Monday 24 July 2023





Jesus talked about doors in The Gospel of John. When we read John chapter 10, Jesus says, I am the door”.


He says more, “I am the door of the Sheep”. 


it is very important to mention that he did not say I am the door of the goats, but the door of the Sheep


Jesus is not the door for everybody. He is the door of the


Who are the Sheep?


Still in John chapter 10, Jesus says,”The Sheep hears my voice and follows me”. The sheep of Christ listen to the shepherd and Jesus is the door of the sheep.


Don't forget that one. It is very important for us as we start this service today.


Read Acts chapter 4 verse 12.


What does the Bible says Acts 4 12? There is no salvation if not through Christ. So Christ is our door. He is the door of the Sheep. And the Sheep hears the voice of the Shepherd and they follow the shepherd. 


If you are in this place, the question is, Are you a sheep?”


A sheep listens to The Shepherd.


To who do you give your ear to? The voice of the shepherd or the voice of strangers? 


Jesus is the door. Jesus.



But something else to understand is that Jesus is not only the door, but Jesus has the Key. (Revelation chapter 1 verse 18).


Jesus holds what ? The keys of hell and of death (According to the King James Version.)


You know? To have the keys symbolizes to have power. You know? When you give the key of your house to somebody, you give them power. It's you who give them power.


So, Jesus has the key of death.


But Jesus does not only have the key of death, Jesus has also the keys of David.


Go to Revelation chapter 3 verse 8, Jesus says, I set  in front of you an Open Door and no one can shut it”.


Now, I want you to know today the door God has opened for you, nobody can shut it.


So, forget about the devil. Forget about demons. Forget about witches. Forget about wizard. Forget about all those Powers.


When God opens a door for you, no devil can shut it and that is what Jesus says.


So, the information we are getting from Revelation chapter 3 verse 8 is that there is an Open Door in front of you.


Can you read again? Wait. I'm asking you a question … the door God has opened, is it behind you or before you? The door is before


So, it means that you cannot enter the door God has opened for you unless you move forward. And I will tell you the truth, you cannot enter a door that God has opened for you sitting, standing and being just there. You can't enter.


The door is before. So, it means that your eye and your mind should look at the door that God has already opened before you. It is there. 


Well, maybe you have come to Church today and you are wondering, I'm not sure. I mean. I don't see it.”


The truth of the matter is this … The door God has set for you is right there in front of you. Even if you don't see it, the door is there.


Now, I pray today you will enter that door. You did not hear me. I said today that you will enter that door in Jesus name.




Now, that is Jesus who is talking. But it is funny because the same says in Revelation chapter 3 verse 20. Go back to Revelation chapter 3 verse 20 please.


Jesus says, I stand at the door and I knock…”


How come the same Jesus who holds the key is knocking? Why doesn’t he force and open it?


Simple. He does not have the key of your heart. The key of your heart is in your hand.


If you don't want, you don't want. Are we together?

if you say, I will not”, God will never force you.


Jesus is Knocking because he doesn't have the key of your heart. It's crazy.


If you say, “Yeah I will never tithe in this church”. You have the key of your heart


If you say, “I will never serve God there”. You have the key


If you say, “”I will never receive Jesus in my heart as my Lord and My Savior”. Well and good.


By the way, there are people you will hear them saying, “ I have my room in hell and my room is 666”.  Well and good.


The Lord does not force his ways on people. Never. And you know even in this Church, you will notice I never force people to do things. I never force you come to church.


You come, it’s okay. You don't come, it’s okay. We move forward


I remember when Honneur was smaller than now, I don't know how many months, when you give him food, He will keep the food in his mouth for hours. We would beat him,  but he will swallow when he wants.


While I was beating him up, God told me, “Don't beat him. He's exercising his will


Now we are stopping him to eat because he is eating too much.


But as small as he was, he could not swallow if he does not want to



That's why I will tell you friends, Nobody will go to hell because of the devil. You have power in your hand. Meaning, you can open by your will if you want to”


That's why Jesus asked that man, Do you want to be healed?” And he says, “I have nobody…”. He was telling a lot of stories, but at the end of it all, Jesus said to him, “Take your bed and walk”


May God help you today to use the power of your will, if it is in line with the will of God of course. 




There is something that Jesus says again concerning doors.


Read it by yourself later in Matthew chapter 6.


Jesus is talking about prayer. He says something interesting  When you pray, shut the door” (Matthew 6:9).


I always wonder why does Jesus instruct to shut the door?


Now, hear me and hear me very well 


Look at yourself You have doors. Your eyes are doors. Your ears are doors. Your mouth is a door. The Bible says, “Shut the door of your mouth”. Your body is a door to your soul and the soul is the door to your spirit. 


I want to warn those who watch pornography online. It is a door you are opening to the devil. Your eyes are doors. Your ears are also doors. The Bible says, “Faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God”.


That's why Jesus teaches and he says, “Be careful with what you are listening”.

I'm preparing this week I will post some few things on TikTok on the same because there are things that are happening there. TikTok is just crazy. There are some women  who are requesting money so that they can display themselves naked in front of people. There are people who are sending money there.


On Citizen TV it was posted there. So it has become crazy


Friends, be careful. Those are open doors to the devil.


You know that concerning the devil, Jesus says in John 10, that he comes only to destroy, to kill and to steal. And you will agree with m that there is no way the devil can steal unless he breaks in.


Your eyes are doors. Most of the troubles people found themselves in is through their eyes. Do You agree with me?


May you receive the grace to discipline your eyes. You remember Samson? Because of his eyes, he could not see a woman passing. Every woman passing before him, he would go after her.


Because he was very undisciplined with his eyes. At the end of his life they put out his eyes. Why? Because his eyes were a problem.


Your eyes are doors. And they can put you in trouble and you know ears are also doors. That is why the Bible says, “Faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word of God.


So, who are you giving your ears to?


Don't you know that sometimes because you listen to somebody who is so negative, you can become negative?


Am I right? That is why I will tell you the truth in my life, I don't allow people to talk to me so much because I know my ears are doors. Your mouth is also a door.


And there are many people who have put themselves in captivity because of what they say.




When you read Mark chapter 9 verse 25, Jesus rebuked the evil spirit and said, “Never enter him again So it shows to you that demons can enter somebody.


And sometimes, you can wonder, how can the devil enters my life?


The devil enters a life through the eyes, the ears, the mouth, the body. That's why there some people who have opened so many doors to the devil that they are just slaves of the enemy.


That is what we call demonic entry points. Go to Matthew chapter 12 verse 42-45.


Jesus says what? Wait a minute When an unclean Spirit has gone out …. So, to go out means that he entered. Right? Are we together? A spirit cannot come out if he did not enter. Right?


After he has left, he looks for a place to find rest and he doesn't find. Okay? Good.


Now, wait a minute. What does that evil spirit say? I will return to my house.


By the way, I always wonder, how can a devil say, “I will return to my house?” 

Now, when somebody says “My house”, what does it mean?


It means that he owns it. There is ownership. Isn't it? Can you come in my house and say it is your house? No.


It means that he has the key. Are you hearing me?

Today, in the name of Jesus Christ, the devil who left your life will never come back again. He said, I will return to my house”.


It means, “I have right. I have keys and I will enterAnd he knows that he will enter. 


Say with me, “In the name of Jesus, my body belongs to you Lord:


Say again as you mean it, In the name of Jesus, my body

is the Temple of the Holy Spirit.


Therefore, Satan,  you have no ownership in my body in the name of Jesus Christ 


Listen to me. I am always asking myself a question, what can give the devil right over something or over somebody?


After the evil spirit says, I will return”, the next thing is that he finds the house empty, which means there is nothing there. Empty means that person is just there watching TV all the time, listening to radio. Empty means, No Spirit. No nothing. 


Empty means, he is not doing anything. 


Hear me well. The spirit who leaves you will always look for a way to return. The madness of people is that they think and say to themselves,


“Because God has blessed me, I got a job, I got married, I got a husband, I got a wife, I got money, I don't need those prayers. I don't need those sessions. I don't need you anymore.


My friend, the devil who leaves you will come back to you. I mean, Jesus himself after being tempted, the Bible says that the devil left him until another occasion. So, don't ever think that when you are delivered,

It's all done. That is why you will see it happens a lot. When we pray for somebody, God open doors for him and then he leaves the church. He goes wherever he wants to go. No problem. The devil says, Ah that’s it…” You go and the devil who left you find that you are empty, you have nothing, no covering, no prayer, …


Then, he comes back.


How many times did you not hear people relapsing? You have heard. Right?


But I want to believe God that the devil who left you will never come back again. Are you hearing me? Be careful.




The devil is like a lion roaring and looking for who to devour.


May you not be the prey of the devil. Now, how how can the devil enter somebody? Go to Luke chapter 22 from verse one to three


What? Wait a minute.


In verse 3, Satan entered in that room where was Judah


How come? 


Let me tell. Do you think that the devil is respecter of you being an apostle? How do you think that a priest died in that hotel with that woman?


The devil has no respect for your title.


He will enter. I want you to know among doors that people open to the devil and the devil entered their lives, one of them can shock you is called bitterness.

Bitterness is an entry point of the devil. And you know what? May God deliver you from bitterness.




Now today I want us to pray for this country. Do you know why we are having all those battles in the country? It is because people are bitter. People are bitter. I mean, I have nothing to do with the politics of the country. Okay? I am not a politician. I have nothing to do with the politics. I'm standing here as a man of God and I can see people who are bitter.


They cannot understand how this man is in power. What did we not do? How did he escape the system?


We will torment him. We are victim of people's bitterness. Do you agree with me? We are victims but in the name of Jesus, we will not be victim of the bitterness of people. The one who is better will hang himself. You're not hearing me. What did I say?


Do you see where bitterness can lead somebody ?

People are so bitter. And you might say, Oh well Pastor, I am okay. I don't have a problem”. But your bitterness is an entry point of the enemy.


You know Judah who was bitter about Jesus? He was so bitter because according to him, “How come this woman  broke the alabaster box? This money could have solved many problems”. 


He was so bitter that he went and the devil entered him.


Today,  I pray your bitterness will leave your heart.


Maybe you think that those are the big big things that can make the devil enter you. That bitterness only is enough for you to be a murderer.


How did Cain kill Abel? He was Bitter. How can you accept Abel’s offering not mine? Why are you giving the pulpit to this one not to me?


Please just stand on our feet, we want to pray against bitterness in this country. We want to pray against bitterness in this country. I don't know how we pray but bitterness is a stronghold and we cannot pretend. People are bitter.


How will you feel that that man is the one driving cars and in the house he has around him Soldiers? He can go everywhere? Me, I wanted to be there? You feel yourself as a human being, how would you feel? And you know? Bitterness is contagious.


That is why somebody who is bitter will always look for people who are as bitter as him  to influence others in his Bitterness. And you don't know you are entering something that has nothing to do with You. it is him who is bitter. And he is pulling people in the bitterness and they don't understand what is the problem, but are  following just blindly.


Can we pray against the power of bitterness in this country? Can we pray?


Jesus, we are the salt of this Earth. Lord, the government that is in power is from you.


We will not be victims of people’s bitterness. Let us pray as a Church. 


In the name of Jesus, the spirit of bitterness in this Land, O God, will not destroy the country. Father, we prayCan you pray pray against the spirit of bitterness. Hallelujah. Even in the church, we refuel the spirit of bitterness in the name of the Lord. Satan entered Judas because he was bitter.

Lord, we pray for the country where we are. Can we pray ? Lord, we will not allow bitterness to spread in the country in the name of Jesus.


We are standing as the Church. Are you praying? Are you praying? We are standing as the Church in the covenant day of open doors. We are closing the door of bitterness. Can you pray? 


Jesus Said, when you pray, close the door. Close the door. We close the door to bitterness in this country in the name of Jesus.


Pray in the name of Jesus. We are closing the door to bitterness in this country.


Lord, some few people are bitter and they want to spread bitterness in the country. We are standing as the Church. O Lord Almighty


We say, stop to bitterness in the land of Kenya in the name of the Lord.


Father, peoples bitterness will not destroy the country in the name of Jesus.


Satan, stop there. We are  standing as the church and we declare and we decree, stop to bitterness. Can we pray for the land ? We destroy the power of bitterness.


Pray where you are. We stop the power of bitterness in the land.


We refuse bitterness. Luos are our people. Kikuyus are our people. Kalenjin are our people. Kisi are our people. There will be no bitterness in the land. My friend, pray. can we pray?


You don't know what  bitterness can do in the land. 


In the name of Jesus, devil, you are a liar. We stop the power of bitterness in the country of Kenya. Whether you are a Kikuyu, or a Luo, or any other tribe, we are the same country.


We declare bitterness will kill themselves. Bitterness will kill themselves. Bitterness will not kill the country,  Bitterness will not kill the country.


We engage Warfare today. Enough is enough. Enough is enough. Enough is enough. Our companies will not close, the economy will not go down. The man in power, we prayed for him.


We are standing with him in the name of Jesus. Those who are in power, you are the one who wants them there. Lord, today, as the Church, we are standing and we are waging against  Bitterness.


These things are demonic. That is why we are standing in the gap for the land. 


Oh Hallelujah! Lord, deliver the land from bitterness O God. Hallelujah.


Kenyans, we will not be bitter toward one another. The devil is a Liar.


I say, the devil is a liar. I say, the devil is a liar. I say, the devil is a liar. 


Satan will not enter the land because of bitterness. I say, Satan will not enter the people because of bitterness.


We destroy bitterness. We destroy bitterness. We destroy bitterness. We are the salt of the earth. We are the light of the world. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Jesus is Lord in the land of Kenya.


Jesus is Lord in the land of Kenya. Jesus is Lord in the land of Kenya. I say Jesus is Lord in the land of Kenya. I say, Jesus is Lord in the land of Kenya. I say, Jesus is Lord in the land of Kenya.


Give the Lord a shout of Praise. Give the Lord a shout of Praise. Give the Lord a shout of Praise.


Can you give the Lord a shout of Praise? Give the Lord a shout of praise. Give the Lord a shout of Praise. Hallelujah ! in Jesus name amen! 


You agree with me That Satan entered Judas. So, if we are not careful, Satan will enter.


Now, the devil will not destroy this land.


I am not a supporter of anybody. I don't need to support anybody. We are standing on the truth our Kingdom.


Our children must go to school. I saw some of them on TV and as you see them, you can feel how bitter they can be. I don't think even when I look at Donald Trump, when he's fighting Joe Biden, he's fighting him not from a place of bitterness.


Do you see the difference? Not from a place of bitterness. They are Competitors. When bitterness enters in, it becomes Dangerous. Bitterness is a poison. That is why in Hebrews, the Bible talks about the poison of bitterness.


There is no one on this planet Earth as dangerous as a bitter person. If there is somebody I am afraid of in my life, it is a bitter person. I can't even eat food from you when you are bitter. You can kill.


Do you know ? I studied and discovered that there is a relationship between rebellion and bitterness. Bitterness and rebellion have the same roots from the Hebrew word Mara.

Rebellion comes from bitterness. When somebody is bitter, he will rebel to anybody who is in town. For our children, I pray you will not be bitter in Jesus Name.


When you are being rebuked, don’t say that dad or mum are against you. It does mean that they don’t love you. No.


The sweetness of bitterness is in bringing people close to your bitterness. Please, if you are bitter,


keep your bitterness for yourself. You know? There are people when they are bitter towards others, they will look for people to join them in their bitterness and then they start ganging.


In Church, bitter people are like, “Do you agree with all that this Pastor teaches? No No No No No. Me, I am against it. Come and let us eat him alive”


When you start eating me, you should know that I will grow fat. 


In the Word Of Life, do you know why we are taking Holy Communion? Because bitterness is not permitted in this Church.


Satan entered.


But, I want to close. Hilda, the text I gave you is different. Maybe you are wondering, what is the problem? It is the Spirit.




I want to close by letting you know that there are huge battles around gates. That's why in countries, gates are well protected and well secured. That is why today being the day of Open Door, I want you to know that the greater the door the more the adversaries First Corinthians 16 verse 9.


Paul says, “a great door is opened and adversaries are many”


The greater the door, the greater the opposition.


For those who do great great businesses, you know when you're doing a business for 500 Ksh and a business with many zeros behind, the demons who will fight you will not be the same.


Jesus says, The door is opened before you and no man can shut it”. But you should know what the devil can do is simple. He knows that he cannot shut the door God has opened for you but what he can do is to stop you from entering that door.


There are people who are like this paralytic in Acts chapter 3.


That man was just there At the beautiful gate. He could see others entering, but was still there. Have you ever been in a place where you are hearing others testimonies and you're wondering, What is my problem?”


That one got married and me I am still there… What’s wrong?




To open doors, you need keys. 


Now, let me give you some keys that will help you to enter the doors God has opened. Now we are not fighting to open doors. Okay?


The door is opened for your marriage, the door is opened for your future, the door is opened for your destiny, the door is opened and the Bible says that door will never be shut by anybody under Heaven. No devil can shut the door that God has opened for you


Now I'm going to France. Thank you for the few people who are clapping. Thank you. I'm going and let The Witches hear I'm going to France. I wonder why you are just hiding and then you're going nowhere.


Those big Preachers like TD Jakes, they have a well known plan on their calendars of the countries they will travel to minister to.


Now why the devil does not stop them?


I'm going to France and I'm already in the Visa process. Thank you.


Now already somebody is bitter, but your bitterness will kill yourself.


I like proclaiming what God is doing. I am not afraid of any demon or any devil anywhere under heaven.




The first key you need to access open doors is called divine connections. Wait.


Today, God will connect you divinely.


I say, today, God will connect you divinely.


In Acts 3, God connected this man with Peter and John.


Let me tell you this … Save my number because time will come when you call and you will hear a machine telling you…Press 1 … Press 2… Press 3 …


You know? I talk about those things openly.


Now, please, in life you need connections.


You need Divine connections There Are Places you will never reach unless you are connected divinely. 


Do not and never take relationships for granted. They are channels God uses to open doors for people. If there is something I treasure, you should know, it is relationship. I treasure relationships.


That's why sometimes I just want to talk to you, to greet you when we are sharing the cup of tea here. It is  important. My friend, save my number.


Now, take advantage to take tea with me.


I'm warning you. It will become time will come when people will say that I have become proud. No, go back to 23rd July, he said (laughs)


Do you know Rachel Ruto went to see TD Jakes and it was online everywhere? Talking to TD Jakes today is an event.  It's News. But, back then, was it? No. It will come a moment when taking tea with me will be a news.


Treasure relationships. That is what God uses to open doors. Isn't it? I am where I am because of relationship with People I was divinely connected with. Today, I will pray God will divinely connect you.


Have you seen in the Bible this Scripture in John 18:15?


The Bible says, “Now Simon Peter and another disciple were following Jesus. Since that disciple was known to the high priest, he also went with Jesus into the courtyard of the high priest. 16 But Peter stood outside at the door. Then the disciple who was known to the high priest went out and spoke to the doorkeeper, and brought Peter in


From this text, John entered in the in the court of the high priest because he was known to the high priest but Peter was not. He tried to enter, but he could not enter until John came, spoke to the doorkeeper and brought Peter in. 


There are some places you will enter just because you belong  to the Word of Life Family.


There are some places you will enter, you reach the counter and you find somebody from the Word of Life sitting there. They are stopping everybody around there but you, because of the relationship, are allowed to proceed.


Why? Because they know you. You who like entertaining conflict, be Careful. That is why doors are closed because you are like entertaining conflicts everywhere.


There are some places I entered just because somebody who knows me say made things easy for me.


Friend, be at peace with others. You never know who will be a blessing to you.


That's why Jesus says, When you pray and you remember that you have something against somebody, go fix it”.


The problem you have with somebody is what is closing doors in your life. You are trying to open doors and you are bitter toward everybody and you are praying God to open door? No. Doors will not open until you fix with that person.


Concerning my case, my people in Europe are the one giving the details to the Embassy, and I don't know nothing there.


Divine connection is a key that opens doors.


God will connect you divinely the way you have never known before.




Number two. The second key is the key of opportunities.


I was studying and I saw that opportunities and doors have the same roots.


You know? Door in French is translated as porte.


And you know opportunity has the word port in it … So, in in the word opportunity, there is a Word door. You who are praying God to open doors for You, “O God, help me ! Open doors for me!”, know that God opens doors through opportunities.


And that is why you might be wondering, What happened that some people are entering and me I am still there? It is simply because  they have learned to take advantage of every opportunity coming their way while others are just there doing what? Watching.


And you will know, even as we are talking about business, in this country, there are people who are in business just because of some opportunities that just came their way? 

You hear people have become a millionaire and you wonder how? It’s opportunity. 

Now, I want to pray for you that God will give you wisdom to take advantage of opportunities.


Friends, opportunities will never be there all the time. Opportunities come and go.


They come and they pass, but for the wise man, when opportunity comes, they take advantage of the it because it will not be there forever.


You know the story of this woman Shunammite?


The man of God was just passing and this woman saw the opportunity and said, “This man is a man of God. Let me invest in him. I will build him a house and when she built the house


Doors were opened for her.


God says in first Chronicles chapter 12 verse 32 that the sons of Issachar were the people who had the understanding of times and season. I want to pray for you today you will have the understanding of times and seasons in your life. 


Do you know that Covid-19 has made some people rich in this land? And the same Covid-19 killed some? And the same Covid-19 has made some people poor ? Others have closed their business? Right?


Yes. So, the same thing happened to everybody. Then, do you know what makes the difference between them all? It is the opportunities.


And I pray that God will open your eyes to see the opportunities coming your way. Praying and saying, “Oh God open doors for me is a very wrong prayer. Why? Because God says, “I have already opened. The prayer should be, “Lord, open my eyes to see the opportunities.


I shared with you yesterday. An innocent picture taken of a child carrying bread she went to buy for her mother trended on Twitter. The South African bread giant Albany reached out to the child who trended online after her pictures and videos of her running on the mud street holding the bread. The pictures were massively shared online because of her smile while running barefooted through the mud street to her home. The pictures were taken by Lungisani Mjaji from Tshwane University of Technology (TUT). *Her smile has now made her the face of Albany company from billboards to plastic bags*.


Now, God is telling me to tell you some opportunities will come your way this time around. I pray for you that you will not waste opportunities that will come your way.


Coming to Church is an opportunity. The man of God is an opportunity for you. I am available for you. Those are opportunities given to you. Some take advantage of It, while  others despise.


They are like, Who is he? Who is that Kasuku? That Congolese man”. Friend, I am a door To your grace.


So, how does God open doors to us? Through divine connection and Divine opportunities. But, let me shock you.


I will show you that there are people who will make mistakes that will be an opportunity for your Blessing. 


Let me repeat you'll make mistakes that will be an opportunity for your blessings.


I was in a packed Matatu. And there was a matatu in front of us that was empty. It came to pass that our Matatu broke down and all of us were transferred in the Matatu in front of us.


I'm not saying you pray for people to make mistake. No. I know it looks hard for you to apprehend it, but the truth of the matter is that God opens door through others mistakes. And God is able to allow someone makes mistake that will promote you.


Now, let me confirm to you. Esau made a mistake that opened the door for Jacob. Am I right?


Vashti made a mistake that opened a door to Esther. I'm not saying that you should be praying against others’ marriages. No.


King Saul made a mistake that opened a door to David.


Judas made a mistake that opened a door to Matthias.


Now, whether you like it or not, some people will just make some mistakes that will promote you.


You don't need to pray about it. It will be like that in life. But, at the same time, I pray that you will not be that one who will make that kind of mistake.


Be careful. Where you are sitting, there is somebody who wants to sit there. Where you are working, you better know that somebdy wants that place.


Don't take things for granted. Are you married? You believe that


You are free from condemnation? You are you sitting like a queen?


My friend, do you know how many people want to sit there? Ask President Ruto. He will tell you. He knows that he's sitting there for 10 years. Whether you make noise or no, he knows that he is there. When he will leave that post, who will bother him again?


Nobody. So, now you people are bothering you and you're like, “I think I should give up


Know that the moment you give up, the moment you step out, somebody takes the place. That is a law




Finally prayer is the last key. 


The Bible talks about the Church who was praying for Peter when he was in prison in Acts 12:5. I want you to know that prayer carries power to open doors. 


The Church prayed earnestly.


Friends, know that there are some doors that will not open for you just the way you are praying casually.


What does it mean to pray earnestly?


With energy. From the heart. There are some doors that will not open for you just the way you are praying you are praying casually saying, “Oh Gad Oh My Gad…”.


When doors look closed, you need to pray earnestly. If possible, you can fast. If possible, you can do what you have never done before and you know this week, I invite to the Kingdom Bible Study I will be talking about provoking the Supernatural.


You know? When they prayed earnestly, what did God do?


He sent angels and Peter was just coming out by himself. Praise be the Living God. I see you coming out by the power of Prayer. You will enter that place nobody said you will enter by the power of Prayer. I say you will enter that door.


Now, in the beginning of the year, God says that some people will step for the first time in the country they have never been before. Say, it is me.




You will enter that place nobody say you will enter by the power of prayer.

I say you will enter that door where nobody say you will enter by the power of prayer.

Now the beginning of the year I say some people will step for the first time in the countries they have never been before. If it you say it is me. Ah thank you.

Stand on your feet and we are praying.

Can you clap for the Lord in the name of Jesus. Clap for the Lord if you have gotten something. Thanks be the living God. Amen and amen. Praise be the living God.

And now I just want us to just give yourself time to pray.

I don't know where you want to enter or there are some doors that look like they are closed, you have some tenders, you have some businesses, they look closed, God will connect you with people that will cause you to enter where you could not enter.

Pray my friend.

Prayer carries power to open impossible doors.

And I know you will enter finally. In Jesus name. Can you pray? Just pray for your life. Go ahead and pray.

Just have time to pray.

Pray for your life

Declare that any door that has been closed to be opened.

The Bible says, Open your gates. Lift your head Oh gates that the Lord Almighty the King of Glory will come in.

Now go ahead and pray. Go ahead and pray. Go ahead and pray

Today is the day of open doors.

Can you declare before the Lord hallelujah.

Hallelujah Hallelujah

Pray for your business.

Pray that God will open doors for you

Just pray, just pray, just pray. Just pray, just pray, just pray,

God will connect you,

Pray that God will connect you

Pray that God will put on your way

Pray God to open your eyes to see opportunities that are happening everyday around

But you just need your eyes to be open to see.

Somebody will see some opportunities and somebody will see those opportunities and to me.

Pray pray pray open your eyes to see to see they are there around us.

They are around ask God Jesus I we are moving now to close the service of today in the name of Jesus

Devil, get out of my door. Get out of the door God has opened for me.

All the adversaries who are stopping me to enter my door I declare and I decree in the name of Jesus Christ I will enter where God says I will.

I will enter where God says I will

I will access where God says I will

I will enter where God says I will I will not be there.

Can you pray and say I will not watch others entering and me I am stagnating.

Can you refuse stagnation in your life? Can you refuse stagnation in your life? My life will not stagnate.

I don't know if you are understanding the prayer of today.

God said that I set a door before you. The door is open before me. And you say in your word that no man can shut the door. No man can shut it. No devil can shut it.



Now now listen to me it it it can it can sound crazy but just just allow me allow me to just give you an instruction. 

I just want you to not just pray standing where you are. Take some steps. Take some steps as you are praying.

Just take some steps as you are praying.

Declare … I'm entering the door God has already opened for me.

Take some steps.

I don't know which step you will take. Just go ahead before the Lord. I don't know which step you will take. I just declare that I'm entering the door God has opened ready for me.

You can you just do that step of faith and declare I'm entering where God says it is open for me.

I am entering. I am moving forward. I am moving forward.

Go ahead declare declare I am moving forward. I am moving forward. I am moving forward. I am moving forward.

No devil can stop me. God says the door is open. Can you pray move, move, move, move, move and declare before the Lord that I will enter where God says I will.

No devil can stop me.

Can you tell devil? You cannot me from entering where God says I will enter that tender I will enter into it I will get it in the name of Jesus

That job I will get it in the name of Jesus

That visa I will get it in the name of Jesus

Can you declare before the Lord I am moving forward I am moving forward

I will enter where God says I will enter no devil can shut the door no devil can shut the door no devil can shut the door.

No devil can shut the door. My my my life my life is moving forward. The devil is a liar.



I am going to my next level. I am going to my next level.

I am going to my next level.

My feet are delivered. My feet are delivered. From anything that can make me stagnating life.

Lord I'm moving forward I am moving forward god said the door is in front of you the door is in front of you he has the key

Can you declare Jesus has the key. Not my boss. 

Jesus is the one who has the key and what he has opened for me nobody can shut it

hallelujah nobody can shut it hallelujah nobody can shut the door that god has opened for me

The law of the land the law of the country where I am going will never close will never stop me

I am unstoppable

I am moving toward my promised land

I am moving toward my God given destiny I am moving toward what God has already opened for me

I am entering now

Now go and enter. Now go and enter. Now go and enter. Now go and enter.

Now it is opened it is open my friend go and enter now it is opened God has opened.

God has opened. Go and enter. Go and take the tender.

It is opened. 

Go and take territories. 

It is open

Go and get the business. it is opened. Go and get the job. It is opened. 

God has opened.

He has the key. No witch. No wizard will stop you from entering that door that God has already opened

Oh the devil is a liar Jesus has the key.

Jesus has the key. He has the key. He has the key. He has the key hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah

Jesus has the key Jesus has the key can you clap for the Lord.

Can you clap for the Lord. Can you clap. Can you clap for the Lord? Glory to God.

Glory to God. Amen.



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