Sunday 20 August 2023




Can you say to your neighbor, “From now don't trouble me because I carry on my my body the marks of the Lord.

Well, now, I will just break down that Scripture for you quickly for you to have the understanding of what we'll be talking about.

But before then, brethren I just want you to understand something concerning Church.

You know? The Bible says, “Bring to you words. Take words and come to me. (Hosea chapter fourteen verse 2 paraphrased). Can you read that? Go to your Bible. Is it Hosea fourteen verse twelve verse two? Is it that one? Please confirm if you have your Bible confirm it.

Hosea fourteen two. Have you read that? Okay, can we read together? Alright.

So you know? When you come to Church take with you words and come with it in Church. That is how it works.

When you pray, you come to the Lord with His word. And then you bring it to him.

Now you know? I just felt like I should tell you so that you will have the understanding even when we come to Church. Take that Word. Come with it to the Lord. And bring that Word to Him. And as you bring that Word to the Lord, something you need to know is that the Word you confess is the word God will confirm.

Now Josephine has a testimony about this Word. Please Josephine come over in 2 minutes. Give us the testimony. Can we clap for Josephine?


I have been having a very troubling boss. A boss who would not give me peace. A boss who was all over trying to to tarnish my name. So we prayed with Pastor and he read me this Scripture that, “Let no man trouble you”.

I tell you today he's the one who calls me, gives me instructions what to do. Telling people how I am a good driver. Calling me for overtime.

There was a time I had done my overtime and he refused to pay me. This week, he came and tole me, I'm going to be paid every single overtime he had taken from me.  Amen. So give God praise. Amen.

And then there were safaris I had gone since May they have never been paid. Instantly he was telling me kindly check you're going to be paid next week all your safaris. All of them. And now today, the people he was trying to tarnish my name are coming to me and asking me when I am in my car, “Bado unatuombea hapo Mtumishi?” (You are still praying for us servant of God? )

Can you clap for the Lord? Indeed the Word of God works isn't it? You see? The Word of God works. If the Word is not working in your life, something is wrong somewhere with you. 

She was in tears when she came in my office about that boss, but we declared Galatians six seventeen, which says very clearly, “From henceforth, no man will trouble you”. So, it was instant. This man changed his attitude toward her. And the whole time that was not paid, I said, “He has to pay it. They have to pay it”.

If at all you connect with the Word of today, it will come to pass in your life in Jesus name.

Now let us break it down Galatians 6:17. So that we will have the understanding.


Number one, from henceforth That is the first part of my message today.


Now you people you speak English better than me. When I say from henceforth what does it mean? From now on or going forward.

What can make somebody say from henceforth? You are fed up. 

From henceforth means enough is enough.

You know? When you have children who are out of control. Let me say that. They come as they want. They bang the door while you are sleeping. They come to knock the door and then you have to open for them. You know that kind of children? I have not seen them in Kenya, but they are many back home. And then, you come to a place where you say, “Hey. From henceforth, if it is six, I want to see you here”.

So, it means that there was a situation before but starting from now it has to stop. That is the meaning of from henceforth.

From henceforth means therefore From now on. Now brethren listen to me.

My understanding I was thinking that Paul could have started his statement in verse 17 straight away by, Let no man trouble me”. No. Why did he not start by just saying, Let man trouble me?.

He started by from henceforth because there were situations before that were happening and then he came to a place where he said, From henceforth”.

Now listen to me brethren. Today I want us to spend so much time in prayer. Just about I just want to prepare you for that.


In fact before I proceed, Mister Kimani is working on my books. You know what? He just told me, “All the things that we post there on the devotion. All those messages which people don't read sometime. He said, “Pastor, this must turn into books”

And it will it will shock you. Listen to me. The things you you neglect, for somebody else, they are precious. Mr Kimani said, “Those are depths and they cannot go unnoticed”. I will shock you more. He did something crazy. He did something crazy. I will say that just to help people  know that we are not joking here. He bought a MAC worth two hundred thousand Kenya Shillings and above. Just to work on Pastor Kasuku's books.

Thank you for those few hands who look like you are not convinced. He's working on it and he's on our toes. And I told Hilda and Lucy, “Kimani will be on your toes. I warn you and when he's on your toes, you will deliver”.

Lucy, you have all the documents we stored before? Yeah.

So, whatever he will request, he will be coming to you to provide for him. In fact, he is a writer. He have written two books himself. And he said, “Time has come pastor you must have your books”.

So, we will work on them. We will have our books. We will publish them. Because you know? All my messages are written thoroughly from A to Z.

You know? Those summaries we used to post. No more summary. We put everything. So we are working hard on that. Pray for us that God will give us the grace and many more things will come.


Say with me from henceforth … Do you know why I'm saying that? It is because at some point in your life, there is what we call the turning point.

The turning point is when you just come to a place where you say, no. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. This thing must come to an end.


Now, you know that the apostle Paul suffered. He went through a lot. I don't have time. Go back to the teachings during the week.

When you read second Corinthians eleven, go and read, you will see how Paul suffered. 49 strokes. 50 strokes minus because according to the law you could not beat somebody beyond 50. So he got it three times. Paul went in the water (sea) and stayed there for twenty-four hours in. How can you stay in the water for twenty-four hours. And then, he came out.

And again, one day, he was in a place where people wanted to kill him. To help him escape, they put him in a basket and threw him from the window. He came out.

You know? Sometime, he was like , “Ah”, he was happy. You know? He was in prison. He was beaten up in prison. And then he was singing praise to the Lord, “Oh God thank you”.

But at some point he said, “Enough. Even if it is for Christ, what is that suffering that is following me all the time?”

There was a time that he escaped a shipwreck in Acts Chapter twenty-seven. And, after escaping, he reaches Act Chapter Number Twenty-eight, a snake comes and bites him.

What kind of of a life where you just have one problem after another?

Now listen to me. He was suffering and he was accepting it because of the Lord. But at some point, he said, No. No. No. No. That has become too much.

Today is that day where you will look at that situation and say to it, “You have become too much.

Are you hearing me? You must come to a place where, “You know what? That has become too much. From henceforth”.

Even in my own life. It came a moment where I told my parents, “From henceforth…”


Let us read Judges five seven. What does the Bible say? “The inhabitants of the villages ceased, they ceased in Israel until that I Deborah arose, that I arose as a mother in Israel”. Can we read that together one to three?

Now listen to me … There are some situations that will not stop until you arise. You accept everything for the sake of “everything works together for the good of…”. That is what Paul said himself. Right? He was so used to suffer. But himself at some point, he said, no.

Judges five seven will be applied in your life today.

One day, I told my parents, “From henceforth, I won't be depending on you for my fare”. I've been fed up. I was tired. I said, “I don’t want you to be giving me money.

I shouldn’t be waiting there that you give me money for me to go wherever I want to go”.

I said, “Never. No more”. And it stopped there.

I borrowed money from some people back home. And I had a PhD in borrowing. A Philosophy doctor in borrowing. I will get hundred dollars and then, I will promise to refund one fifty after some days.

Then, there was a time where I borrowed money from somebody and that was the wrong person. The way that man humiliated me, you won’t believe. I looked so small.  I looked so funny and I vowed to myself, “From Henceforth, even if it means that I will will sleep hungry, let me sleep hungry. I won't borrow money again”. That is where it ceased until today.

He humiliated me. He was without mercy. Can you imagine a honourable man like me? Being humiliated by some individuals there? And I said, “No more”. It stopped.

Today is that day where you will make some verdicts in your life that some things from now must stop.

I used to be so soft sometime in my life. I used to be yes, yes,… Until it came a place where, some people can think that they can step on me, and I will still say yes. But, at some point, I said, From henceforth.

You step on me and I will tell you, My friend, you are stepping on me. Please can you can you arrange your foot?

We have learnt something wrong in Christianity. Do you agree with me? We have learnt that, something wrong in Christianity that, “Oh well. You know? Even if your husband slaps you, give him the other cheek so he can slap you again and break you in pieces. You know? Me your mother, I was in such a marriage, but I survived. So, you also just be there. So, one day it will work”. How?

Deborah said, “Until I arose…”. Then, it stopped…



Now, there is a Scripture I want you to consider in Matthew sixteen verse nine. Can you read that?

Jesus says, “And I will give unto thee the keys of the Kingdom of heaven : and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven”.

Mister Kimani, What does it mean? What do you understand? You have the freedom to what? Permit or Forbid.

Because you should know that the earth has been given to us as our area of dominion. Meaning in other word in a country, if that country allows something, don't expect God to come and interfere. God will not interfere with the affairs of men.

That's why you see the country where they say homosexuality is okay and then they accept it. God will not interfere.

And God said that, “If you allow it, it will continue. If you disallow it, it will stop.”

Have you not seen Apartheid in South Africa? It was that man Nelson Mandela who said, “No. No. No”. And you know? It started in a bus. There was a lady who was sitting or standing something like that and then a white person was so rough toward her and people say, “Men, No. No. No. No. What on earth can we be in some places where the white can enter and the black cannot enter? There are restaurants where the white can enter but black cannot enter?There are some universities, the same?

The people say, “No, no, no, no, no, …” That is just to tell you that God will not come from heaven to interfere with the affairs of men. God will never. You better know that God will never.

Until somebody says, “No, from henceforth… There will never be places for the black and the white. We are all equal before the law. This thing should not continue”. And then it stopped.

Yes, of course Nelson Mandela had to go through trials and so forth, but it was until he said…

It was a moment where even in my life I was so much disrespected by some people out there in town. And I said, “The disrespect must come to an end. I deserve respect”.

You are the one who tell people how to treat you. If you are casual, they will treat you casually. Am I right? There are things under heaven some people can never do to me. They cannot. You are the one who allows.


You know? I've come to a place where I am fighting something : familiarity.

Familiarity is very dangerous. You know? Somebody you are too much familiar with… You know? Now I pray receive the grace to come to a place where boundaries must be clear. Are you hearing me? Yes.

You allow everything. You allow everything. You allow everything. You allow everything. And then you are just there. And then, when you stand your ground, people will say, “Oh! Oh! Oh!”. Why? Because you are too familiar. You know? Familiarity is dangerous

Am I saying we should be rude? I don't say we should weshould be rude. What I mean is stop.

Even with our children. There are things, we are the one who are teaching our children how to behave. Because you have allowed it once, he comes and slaps you and you say, “Oh! Baba! Baba! Baba!”.

Hey! Wait when he will give you a very proper slap. Baba? Baba? Which baba? Where? Stop that my friend. It.

One day he will insult you and then you are like, “Ah! Oh! You see? Don't insult people. Don't insult great people. You see? Mama. Mama. Baba. Baba”.

You are calling Aviel Baba, which Baba? You will have a proper slap to fix you. But you know? I don't slap my children. I stopped slapping them many many years ago.

Because I remember the last one to get my slap was Honneur. I slapped him until he became red and his skin remained on my on my hand like the marks of Christ.

Those children of mine, for example, I tell them to come to my office at 630 for the devotion. If they come beyond, I will tell them, “My friend, go school on your own”. Am I right?

The Bible says, “Train your child in the way he should go. When he will grow, he will not depart from it”.

The thing you allow will continue. Are you hearing me?

Even as we are working, I always remind those who work with me, please don't become too familiar with me because one day you will just find my face has changed. Don’t become too familiar.

If you want to be treated with respect, carry yourself with respect. If you want to be honored, carry yourself with onor. That is a law.


Meaning, what you allow will continue. What you disallow will stop.

You know? Maybe you are there. There are also in our lives some stuff or some habits. You have been used to. It is you to decide. And you will hear some people accusing others, “Oh! Well! You know? It happened because of this because of that”.

No. No. No. Even in your thoughts, the thoughts you allow are what will happen in your life.

But you must come to a place where you say, we are in the first part of this verse, “From henceforth. No more. No more evil thought  From henceforth, no alcohol. From henceforth, no sexual sin. From henceforth, no sleeping with a man who is not my husband. From henceforth, no sleeping with a woman who is not my wife. From henceforth, from henceforth, from henceforth, from henceforth,…

What is that situation you want it to stop?

Listen to me. As you decree it today, it will stop forever in your life. God is just waiting for you to say enough.

Remember Mister Kimani. We prayed here against the political turmoil in this country. Right? See somehow we are getting some peace in this country. Isn't it? We prayed against bitterness and so forth. It can look like, “Well…”. But, we prayed.

Nahum chapter one verse nine says what? Affliction shall not rise up the second time. Which means in other word if it happened once it will happen again. Until you come to a place where you say enough is enough. It should not rise the second time.

The first time, it happened that we lost a baby. Now, the second time, Honneur was in the womb at the seventh month of pregnancy, the blood started coming out.

And I was like, No. Not again. Not again. So, it was like the devil knew that it will happen again.

Listen to me. Whatever the devil has been doing all the time, from today, it will be the end of it.

Say, it will be the end of it from today.

I say, what? My baby died before, I will not bury my children again. And it stopped. He came. This boy. This tall man. My lovely boy.

Again, when He came in the world, he was struggling to breathe. I said, “My friend, you will live. You better behave”

Anything that happened once, if it happens again, you are the one who allowed it.

Hello? Say with me, “If it happened once, it will happen again”. Do you agree with me? Yes.

Even in my Country. In Congo. You know? There were Wazungu who were disturbing the country until Patrice Emery Lumumba said, “No, that thing must come to an end”. And when he said no, the colonialism stopped.

I want to help you understand that you shouldn’t blame anybody.

If there is something that happened in your life, I want to tell you that you are the one who allowed it.

So, don't blame the devil. Don't blame the devil. It might happened once, but if it happens again, you are the one who allowed it. You are the one who allowed it.

You need to treat people with respect and to be treated with all respect.


Go back to your Bible. Luke twenty-one fifteen. What does the Bible say? Can read that together?

Luk 21:15  For I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which all your adversaries shall not be able to gainsay nor resist 

Listen to me. Your mouth has not been given to you only to eat. Your mouth is a weapon of warfare. Until you say no. It will continue. I always share with you from Acts Chapter Twelve, the story of Herod. You can go there in Acts chapter twelve starting from verse one.

Can we read together? The Bible says …

Act 12:1  Now about that time Herod the king stretched forth his hands to vex certain of the church.

Act 12:2  And he killed James the brother of John with the sword. 

Act 12:3  And because he saw it pleased the Jews, he proceeded further to take Peter also. (Then were the days of unleavened bread.) 

Act 12:4  And when he had apprehended him, he put him in prison, and delivered him to four quaternions of soldiers to keep him; intending after Easter to bring him forth to the people. 

From this text, what did Herod do? He stretched his hand. To do what? To harass. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute.

You know? The first thing Herod did was … to harrass …

Watch. If you look at our children, sometime, when they behave in a bad way, they watch and look at your attitude/your response. And then what do they do next? They will proceed because you said nothing.

So, Herod started by harassing the Church.

Listen to me. It looks like this Government wants to harass the Church. I did not say that they are, but I say, it looks like they want to harass the Church.

You know? If something happened to your neighbor, don't say that it's happening to him. You better know that if you are in the same activity, If he did for somebody else, you should know that he can do to you as well. You will be next. He will be doing it to you too.

I respect the government. But I want us to come to a place where the Church must be respected. Are we together? It must be respected. Because I have not heard anything against the Muslim whatever they do.

Why the Church? I mean that I'm not accepting nor encouraging anything evil, but it looks like the Church is being harassed.

Muslims are also there. They are doing nothing? Is there any mosque that was closed?

I'm not against the Government. I'm just blowing the trumpet. Church, be careful. Be alert.

This Country has been brought where we are because of the prayers of the Church. And we must pray God that the politicians will not harass the Church. No matter who they are, no matter what is happening there, we must be very much careful.

Everything starts with harassment. It shows that something happened that was harmless and then you accept it that way.

Herod started by harassing and then continued. Did he start by killing? No. He started by what? Harassing. Somebody who harasses you can kill you. The distance between harassment and murder is just a a short one. If somebody can harass you, they can kill you. Until you come to a place where you understand that you should/must start with fighting already the harassment.

When you continue the reading of this text, you will notice that Herod started with what? Harassing. Then what next? Killing. Then what next? He proceeded further. He seized Peter. For which purpose? To kill him. Because the Jews were waiting for Peter to die.

I pray that somebody will be spiritually alert. When you notice a harassment somewhere, be alert. Stop the harassment before it proceeds further.

Me, I suffered oh. I suffered.

I was working somewhere in the Government. I was in my office. By the grace of God, I used to have very nice places I was being sent. The office was very nice. And somebody just came there and said, “Wow. Ah! Your office is very nice. Wow. Wow”.

I did not know. Listen to me. Not every compliment is a blessing.

Somebody can be complimenting you for your car, “Oh! Your car, wow you are driving”

That compliment was a message The same guy who complimented me for my office is the one who replaced me the following day.

We are in a very wicked world.

Can you just be happy with me from a place of genuineness? Can you just be genuine with me and just say be happy with me with what I have?

You know? When you are driving your car, you should know that not everybody is happy with you driving a car. Right? Yes. Yes. Not everybody is happy about you.

I used to be so stupid that time. You know? When Honneur was born, he was a very cute baby. Well, he is still handsome.

When we were working with him, people were like, “Oh! That is a nice baby”. That lady who complimented us is the lady who chased me from that house.

I suffered oh I suffered. Until I came to understand.

Now listen to me. You must come to a place where you know and say, “God has blessed me. No one can un-bless me.

Say with me, God has blessed me. No one can un-bless me.

Now stand please just for one minute and declare,

God has blessed me no devil can unbless me.

God has lifted me, no devil will bring me down

God has opened door for me. No one will close the door for me.

I will go forward.

I will move forward.

Anyone who is against my blessing, today, no more trouble.

Can you say? Today, no more trouble

Somebody can look at your family/couple and say, “Oh! You are cute”. Hey wait a minute. The guy who will cause trouble is there.

I want you to make declarations over your own life.

God has blessed me. No devil will un-bless me.

Can you go and make a declaration? Go ahead. Hallelujah.

Oh yes, my daughter, my sister, my children are are smart and you see somebody can fail. Lord

Declare today in the name of Jesus, God has lifted me. No devil will pull me down.

God has moved me forward no devil can stop me in the name of Jesus Christ the son of the living God we have spoken. You have your seat and clap for the Lord it is done.

… No man can trouble me…From henceforth… Your mouth has been given to you as a weapon of warfare.

You know? If you compliment me, in my heart, I will say, in the name of Jesus, I pray that the compliment will be genuine.

When you come and say, “Oh! Wow! That's great”. In my heart, I cover that declaration in the blood. Of Jesus. Because there are people who are not genuine. They compliment from their mouth, but curse in their hearts.

I suffered. I suffered. In my life.

Please, cover our children under the blood of Jesus.

When you tell people, “You see? Ah my child has gotten a mark of 350 or 400”, and then people are like, “Ah! That is great! That is great!”, you don't know.

Not everybody who is speaking or complimenting you is blessing you. Some people can compliment you but they are cursing you in their heart. You better know that.

And that's why a parent can say, “See, my son was so bright. Everybody was praising him. What is the problem?

Because the compliment was not genuine. They were speaking compliments, but in the heart, they were cursing. And if you don't cover that child in the blood of Jesus, you will find yourself this child will cause you trouble.

That's why you wonder sometime what happened with my boy? What happened with my girl?

Can I tell somebody to the Church? Cover your children. Cover your children. Stop posting everything, every achievement of your children on social media. Are you hearing me? Why putting everything on Social Media? Here is my son. Oh my son. Oh oh oh. You just put a gown. Now my son…

How many things you see there on social media? A woman posting herself pregnant in Social media. And then, after some days, she has miscarried.

Do you think that everybody who is commenting on your posts on Social Media are happy with you? What's wrong with you guys? How do you expose everything?

Now, some battles in life, we are the one who stirs  them.

Oh! My son is a bright sun. Look at how he performed. Then, at the next term … Zero …

Cover your children from unnecessary battles. Cover yourself also from unnecessary battles. There are some things you don't need to tell people. You just don't need.


Let us read Esther four fourteen. Please, do not forget that I am still in the Chapter 1 which is from henceforth…

Can you read please?

Esther 4:14 For if thou altogether holdest thy peace at this time, then shall there enlargement and deliverance arise to the Jews from another place; but thou and thy father's house shall be destroyed: and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this? 

What is Mordecai advising Esther in this text? If she doesn't talk, she will die. What does it mean? Silence is death. Right?

But what did we learn from Church? We learnt to give the other cheek after being slapped on one cheek. Right? But that is not what I am teaching.

Fight. Speak. Don't always run away from problem. My friend, speak.

You know what? Paul understood the reason why he was oppressed. Because he was not talking. Read Isaiah fifty-three verse seven.

Isaiah 53:7 He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth.

What does this verse mean? Thank you Trizzer. Silence is death.

The reason why Jesus died was not because the devil overcame him. No. It was because he chose not to speak. Remember. When Judas and company came to arrest him, he just asked them a question, who are you looking for? All of them fell. Right?

That’s why he finally said, Let me just shut up because if I talk, I will not die. He said, “Okay. I shut my mouth because I have to die for the humanity.

Write down … Your oppression comes from your silence.

Illustration 1 | The lady with dreams of death

Somebody came in my office and said, “Pastor, when I sleep, I see coffins. I see people dead. I see snakes. What is happening?  I prayed, but it seems like not working”.  I told her, “You don't need to pray. You need to speak”.

Illustration 2 | My pastor’s death

My young brother here told me and explained to me how the Bishop died.

He said, Some people came to tell him, “Pastor, prepare yourself for your death. I saw you in a dream that you were dead”.

And then, he started preparing himself for his death. That's why he ordained me as a preparation for his death. He went to the registrar, transferred everything to his wife and was ready to die.

In fact, his own daughter said during his burial, “Our dad was ready to die. He was asking us questions like, are you ready? Me, I'm ready”.

Her daughter was asking him, “Dad, why are you saying that?” And his answer was, “I'm ready oh”.

So, even if we pray for his healing, He was ready to die. You who always say, “I wish I die. I wish I die. I wish I die. I wish I die. I wish I die”. My friend, you will die well according to your confession.

What you do not confront, you cannot conquer. What you don't want, don't watch.

You who always say, "I wish I die. I wish I die. I wish I die". My friend, you will die well well according to your own declarations.

What you do not confront, you cannot conquer. What you don't want don't watch.

I see myself in a coffin, I tell the devil, "Devil, you are a liar. I will not die. I will live"

You are oppressed by somebody, don't keep quiet. Why are you oppressing me? Man, what's wrong with you? What's your problem?With all politeness, with all quietness, you need to come to a place where something happens in your life, you come to address the problem. Tell him, "You know what? I'm not happy with what happened to me". And it is settled.

Illustration 3 | They gave me back my 20 Bobs

I was in a matatu. They looked at me like I was a very rich man. Now, they thought that I didn't know Nairobi. I've already paid the money. I paid 20 bobs. This matatu was to drop me at Homeland, but they pushed me until Naivas. I just said, "Hey! My friend, I was to alight at Homeland".

He looked at me like I am not the guy who takes only taxi and not matatu. Nd he told me, "There is no stage at Homeland". I said, "What are you talking about?".

I stood before the matatu and said to him, "Give me back my 20 bobs".

Say with me, Let no man trouble me...

For real, do I need 20 bobs? No. But I was against his attitude. I stood there. He told me, "Even you need 20 Bobs?"

I said, "My friend. Give me back my 20 Bobs. You dropped me at Naivas, I was to alight at Homeland. Now, I have to walk again? I won't walk. I will take another Matatu to go back where I come from. Give me back my 20 Bobs". I was serious.

They asked, "Do you have change?" I told them, "No, I gave you 20 Bobs, my friend, give me".

Mr Kimani, you are the one who teaches people how to treat you. Even at home, a wife can be disrespectful toward you and you are just singing, "Vumiliya. I am a man of God. I am anointed" Stop that. There is no anointed here. I need respect. 

To close the story with the Matatu, they gave me back my 20 Bobs. I told them, "Next time...". When they were going, they shouted, "Hapa ni Kenya".

I told to myself, "I don't care. At least, I got back my 20 Bobs. Isn't it? It is nothing for me but I stood. The whole Matatu stopped for me.

The question is this one ... Why do people swallow everything? Every treatment? Why?

Now, am I teaching you to be rebellious? I'm teaching you to know who you are. I'm teaching you to know what you carry. I'm teaching you to know to know your rights. I'm teaching you to know how to carry yourself at some point in life. Are we together? Not everything should be allowed at any point in time. Jesus was oppressed because he was quiet. He was not talking.

Illustration 4 | David and Goliath

All the time that Goliath was insulting Israel, nobody was talking until David came and said, "Who is this uncircumcised?

It is only when David attacked Goliath that Goliath stopped his nonsense.

From now nightmares must live your life. From now, sleepless nights must come to an end in your life. Anything unwanted must be terminated from now.

Now, listen to me. Anything unwanted happening to you, it is you to say, enough.

Illustration 5 | Jesus and the Wind

There was a wind in the boat. The wind was blowing but Jesus was sleeping. Until Jesus stood and rebuked the wind, then, it stopped.

Illustration 6 | The owner who shouted at me

One day, the lady who owns the place where we were at Muthaiga. She called me because we delayed a little bit in the payment of the rent. You know? It happens. Isn't it? And that lady called me and was arrogant shouting, "You have to pay my rent. If you don't pay today, you will get out of my place tomorrow". It reminded me what I suffered in Congo and I said, "Man, don't shout at me". She was like trying to calm things down. I was like, you are disrespecting me for rent? For 3 years, did we fail to pay the rent? What's wrong with you? Stop that my friend.

She was like, "No. You know? I have people I'm reporting to". I was like, "Report to your people. Don't shout at me. I'm not your child. Okay? You have to learn to respect people." And I paid. When we left that place, we left with all respect.

Please, Church, don't be scared. I look scary. Oh! Come on!

Illustration 7 | At Marble Arch

Even with our partner here. There was a problem with a cheque and they tried to make some noise, and I said, "Madam, please, cool down. We can pay cash. We can pay with M-pesa. We can pay with check. Right?

They were like "Oh no because it's a check, you sign another check". I said, I will call your manager. And the manager said, You can pay with M-Pesa.

Friend, from all the examples above, my point is this ... I suffer so much to the point I said, ... From henceforth..., let no man trouble me.

Illustration 8 | My relationship with people

Now listen to me I even suffered in my relationship with people. And I came to a place where I said, nobody will stress me anymore.

I was allowing people to stress me, worrying about ... this person said this about me... this other one did this to me...

At some point I said to myself, Kasuku, what's wrong with you? I rebuked myself, Kasuku, come on! What's your problem? Is she your life? Is she your oxygen?

Friend, you are not my oxygen. Are you my oxygen? No. Meaning, with you or without you, I will breathe my fresh air. So. I'm breathing my fresh air.

We are giving people too much power over our lives. Okay? Can we stop that? Can we agree today that you have to stop that?

Some pastors are like begging Church members who did not come to Church, "You didn't come to Church..." What? Who? Me? No.

Listen ... When you do not go to work, you report yourself to your boss that you should not come to work for this or that reason.

And then, when you do not come to Church, people have to look for you. How? With all the business we have, you want me to add on top of it following people? No man trouble me. Am I harsh? Am I tough?

I want to announce to you from now nobody will stress you anymore. I say, Nobody. Hallelujah!


Number two, Paul said, "Let no man". He didn't say, "Look! Let's no devil". He said, "No man"

What does it mean? You need to locate the source of your trouble. You know? Listen to me. Not every trouble has the devil behind. Some troubles have just human beings behind. 

So, Paul knew. When this lady was following him, he rebuked the evil spirit behind that girl. 

In Galatians 6:17,  it is not about the devil. He is talking about a man.

I want to announce to you that no human being under heaven will be a source of trouble for you anymore : whether your brother, your sister, your mother, your father, your friend, your wife, your children.

You know? I tell my children, "You will never trouble me". 

I was so much troubled by people, but you must come to a place where you say, "No man will trouble me". Hallelujah!

Are you are with me? We move forward. Are you not with me? I stay where I am and I proceed to what I'm called to do. I will not allow anybody to trouble me. That's why I said, "The one who can trouble me is not yet born"


Finally, Paul said and I'm closing there, "I carry on my body the marks of Christ" 

Listen. I was reading that text in the Greek Version. Paul did not say, "I have the marks of Christ".

He said, "I carry". 

There's a difference between I have and I carry.

I checked this word "carry" in Greek and it means to lift. You see? When the football players win a trophy, what do they do? They lift the trophy.

Now, Paul was looking at the marks that he went through.

Now, if "you have" the marks, you are not healed. If "you carry" the marks, then you are healed.

There's a difference between "to have" the marks and "to carry" the marks.

What you carry, you lift. What you have, you have. It is there.

Now, I always give you the example of my father who beat me up because I was disturbing in class. One day, he woke up and he took the cable and hit me hard. I was bleeding.

Now, if I say that I have the mark, it means I still have bad memories over what happened to me. If I have the marks, it means I still remember the wrong you did to me.

But when you carry, it means that it's no longer pulling you down. You are now the one in charge.

May you come to a place where when somebody does something wrong to you, don't have it. Carry it.

It means that you will use the same marks of evil that the people did to you to testify that you are a winner.

Listen to me. I want you to come to a place where anybody who will mistreat you, who will do bad things to you, you will not look at it from a place of a victim, but from a place of victory.

Remember Genesis 50:20. Joseph told his brothers, "You thought evil against me, but God turned it for good...".

Listen to me ... The wrong people intend to do against you, God will turn it for your good.

Singing ... I can see everything everything turning around for my good.

Listen to me ... Everyone who thinks to do evil against you, there is a but God.

This young brother, when we were in Congo, he saw me in a in a way. Do you know when he came in my office, he just saw my office, he said, "The debate is over".

People thought that I'm coming in Kenya to die, to suffer. But the debate is over.

He asked me, "How did it come in the first place in your mind to come in Kenya?" He said, "The debate is over"

What evil people are doing against you, God will turn it for your good.

For the first time, the bishop's wife sent me a message wishing me a Happy Sunday and requesting me to greet the Church.

God will turn things around for your life. Those who belittled you will see you from the top. Those who expect you to go down will see you going up. Those who intended to kill you will see you living.

When I look at even the configuration of the Church today, I'm like, "Wow Wow. The Church is taking shape". 

People think that if they leave the Church, it will close. 

I always ask, Were we saved by your blood? Yourself cannot handle the bite of mosquitoes. Your blood cannot save me.


Paul did not say, I have the scars. He said, "I carry the scars". It means? You wound me, you do something bad to me, but I am in charge.

This woman in front of me was just there moving up and down, working for KPLC, but she was not herself connected. She was out of power but was removing people's transformers.

Now, it came a moment where God did something for her and people could not think that even once she could have a permanent contract. And it happened to her.

I'm asking you a question, Who is troubling you? Who is causing you to have sleepless nights?

Can you come to a place where you mention the name of that person and tell them in your spirit, "From now on, I will have peaceful night". There is nobody who takes away my sleep 

Why are you crying? Is God dead? He is alive. Stop having your scars. Start carrying them. Behind every scar, there is a star. Your star will shine brighter and brighter.

Can you come to a place where you release somebody from your heart? Just release that person. Let them go. Let him/her go. They are removing your sleep for nothing.

My sleep is so precious. No one can take it away from me. I need my peace. Peace is priceless. I can everything for peace. In my life, no man will trouble me anymore.

Now today is the day you will make a verdict in your life. What do you want to stop in your life? Do you have a man who is troubling you?

Don't shut up. Speak. Declare. And I speak to the land of Kenya, nobody in this land will trouble me. Nobody. This country is mine too.

In the immigration, you can't trouble me. This country is mine. The owner of my house will not trouble me. My spouse will not trouble me. My children will not trouble me.

Look at every situation. I know maybe your wallet. Tell it, "You will not trouble me".

Do not pray. Speak. Anything you don't want to see, don't watch it. Go before the Lord and speak.


Paul did not say, I have the scars. He said, "I carry the scars". It means? You wound me, you do something bad to me, but I am in charge. 

This woman in front of me was just there moving up and down, working for KPLC, but she was not herself connected. She was out of power but was removing people's transformers. 

Now, it came a moment where God did something for her and people could not think that even once she could have a permanent contract. And it happened to her. 

I'm asking you a question, Who is troubling you? Who is causing you to have sleepless nights?

Can you come to a place where you mention the name of that person and tell them in your spirit, "From now on, I will have peaceful night". There is nobody who takes away my sleep

Why are you crying? Is God dead? He is alive. Stop having your scars. Start carrying them. Behind every scar, there is a star. Your star will shine brighter and brighter.

Can you come to a place where you release somebody from your heart? Just release that person. Let them go. Let him/her go. They are removing your sleep for nothing. 

My sleep is so precious. No one can take it away from me. I need my peace. Peace is priceless. I can everything for peace. In my life, no man will trouble me anymore. 

Now today is the day you will make a verdict in your life. What do you want to stop in your life? Do you have a man who is troubling you. 

Don't shut up. Speak. Declare. And I speak to the land of Kenya, nobody in this land will trouble me. Nobody. This country is mine too. 

In the immigration, you can't trouble me. This country is mine. The owner of my house will not trouble me. My spouse will not trouble me. My children will not trouble me.

Look at every situation. I know maybe your wallet. Tell it, "You will not trouble me".

Do not pray. Speak. Anything you don't want to see, don't watch it. Go before the Lord and speak.
If you keep quiet you will die.
You are harassed, speak against it. Only you can speak against harassment; the thing that is happening to you. Speak against it in prayer my friend.
 Is there a son who is a cause of trouble, declare no more in the name of Jesus.
For those who are online, maybe it is a sickness or a disease, a condition in your body, declare this issue will not trouble me anymore.
Go before the Lord and declare no man will trouble me, no more trouble. Hallelujah David said to Goliath you come to me with your sword, with your weapon but I come to you in the name of the Lord the God of Israel.  I will cut your head and feed to the birds.
Declare, that struggling in your finances must come to an end. That suffering in your finances must stop from now.
What is the nightmare you are having, you can’t sleep at peace, you can't you can't you can't or maybe there is a tender you have given somewhere and there is somebody  who is stopping it, declare today, I declare the tender will be released.
I will not speak on your behalf. It is you to declare. I want peace in my house, I want peace in my office, I want peace in my life, I want peace in my relationship, I want peace in every area of my life, in my finances, I want peace, I want joy
As you have your Bible you can read your Bible in Psalm 7 verse 9 can we pray that together you can put it on the screen and just go before along with Psalm 7 verse 9 and let us speak out over this country of Kenya. We declare the wickedness of the wicked will come to an end in this country, at my workplace the wickedness of the wicked will come to an end.
 Now go ahead and declare that as we pray together we declare together oh let the wickedness of the wicked come in our land there are some colleagues who are very Wicked there are some bosses who are very Wicked,  there are some people in the land lord let the wickedness of the weekend come to an end
Hallelujah. It is so strong in my spirit there are people who are wicked they are cooking wickedness against you, if you don't kill that wickedness in the spirit,  it will come to pass in your life. You have to declare to let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end
I don't care who that Wicked is, I don't care how wicked the person is, in the womb of the spirit say it will not touch me, it will not destroy my life.
 Can you declare, the harrassment of  churches in  the country let it come to an end.
There are people who are envying your place where you are working you better declare, it will never work against my life
There are people who don't love you they don't like you they don't want you, they want to destroy your life declare that it will come to an end.
The wickedness against my family, against myself it will never work it will never stand in the name of Jesus Christ.  hallelujah hallelujah
In the name of Jesus Christ let no man trouble me, I carry on me the marks of Christ.
The last prayer for today, I want you to release somebody today in your spirit who has done wrong to you. I don't know who has done wrong to you, you are giving that person power over your life over the thing he did to you
Today I want you to release this person, what you did to me, against me will not affect me anymore.
I don't have the marks, I carry marks in the name of Jesus Christ. I release some people today.
God wants to set you free. It Is you to release that person. Is it your husband, is it your wife, is it your colleague,  is it a neighbor … I don't know whichever person, release that person.
Paul says I carry the marks, he did not say I have no no no no no no no.
What people intend against you, God will turn it for your good
Those expecting to see the downfall of your life, release them today.
 I don't have the Marks on me, I don't have any grudge in me, I don't have any bitterness in me, I don't have resentment in me.

Today is the day where God want to release somebody from resentment, release somebody from anything that you have, you must carry it, you must lift. It will not pull you down in the name of Jesus Christ the son of the Living God. We have all prayed and we all say Amen.
Pastor TD Kasuku

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