Wednesday 9 August 2023




Good morning and Shekinah greetings to you all wherever you are watching and ah following this bible study.


May God bless you and do you good in the name of the Lord.


Why don't you lift your voice and just go before the Lord and say, Lord, Thank you for this amazing day with our choir behind me singing the praises to God.


Just say Lord thank you for this grace you have given unto me to see this day.


Father, it is all about you and we are thankful unto you.


Thank you for the grace of life. Thank you for everything that you do for us. We are so thankful. We are thankful unto you. We are thankful unto you. We are thankful unto you. We are thankful unto you. We are thankful unto you. We are thankful unto you. Thank you for the night. Thank you for your protection. Thank you for your security.


Lord God Almighty. We are thankful. And we bless your holy name. Thank you Father. In the name of Jesus Christ. The son of the living God. We have given thanks and we say amen and amen.




Just to remind you will have a Sunday service. The way of escape Sunday service. There is a way of escape from God. The Bible says in first Corinthians 10:13 that God has a way to escape and He will show you the way to escape in the name of Jesus Christ.


Hallelujah! You will not die as a victim. No. You will not die as a victim because God has a way escape. He has a way for you to escape. He has a way for you to escape. In the name of the Lord.


Hallelujah! So prepare yourself for this Sunday. It will be awesome. And the Lord will do us good.

Invite somebody, encourage somebody to be part of us.




Today, we continue with Psalm 127:4. The Bible says, "Our soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers. The snare is broken and we are escaped". The snare is broken and we are escaped.


Since the beginning of the week, we are looking at the way of escape. We saw those men in the case of Job how they escaped from the Sabeians and the Chaldeans. And, I just want to let somebody know that any Chaldean or Sabeian who come to destroy your businesses, your activities, the works of your hand will not succeed to in Jesus Name the Son of the Living God.


I want to announce to you that God has a plan of escape for his people and you you will be beneficiary of that plan in the name of the Lord.


God did not ordain you and I to live as victims of the enemy.




So, let us look at how Paul escaped.


When you read Act chapter twenty-three verse eleven, the Bible says,


Act 23:11 And the night following the Lord stood by him, and said, Be of good cheer, Paul: for as thou hast testified of me in Jerusalem, so must thou bear witness also at Rome.


Act 23:12 And when it was day, certain of the Jews banded together, and bound themselves under a curse, saying that they would neither eat nor drink till they had killed Paul. 


Act 23:13 And they were more than forty which had made this conspiracy. 


Act 23:14 And they came to the chief priests and elders, and said, We have bound ourselves under a great curse, that we will eat nothing until we have slain Paul. 


Act 23:15 Now therefore ye with the council signify to the chief captain that he bring him down unto you to morrow, as though ye would enquire something more perfectly concerning him: and we, or ever he come near, are ready to kill him. 


Act 23:16 And when Paul's sister's son heard of their lying in wait, he went and entered into the castle, and told Paul. 


Act 23:17 Then Paul called one of the centurions unto him, and said, Bring this young man unto the chief captain: for he hath a certain thing to tell him. 


Act 23:18 So he took him, and brought him to the chief captain, and said, Paul the prisoner called me unto him, and prayed me to bring this young man unto thee, who hath something to say unto thee. 


Act 23:19 Then the chief captain took him by the hand, and went with him aside privately, and asked him, What is that thou hast to tell me? 


Act 23:20 And he said, The Jews have agreed to desire thee that thou wouldest bring down Paul to morrow into the council, as though they would enquire somewhat of him more perfectly. 


Act 23:21 But do not thou yield unto them: for there lie in wait for him of them more than forty men, which have bound themselves with an oath, that they will neither eat nor drink till they have killed him: and now are they ready, looking for a promise from thee. 


Act 23:22 So the chief captain then let the young man depart, and charged him, See thou tell no man that thou hast shewed these things to me.


Hallelujah! Today I have a couple of pictures.




What is a conspiracy? Conspiracy is a secret plan/plot/strategy.


Conspiracy us the Action of plotting something evil against someone. I underline secret plan.


I want to draw your attention this morning to let you know that witchcraft powers work essentially in hiding, in secrecy, in concealment of their plan, project and purpose.


I declare over you that any conspiracy against your life shall backfire. Anything that was done in secret, in hiding against your life, against this church Word Of Life, against me shall backfire.


I want to let you know that we are in a wicked world.

In Isaiah chapter eight verse nine to ten, the Bible says,


Isaiah 8:9  Associate yourselves, O ye people, and ye shall be broken in pieces; and give ear, all ye of far countries: gird yourselves, and ye shall be broken in pieces; gird yourselves, and ye shall be broken in pieces.


Isaiah 8:10  Take counsel together, and it shall come to nought; speak the word, and it shall not stand: for God is with us. 


Any Word that is ever spoken from the dark world against your life shall not stand.


The conspiracy of wickedness, of witches will fail.

Acts twenty-three verse twelve shows very clearly that there are people who gather against you. That is witchcraft.


When you look at this conspiracy, you will find a couple of things.


1. They were all Jews meaning those people were all religious.


2. They made a covenant. When you take your covenants lightly, the devil and his agents take their covenant seriously. That one you should know.


3. They had Paul in mind as their target.


What is your target? In prayer? No target against anybody. Do you have any target even when you pray?


What I mean is that those people are giving me some lessons that believers which you and I are we don't take seriously.


They had a target that they knew they would reach : Paul will die.


4. They said, they will not eat, they will fast. Or so even the devil and witches fast. So not every fast is a divine fast.


Today is our day of fasting. I'm asking you a question. When we are fasting, are you taking your fast seriously? That's a question.


So they gathered, they agreed and then they sacrificed.


Do you take the gathering with others seriously? Or you just think and say, "Oh me I don't need to gather. Let me remain in my corner".


My friend, if you remain in your corner you will end up a victim of scorners.


Witchcraft uses those weapons : The weapon of agreement, the weapon of fasting and the weapon of purpose or target.


Do you understand that as the son of God? We invite you to come this Sunday in church. Do you come? Oh no I don't need to come there. My friend, it's a matter of time.


The Bible says in Isaiah 49:26, "They will eat their own flesh and they will drink their own blood".


I say, They will eat their own flesh and they will drink their own blood. They will eat their own flesh. They will drink their own blood.


You should know that there are eaters of flesh and drinkers of blood.


Isa 8:9  Associate yourselves, O ye people, and ye shall be broken in pieces; and give ear, all ye of far countries: gird yourselves, and ye shall be broken in pieces; gird yourselves, and ye shall be broken in pieces.


Isa 8:10  Take counsel together, and it shall come to nought; speak the word, and it shall not stand: for God is with us. 


God in our midst. God is in the word of life. This is not my church. It has never been my church it will never be my church. It is the church of Christ.


Jesus says, I will build my church. It is not my church. And I will never say my church. No. It is not mine. He is the builder of the church.


I feel like I should say to somebody this morning, Whoever will gather against you to kick you out of your house, to kick you out of your heritage. I declare and I decree as the Lord liveth it will fail. It will backfire. It will fail. It will backfire.


Read with me Isaiah fifty four verse fifteen. The Bible says, "Behold, they shall surely gather together, but not by me: whosoever shall gather together against thee shall fall for thy sake".


At your work place, there are some people who are having meetings behind your back and you don't know.

They are even fasting behind your back. Because they want to kick you out of your position.


The Bible says, It shall fail.


What did Paul do to them? Paul did nothing to them. That is the first picture that I wanted you to take and to consider : the picture the conspiracy.




The second picture is the picture of the plan of God, the agenda of God.


When you read Acts twenty three verse eleven, before what we see in verse twelve happens, it started at night.


You understand why we invite you at night to pray.


The midnight praise is not for entertainment. There are things if you can overcome them at night, in the morning it will backfire.


In Acts 23:11, we read, "God appeared to Paul and told him, Be of good cheer. Thou hast testified of me in Jerusalem so must thou bear witness also at Rome"


That is verse eleven. In the morning, in verse twelve, there was that gathering.


Now, let me tell you something. In your life, the devil will always come late.


I said the devil will always come late in your life. I said the devil will come late in your life. I said the devil will come late in your life. I said the devil will come late in your life. I said the devil will come late in your life. I said the devil will come late in your life. Praise be the living God. Hm.


He will come late. God has unveiled his plan to Paul.


In the spirit, there was a plan. There was something that God wanted to do for Paul. In the morning, because the devil is not omniscient. He can sense that there is something that God is about to do. Do you know why people are fighting you? They are fighting you because there is something that God wants to do for you.


When you see people fighting you, it means there is something God is about to do for you. When you see people being agitated all over you, around you for nothing, it means there is something that God is about to do for you. It means that there is a plan that God has in store for you.


But the question I'm asking you is this, do you know even the plan of God for your life? Do you even know?





You see why people are distracted? They are living in distraction. They don't know the plan of God for their life, they don't know the plan of God for their children, they don't know the plan of God for their marriages, they don't know the plan of God for their ministry, they are just living anyhow.


Today is the day of fasting. This plot, this strategy, this conspiracy today, it will backfire in Jesus name. Don't miss this fast. Fast seriously for your life. Fast to know the plan of God for your life. Fast and pray and we'll meet in the evening to close the fast. It will backfire. That is the topic for tonight. It will backfire. Praise be the living God.


While God has a good plan for you, you should know that devil has also plots against your life.


You will just come somewhere there and God tells you move ahead. Just as you move, they come and you have already left. They will plan to do something. They will just come after 30 seconds, you have already left there. They will do 1 2 3, but you have already escaped.


You will escape from the conspiracy of the wicked one. You will escape as it is written, "Our soul is escaped..."


My soul is escaped. My family is escaped. My ministry is escaped. Your ministry will escape. You will escape. Your children will escape. The devil will come late. You have already left. Praise be the living God. So the plan of God.


Friend, let God lead your life.


And I want you to know the plan of God is greater than the plot of the enemy. And I want you to know again that the plan of God will be fulfilled. And the devil's plot will backfire.


What is the plan of God for Paul? He said to Paul in Acts 23:11, "You witnessed about me in Jerusalem, you must also witness at Rome".

I underline you must. He escaped for the purpose of witnessing.


My friend, take the witnessing of Jesus seriously. It is not to bother you. It is for your escape. You will escape to testify.


Why did Paul escape? He escaped to testify about Jesus.


Witnessing is a must for every believer. God says, "You must".


And I want to announce to somebody, you must testify over your marriage. You must testify over your children. You must testify over your health. You must testify over your breakthrough, over your advancement. You must fulfil the plan of God for your life. You must live what God has intended for you to live.


You must move forward. Do you understand why success is a must for you? You must succeed. I have no other option in my life than to succeed.


Say with me this morning ... I must fulfil the plan of God for my life.


Say with me this morning ... The agenda of God on the earth.


Say with me this morning ... Whatever God has called me to do will be fulfilled.


Say with me this morning ... My destiny, my future shall not back prematurely in the name of Jesus Christ.


You must go where God wants you to go. You must. It is a must. If the purpose behind it is to testify, you must live long. You must have a husband and a wife God wants you to have for the purpose of a testifying about Christ, with your husband, with your wife, with your children. You must have a job to testify about Christ to your colleagues.


You must. You must. The plan of the devil will not stand. The plan of God will.


So, if there is a conspiracy, it means that you have an enemy. Don't forget it and don't be bothered because there is a plan of God for your life.


Can you say thank you Jesus this morning?




That is the third picture I want you to have.


Whatever they were cooking in darkness was revealed. It was exposed.

In Jeremiah thirty three verse three, God says, "Call upon me. I will show you the hidden things".


God is the revealer of secret according to Daniel chapter two verse twenty-two. He reveals what is hidden.


The strength of the enemy is concealment. The enemy who will destroy your life is the enemy you don't know. The enemy who is hiding.


And you know that my prayer has always been, Expose the hidden enemy. That is the third picture I want you to have.


God himself says in Jeremiah thirty-three verse three, "Call upon me and I will reveal to you the hidden things".


He says Himself that He will reveal to you the hidden things. It is not an ambition. It is something that God himself has promised for us his children to reveal to us the plan of the enemy.


The one who was causing trouble in Israel was Achan. Achan was in the midst of Israel.


Israel goes for battle and fails. What is the problem? Joshua went to pray. And God revealed to him the one who was causing trouble. It was Achan. I prayed today your Achan will be exposed in Jesus name.


What was the problem? The problem was Jonah who was hiding in the ship. The ship was having a lot of trouble. Almost going shipwreck.


Then when they say, what is the problem? And God exposed Jonah. He was the one causing trouble. Every of your Jonah will be exposed in Jesus name. Are you hearing me?


Here we have the case of those 40 people who were gathering together. God exposed their plan. He exposed whatever they were doing. Everything that is being done in darkness will be exposed in the name of Jesus Christ.


God will expose them. Even against this country, the plan and the plot of the enemy will be exposed. That is the third picture I want you to have the picture of revelation.


The Bible says in second Thessalonians 2:8 very clearly, "And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming".


I pray today, Let any evil be exposed and revealed in Jesus name.






Number one | He reveals through prayer.


There are many things you don't know. That's why you must pray. You must pray my friend. That TikTok and that social media won't help you when you will be in trouble.


God will reveal to you hidden things if you ask of him.


I pray that God will reveal to you whatever is hidden even in this Church. This Church Word of Life, when you see people disappearing, they know why they are disappearing. You can't stand here doing the things you are doing in darkness. You will be exposed. And I thank God because God always exposes.


And He will expose your Achan and your Jonah in the name of the Lord.


Number two | He reveals through fire.


In Act twenty-eight verse three, the bible says that eh there was a viper that could not stand the fire. That is why you need to keep your altar on fire.


One of the way that the enemy will like to be comfortable around you, is to kill your fire. I don't feel like going to church. I don't feel like reading the Bible. The moment your fire goes down is when now you will be the prey of the enemy. But I believe in God your fire will not go out (Leviticus 6:13).


The altar must be on fire in the name of Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God.


Number Three | Through agreement.


I want to let you know that agreement is power. You need to have somebody you agree to pray. You need to come to that place of agreement.


Daniel and his Friends agreed to pray. And after their agreement, God exposed what the king wanted to know.


You see? Paul was in prison and the son of his sister was there. He was able to hear what they were saying and he came to tell Paul. You see? Do you see why you need to be in good term with people?


Be in good term with people. Please, I beg you. Be in good term with people because somebody can hear something concerning you, but because you are not in good term, he won't tell you.


May you be free from creating conflict all over in Jesus name.


God exposed the plot/the conspiracy. The same way, he will bring it to the light and you will know what they were thinking and you will know what they are plotting.


May God reveal the heart of the people around you. That is why don't forget this prayer in Acts 1:24. The Bible says, "They prayer, and said, Thou, Lord, which knowest the hearts of all men, shew..."


You don't know the hearts of men. The one who is in your office, do you don't know them? The one who are sharing the bed together. You don't know them.


Lord expose.


We talked about conspiracy. We talked about the plan of God. We talked about revelation and finally I want to close and we will talk about the purpose of God.




God is the God of purpose. The purpose for escape is to testify. That is the purpose.


I'm asking you a question. What is the good reason for God to keep you alive? I'm asking you a question. Why should God protect you? Why should God expose the plan? Everything we are talking about, why should God do it for you?


The purpose is the Kingdom of God.


The only reason why God will keep you, protect you, watch over you is not because of your cars. He does not need your car. He needs you. Your purpose must be the kingdom.


That is why the Bible says, "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness and all those things will be added unto you".


The purpose of God is the kingdom. Mathew 6:33 must become your purpose of life and your lifestyle.


No witch from the dungeon of hell will succeed to take away your life until you have fulfilled the purpose. That is why your money must fulfil the purpose. Your health must fulfill the purpose. Your future must have the purpose. Everything you do must be directed to the purpose of the Kingdom.


Why should God keep your money? You think that saving money in the bank is safe? No. Why will you escape? You will escape because you live the purpose. That is the key for you to not fall into the trap of the enemy.


For you to escape from their plan, the key is to live the purpose of the Kingdom.


That is your security. Serve the Lord. Serve the interest of the Kingdom. That is the purpose. You shall live to fulfil the purpose of God on the earth. Praise be the living God.


No devil know which will take away your life before your time if you live for the purpose of the Kingdom.






Lift your voice and pray


Lift your voice and pray. Hallelujah.


Tell God today in the name of Jesus father thank you for this great revelation I have.


The snare has been broken and Paul escaped.


Declare today in the name of Jesus I thank you because the snare of the enemy against me is broken. I thank you because in this season I will escape. In this season I will escape.


In this season I am escaping already in the name of Jesus. Father thank you because any plot any conspiracy of the enemy against me will backfire.


They shall gather together against me Isaiah fifty four verse fifteen but it will backfire in the name of Jesus Christ because God is with me, because God is with me in the name of Jesus.


I declare this morning oh God that your plan for my life will stand, your plan for my life will stand, your plan for my life will stand, your plan for my life will stand.


In the name of Jesus Christ I pray for fire on my altar. I pray that my prayer life will be strong enough oh God almighty to withstand and to understand anything that the enemy is plotting against my life.


I pray to be in touch with you for me to know what is your plan for my life in the name of Jesus Christ.


Any agreement of witchcraft I declare them cancelled in the name of Jesus Christ the son of the living God.


I will live long to celebrate the Lord. I will live long to live the purpose.


I will live long to preach the word of God, to testify about Christ.

Father, thank you thank you and blessed be your holy name in the name of Jesus Christ I am safe.


Whatever they do against me will never work because I am safe in you.

I am safe in Christ. I am safe in Christ. I am safe under the blood. I am safe under the anointing. I am safe in church.

Father I will never neglect my church. I will never neglect my gathering with the saint. I will never neglect again my fasting time. I will never neglect again my prayer time. Father thank you. Blessed be your holy name. In Jesus precious name. The son of the living God.

My enemies will eat their own flesh. They will drink their own blood not mine. They will eat their own flesh they will drink their own blood not mine they will eat their own flesh they will drink their own blood not mine in the name of Jesus Christ the son of the living God we have prayed and we all say amen amen and amen.


Hallelujah ! Glory be to God !


Listen to this message again and again and I invite you to come to Church this Sunday. Word of life is a place where the King is praised and kings are raised. Thank you for connecting and God bless you and good. Have a glorious day.


Fast today and let us meet in the evening to close the fast with prayer. And the anointing of God, the holy communion and God will do something great in your life. Thank you very much and you have a blessed day in Jesus name. Amen and amen.


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