Wednesday 16 August 2023



Shekinah Greetings word of life. Welcome to the Kingdom Bible Study this amazing day. I pray that God will bless you today and do you good. Amen.

Just lift your voice where you are this morning and just tell God, Lord I am ready to receive the Word. Minister to me, oh Lord, I need you God more than anything else.

Talk to me. Show me the way. Direct me. I want you oh God more than anything else. Thank you for the night. Thank you for the day. Blessed be your name in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ the Son of the living God we have all prayed amen glory be to God.


In Galatians chapter number six verse seventeen, Paul says, “Let no man trouble me because I carry on me, on my body the marks of Christ”

The devil will not trouble you anymore in the name of Jesus Christ. Sunday is our Sunday. Let no man trouble me Sunday service. Enough of trouble. That is the meaning of it. You are most welcome. Enough of trouble in your health. Enough of trouble in your family. Enough of humiliation. Enough of stagnation. Enough of persecution and tribulation in your life. Enough is enough.

In fact, that is what Paul is saying. Let no man trouble me because I have suffered enough. So, don't add on top of it more other trouble.

I pray you reach a place where you can stand firm and look at the enemy and say, Let no man trouble me in the name of Jesus Christ.

I pray you reach a place where you declare … enough of trouble on my health. Enough of trouble over my job. Enough of trouble over my family. Enough of trouble in my marriage. Let no man trouble me because of the marks Christ.

Paul reached that level where he says, Enough is enough. In fact enough in the name of Jesus Christ.

There is a man who was a very big source of trouble for Paul.

That is the man we would be talking about today and that man is called Alexander the Coppersmith. He was a big source of trouble in the ministry of Paul.

We read in second Timothy chapter number four verse fourteen to fifteen, “2Ti 4:14 Alexander the coppersmith did me much evil: the Lord reward him according to his works: 2Ti 4:15  Of whom be thou ware also; for he hath greatly withstood our words

When you go to verse sixteen, you will understand that Alexander the Coppersmith went further.

What did he do verse sixteen?

2Ti 4:16 At my first answer no man stood with me, but all men forsook me: I pray God that it may not be laid to their charge.

He was a big a negative influence in the circle of of Paul to the extent that he was pulling even people away from Paul.

Today I want to show to you some pictures that will help you understand the message of today.


The first picture I want to show to you today is about unforgivable sin. That is the first picture.

Alexander the Coppersmith did me much evil. Meaning that Alexander the Coppersmith was a source of trouble in the ministry of Paul.

Now how did he handle that man?

We would get some lessons from Paul.

MarK 3:28 Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme: 

MarK 3:29 But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation: 

MarK 3:30 because they said he had an unclean spirit.

Alexander the Coppersmith was among the rare, the few people specifically mentioned to beware of.

Paul said in 2 Timothy 4:15 Of whom be thou ware also; for he hath greatly withstood our words.

Alexander did me much evil ... He did me ... He troubled me … When someone is a source of trouble, the Lord will reward him according to his works.

Anyone who sows trouble in your life, hand him over to God.

That is what Paul did… The Lord will reward him...

The Bible is very clear in Galatians chapter six, you will reap what you sow.

If you sow trouble in the life of others, you will reap trouble. Beware if you are the one causing trouble in Church.

My friend, beware of being the one causing trouble in Church, the House of God. Beware.

Alexander the Coppersmith … Paul makes it very clear, saying, “This man did me much evil…”, meaning in other word, Alexander the Coppersmith showed disrespect.

He showed disregard, he showed contempt, he showed discourtesy toward the man anointed by God.

I want to warn somebody this morning. Beware of disregarding the servant of God. Beware of disrespecting the one God has anointed and who is praying standing in the gap for you. Beware of disregarding such people under heaven. Beware. Beware. It carries negative consequences which can be irreversible and eternal.

The picture I'm talking about is about the unforgivable sins.

Now, let us look at what Paul says in second Timothy chapter four verse fourteen. He says, “He did me so much harm”.

Now the word harm HAR M is K A K O S, which means something which is depraved or evil.

Paul says also much… Much means a large amount of, something which occurs many times… Much evil … Much evil …

So, whatever Alexander was doing to Paul, he did not do it once. It was a behaviour. It was a repetition. It was not small things. Paul was deeply hurt. This man just came to hurt Paul.

Probably, he was the one who was not recognizing him as an apostle or as a man of God.

Beware my friend. Caution. Caution. Caution.

Is he also a pastor? Who's a pastor? This one? Is he a man of God? I don't know him. Well done.

For what? They should count apostles, should you also be counted as an apostle? Caution. Beware. Beware.

In Mark 3:22, the Bible talks about something that was repeatedly done. It means in other word, when we talk about unforgivable sin, we talk about the sin that an individual is not ready to ask God for forgiveness.

It is a man who is impenitent. It means, Paul was warning this man. Please beware of pride. Pride.

Alexander the Coppersmith was a proud man.

Me, I will never, I will never, I will never go to ask for. … Beware. Beware. Beware.

Now, listen to what happened.

In second Timothy chapter four verse fifteen to sixteen, we have seen it with you.

Paul says, The law will reward him. But watch something Paul did in first Timothy chapter one verse twenty…”Of whom he and Alexander whom I have delivered unto Satan that they may learn not to blaspheme”

Alexander refused to admit, to humble himself that what he did was wrong. He refused to admit, to humble under the anointing, under the servant of God that what he was doing was a sin.

Rather, he was influencing others to draw them to him and disconnect them from Paul.

And that is why it is called unforgivable sin.

May I draw your attention Word of Life. Be careful in the house of God. Be careful with the men of God. Be careful with the men appointed and anointed by God who are standing in the gap.

My friend, this man standing before you, I have nothing else to do in this country and in this world. God is my witness. I have zero business apart from what I am doing. I have zero business. I have no transaction which I do anywhere under heaven if not to come to stand before you, to preach to you the Word, to minister to you.

I'm spending time here to pray, to cry to God for you. Beware. Beware. Beware. That is the first picture of the  unforgivable sin.


The second picture I want to talk about it is to deliver unto Satan.

What does it mean?

Paul says, “I have delivered them unto Satan”.

What does it actually mean?

Friends, be careful. Don't trouble the anointed. Please, I beg you by the mercy of God. Don't trouble the anointed. Paul says, “Let no man trouble me”.

So when he says, “I deliver them to Satan”. It means in other word … You will be troubled by the devil… That is the meaning of it… You trouble the anointing, the anointing will trouble your life. Why?

Because Alexander did not want to humble himself. Because Alexander was troubling the ministry. He was troubling the Church. He was troubling the anointed. He was troubling the Apostle. He delivered him to Satan.

Now, it means in other word that Satan, the devil, demons were permitted to trouble him. That is Paul. It is not me.

But don't forget the first picture was the unforgivable sin. The sin that God cannot forgive. It is the sin which the man is not ready to repent about. I will never ask for forgiveness. Beware. Beware. Beware.

Now, let us look at it now ... To be delivered unto Satan… 

In practical terms, let us look at how it happens from the old testament.

Number one leprosy.

Leprosy is the destruction of the flesh. The flesh gets destroyed.

When Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses, the Bible says that Miriam was plagued with leprosy.

Numbers chapter twelve verse one, nine and ten.

Let me read for you from the CEV…

Num 12:1 Although Moses was the most humble person in all the world, Miriam and Aaron started complaining, "Moses had no right to marry that woman from Ethiopia! Who does he think he is? The LORD has spoken to us, not just to him." The LORD heard their complaint 

Num 12:9  The LORD became angry at Aaron and Miriam. And after the LORD left 

Num 12:10  and the cloud disappeared from over the sacred tent, Miriam's skin turned white with leprosy. When Aaron saw what had happened to her, 

What Moses did, I don't know exactly. Was it a sin or not? But they said, “Who is this Moses? Who does he think that He is?”

Immediately, what happened? Leprosy. The body became white and started deteriorating.

Do you know that there are many people whose ministries, businesses are being deteriorated because of troubling the anointed?

My friend, don't be a reason why you are causing trouble in the life of the anointed man of God. Don't be a source, a reason why a man of God appointed and anointed by God, is crying because of you causing trouble.

My friend, be careful. Be careful.


First Chronicles fifteen verse twenty-nine ERV… “When the box of the Lord's agreement arrived at the city of Jerusalem, the Saul's daughter Micah looked through a window. When she saw King David dancing and playing she lost her respect to him”.

Beware of losing respect for the man of God. The one God has anointed and appointed. Be careful.

Listen to this. This woman never said any word. She never spoke. She despised David in her heart. And for despising the man of God, the womb was closed.

Do you know how many wombs are closed for despising the anointed? Do you know how many wombs are closed for criticizing for no reason those God has appointed and anointed for his work?

Let no man trouble me. Remember Paul is talking … no man…

Among the men who trouble him, Alexander the Coppersmith...

May you never be an Alexander in Church in Jesus Precious Name.


So when the man of God says, “I delivered him to Satan”, understand that … you are in trouble oh.

In number sixteen verse two to three ERV, Four men gathered other men from Israel together and came against Moses. They were leaders who had been chosen by the people and all the people knew them.

They came as a group to speak against Moses and Aaron and said, “You have gone too far. You are wrong. All the Israelites are holy. The Lord still lives among them. You are making yourselves more important than the rest of the Lord's people. You are wrong”.

Ah! Is it wrong to tell the man of God what is wrong? I don't say it is wrong. But the way you put it can be dangerous for somebody.

Who do you think that you are? Who do you think that you are? Are you the only one God has spoken to?

Moses just said, “Ah well. It's okay. Maybe I called myself. If I called myself, may God judge me”.

He made a simple prayer. The Bible says, “Lord, let it be known that you have called me. If they die a normal death I was not called.Let it be known that you are the one who called me, by a strange kind of death”.

That is Moses. That is the meaning of I deliver them to Satan.

When the man of God prays, “Avenge me. In this matter, avenge me”.

Beware if the man of God in the house says about you, “Lord, avenge me”.

Beware of such a prayer from a man of God. Beware. He delivered them unto Satan.

Immediately, the earth opened and all of them went in the depth of the earth. And the earth was closed.

I say beware.

Strange death came as an earthquake.

Another of strange death.

Elisha in second king chapter two. The Bible says that there were two she bears who came to eat raw forty-two children who were mocking the man of God.

Please friend today, I'm pouring my heart to you. Don't despise the anointing. Don't despise.

Listen to me. If you don't want a man of God, just leave the Church and go where you want to go. Don't hang around there. Don't hang around there.

And also, don't be the one pulling others telling them, “Don't go there. This man is … “

Don't. And I say, don't my friend. It is a dangerous place to be. They were despising the man of God. That is Alexander the Coppersmith in the Old Testament.

We have again another death of suicide.

You know Judah Iscariot. In Mathew chapter twenty-seven verse five, you know how he died.

Number four, we have also a man who died a strange death knocked down by the people.

In second King chapter seven verse one to two, Elisha said, “Listen to the message from the Lord. The Lord says, about this time tomorrow, there will be plenty of food and it will be cheap again. A person will be able to buy a basket of fine flour or two basket of barley for only one shekel in the market place by the city gate of Samaria”.

Then the officer who was close to the king answered the man of God the officer said, “Even if the Lord made windows in heaven this could not happen”.

Elisha said, “You will see it with your own eyes but you will not eat any of that food.

Verse seventeen … There was one officer who always stayed close by the king to help him. The king sent this officer to guard the gate but the people knocked him down and trampled him and he died.

See … Let no man trouble me. Don't trouble the anointed. Don't trouble. Don't trouble the Church. Don't trouble the Church. Don't trouble the house of God. Don't trouble the Church. Don't trouble the anointed. Don't trouble the apostles. Don't trouble the prophet. Don't trouble the pastors. Don't trouble the teachers. Don't trouble those who are in alignment with the plan, the purpose of God for your life. Don't trouble them. It can be costly for your own life. Strange death.

We have against strange death.

Number five through fiery serpents.

When the people of Israel spoke against God and Moses… You see again? They spoke against God and Moses.

Numbers twenty-one verse five to six … God sent fiery serpents to them for their sin.

They began complaining against Moses and God.

The people said, “Why did you bring us out of Egypt? We will die here in the desert. There is no bread and no water and we have this terrible food.”

You say terrible food? You are attacking the food? You are attacking the teaching? That is Alexander attacking the teaching of the anointed.

My friend, you better fear God.

So, the Lord sent poisonous snakes. It is not the devil who sent. God himself sent those poisonous snakes among the people.

The snakes bit the people and many of the Israelites died.

You see that is the meaning of I delivered them to Satan?

Oh! God have mercy!

I feel like somebody should just tell the Lord, “Lord, have mercy on me Have mercy on me. In the name of Jesus Christ, the son of the living God”.


The third picture I have for you today is four warnings.

For all that we have read with you, meditated with you, I have some warnings, …

Warning number one, beware of familiarity with the servants of God,

Moses siblings became too familiar with their brother that they lost sight that he was a man of God.

The people of Nazareth were too familiar with Jesus.

Be careful with familiarity. Those who are around me, be careful with being familiar with the man of God. Beware of familiarity.

Second warning beware of unbelief.

Beware of challenging the Word of God from the mouth of the man of God. Beware of challenging the Word. That is was killed the man next to the king. Beware. You are free to believe or not to believe. If you don’t believe, keep it in your corner.

Beware of challenging and despising what we are doing. Beware.

Third warning beware of mockery

Beware of mocking or belittling the servants of God. The forty-two boys belittled the man of God. And it happened to them that they were killed. Beware.

Michal despised David in her heart. Beware of despising the Word of Life. The Word Of Life which is here, you look at it and say, “That's a small church. Which Church is it? We have our big churches there. That's a small pastor. We have our big pastors”.

Oh! No problem, I don't curse people anyway, but beware. David never cursed Michal. Her attitude was an auto-curse. She cursed herself.

Fourth warning, beware of harm.

Beware of the deliberately hurting and harming God's servant by challenging their authority. That's what Kora and company did.

Fifth warning, beware of pride

Pride leads to mockery. Pride leads to disrespect.

May God have mercy over you, over the country.


The last picture I want to use is the picture of the anointing. How do you tap into the anointing?

Number one, accept the anointing and the anointed.

Which means, receive, embrace with your spiritual eyes their ministry. Don't look at them as mere men. Look at them as God's sent. God's servants. God's gift.

Paul says, “Let no man trouble me because I carried the marks”. Meaning, I am an apostle. I am anointed. I am called by God. Don't trouble me.

Accept his authority. Accept the Word. Accept his leading. Accept.

If at all there is something you think otherwise, go, talk, ask for more clarity and find a way that is godly.

In second king chapter four verse nine, she said unto her husband, “Behold now, I perceive that this is an Holy man of God”

And you see how the blessing followed? Her doors opened. The womb opened. The miracle happened. The supernatural took place. Because she accepted the man of God.

Mark six four to 5, Jesus said unto them, “A prophet is not without honour but in his country and among his own kin and his own house and he could there do no mighty works because they did not receive him”.

It means, receive the Word they preach as the Word of God.

In First Thessalonians chapter two verse thirteen, Paul says, “You received the Word not as the word of men, but as it is in the truth the Word of God”.

Don't look at me as a mere man. No. I'm not talking on myself. I'm teaching you the Word. It is up to you to receive it. Believe the Word I preach.

Number two, believe the anointing and the anointed.

In Second Chronicle twenty verse twenty, “Believe in God, so shall ye be established. Believe His prophet so shall ye prosper”.

Believe the prophet. Believe in the prophecy. You don't believe only in God. You believe also in the man of God God is sending to you.

Believe in God. Believe in the man of God.

And number three connect to the anointing.

What does it mean? It means plug into what they carry.

The anointing you do not honour will never bless you. The anointing you don't believe in will never work wonder in your life.

Be careful. Don't trouble the anointing. You will be troubled.

Joshua told a man called Achan, “Why did you trouble us? The Lord who will trouble you”.

The Lord troubles those who trouble his anointed. Be present. Attend the teachings. Connect financially. Connect with your offerings. Connect with your tithe. Connect with your time. Connect with your talent. Connect ah by serving.

That is how you connect and that is how the anointing can work wonders in your life.


Lift your voice and say Lord I come before you today

In the name of Jesus, I cast out the spirit of Alexander the Coppersmith in my life

I cast out any unforgivable sin in my life

I cast out the spirit of pride in me

Lord help me to have right attitude toward your servants

Help me to have right attitude toward the anointed

Help me to have right attitude toward those who are sending to me help me to never be a source of trouble in the church.

Help me to be humble under the one you have provided to be a leader in my life.

Let the anointing moving in this ministry in the church where I am in my life.

Father, thank you for changing my perspective. Thank you oh Lord for using me to be a source of blessing to the man of God for changing my attitude.

Thank you oh God I close the door to the enemy who will not destroy my life. Will not destroy my health. Will not destroy my business.

Help me to honour the anointing. Help me to honour the anointed. Help me to be a son in the house. A daughter in the house of God. In the name of Jesus Christ.

Father we pray for the word of life. May this church never have Alexander in our midst.

Destroy the spirit of Alexander resisting the the word of God. Blaspheming against the anointed.

Destroy the spirit of Alexander in our midst oh God.

I arise oh God and trouble the troublers of the word of life Church.

Avenge your Church. In the name of Jesus the son of the living God we have prayed. And we say amen.

Amen. And amen.


Thank you very much for being part of this. Let no man trouble me. Let no man trouble you. Because you carry the marks of Christ. Pray for the man of God standing before you. Pray for me I need your prayer. Pray for my family. Pray for the church. Hallelujah.

Be a source of peace for the Church.

You are blessed.

I love you all. You should know that and God bless you.

We meet at night ah this evening of course for the encounter service where we will be breaking the fast.

Please pause to be there and the Lord will bless you.


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