Thursday 17 August 2023





Shekinah Greetings Word of life.


Welcome to the Kingdom Bible study this day. Prepare your Bible, notebook and  let us pray together.


Heavenly father, we thank you today for the grace you have given unto us to see this beautiful day.



We bless your name, we worship you almighty God, we bow before your throne.


Receive our Thanksgiving in Jesus name.


Blessed be your holy name oh Lord forever and evermore. In the name of Jesus Christ the son of the living God we have prayed. And we all say amen and amen.


Glory to God. Galatians 6:17, that is our main scripture for this week. Today is day four. We will continue until Sunday.


Sunday is let no man trouble me Sunday service. I'm excited already because you know ah every Sunday God is giving us revelations, giving us words that I believe are helping you.


So this Sunday it is let no man trouble me Sunday service.


Where are we getting it from? We get it from Galatians chapter six verse seventeen.


The Bible says, from henceforth let no man trouble me for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus.








I will try to see the meaning of henceforth in the dictionary.


I've come to realize that henceforth means from this time onward. Henceforth means starting from now. Henceforth means from this point in time. Let no man trouble me.


So henceforth means that there is a change. It is a decree. It is a verdict.


For example, you have your children at home and they come late. Always they come late you say nothing. Tomorrow they come late you say nothing. And then, one day you just stand and say, from henceforth you are not permitted to reach home beyond six. You issue a verdict. It is a decree.


There are some pictures I want to share with you.




The picture number one is enough is enough.


When Paul says from henceforth, in another word, it means enough enough. Let no man trouble me.


Enough is enough. Let sickness never trouble me again.


Enough is enough. This man will not continue to play around my mind. Enough is enough. This boy should not continue to be a torment for my life. Enough is enough.


When we say enough is enough please understand that enough is enough is a spiritual verdict to enforce your desired change.


It's a verdict to stop what you are not comfortable with.


It is a verdict to stop anything unacceptable.


It's a verdict to stop anything unwanted.


It's a verdict to stop anything intolerable. It is a verdict.


You know? For you to be free from the oppression of the evil one, you must come to a place where you tell the devil, "enough is enough".


That is what Paul says when he says from henceforth. It simply means enough is enough is enough.


It is not for everybody. Enough is enough is for anyone who is tired of being oppressed by demonic powers.


It is for somebody who is tired of poverty, tired of begging for people's attention, tired of not enjoying the marriage, tired of unwanted situation in your life. Tired of being sick.


Yes Paul says I carry on my body the marks of Christ but Enough is enough. Enough is enough.


It means simply that what you have been always tolerating must stop. That is the meaning of from henceforth. And you need to come to that place where you say enough of staying under the roof of somebody.


You must come to a place where you say, from henceforth, I will not remain again under the roof of that person. Enough.


Something that happen in your life like a cycle : cycle of poverty, cycle of misery, cycle of rejection, cycle of depression ... it must stop and a new cycle of blessing, prosperity, happiness and acceptance, joy must start.


But you must come to a place where you say, Let no man trouble me. Enough is enough.


Jesus was in the boat. He was sleeping and there was a storm. The storm was raging and the boat was almost sinking and Jesus was sleeping.


But it came a moment where Jesus woke up from sleep and rebuked the wind, the sea and it was calm.


I pray for you, from henceforth will be your experience in the name of Jesus Christ.


It came a moment in my life where there was somebody I owed money and, you know, it was so shameful and this person decided just to torment me. He decided to put shame on me because I was not able to pay his debt anyway. It was so shameful and that day I say, from henceforth no more borrowing in my life. And it was over.


From henceforth, I'd rather die than borrow. It left me.


I want to believe God that anything that is unwanted in your life, you will say about it, "From henceforth..." and it will leave your life.


Anything that you are sure that it is not in the will of God for you. You are sure it is bringing embarrassment in your life. You will come to a place where you say from henceforth I don't want to see this sickness again in my life.


From henceforth, I don't want to continue to suffer the way I'm suffering. I don't want to continue to beg for people to give me money.


From henceforth, let no man trouble me.


Now, it is your responsibility to reach that place where you say from henceforth, meaning enough is enough.


Enough is enough means that you are in a place where you are just dissatisfied. You become spiritually restless, uncomfortable with what you have been comfortable with.


In Judges chapter five verse seven, it is written, "The inhabitants of the villages ceased. They ceased in Israel until I Deborah arose. I arose as a mother in Israel.


Are you seeing that?


Until Deborah arose, it never ceased. Until you arise, it will continue. Until you say enough is enough, the siege will continue, the siege of the enemy over your health will continue, the siege of the enemy over your finances will continue, the siege of the enemy over your children will continue, the siege the enemy over your feelings, your emotions will continue until you say Enough is Enough ... from henceforth. Let no man trouble me.


Let me give you just some examples in our world.


It came a moment where the Apartheid in South Africa was so bad that there were some places where the black, let me call them black, because I don't believe in the black and white thing. But let me use it just for the sake of understanding, where there were places where the black could not enter. There were some schools where the black could not enter. It was exclusively for the white. Until somebody say no.

No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. From henceforth, ... this thing must stop. And it stopped. The oppression of the black stopped in South Africa. Why? Because someone somewhere arose and said, Enough is enough ... From henceforth.


What you don't stop will continue. What you accept and what you tolerate will continue. Only what you stop, only what you say ... from henceforth ... That is what will stop in your life in the name Jesus Christ.



I remember in my life, one day, there was an an uncle of mine who came in a hotel and I went to this place where he was. I sat there. He called me actually and he said, he will help me for some fees to pay in school I think so. I sat there from morning to evening waiting for that man.


He was in that hotel and I was there at the reception. He knew that I was there until evening I never saw him. I got angry in my spirit. I said, "From henceforth, I will never depend on anybody for my need. And it was over.


Since then until today, I never depend on anybody for my need ... from henceforth ...


What do you want to stop in your life? What is that situation that you say no more in my life? What is that situation? It is you. It is your responsibility.


Paul says, "From henceforth, let no man trouble me. I carry on me the marks of Christ. I have suffered enough. I think it is enough".


Somebody is getting the Spirit of God today. This time round, something will stop in your life. This time round, something must change in your life.


In my life, it came a moment where I just told my parents you know what? I will not be coming to ask you for anything anymore. I will be going trekking. I will be going to school on my, I mean my own way. I don't want to be depending on you. Thank you for whatever you are doing for me, but from henceforth I will not ask you for money. From henceforth and that was it. Never did I ever ask them even until today.


So as we are coming this coming Sunday, we have in mind that we are reaching a place where nobody will trouble you anymore. Praise God.


We are reaching a level where no one under heaven, no matter what they will do, will no more succeed to stress you again.


In fact, what I mean is this, somebody under the sound of my voice, you are reaching a stress free zone of life where trouble will come, problems will appear, but in the midst of the trouble, in the midst of the problems, you are sleeping. You are at peace. You are at rest.


I pray somebody is reaching that level from now. Where nobody will trouble you anymore. I know something is in somebody's mind. I know something is turning in your heart that you want to see is stopping your life.


I can feel that something is turning in your mind that you are about to stop that trouble in your life. I sense in my spirit that something is turning in somebody's life. To put an end to the oppression, to the depression, to bondage of the evil one in your life. From henceforth enough is enough...




The second picture I want to share with you today as we proceed in our Bible Study is the picture of binding and loosing.


Just a reminder for you that the threefold dominion Adam has lost has been given back to Jesus and to you.


Jesus took back the threefold dominion that Adam and Eve lost and gave it to you. You know, when God created Adam, he had power over the air, over the earth and over the waters.


So, Jesus came in the world. He took it back from the evil one and gave it back to the Church.


Revelation chapter one verse eighteen, the Bible says I am he that live and I was dead and behold I am alive forevermore amen and have the keys of hell and of death.


So Jesus has the keys of hell and of death. But when you go to Matthew sixteen verse nineteen, I'm explaining to you the binding and losing thing.


Jesus says something very interesting he says, Whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatsoever thou shalt lose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. Now what does it mean? Listen to me.


It means Whatever you allow on earth, God will allow it in heaven. Are you hearing? What now it means from henceforth means one enough is enough.


What you bind on earth will bound in heaven, what you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.


Whatever you allow on earth God will allow it in heaven. Whatever you allow on earth God will allow it in heaven.


I don't know if you are getting what I'm talking about.


Now whatever you declare locked on earth will be locked in heaven. And whatever you declare unlocked on earth will be unlocked in heaven. What you allow and accept will continue.


May I remind you today Nahum chapter number ah one verse nine, “Affliction shall not rise up the second time. in your life, affliction shall not rise up the second time affliction shall not rise up the second time.


Back to Paul. Galatians six seventeen. He says, Let no man trouble me because I carry on with the marks of Christ.


It means that he suffered. He suffered. He suffered.

We have read with you all the sufferings he went through.


But Paul came to a place where he said, “Ah! Suffering all the timeAbba. No. It must come to an end.


What I mean is that sometimes we come to a place where we get used to suffering. You get used to suffering. Though it is suffering for Christ, but suffering for for Christ is not forever.


So he said and understood, Oh my God. I have been given power to bind and to loose. I think, time has come. Let me use the power that has been given unto me to bind and to loose. From henceforth, let no man trouble me because I carry on my body the marks of Christ.




You bind and loose with the Word of God in your mouth.


Listen to me. Listen to me. Your mouth has been given to you by God as a weapon of warfare.


Don't forget that. God has given you your mouth to address the wickedness of the wicked. That is why God gave you your mouth.


Luke twenty one fifteen Jesus says, I will give you a mouth and a wisdom which your enemies will not be able to gain say.


In Esther 4:14, Mordecai told Esther, If you keep silent you will die.


Trouble will stop in your life if you use the weapon of your mouth.


Psalm seven verse nine… Oh let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end.


There was oppression in Israel among the people of Israel.

Haman was the one who signed a decree to exterminate all the Jews.


Mordecai told Esther, “Don't keep quiet. If you keep quiet you will die. (Esther 4:14).


All the time that Paul was in trouble he was saying nothing. He was accepting because of “I am a servant of Christ. He was saying nothing.


Go to your Bible.


I want to show you a very interesting scripture in Isaiah 53:7, “He was oppressed and he was afflicted. Yet, he opened not his mouth. He is brought as a lamb to the slaughter and as a sheep before her shearers is dumped. So he openeth not his mouth. He was taken from prison, from judgement and so forth.


Why was Jesus oppressed? Why Jesus was suffering?


Because He did not speak. Because he shut his mouth.


That is why Mordecai told Esther, If you don't talk, if you don't speak you will die.


That is why Jesus says, What you bind on earth will be bound in heaven. What you lose on earth will be loosed in heaven.


Whatever you don't want, don't watch.


Your mouth has been given to you as a weapon of warfare.


It is your responsibility to speak Against anything you don't want to see in your life.


Don't watch sickness. Speak against sickness.


Don't watch humiliation. Speak against humiliation.

Don't watch embarrassment. Speak against embarrassment.


Don't watch trouble. Speak against trouble. 


Until Jesus spoke to the wind, to the sea, the storm never stopped.


Until you speak to the mountain it will never move. Let no man trouble me.


Until David spoke to Goliath against Goliath. Goliath was never defeated.


It has taken David to stand before Goliath and say, You come with me with all the weapons, but I'm coming today in the name of the Lord God of Israel you have insulted. Today your body will be given to the bird of the air. And all Israel shall know that there is God in heaven.


Until David confronted Goliath, the trouble never stopped.


Some troubles will stop in your life when you speak the way Paul spoke, Let no man trouble me. You bind on earth, in heaven it will be bound.


What do you want to see no more? 


Jesus spoke to that demon in Mark nine twenty five. He said, No more and he left. He came no more.


What do you want to never see it again in your life?


Speak against it.











Go before the Lord now this morning and speak against anything unwanted in your life.


Go before the Lord and say, speak against working and and borrowing, speak against joblessness, speak against instability, financial instability, go against speak today in the name of Jesus Christ, speak against anything that is unwanted even in this country of Kenya where we are.


Speak against any trouble whatever it can be in the name of Jesus Christ.


Speak against anything you don't want to see in your life. Against quarrel in your marriage. Against instability in your children.


Speak against rebellion of the children. Speak against ah an unsubmissiveness of children in your life. Speak against anything that you don't want to see.


Go before the Lord and declare. Speak against it. Speak against it.


Today even as I'm standing here we are in that place even at this particular time.


There are noise around in the place where we are. That is a residential place.


I speak against it in the name of Jesus Christ. We need quietness. We need peace. Our place where we are. Our children where we are. We cannot continue to see prostitutes in the street where we are here.


I don't want to see it anymore.


I declare and I decree in the name of Jesus Christ. Let no man trouble me.


Let no man trouble our children. They should not be coming from school and along the way see prostitutes standing there.


No more. I say no more. I say no more. I say no more. I say no more. I say no more. I say no more.


What do you want to never see again in your life?


Go again before the Lord. Speak against it. Speak against it. Speak against it. Speak against it. Speak against it. Speak against it in the name of Jesus Christ


We speak against gayism and lesbianism.


We speak against all those evil forces in the country where we are.


We speak against any evil.


The Bible says, “Let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end.


We speak against it in the name of Jesus Christ. No more nightmares.


No more disturbance at night. No more spirit husbands, spirit wives, no more in the name of Jesus Christ. No more alcoholism. No more drunkenness.


In the name of Jesus Christ speak against it.


And as we speak against it it shall be so in your life. In the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit.


No more laziness, no more procrastination in the name of Jesus Christ. The son of the living God. No more inconsistency. No more pettiness in the name of Jesus Christ. No more immaturity.


In the name of the Lord. No more taking offence for nothing. In the name of Jesus Christ. No more no more. No more. No more allowing people to trouble you.


In the name of Jesus Christ. No more. What you bind on earth in heaven is bound.


What you release on earth is released in heaven. In the name of Jesus. Your job is released. Your wife is released. Your husband is released. Your children are released. Whatever is yours release it.


Don't shut your mouth. Speak. And that is how trouble can stop in your life.


Speak it. Speak speak it with faith and let it be so today and forevermore.


In Jesus precious name we have spoken and we say amen and amen.


Glory to God. Something is turning around in your life.


Something is turning around in somebody's life and you will testify and glory will be to God. In Jesus name we have prayed. And we say amen and amen.


Thank you very much. That is day four Tomorrow is day five. Sunday is the climax where we come together and we declare let normal trouble meet Sunday service in Jesus name.


Amen. God bless you.


God do you good as you have said so shall it be. The sick are receiving the healing today. The jobless, you are releasing your job today.


Anything that is troubling you God is giving you relief today in the name of Jesus Christ. The Son of the Living God we have all prayed and say amen and amen.






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