord.


Thank you very much for connecting. May God bless you in the name of Jesus Christ.


In Psalm 124:7, the Bible says, "The snare is broken and we are escaped". Today is part five.




Thank you Father for today. Let your name be glorified. Thank you Jesus. Blessed be your name. Jesus, we adore you. Jesus, we worship you. You are God all by yourself. Receive our thanks in Jesus name.


Talk to us today oh Lord and show us your way. We want to hear from you. We want to receive instruction from you in Jesus name we have all prayed and we all say amen and amen.




Glory be to God. Sunday is the Sunday of the way of escape Sunday service. There is a way of escape. So Sunday, don't miss. I am so expectant myself of his doing in our midst that day. And we give him the glory in advance. Praise be a living God.




Acts 28:1, "When they were escaped, then they knew that the island was called Melita. Verse two and the barbarous people showed us no little kindness for they kindled a fire and received us everyone because of the present rain and because of the cold.


And when Paul had gathered a bundle of sticks and laid them on the fire, there came a viper out of the heat and fastened on his hand (fasten means that the snake strongly stuck)


When the barbarians saw the venomous beast hang on his hand, they said among themselves, No doubt this man is a murderer whom though he had escaped the sea, yet vengeance suffereth not to live


And he shook off the beast into the fire and felt no harm


Howbeit they looked when he should have a swollen or fallen down dead suddenly but after they had looked a great while and saw no harm come to him, they changed their minds and said that he was a god.




The first picture which I want us to have a look at is the picture of multiple attacks. Why am I talking about multiple attacks?


Am talking about multiple attacks because in Act chapter twenty seven, Paul was almost about to die.

There was a shipwreck, the ship in which they were broke and Paul escaped. You will find it in Act chapter twenty eight verse one. The Bible says, "When they were escaped..."


After escaping from the sea, the enemy comes to attack again. That is the picture I want you to see today. The picture of multiple attacks : One attack after another.


Maybe you are there. You are wondering why is the devil attacking me? Why is the devil attacking my marriage? Why the devil is attacking my life? What have I done oh God? I have escaped the sea. Now on the land where I was to be safe I am again attacked.


You will see there are people when they are facing multiple attacks, they start wondering, "O God, forgive me".


And then, you go to the prophet and you tell him, "Prophet, I have just escaped death on the sea. Now a snake comes to attack me again."


Then, the prophet will tell you, "There must be a very big sin... You were not born again properly. You have to be reborn again..."


Men, be careful.


I am prophesying over you. The devil that failed to kill you on the sea will not succeed to kill you on the dry land.


Tell the devil, "If you have not killed me on the sea, you will not kill me on the ground".


That is the first picture I want you to know.


Now listen to me.


Multiple attacks multiple victories. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.


If an attack comes, know that any attack that comes from the enemy has victory in it.


That's why we talk about multiple attacks and multiple victories. You attack me today, I get victory today. You attack again tomorrow, I will again get victory tomorrow. Hallelujah.


I want to announce to somebody this morning that the devil who failed to kill you in your mother's womb will not kill you when you are on the on earth. How?


Be careful you who anytime are attacked look for the sins of the ancestors and so forth and so forth. I don't see anywhere Paul repenting for any sin.


But he was moving from one attack to another.


So, you who think that because there is an attack, there must be the devil or there must be a sin somewhere, be careful.


In John chapter nine verse two, there was a blind man. The disciples asked, "Who has sinned?". Friend, not every challenge you can go through is connected to any sin in your life.


Listen to very carefully.


If the Lord convinces you over a sin, repent over it, that's all. If there is no repentance, there is no conviction of sin, just praise him, serve him, remain calm, keep the peace of God in your heart, don't look for the sin that is not existing.


Don't always jump into the conclusion saying, "Maybe it is because of the sins of my father or the sins of my mother; maybe the ancestors have done this and that is why things are going the way they are going.


I want to let you know my friend that the devil is a very strategic devil. He knows who to attack, he knows where to attack, he knows when to attack, he knows why to attack. That is why when the devil is attacking you friend, don't be stupid.


You need to ask yourself, "Where the devil touches, why is he touching there?"


And the Bible says that the snake fastened on the hand of Paul.


Why the hand? That is the the first question.

Second question, he came to attack Paul just at the moment where there was warmth, people were together and were having nice time, nice fellowship. Then, at this particular moment, he comes to attack. Why at that moment? Just as he escaped from the sea, the devil comes to attack. Why now?


I will give you a couple of reasons why the enemy attacks.


Reason 1 | You carry prophecies


The devil attacks you because you carry the promises of God upon your life.


I want you to know friend this morning that the devil is not after you. The devil is not attacking you because of you. He is attacking you because of the power of God, because of the promise of God upon your life.


I want you to know friends this morning that the devil is not after you. The devil is after the Word of God spoken over you. He is after the prophecy that has been released over your life.


That is why Paul the apostle, when that snake came to bite him, he did not shake but he shook the serpent.


When you return to Acts chapter twenty-seven verse twenty four, the Lord said to Paul, "Fear not Paul..."


Listen to me. God knows you by your name. He knows your name. Fear not Paul.


God continued ... "Thou must be brought before Caesar. And lo, God hath given thee all them that sail with thee".


You understand why the devil was attacking Paul?

Because there was a promise. There was a task. There was an assignment. There was a work that needed to be done by Paul. Hallelujah.


Instead of looking for the sin that you have committed, check well. There is a promise. The devil is attacking the promise. He is attacking the prophecy over your life.


Remember I told you this week about God who appeared to Paul in Acts 23:11-13. God appeared to him and he told him, "You have ministered to me in Jerusalem, you will also go to Rome. Immediately after the promise was released, the following verse, the enemies gathered to kill him. But he escaped.


Here again the promise of God is that he will go to Caesar. And the enemy tried the best he could do to stop Paul from reaching where he would reach, but the enemy failed. The snare was broken.


Listen to me.


I want to announce to you where God says you will reach, you will reach in Jesus name. What God says he will do with you, he will do it with you. Your marriage is ordained to serve the Lord. It will happen as the Lord said. Praise be the living God.


Do you see multiple attacks and multiple victories?


Hear me ... Every attack that will come, know that you will have victory if you know that there is a reason why the enemy attacks you, if you know that there is a promise that God has in your life and a prophecy spoken over your life.


In Matthew 3:17, concerning Jesus, it is written, "And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased".


You are hearing what God said?


Now in Matthew 4:3/6, the devil comes and says to Jesus, "If you are the son of God".


You see? The devil does not come to attack you elsewhere. He comes to attack you where there is a Word God has spoken concerning your life. That is Jesus.


The second case is Abraham. He had a promise from God.


In Genesis 15:4, the word of Jehovah came unto him, saying, This man shall not be thine heir, but he that shall come forth out of thine bowel shall be thine heir.


In verse of Genesis 17, God says, "I will make my covenant between me and thee and will multiply thee exceedingly".


In Seventeen verse four, "As for me, behold, my covenant is with thee, and thou shalt be a father of many nations.


In Genesis seventeen verse five, "Neither shall thy name anymore be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham for a father of many nations have I made thee.


In Genesis seventeen verse six, "And I will make thee exceeding fruitful".


In Genesis seventeen sixteen, "I will bless her and give thee a son of her now".


After all those promises, look at how barren they were. They carried promises. They carried prophecies but apparently that is why the devil came to attack.


The third case is the case of Timothy.


In first Timothy 1:18, Paul said to Timothy, "According to the prophecies that went ahead before thee, that thou by them mightest war a good warfare".


In First Timothy 6:12, Paul says to him, "Fight the good fight of faith. Lay hold on eternal life where unto at also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses".


I want to let you know that when the devil is attacking you, stand firm on the Word. He is attacking you in the area where God has spoken.


Check well where you are attacked is where God has spoken.


We got another case, the case of Peter.


God said to Peter in Matthew 4:19, "Follow me and I will make you a fisher of men"


In Matthew 16:18, Jesus told him, "You are Peter and upon this rock I will build my Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail".


Sometime later, the devil comes in Luke 22:31 desiring to have Peter and the other disicples in order to sift them as wheat.


Do you understand from the examples above that where the devil attacks is where there is a prophecy?


But for your life, multiple attacks will equal multiple victories in the Name Of Jesus Christ.


Let me add another case with Jesus himself again.


In Mathew twenty-seven verse sixty three, the enemies of Christ came to Pilate and told him, (I paraphrase) "You know what? We remember that that impostor and deceiver said when he was alive that after three days, I will rise again".


You see? The devil remembers the prophecies. The devil remembers that this year is the Shekinah year. The devil knows the Word that has been released over your life. He knows the prophecies that have been spoken over you.


Now listen to me, when you receive a prophecy, it does not mean that you should just say, "God has spoken". No, when a prophecy is released, it means that the plan of God is unveiled. And the moment the plan of God is unveiled, you should be ready to be attacked by the enemy.


Anytime the plan of God is unveiled over an individual, exactly at that particular moment, the enemy starts attacking.


In Mathew 27:64, they told Pilate, "Command that the sepulchre be made sure until the third day lest his disciples come by night and steal him away and say unto the people he is risen from the dead".


In Mathew 27:66, "They went and made the sepulchre sure, sealing the stone and setting a watch".


They were surely saying to themselves, "Let us put that stone so that we see where the prophecy will come to pass. Let us put a stone and let us put a seal and see how this man will succeed."


You understand why the devil is attacking you? Because he knows that there is a Word spoken over your life.


It is not only because there is a sin. The devil can put a stone.


I don't know which stone the devil has put at the entrance to stop the prophecy.


Maybe you are asking yourself, why all those obstacles? Why are things just stuck in my life? Why is my life stagnating? Yes. The devil can put a stone so that you will go nowhere.


But the good news is that, despite the stone that the enemy put at the tomb of Christ, Jesus came out.


That's why I want to announce to you that you will come out. I say, you will come out. The snare was broken and Jesus came out.


In Matthew twenty-eight verse two, the angel descended, took away the stone and Jesus came out. Matthew twenty-eight verse six, he is not here. He is risen as he said. Come and see the place where he was.


No matter the devices of the devil, no matter what the devil put in front of you, no matter the obstacles, no matter the hindrances, no matter what they can do to prevent you from getting married, no matter what the devil can do for the ministry not to grow, no matter what they can do for your finances to be blocked, no matter what they say, I want to let you know that you will come out.


That is why the devil is attacking you.


I have a good news for you this morning : you will not remain in the tomb, the monitors the devil has put over your life to monitor your life, to monitor your progress, to stop you from going where God want you to go will still be there but you will come out.


They will see you moving forward. They will see you succeeding. They will see the ministry going forward. They will see you settled. They will see you with your children. And the stone the devil has put in your womb today is taken away in Jesus name.


In Revelation 12:4, there was a dragon standing in front of the woman who was pregnant and about to give birth.


But in verse five, the woman brought forth a man child in front of the enemy. The eyes of the enemy were opened so that the baby will be killed, but she gave birth before the devil.


I want to let you know before the sorcerers, before the witches, before the wizards of your family, of your lineage, of your congregation, of your community, they will see you giving birth, they will see you moving forward, they will see you going up, they will see you going forward before their eyes.


That's why David says in Psalm twenty-three verse five, "You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies"


Your enemies will see. The enemy is not after you. You better know. They are attacking what is in you. They are attacking the prophecy. So what you have to do is to stand on the Word. Stand on what is written. That is what Jesus did.


Matthew chapter four verse four, "It is written...". Matthew chapter four verse seven,"It is written again,..."


When you ask yourself the question, why does the  enemy attacks you? The answer is, because you carry the prophecy. You carry the promises of God. It is not because of you.


Now, look at the players. You know the players. Those who play football and those who are very well known. It is the player who has the ball who will be attacked. They don't attack anybody. They attack those who are sitting on the bench, they don't attack them. They attack the one who has the ball.


And you will see the player who is on the field there, nobody will bother to attack him. When you are attacked, it is because you carry something.


In Genesis 37:18, the Bible says, "And when they saw Joseph afar off, even before he came near unto them, they conspired against him to slay him".


Verse 20, "Come now therefore, and let us slay him, and cast him into some pit, and we will say, some evil beast hath devoured him, and we shall see what will become of his dreams".


You understand?


They said, "We will see what will become of his dreams"


The attacks are coming because you carry dreams. Your dreams will come to pass.


The same people who fought the dream of Joseph are the same people who witnessed the fulfillment of that prophecy.


You will feed those who are attacking you today.

You will feed those who are belittling you today.


Those who are humiliating you today you will be the one to feed them. Those who are attacking your faith, your relationship with God and who say, we see nothing, you will feed them. You will receive them in your mansion and in your bungalow.


The same people who said that Paul was a murderer changed their mind and they said, "this man is a god".


Why are you attacked?


Reason 2 | The devil attacks you where he fears you the most.


He attacks you in the area of the manifestation of the power of God. He attacks you where God wants to use you.


In Acts twenty-eight verse three, this snake fastened to the hand of Paul.


In Acts twenty eight verse eight, "The father of Publius lay scik of a fever and a bloody flux to whom Paul entered in, and prayed, and laid his hands on him and healed him". 


The same hand where the enemy fastened to strike is the same hand that Paul laid on that sick the sick got healed.


The area where God uses you is the area where the devil will abuse you.


The area where the devil attacks you is the area where God want to attract the glory.


He is attacking you marriage because there is a testimony in that marriage. He attacks your marriage because God wants to use that marriage for the purpose of the kingdom.


He is attacking your finances because that is where God want to use you.


When you read Act 19 verse eleven, it is written, "God wrought special miracles by the hands of Paul".


You wonder why the enemy is attacking you in that area? Know that the area where he's attacking is the area that God wants to use for his glory.


Don't forget, Act 28:9, "All those who were sick in the island came to get healed and they got healed".


All the sick in the island got healed. The enemy attacks your womb because he knows God wants to use you there. He wants to use you there. He knows that is where God wants to manifest his power and his glory and he is attacking there.


When you look at Samson, for example, all the his attacks were around the hair. Because that was the area of his power.


Judges 16:20, "they cut the hair again".


Judges 16:21, "Samson was gone and found himself in prison".


Look at Jesus.


From Mark 15:1, we learn that they came to bind his hands straight away.


Why? Because the devil knew that that hand was the instrument of power. So the devil attacks the instrument of power. The same hand took the ear and returned it where it was. That was the instrument of power.


So the first point I talked about multiple attacks. Multiple victory.




The second point I'm talking about misrepresentation.


The devil comes to attack to misrepresent you and misrepresent your God.


Can you imagine the Bible said Acts chapter twenty-eight verse two that the people were loving Paul so much. Paul was loved by those barbarians people. And then, when the snake came to bite Paul, the people started withdrawing one after another.


That was a demonic misrepresentation. The devil is a liar.


And you should know there are people who love you. There are people who care for you. But at some point, you would wonder yourself, "How are they withdrawing themselves from me? Why are they leaving me? Why are they not close to me?"


There is a snake somewhere. There is a picture that the devil is throwing at them to misrepresent you.


That is why because of that snake, the Barbarians started looking at Paul as a murderer.


That is the devil who started accusing him... "You escaped death from the sea. Now you have again a problem here. You must be a murderer. You must be have a problem".


How many time myself did I not have to go through some challenges and people will conclude and say,"He is going through this because of this. He has a sin. He is living in sin".


Today, wherever the devil has misrepresented you. Mark my word. They will change their mind. They will change their mind one. Two they will change their language. They waited for long. They waited for long.


I want to let you know that they will wait for you to fail to collapse. They will wait for long. There are people waiting for the Word of life to experience a setback. They will wait it for long. There are people who are waiting to hear bad news about you. They will wait it for long. It will never happen. There are people who are waiting to to hear that bad things has happened to you. They will wait for long. What they are expecting will never come to pass.


They will wait for long. Those who are waiting to hear your marriage collapsed, they will wait for long. Those who are waiting to hear that your business collapsed, they will wait for long. Those who are waiting to hear that you are calling people to ask them for help, they will wait for long.


Those who are waiting for Kasuku to be sick somewhere. I am letting you know that I will be strong, healthy forever.




The final picture, change of mind and of language.


When they saw the snake fastening on Paul, they said that he was a murderer in Act twenty-eight verse four.


And when they saw that he did not die, they changed their language.


Friend, never ever jump into conclusion when you see somebody going through some challenges in life.

You don't have all the required information for why they are going through what they are going through.

And you are concluding, "You see? He has committed a sin. It is because there is a sin there."


My friend shut up.


If you don't know what is going on in the life of somebody, never jump into conclusion. You are not judge. You are not his God. You don't know this man. You don't know the covenant he has with God.


Now, do you know my covenant with God? I have a covenant with God. I have strong covenant with God.


You will hear people telling you, "You are going always for sessions. You are always going to that Church. You are always paying the tithe, giving the offerings. Where is your God?"


If there are people saying such things about you, know that they will change their mind and they will change their language concerning your life, concerning your future, concerning your dedication, concerning your ministry.


I am working hard everyday. Those who say, "We don't see anything", they will change their mind and they will change their language.


Those who called Paul murderers are the same who called him god (Act twenty eight verse six).


The enemies who have insulted you are the same who will praise you. The enemies who belittle you are the same who will uplift you. The enemies who gossip are the same enemies who will speak gloriously about you. People will see your God.


The snare was broken. And Paul escaped.




Lift your voice and pray hallelujah.


I believe somebody got an understanding of why things are the way they are in his life.


Declare before the Lord and say, Father, I thank you. I am a winner hallelujah. Whether the devil likes it or not, I will give birth. The prophecies of God upon my life the promises of God upon my life will come to pass.


I will not allow the devil to tell me otherwise.

This year, I will see what God has said he will do for my life.


Where the devil attacks the Lord will attract his glory. Hallelujah.


I will not feel condemned there is no condemnation for me in the name of Jesus. The devil is a liar.

The devil failed to kill me on the sea. He will not kill me on the ground. The attacks against my life will not terminate my life in the name of Jesus.

Whatever the enemy does will fail. My hand will heal many.


The area of my will be an area where many will get healed. The enemy attacking my marriage, many marriages will be healed through me in the name of Jesus Christ.


My level of power is changing. I'm changing the level of power in the name of Jesus Christ. After the attack, Paul was no longer the same.


They looked at him differently.


I declare this after this attack, after this challenge, after this problem, people will see me differently.


The snake on my hand, on my marriage, on my finances, misrepresenting my God, the same snake will be turned into testimony in Jesus name.


God is turning things around for me this morning, they will see me flying, they will see me going places, they will see churches planted all over the world, through this word of life, in the name of the Lord.


I have prayed and I say Amen.




What a message! What a message! Were you blessed? If you are, listen to it again and again, share it with somebody if you want to and may God bless you and have a blessed day. It is done.


The snare is broken. You are escaped. You escaped before, you will escape again in the name of Jesus Christ. Multiple attacks, multiple victories, misrepresentation, change of mind, change of witches.


I love you all. Thank you very much. Have a blessed day.



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