Friday 21 July 2023




Shekinah greetings word of life. Welcome to the Kingdom Bible study this day. We thank the Lord for his doing in our midst.

And we give him the praise and the glory. Lift your voice where you are and expect to receive the word from the Lord.

Heavenly Father, we come before you today and we say Lord, thank you for keeping us the whole night and waking us up this morning by your love and your grace upon our lives oh God. We thank you and we praise your name.

We bow before your throne and we give you the praise. To you the glory the honour and the adoration forever and evermore. In Jesus precious name we have prayed. And we say amen and amen.

Understanding the supernatural. Today is the fifth part. I am closing this topic today.


I want us to see the supernatural as the doing of the Lord. When we talk about the doing of the Lord. Please understand that we are talking about the hand of God at work.

To perform and produce what human hand cannot perform and produce. So the supernatural is the doing of the Lord.

Psalm 118:23 the bible says, this is the Lord's doing. It is marvelous in our eyes.

The TPT version says, “The Lord himself is the one who has done this. And it is so amazing so marvelous to see”.

Now when you read that ah Psalm 118, you will understand that this chapter actually is talking about Christ.

Christ was called to be rejected. The Psalmist says, He will be rejected. He will be mocked. He will die. And at the end of the day he will come back to life.

That's why in that Psalm, the Bible says that the rock, the stone that the builders have rejected has become the chief cornerstone

And that is why now Psalm 118:23 says, “This is the doing of the Lord. And it is marvelous. It is wonderful in our eyes”. The doing of the Lord.

When the Bible talks about the doing of the Lord, it is because there is also the doing of men. There is also the doing of the evil one.

Matthew 13:25, the bible says, “An enemy has done this”.

So, we have the doing of the enemy and we have the doing of the Lord.


What are the characteristics of the doing of the Lord?

1- Amazing

Number one | The doing of the Lord according to Psalm 118:23 is amazing.

The doing of the Lord is marvelous.

That is the doing of the Lord.

2- Timely

the second characteristic of the doing of the Lord. The bible says, “The Lord does everything beautiful according to his own time” (Ecclesiastes 3:11).

So the doing of the Lord answers to God's time.

3- Goes beyond the calculation of men

Something else we take note of about the doing of the Lord is that the doing of the Lord goes beyond the calculation of men: The stone was rejected.

But the same stone that was rejected became the chief cornerstone.

That it only God can do that. That is the doing of the Lord. It is what only God can do and no man can do.

4- Turns evil to good

Something else to take note of about the doing of the Lord, the doing of the Lord turns evil to our good.

In Genesis 50:20, Joseph said to his brothers, “you thought evil against me but God turned it around to make to pass what you can see today”.

Any evil that men are plotting against you, against this Church, God will turn it around.

5- Answers to God’s wisdom

Something else to take note about the doing of the Lord, the doing of the Lord answers to the wisdom of the Lord.

I want you today to know that God is the all wise God. God is wise. He is the ancient of days.

That's why the death of Christ on the cross is the doing of the Lord. Meaning that when we talk about the doing of the Lord, God can use your enemies to work together for your good.

The Bible says, “All things work together for good”.

I don't know what the enemy is cooking against you. I don't know what the enemy is plotting against you.

I don't know but the doing of the Lord will turn it for your good.

It is beyond our understanding. Can you imagine the King Pharaoh who wanted to kill Moses is the same king who fed him for 40 years?

The one who wanted to kill you is the one who will feed you. Keep you alive.

6- It is the performance of God

The doing of the Lord it is the performance of God.

Elizabeth told Mary, “Happy are you because there will be the Lord's performance.”

7- It is the work of the Lord

What is the doing of the Lord again?

John 14:12, Jesus says, “The work I do, you will do also the same because I'm going to my Father

So, the doing of the Lord it is the work of the Lord.

Jesus says, “My father worketh hitherto, I also work”.

I want you to know this morning friends that God is working.

Sometimes, it can look like God is not doing anything. But I want you to know that God is working behind the scene. He is working.

It might not be instant. It might not be ah immediate. It might not be or as quicker as you expect, but the truth of the matter is the Lord is working.

It is Jesus rejected by the friend, rejected by his own people, by his mother, his sisters and brothers, rejected by everybody and yet today he is the rock of ages. And it is marvelous in our eyes.

That’s the doing of the Lord.

God will shock you. God will surprise you. That is the doing of the Lord.

Our God is a doer.

Mordecai Saved the king, Delivered the king and then, was forgotten for five good years. Nobody remembered this man.

There was a man who did not want him, the man was called Haman. But God intervened.

God will intervene. I say God will intervene. I say God will intervene in your life. He will intervene.


Why is it important the supernatural?

Purpose 1 | There are people who will never believe in God until they see the evidence 

Until they see, until they hear on their own, they can't believe. So, please, don't don't blame them.

Purpose 2 | We need the supernatural to silence our mockers.

In 2 Kings 2:15, those who were mocking Elijah for following Elijah, came to bow themselves before him. That is the doing of the Lord.

In 1 Samuel 1:27, Hannah says, “For this I prayed…”

After that, Penina disappeared. We have never heard about her anywhere. Hannah is still relevant until today. Am I right? Yes she is still relevant.

I declare over you … Your mockers will be silenced. Those who are mocking your health, those who are mocking your ministry, those who are mocking your job, those who are mocking your salary, those who are mocking your children challenges…

Today, is the day of celebrating God for everything that is in this planet earth. You need to come to a place where you say, “Lord, that is me. That is mine”.

I announce to somebody today that is your season of wonderful things.

I announce to somebody that this is your season of amazing things.

I want to announce to somebody that this is your season of marvelous things.

People will see what is happening in your life and they shall say this is the doing of the Lord.

I pray you will get a marriage and everybody will say, it is the hand of the Lord.

You will get a job and everybody will attest that it is the doing of the Lord.

You will get a breakthrough and everybody around you will just confirm and say this is the doing of the Lord.

Now no more confusion in your life In the name of Jesus Christ. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.



The doing of the Lord is marvelous. It never takes place without the Word of the Lord. God does nothing without his Word.


The doing of the Lord answers to the doing of men the Lord does in response to the doing of men. There must be a doing of men in order to have the doing of the Lord.

That's why I say to experience supernatural you must take God at his word and you must put the work of God to work.

God will do something for you if you do something.

That is where now we talk about responsibility. And that is the law of the supernatural in the kingdom.

You must do something for God to do something. In response.

When you read the bible let me give you some facts.

One major biblical fact on the supernatural : The supernatural is always tied to a specific instruction from God.

Do you want to experience the doing of the Lord?

Do what he tells you to do. Remember Mary said, “Whatever he tells you to do, do it”.

I'm closing today understanding the supernatural.

For you to understand that it is the doing of the Lord in response to the doing of men.

Until you obey the instruction, you are not candidate to the doing of the Lord.

The doing of the Lord is not for the idle or for the lazy.

The doing of the Lord is for the doers. Be ye doers of the Word of God. That is how you can experience the doing of the Lord. Praise be living God.

The doing of the Lord answers to men's obedience.

That's why there is a beautiful definition which is … the supernatural acts of God's performance always follow natural act of men's obedience.

So, there is no supernatural if nothing is done in the natural. Something must be done the natural to provoke the supernatural. That is how it works.

You must do in the natural so that something will be done in the supernatural.

Do nothing get nothing.

That is now where the frustration of people come from.

Moses stretch your hand in the natural and God opened the Red Sea in the supernatural. And then it happened.

The young boy had only five loaves of bread and two fishes. He put them in the hand of Jesus and more than 5000 were fed. How?

Do you see now and do we understand why many people don't experience the doing of the Lord? Because there is no doing there is nothing they do.

Turn seven times around Jericho and the seventh time turn 7 times. They did and then the the wall of Jericho fell. Simple.

There must be something done in the natural for something to be done in the supernatural.

That is a law.

Pay your tithe and I will open heaven. (Malachi 3:10). Simple.

In the natural, pay your tithe. In the supernatural, God opens heaven. That's how it works.

John 9:11 … Jesus tells the blind man to go and wash his face. He did and he got healed. In the natural he washed his face and the supernatural happened to him.

The doing of the Lord is related to the doing of men. Let me say … the obedient doing of men… 

Peter took Jesus at his Word and the fish rushed into his net.

You see? The doing of the Lord answers to the obedient doing of men

Luke 17:14 … Go, show yourself to the priests. They went and then they recovered as they were going.

Fill the jar with water and give to the governor. They did and water turned into wine.

Elijah to the widow, “Serve me first”. She served the man of God first, then the supernatural took place and for 3 and a half year, she had food.

Go, deep yourself seven times in the river Jordan,the man of God told Haman. First of all, he was unhappy, he was complaining and murmuring and then he obeyed and the doing of the Lord took place.

So, I believe you understand the supernatural.

Something must be done in the natural for something to be done in the supernatural. The supernatural will not just happen when you are sleeping. The supernatural will happen when you are doing what the Lord tells you to do. Whatever he tells you to do, do it. Do it.

Daniel 11:32, “Those who know their God shall be strong and do exploit”.

Do something. Do something. Do something. And God is the one who will turn what you do in the natural. into a supernatural act from him.

The four lepers were just walking and God turned their walking into steps of horses and chariot and the Assyrians fled.

Do something… That is my conclusion. Do something and what you do in the natural, God will turn it and God will intervene and turn into eh an exploit, into something extraordinary.

Is it to forgive?

Is it to drop any illicit sexual relationship?

Is it to wait?

Is it to increase your commitment?

Is it to reconcile with your parent?

Is it to submit to a spiritual authority?

Is it to be thankful to be praiseful?

Is it to share the Word?

Is it to be patient?

What is it that God is telling you to do and you are not ready?

So that is how things work in the in the Kingdom.

Jesus says, you will lay your hand on the sick and the sick shall be healed. You lay your hand in the natural, in the supernatural, God heals.

I am not the one who heals people. I lay my hand and speak the Word and the remaining God is the one who does it.


Paul has planted. Apollos has watered. God gives supernatural increase

So, there is no supernatural doings without natural doings from men. Put that in your mind.

Go to look for a job. As you go, then the supernatural.

Share the word of God with others. As you do consistently and seriously from your heart, then you will see the doing of the Lord. That is how it works.

Were you blessed by the message of today? I believe you are.


Lift your voice and say Lord help me to to know what to do.

Give you thanks and glory for the Word. What a word. What a word. What a word. A life transforming, life changing word, life building. A word that I have received today, Lord, I want to pray that you help me by your grace. Hallelujah. That I will do something.

Help me oh God. Help me oh God to be the doer. To be a doer the word, a doer of the word, a doer of the word, an obedient man and woman who does in the natural what God will turn it into something ah extraordinary from the supernatural.

Lord help me, help me to never despise what I'm doing,. Help me to never despise the little things I do because that is what can produce the supernatural, the little things I do, the little things I do, the preaching, the teaching, the sharing, on social media.

Those are little things that I can do.

Father, I pray that even the way I walk, even the way I talk, the way I pray. Lord help me to not be idle because supernatural is not for the idle it is for the doers.

Help me oh God. Help me oh God. Help me oh God. Help me oh God.

Without you I cannot do anything. I need you Jesus. Son of the living God. Hallelujah hallelujah.

Blessed be your name oh God. Blessed be your name oh God. Blessed be your name oh Lord. Blessed be your name oh Lord.

And I pray for somebody who is there. Receive the grace to do something. Receive the grace to do what God tells you to do. Receive the grace to be obedient to the word of God.

Come to church this Sunday. You never know. There is an encounter with the Word of God for you. Come in church. Come in church for this Sunday open doors. God has something great for your life. Hallelujah.

May you be free from laziness. Be free from procrastination. Be free from idleness. Be free from disobedience. Be free from rebellion. Be free today in the name of Jesus Christ. The son of the living God. We have prayed.

May God bless you. And I know as you make up your mind to do something in the natural, the super natural will become your natural, it will become your daily bread in the name of Jesus Christ.

Do what God tells you to do and let him do what he says he will do.

Take responsibility and you will not be a liability.

I believe this teaching will change your life forever. In the name of Jesus Christ.

Don't despise the small things that is where the supernatural lies.

I love you all and God bless you in Jesus name. And amen.

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