Tuesday 15 August 2023



Shekina Greetings Word Of Life.

I welcome you to the Kingdom Bible Study today.

I believe you have been well. You had a blessed night. And eh a blessed day indeed in the name of Jesus. The name of the Lord be glorified.

We had an amazing service yesterday.

God is working in an amazing way in the Word of Life Church where the King is praised and Kings are raised.

Now, lift your voice where you are and with your own voice, give thanks to God for another week that we are getting from him by his grace.

Just say thank you to the Lord. Because it is indeed his doing and his doing is marvelous in our eyes.

Lift your voice. Give thanks to God for this amazing week. The week of inner peace. Lord, we thank you. We bless your Holy name and we worship you. You are God all by yourself. Receive our thanks, receive the praise, receive the glory, receive the honour, receive the adoration forever and evermore. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit we have all prayed and we all say amen and amen. Glory to God.


Well we are starting the Week of Inner Peace and I am announcing to you that this coming Sunday is let no man trouble me Sunday Service. We get it all the way from Galatians chapter number six verse seventeen where the Apostle Paul says, Let no man trouble me because I carry on my body the marks of Christ”.

So, as we are coming this coming Sunday, we have in mind that we are reaching a place where nobody will trouble you anymore. Praise God.

We are reaching a level where no one under heaven no matter what they will do will succeed to stress you again. In fact what I mean is that somebody under the sound of my voice, you are reaching a stress free zone of life where trouble will come, problems will appear, but in the midst of the trouble in the midst of the problems you are sleeping you are at peace, you are at rest.

I pray that somebody is reaching that level from now on where nobody will trouble you anymore.

I am not saying that you will no more have trouble. I am saying that you will have trouble but it will not trouble you. Praise be the living God. I mean, you are reaching a level where the trouble will be troubled because it is no longer troubling you.

So, you reach a place where the trouble is no longer troubling you. You are troubling the trouble. The trouble is troubled because you are not troubled in the midst of the trouble. That is the level you are reaching from now in Jesus precious name. Praise be the living God. So welcome to the Kingdom Bible study.

I mean just be expectant because I will download unto you Scriptural truths that will help you reach a place where you are no more stressed, where you are no longer disturbed, where you will no longer be troubled by anything or anybody under heaven. Don't miss those teachings they will move you to that realm.

The realm of peace in the midst of the storm. Peace in the midst of trouble. That will be your experience in the name of Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God.

Today the topic I want to share with you is Paul the trouble free man Jesus the trouble free man tips and secret.

So I will share with you three pictures : the picture of Paul the trouble free man, the picture of Jesus the trouble free man and from those two pictures, we will find the secrets and tips for a trouble free lifestyle.



Paul says, “Let no man trouble me because I have on my body the scars the marks of Jesus”.

What Paul means by the marks, he is actually talking about all the persecutions, the tribulations, the troubles, the problems, the adversities that he went through in his ministry.

When you read Galatians chapter number six verse seventeen the CE version, On my own body are scars that prove I belong to Christ Jesus. So I don't want anyone to bother me

Amplified version, “From now on let no one trouble me by making it necessary for me to justify my authority as an apostle and the absolute truth of the Gospel for I bear on my body the branding marks of Jesus, the wounds, the scars and other outward evidence of persecution this testify to his ownership to me

Paul is talking about him going through tough time, going through persecution, going through adversities in his life, yet in the midst of it, he was still at peace. Praise the living God.

He never lost his joy. He never lost his faith in the midst of all that trouble.

When you go to second Corinthians chapter number four, “You see, we have this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellency of the power may be of God and not of us. Verse eight we are troubled in every side yet not distressed”.

Meaning, I am in the midst of trouble. But I don't have stress. How? We are perplexed but not in despair.

Meaning, I am not hopeless. How? Persecuted verse nine but not forsaken. How? Cast down but not destroyed. Verse ten. Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body.

How on earth can you be in such a place of difficulties all over and yet you are not stressed? I want to understand How can you be in such a place where nothing is stressing you at all?

I pray for you. You will reach that level in Jesus precious name.

In the midst of the storm, you are sleeping. Not that you are indifferent, but you are confident that the Lord is in control.

Go to second Corinthians chapter eleven verse twenty-three to twenty-eight Paul again, “Are they ministers of Christ? I speak as a fool. I am more in labours more abundant. In stripes above measure. In prisons more frequent. In death of of the Jews five times received 40 stripes saved one. Thrice was I beaten with rods. Once was I stoned. Thrice I suffered shipwreck. In night and a day I have been in the deep. In journeyings often, in perils of waters, in perils of robbers, in perils by my own countrymen, in perils by the be hidden, in perils in the city, in perils in the wilderness, in perils in the sea, in perils among false brethren, in illiness and painfulness, in watchings often, in hunger and thirst, in fastings often, in cold and nakedness, beside those things that are without, that which cometh upon me daily, the care of all the churches.

What of a man!

Now the same man is in prison. In Philippians chapter number four he says rejoice in the Lord. Always rejoice and again I say rejoice.

What a man! What was the secret of such a man?

The same says, “The peace of God that surpasses all understanding shall keep your heart and your minds through Christ Jesus.

How can I be that peaceful no matter the circumstances?

I believe you will reach that level where no man trouble you anymore, where nothing bothers you anymore. You become unbothered Oh my goodness.


So, picture number one. Let's go quickly. Emotional maturity. You reach that level where you become unbothered.

Now, let me just help you and have a picture of it in the life of Jesus. Because Jesus is our model. Paul is a model of course but the model of the models was Jesus.


In Luke chapter nine Jesus arrives in a city called Samaria he was rejected. They told him, “You are not entering here.

The disciples of Jesus, John and Peter and James said, “Lord, we will call for fire from heaven to destroy them”.

Be careful with that prayer of vengeance. I teach it but we need to be moderate in this kind of teaching because you don't use the vengeance of God because of your own eh emotional immaturity.

Here, they wanted to call for fire because they were frustrated and because they were rejected. We don't call fire because of our frustration.

Emotional maturity is very important.


When somebody does not want you in their life, understand that that person has the freedom to accept you or no. May you reach a place where you don't force yourself anymore in the life of people.

That is how you can live that kind of peace.

You want me I I want you. You don't want me. I don't want you. Simple. You welcome me. I enter. You don't welcome me. I stay outside of your life.

That is already a very powerful point that will help you in your life to enjoy peace in the midst of rejection.

Jesus says himself, “I stand at the door I knock if anyone open I enter. You don't open. I don't enter”. 

I have learnt in my life. I will never force myself in the life of others. If they don't want you, don't force yourself there. Don't go by force by fire because they don't want to receive you in their home.

There are people who don't want me in their lives. For real? They don't want me.

So, it means in other word that the Samaritan did not want Jesus to enter. Jesus was not frustrated. It is their choice.

Now can you come to a place where you allow people to use their free will? Can you come to a place where you are okay in your skin even if people don't want you there in their life? Please come on. Can you move on if they don't want you? Move on with your life.

There are many people who don't want my ministry. I'm okay. It does not change anything in me. Hallelujah.

May you come to a place where if they don't want you, it does not kill the fact that you are unique.

I am unique. By the way, if somebody does not want you in their life, you are not the one missing, they are the one missing. They are the one losing.

The disciple got frustrated. Jesus said, “Eh men stop your frustration. Let's go elsewhere”. And they left.

Receive the grace to feel okay even when where they don't want you.

I am counted among the people on this earth who are undisturbed. Not by myself but by the grace of God.


Again, we see Jesus. There was storm. The disciples were overwhelmed with with fear but Jesus was sleeping. He woke up, spoke to the sea, spoke to the wind and all was calm. That his emotional maturity.

When you come to a place where you know that you know that I will reach my destination because before the storm starts, Jesus told the disciples, We are going to the other side.

And the storm came and the storm could not dilute, could not stop the storm, could not reverse the promises of God over your life.

It means in other word, if God says, You will reach the destination, if God says that is where you are going, even if the storms come, it will never stop the Word and the promises of God.

That is why Paul says in second Timothy chapter two verse nine, “I am bound but the Word of God is not bound”.

It means in other word that the storm is not stronger than the promise of God.

So, there is a level of inner peace that you will enjoy in your life because you are too sure that God can never lie. 

You are too sure that God can never forsake me. He said it, He will do it. He will do it.

I applied for the visa in this country, the Work Permit. Three times the application was rejected, but even when it was rejected, I knew God told me, I will serve God in this country of Kenya.

So, the file rejected did not change anything.

So, you will come to that place where you are no more troubled by things because you are too sure of what God says about you. 

You are too sure of what God say about your ministry. I am 1000% sure of the promises of God over the Word Of Life Church.

Even if there is only one person in Church, it does not change anything in my faith. Because I know what God says about this Church.

Receive the grace of faith. Even in the storm, you can be calm knowing that what God says is what will happen. That is emotional maturity. Praise be the living God.

Now, you know my son jumped from the first floor. I always tell you and I say it again. Pastor, they called me from the school. “Your son jumped from the first floor”.

That was a storm.

But I remember that God told me, “I will never bury my children”.

I don't need to rush and I was telling the PA with me, “I won't see the dead body of my children”. That is faith.

You are getting that kind of faith from now in Jesus name. It did not disturb me at all.

Can you give the Lord praise where you are?

Your agitation in the midst of the storms is a proof that you don't believe in the Word of God.

Jesus said, “Let's go to the other side”. So, the storm will not stop us from going where we are supposed to go. Hallelujah.


We see Jesus again. He was betrayed by his closest apostle. Even in the midst of the betrayal, Jesus looked at Judas and called him friend. He calls him my friend.

What a man.

Peter was all over. He took the sword and cut the ear of that man. Jesus told him, “What is wrong with you?”

He took the ear, put it back.

Have you been in a place where you have invested on the somebody and later they become your enemy? Have I seen such such a thing? Many.

Now, can you reach a place where even in the midst of such a situation, where you are betrayed by somebody, yet you don't lose temper, you are calm, you are okay?

Do you know you need to come to a place where you build that peace in the midst of that kind of situation? To reach to a place where even the betrayal of men in your life does not stop the plan of God for you. That's a powerful secret.

Can you reach a place where you don't depend on the love of men toward you?


In Second Timothy chapter number four verse sixteen.

Listen to Paul in 2Ti 4:16  At my first answer no man stood with me, but all men forsook me: I pray God that it may not be laid to their charge. 2Ti 4:17  Notwithstanding the Lord stood with me, and strengthened me; that by me the preaching might be fully known, and that all the Gentiles might hear: and I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion. "

My goodness, can you imagine Paul a man who did miracles? He prayed for the sick, the sick got healed, he prayed for the dead, the dead came back to life, through the handkerchief he was using, people got healed, etc.

Yet, through all the above, all deserted him in the midst of  trouble.

Now, see how Paul responded to the desertion?

1- He says, I don't put it on their charge. Meaning them. Bless them where they go.

2- The Lord stood with me. It simply means what? When people leave you, when people depart from you, when people no longer associate with you, don't forget, they leave you but God will not leave you.

I have ever been sure in my life of the presence of the Lord. I have ever been sure that God is with me.

Now, the presence of people around me or close to me does not mean that God is with me or not. I am so sure of the presence of God in my life than the absence of men around me.

And I always check the presence of God more than I check the presence of men or I am bothered by the absence of men.

Because the absence of men does not mean the absence of God. Men can leave you, but God is with you. Praise be the living God. That is what Paul says the Lord stood with me.

Are you hearing me? That is emotional maturity. Hallelujah.

3- Again he says, the Lord strengthen me.

You need to reach a place where your strength comes from the Lord not from people.

Listen to me. I teach you how you can build inner peace in your life. How you can be trouble free in the midst of the trouble.

Because when people here in this text that is Paul. Pastor Kasuku Paul. Everybody left him when he was in trouble. People left him. They went. Now but in the midst of it he says the Lord strengthen me.

You know what my friend?

Don't be bothered to keep people. Be bothered to keep God. And God will keep the right people with you, for you and around you.

So, it simply means when somebody departs from your life, the meaning of it is that they are not part of your future, they are part of your past.

So let them go period.

This week, it is just purely my testimony. It's purely my experience. Because I will tell you God is my witness, I live a trouble free life.

You know when people leave you, I want to announce to you today that God is your strength not people.

There are people who look so much at the people Paul, here, everybody left him. Everybody. Yet, he said, “The Lord strengthened me”.

4- Now, listen to me he says again, “That by me the preaching might be fully known”.

It means that Paul was focused on his assignment. Do you know what? There are some people who just come in your life to distract you. Paul was a very focused man. If you want to be trouble free you need to learn to be focused.

Focus on your assignment. You know what?

I came in this country. I have an assignment. My assignment is what? The Kingdom Bible Study. My assignment is what? The Midnight Praise. My assignment is what? Sessions. My assignment is what? To serve God.

I don't have any other business than to do what God called me to do.

When you focus on what God has called you to do. I don't see where anything can trouble you in life.

Now, when my son jumped from the first floor, he fell. And I did not know what happened actually. My focus was this I told the PA., “This evening, I have a Bible study. Okay? And I have to close the fast. So, don't trouble me”.

I am focused on what God wants me to do. I pray you get the grace to become focused in Jesus name. Be focused on what God wants you to do. Anything else is distraction.

And there are people who are very good in distraction. Paul did not allow it.

That is why he was a man who can be trouble free. He was always focused on his assignment. Period.

And he said, “God strengthened me to continue my task.

5- And again at the end, he says, “I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion”. Meaning that no matter the trouble, no matter the trouble there is a way out.

Hallelujah. Can you see how you can be trouble free?

Jesus himself in John chapter six people left him. A good number of disciples left Jesus and they went. This one is so tough. Everybody left.

See how Jesus responded. He asked Peter, “Are you not going too?. Can you follow those who are leaving me?”

Peter said, “We have nowhere to go”.

Listen to me.

God will always provide to you people who will be loyal to you. God will always provide to you people who will stand with you where everybody is leaving you.

God has always a Ruth who will stay there when Orpa would leave you.

God has always a Peter who will stand with you when the Judas has left.

God has always someone who will stand with you. Praise be the living God.

Even Paul, there was Timothy who was there with him, yet some people left him.

There are always some Ruth who will stand with you and I always know and I believe in God that there is always a loyal person who will stand with you, who will say, “You know what Naomi? Others have left. Orpa has left but I will be with you. Your God will be my God. Where you will go I will go. Where they will bury you, I will be buried”.

When Orpa leaves your life, let her go. Kiss her by. And you can even add some tips for him to help him to go.

Don't and don't please cleave to people. Cleave to the Lord. Cleave to your assignment. Cleave to what God has called you to do. Cleave to Jesus. Be busy to keep God and God himself will keep the right people in your life.

That is how you can be trouble free.


in the midst of death, the emotion of Jesus was charged with agony, but he was able to face death and he surrendered his will to the will of God.

Sometime things will not go the way you want them to go but in the midst of it, it will take emotional maturity for you to be able put down your will and accept the will of God.

It happened in my life. Many times things do not go the way I expected them to go, in the midst of it, I surrender to God.

To live a trouble free life you need to come to a place where you surrender to God over the things you cannot control, things that go beyond you, things that don't go the way you wanted them to go.

If you can surrender to God, you will enjoy unbreakable peace in the midst of the storm.

Those are the keys that you need to build emotional maturity in the midst of the storm. And when you apply what I teach today, you will reach a place where you become unbreakable in Jesus name.


Lift your hand where you are and tell Jesus I receive you today. I receive this word today. Declare with me let no man trouble me. I carry on me the marks of Christ. No one will trouble me.

No devil will trouble me. My wife will not trouble me. My husband will not trouble me. The politician will not trouble me. The economy will not trouble me.

I will accept how unique I am because indeed I am unique

There are no 2 me in this world

Father I thank you and I bless your holy name because in the storm I will be at peace.

In the trouble I will be trouble-free.

The devil is a liar. In the midst of betrayal of the people I trusted, I will still have my eyes on you because you are with me.

When others depart from me, I will draw my strength in you in the name of Jesus Christ. I will always be aware that you are with me and will never leave me.

You will never forsake me.

Let no man trouble me. In the name of Jesus Christ. The son of the living God. Glory be to God.

Well thank you very much for being part of this teaching.

It is sweet. And I believe you will enjoy it as we proceed. Those principles are the principles that are working in the life of those who walk with the it worked in the life of Paul.

It worked in the life of Jesus and I believe it will work also in your life. In Jesus precious name.

Be focused and let us meet at night for the Midnight Praise.

Sunday, we are meeting for the let no man trouble me Sunday service.

Wow. It will be awesome as usual in Jesus name. God bless you. Good day to you. Amen and amen.


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