Thursday 10 August 2023




Shekinah Greetings Word of Life. Welcome to the Kingdom Bible study this day.


I believe you have been well from your end. From our end we are blessed of the Lord and we thank him for everything that he is doing for our lives.


I believe you had a great night this morning Jesus is Lord.


Let us pray as we start the service of today and may God bless you in the name of Jesus Christ and we thank God for the testimonies that we are getting of the doing of the Lord from this teaching and I believe we have more as we pursue the kingdom of God.


Thank you very much. Thank you Lord for this grace to be in your presence. We are happy to have you as our God and we are proud to have you as our God.


Thank you for this day. Thank you for this time. Thank you for the Word. Thank you for everything that you do for us. We bless your name. We worship you. In the name of Jesus the Christ the Son of the Living God we have prayed. And we all say amen and amen. Glory to God.


In Psalm 124:7, the bible says, "The snare is broken...". I believe in God that the snare will be broken in somebody's life in the name of Jesus. The snare must be broken for you to escape.




Escape depends on the breaking of the snare. Any snare of the enemy that he is using to tie your life, to tie your businesses, to tie your finances is declared broken this time in Jesus name.


Don't miss the Sunday service this Sunday. The way of escape Sunday service. There is a way of escape.

Escape is your birthright in Christ. So purpose to be there because there is something that God has in store for you.


I invite you to please come with a friend. Come and listen to the Word of God because God has a plan of escape for you, for me, even for the whole country in the name of Jesus Christ.


Now what are the pictures I will use to illustrate the teaching of today?


I want to use the picture of the prey number one the number two I will use the picture of the shepherd. Number three I will use the picture of the predator.




What is a prey?


A prey is an animal killed by an another animal for food. The lion killing the antelope. The antelope is a prey. The lion is the predator. Are you hearing me? So in the wild there are predators and there are preys.


I pray you will not be a prey in the name of Jesus Christ. You will not be killed for food. You will not be killed to feed something or somebody somewhere.


God has not ordained you to live as a victim. That one you should never forget. If you don't know the things I'm talking about in this teaching you will end up as a victim and will live as a prey.


But thank God the Bible says the snare is broken and we are escaped. You will escape in the name of Jesus Christ.


I can't be a prey. No.


Now Isaiah 4925, "But thus saith the LORD, Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away, and the prey of the terrible shall be delivered: for I will contend with him that contendeth with thee, and I will save thy children.


Isaiah 49:26 "And I will feed them that oppress thee with their own flesh; and they shall be drunken with their own blood, as with sweet wine: and all flesh shall know that I the LORD am thy Saviour and thy Redeemer, the mighty One of Jacob".


You understand now salvation. Salvation is the covenant platform that God has set into place for you to not be the prey and the victim of the enemy. It is clear my friend.


The Bible talks about the mighty, the Bible talks about the terrible and God says the captives shall be taken away.


And God says, "I will contend".


Friends, there is no way you can escape without contention. You must put a fight. Your sleeping and eating and just waking up won't help you.


God says, "I will contend. Contend with who? Contend with the mighty. Contend with who? Contend with the terrible.


If there is a mighty, there is the almighty. And our God is the almighty. The mighty and the terrible here represent those forces of darkness who are predators and who use others as prey.


You better know those things my friend. Those are witchcraft powers.


Read with me Isaiah forty nine verse twenty six,

"And I will feed them that oppress thee with their own flesh; and they shall be drunken with their own blood, as with sweet wine: and all flesh shall know that I the LORD am thy Saviour and thy Redeemer, the mighty One of Jacob".


You see? those forces are oppressive forces. Though they are spiritual, they use human entities because spirits don't have flesh and blood.


The devil does not have any flesh or any blood. They don't have. But they use flesh and blood, meaning they use human beings to carry out their plans.  That's why God says, "I will feed them with their own flesh and they shall be drunken with their own blood".


But don't forget Ephesians six twelve, the Bible says, "We wrestle not against flesh and blood. We wrestle against principalities, powers, dominion, all those forces in high places".


I'm standing here this morning declaring defeated the oppression of the devil of any kind, oppression of sickness and disease.


In Act 10:38, the Bible makes it clear that Jesus was anointed and was going from place to place delivering those who were oppressed of the devil.


He was healing those who were oppressed of the devil. So sickness is a demonic oppression. It is an oppression of the evil one.


Poverty is an oppression of the evil one.


They will drink their own blood. I said they will eat their own flesh. They will drink their own blood. I'm talking to you from this place. You know, you know what I'm talking about. They will eat their own flesh. They will drink their own blood. You did not hear me. I said they will eat their own flesh and they will drink their own blood.

A prey is a person given up as a victim on the platform of evil altars.


And you know there are evil altars. And on every altar, there is a sacrifice. You will not be a victim of evil.


Lift your hand where you are. I want to pray with you. You will not be the prey of the enemy. You will not be the prey of witches and wizard. You will not be a prey of evil forces. You will not be a prey eaten by the devil.


You will not be a prey. I, Kasuku cannot be a prey of any force anywhere in the name of Jesus Christ.




The second picture is the picture of the shepherd.


My friend, you need a shepherd. If you don't want to be a prey, you must be under a shepherd.


A shepherd is God's provision in your journey on the earth going to eternity. God is the God who provides shepherds for the sheep.


In Jeremiah chapter two verse fifteen, God says, "I will provide to you shepherds according to my heart".


It is God who provides shepherds. It's not you who go to look for one. No. Don't call me a shepherd or your shepherd if I am not the one God has appointed for you.


Now listen to me. If God has not appointed me to be your shepherd, don't be. It won't help you.


Pray God and tell God you know what Lord I need a shepherd. Provide for me a shepherd.


Woe unto you if you don't have a shepherd.


Now let me tell you. If you don't have a shepherd you will be a prey. And I'm talking about God appointed shepherd. It is a risk not to have a shepherd.


Ezekiel thirty-four verse five says, "They were scattered because there is no shepherd. And they became meat to all the beasts of the field when they were scattered".


They became meat. Why? Because there was no shepherd. Without an anointed and appointed shepherd, you will become a meat of the beasts of the field.


The beasts of the field is just a synonym of all those forces of darkness. Remember that I have read with you that the devil is roaring around looking for who to devour.


That's why I'm asking you question this morning, who is your shepherd? Do you at all have a shepherd? There is a very beautiful picture of a shepherd.


I saw it in David in first Samuel seventeen verse 34 to 35. A beautiful picture.


David said unto Saul, "Your servant kept his father's sheep and there came a lion and a bear and took a lamb out of the flock and I went after, smote him and delivered it out of his mouth and when he arose against me I caught him by his beard and smote him and slew him.


Have you seen that? Isn't it a beautiful picture of who a shepherd is?




We have the great shepherd Jesus who is in in the church. We have the shepherd that God provides to us for the purpose of keeping the sheep.


In Act 20:28, Paul was talking to the elders, the shepherds, the pastors, and he told them, "Keep the sheep".


The shepherd is provided for you to be kept. If you don't want a shepherd yeah you are on your own. Which is also good if you want it to be that way. No problem. So it is the duty of an a shepherd to keep his people, to keep means what? To watch over them Against spiritual predators. That is my duty as a shepherd. To keep the sheep to watch over them and make sure that the predators don't come and take them away from the sheepfold.


The second duty that David is mentioning here. He says, "When the predator comes to make one of my sheep a prey, I smite the lion. I smite the predator".


IT IS MY DUTY TO SMITE ANY LION OR ANY BEAR who come to make the flock God has given to me their prey. It is my duty legally recognised by God.


For you to escape, the shepherd must smite the predator.




You see in verse thirty five, David says, "I went out after him. I smote him and delivered him".


Are you seeing that? The lion and the bear must be smitten for the sheep to be delivered. When you are in the business of delivering look at what will happen next.


They will come to attack you. So there are some attacks that come against my life because I am working hard to deliver you. Anytime you are working to deliver a sheep out of the mouth of the lion, there will be retaliation. The enemy will come to attack you in many ways.


But I like what David says (I paraphrase), "You come to attack me, I will smite you.


Do you understand my my responsibility as a shepherd? Do you think to be a shepherd is an easy task?


We are attacked all over. When I say somebody who is against the pastor and attacking him, I will know that you are among those predators who are unsettled because something is happening in the life of others.


Because a deliverance is happening, you are getting agitated. That is what happens when you see somebody attacking a pastor, an anointed and appointed.


Because I'm talking about anointed and appointed. There are pastors who are not anointed and not appointed. They have appointed themselves.


That is the duty of a shepherd.


I declare and I decree over you today you will not be a prey. All those who are under this covering. I declare and I decree in your life in the name of Jesus Christ you will not be you will not be eaten as a flesh. You will not be a prey In the name of Jesus Christ. Praise be the living God.


So we have the picture of the prey. We have understood that you cannot be a prey. We have seen the picture of the shepherd. Jesus is the great shepherd and he appoints and anoints shepherds to the Church to lead his people, to watch over them, to protect them and to preserve them.


In Hosea 12:13, the Bible says, "Through Moses Israel was delivered. Through Moses, Israel was kept". That is the duty of a shepherd.








The third picture is the picture of the predator.

The predator must be smitten before the prey escapes. You can't escape if the predator is not smitten. If he is not smitten, you will not be delivered.


The Bible says in 1 Samuel 17:35, "I went after him and smote him and delivered the sheep".


You know? I like watching Nat Geo Wild. That is where I get my illustrations because I like the wild animal. It gives me some lessons.


When a lion captures the prey they capture at the throat. They throw their teeth on the throat and their feet on the body to entangle the prey.


You need to smite that lion on the head if at all you want that prey to be delivered or to escape.


But, when we talk about smiting, you don't smite once. You smite as many times as possible.


To smite is what? To smite is to hit forcefully. You don't smite softly.


To smite is to strike sharply or heavily especially with the hand or the implement held in the hand. Now, you smite until the lion releases, until the lion gives up and the sheep gets out.


You understand that in warfare, you will not handle that predator only once you and you say, "I'm tired".


My friend, you must smite as many time as possible. Smiting is not once. You smite as many times as possible until the predator gives up.


That predator of your family must give up finally in the name of Jesus. That predator of your house, of your finances, who has held your health, your, business, your spirit, your family, must finally give up. But, you must smite him.


For Israel to be delivered, God had to smite the gods of Egypt. (Exodus 12:12).


For Modecai to be promoted, God had to smite Haman. (Esther 7:10)


For the proconsul to believe in the word, Paul had to smite the sorcerer. (Acts 13:8-9)


And when I talk about the predators, please understand that I'm talking about witchcraft powers. I'm talking about wicked forces in the spiritual realm. We are not talking about flesh and blood.


In Ephesians 6:12, Paul says, "We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places"




We smite the predators by engaging the God of vengeance.


What does it mean?




who want to use you as their food. We prophesy against those forces. That is how it works. The weapons of our warfare according to second Corinthians chapter ten verse four are not carnal. We are not using carnal things.


We are not going to fight people physically. No. The weapons of our warfare are spiritual and they are mighty.


If you are facing a mighty, you need the mightiest. You need the almighty to handle the mighty.


God says to Ezekiel, "Prophesy against them son of man". (Ezekiel chapter eleven verse four).


Prophesying against is the way it works.


You need to come to a place where when the enemy comes to attack, to steal or to take everything, you stand in the spiritual realm and start prophesying against anybody who is against you.


I'm not the one who says so. It is God who says so in Ezekiel eleven verse four.


In fact, Jesus says in Matthew chapter ten, "I give you power against..."


There is power for and there is power against. We are in a wicked world. If you don't smite you will not be delivered. If you don't smite you will not escape.


The way of escape is by smiting the lion and the bear, the witches, the wizard, the wicked who are around us at your workplace, in your family.


Those are human beings used by evil powers to torment and oppress others. We don't curse people but we prophesy against them. We don't curse. We prophesy against them. Hallelujah.


That is what you will do today. To prophesy against... the way God gave Ezekiel the instruction to prophesy against.


Prophesy against them. Prophesy against them. Prophesy against them. Hallelujah.







What is the decree of vengeance? The decree of vengeance simply means sending back to sender. It's simple.


In Exodus chapter four verse nineteen, we read, "And the Lord said unto Moses in media go return into Egypt for all the men are dead which sought thy life".


You see? Those who seek your life, the death they are seeking for you will return upon themselves. You are not cursing anybody. You don't want anybody to die. No. We are not we are not those ones, that is a false teaching. What the Bible says, anyone who wants your death, death returns to him.


It's simple as it is. That is the judgement of God. You want my death, death will be done to yourself.


Now, listen to me. In Matthew chapter two verse twenty, God says, "Arise and take the young child and his mother and go into the land of Israel for they are dead which sought the young child's life".


They wanted the child to die, they died before him. So to smite or to engage vengeance means anyone who wants anything evil to happen to you, redirect it to happen to them. Simple.


Now, you know the story of Haman and Mordecai.


Haman wanted Mordecai dead. He set up a gallow (Esther 7:10).


The Bible says that the gallow he prepared against Mordecai is the same gallow that was used to hang him.


So, when I say smite, I mean, any gallow that is prepared by the dark world against your life will be used to hang themselves but you must declare it. You must announce it everyday of your life. That is how you can escape.


Anyone who is planning an accident against me, the accident will happen to themselves. Anyone who wants me dead will die before me. Anyone who wants to destroy my life, their life will be destroyed. Anyone who wants to see me down, they will go down while I will go up. That is how it works. And that will be your experience in the name of Jesus Christ.


Remember that is also the third thing to do to that is the ultimate that can be done.




That is the ultimate for the stubborn cases that can exist anywhere, you issue a judgement.


Paul says in Acts 13:11, "And now, behold, the hand of the Lord is upon thee, and thou shalt be blind, not seeing the sun for a season. And immediately there fell on him a mist and a darkness; and he went about seeking some to lead him by the hand". 


Paul issued a divine judgment over this man because he was standing on the way to stop the movement of the Gospel and wanted to remove the proconsul from the faith.


Because of that, he issued a judgment. And immediately, the Spirit came. He was blind and could not see. I don't teach that one. It is the ultimate. It is not something to be using anyhow. No I don't teach that one. It is according as the Spirit leads.


Because there are some individuals who have just vowed that you will never be at peace.




For that case, according to scriptures, under the anointing, you are allowed and permitted to issue a judgement against those forces in the spirit to declare out of the way in the name of Jesus Christ.


It is when you smite that you will escape. It is when you smite the lion that the sheep will escape. It is when the lion is smitten, it is when the evil is smitten, it is when the witches and the wizard are smitten by the power of the Holy Spirit that escape will take place.


You should know there are forces of darkness sitting on your promotion. Sitting on your your destiny. Revelation seventeen talks about the whore sitting on people's destinies.


There are people who are so evil that they sit on others' destiny. Nobody is going anywhere. No one is promoted. Everybody is at the same spot. You need to be angry in the spirit.


There is an Absalom who wants to take away your post, who wants to take away your place, who wants to take away your position, who wants to take away your throne.


If you don't handle that Absalom, you will not escape. When the lion throws its teeth and stretches his legs on your shoulder, there is no way you will go. He will choke you until you die.


You need to smite and say, "I will not die. I will live to proclaim the goodness of the Lord"












Lift your voice where you are and declare with me this morning because there are some forces of the of dark who come in your life to choke you until  you are out of breath.


And when you die is when they will leave you.


You are escaping.


Lift your voice and say, Lord father in the name of Jesus, thank you because today I am escaping.


Today I am escaping. Thank you in the name of Jesus I will not be afraid of the evil. I will not be the prey of witches and wizard. My life is escaping from the powers of darkness in the name of Jesus.


I will not be a prey. My family will not be a prey. My children will not be a prey.


The Bible says the captive of the mighty shall be delivered. Hallelujah. I declare the prey of the terrible shall be taken away.


I declare today oh God my life will not be a prey.

Father, thank you for the shepherd you have provided for my life.


Thank you Lord Almighty for the church you have provided for me to be covered in the name of Jesus Christ.


Thank you almighty God and give me the grace to remain covered. In the name of the Lord. Hallelujah.


Thank you for the shepherd you have given to me to watch over me to keep me to pray for me to fight the battles I cannot see in the name of Jesus.


I declare and I pray the predators of my life will be destroyed.


Father, I issue a judgement against the forces of darkness, the predators of this country, the predators of this continent of Africa, the predators of our families.


I declare and I decree in the name of Jesus those predators will be smitten.


Those who are sitting on my promotion I can't be promoted at all. Those who are sitting on my family. Those who are sitting on me not to move forward. Father I decree and I declare divine judgement. Those forces are defeated.


Declare with me this morning I am escaping. From whatever is holding down my whole family I'm escaping. In the name of Jesus.


From the oppression of poverty I am escaping. From the oppression of sickness and is, I'm escaping.

Lord God Almighty, I thank you, I bless your name, I worship you, I give you the praise, I give you the glory, I give you the honour, I declare your freedom in Jesus name. Any force of darkness that say you will not go, I declare you will go in the name of Jesus Christ.


Anyone who is plotting death against you, death returns upon their own head. Anyone who has lifted a gallow against your life. The gallow will hang themselves. Not you.


You will not be located to poverty in the name of the Lord. You will live long.


Any accident programmed against your life will touch themselves in the name of the Lord. Hallelujah.


Can you say good amen to that?


I say Jesus is Lord this morning in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen and amen.


Well amazing. Anything happen to you write to us. You need prayer call us. We will ah pray for you because Lord is in a move of doing something great in our lives.


God bless you all. May God do you good in Jesus name. Thank you.


Let's meet on Sunday for the Sunday, the way of escape Sunday service.


Don't miss that for nothing. Ah, Well let meet at midnight praise and we continue tomorrow and God bless you in the name of the father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen and amen. Glory to God. Amen. Thank you. Have a good day.







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