Wednesday 19 July 2023




Shekinah Greetings word of life.

Welcome to the Kingdom Bible study Today. I believe you are being well from your homes and different places you are connected to the message., to the Bible Study of today.

I pray that God will bless you and do you good. In Jesus name. Amen.

Well why don't you lift your voice and just pray. Tell God that you are ready to receive the word. That will turn your life around. That will you, that will transform you, that will move you from where you are to where you ought to be.

Just lift your voice and pray and tell God, I'm ready for the word. I Thank you for today for the grace you have given unto me. Thank you Jesus. Blessed be your name. Thank you for the night. Thank you for this beautiful day you have granted unto me unto us. Lord it is by your grace.

You did not fail to wake us up. We not fail to to lift you up.

Jesus, blessed be your name forever and evermore. In Jesus precious and glorious name. We have praised and we all say amen.

Glory be to God.


The supernatural is above the natural, beyond the natural as it is written, “He who is from above is above all. He who is from heaven is above all.”

The supernatural is above the natural and beyond the natural.

The supernatural is the performance of the hand of God performing what the hand of men cannot and will not be able to perform. That is the supernatural.

God is the God of the supernatural. He is beyond the natural.

The natural is not everything that you can see. Beyond the natural, there is the supernatural and we walk by faith, we don't walk by sight.

The hand of God is the hand of the supernatural.

Jesus touched Peter's mother-in-law and she got healed. He touched the coffin and the girl came back to life. He took Peter from the hand and rescued him. He took the ear that has been cut by Peter because of his anger and he replaced it.

Something unusual will happen in somebody's life in Jesus name. The hand of God will touch you where you are. The hand of God will change things in your life in the name of the Lord.

We are redeemed to be signs and wonders. According to Isaiah 8:18, “Me and the children the Lord has given unto me are for signs and wonders from the Lord of hosts who dwells in Zion.

In Ezekiel 24:27, God says, “You shall speak and you shall be a sign unto them and they shall know that I am God.”

So, a sign is visible. You can't hide the sign.

Act 4:16, “A notable miracle has been performed by them and we cannot deny it”.

A sing is undeniable.

They saw the man standing before them and they could say nothing.

That is your season where your mockers will be silenced by the supernatural act of God. They will say nothing because it will be so obvious, so clear that it is God and they will say nothing. Your mockers will go hiding in the name of Jesus Christ.

Today I want to talk to you about another concept which is the exploit.


Exploit is also part of the the understanding the supernatural.

In Genesis 1:26, the Bible says, “Let us make man in our image after our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of air and over the cattle and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth”.

So, you have the dominion that God has given Adam and Eve over the air, over the earth and over the waters.


That is another concept I want us to talk about today.

Exploit is an extraordinary accomplishment and achievement performed by the extraordinary ordinary God through ordinary people. That is the simple exploits.

How I pray that you will understand that concept.

All the men of exploits in the Bible were human beings like you and I.

We talk about the men in the Bible. Let us talk about just the our contemporary.

I don't want to mention the name of people here from this pulpit, but you know the people, the human beings we talk about in this world who are considered as extraordinary. In reality, they are just ordinary people like you and I who made up their mind to do the extraordinary. They made up their mind to not be like other ordinary people and they emerged as extraordinary. In reality, they have flesh. They have blood. There is nothing like white and black. There is nothing like that.

It is written in Romans 10:12, “There is no difference between the Jew and the Greek”. God is the God of all.

In Ecclesiastes 5:9, the Bible says, “The profit of the earth is for all”.

Those millionaires or billionaires who are on the earth are human beings like you and I. The difference is they just made up their mind to not live ordinary.

That's why my friend, don't lie to yourself.

You can't live ordinarily and expect the extraordinary.

For example, while others are sleeping, us, we are working. While others are having fun, we made up our mind to not live the life of fun.

You will emerge as a man of exploit in the name of Jesus Christ. Give God a good amen this morning.

You will emerge as a woman of exploits in your generation. Hallelujah.

Don’t think that the supernatural is only for healing from sickness. It goes beyond healing. It is also about performing the extraordinary.

Even Jesus, in the book of Matthew 5:47 (LITV), says, “And if you only greet your brothers, what exceptional thing do you do? Do not the tax-collectors do so?

In this text, Jesus talks about extraordinary thing, exceptional thing, extra mile.

The time for you to continue to be ordinary is over. The time for you to continue borrowing like others is over in the Name of Jesus Christ.

Sleeping with men and women like any other in town must be over. Lazying around, sleeping for ten, 15, twenty-four hours must be over.

Watching Tik-Tok, Facebook and Instagram twenty-four seven won't help you. When you are spending your time on TikTok and on Instagram, in fact what you are doing, you are watching others achievement.

What people post there is their achievement. They cannot post what they are posting if they were spending all their time on Tik-Tok.

They work, they conceive, they think, they put on Tik-Tok and on social media so that others will be watching their achievement. It is the story of others.

When will your own story be put on social media?

There are storytellers. And there are story makers. I refuse to be a storyteller.

That's why you see on Facebook, the posts are called news feed.

Meaning there are those who make news and put their news online and there are those who tell the news of others.

That is why some are just there spreading what others are posting on social media.

And  my question is … When will you share the news of what God is doing in your life?

It’s okay to tell others, “My friend, have you seen on Tik-Tok? Have you seen Instagram?” But the question is … What about you? What about what God is doing in your life that people can relate to?


In Daniel 11:32, it is written, “Such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flattery, but the people that know their God shall be strong and do exploits.”

You see?

I have put it this way.

One | The people … shall do exploit.

What does it mean? Exploit is for people. People are ordinary people like you and I

Two | The people who know their God.

Three | The people who be strong … shall do exploit.

Are you hearing that?

So, Daniel 11:32 gives us the profile of men of exploit.


Three fold profile of men of exploit.

Number one, men of exploits are men who know their God, meaning, they have a personal relationship with God.

If you go back to Daniel 11:32, the Bible talks about … their God… Meaning, it is personal.

Inn fact, all those who did exploit with God had a personal relationship with God.

When we talk about God of Abraham, we talk about a personal relationship that Abraham had with God. Not a general but a personal.

When we talk about the God of Jacob, it is something very much personal. The encounter.

In fact, that is what we call encounter that people had with their God.

When we talk about God of Jacob, Isaac etc it is the same.  

It simply means that men of exploit are men who had a personal encounter with their God.

Are you hearing me? It is all about Personal Encounter With God.

Abraham’s case

Abraham encountered God in Genesis chapter number twelve and God told him, “I am God. Leave your father's house and go to the country I will tell you”.

He left and later, God appeared to him again saying, “Abraham, offer me your only son…” and then he offered

In Genesis 18, three people came to Abraham to visit him and he noticed that they were extraordinary people. He cooked for them, kept them around and showed them hospitality.

And they told him, “Next year, as we are coming, your wife will have a child”.

Remember, at this particular time, Abraham was 99 years old and Sara was 89 years old.

And when he was 100 years old and Sarah 90 years old, she conceived. That is the personal revelation with God, the encounter I am talking about.

Jacob’s case

Jacob also had an encounter with God. He said in Genesis chapter 32, “I will not let you go until you bless me. Things must change”.

And God told him, “From now, you will not be called Jacob. You will be called Israel, because you fought with God and you fought with men and you prevailed”. That is personal encounter. After the encounter, he was limping.

You can't have an encounter with God without a mark that shows that you had an encounter.

Isaac’s case

God appeared to Isaac and told him, “I am the God of your father” in Genesis chapter twenty-six.

Later, he told him, “Don't go down in Egypt. Remain there I will be with you”.

He too had an encounter. And then, the Bible says, “He sowed in the land”. As a product of his encounter, he got hundred fold and the Philistines envied him.

You see encounter? 

You can't tell me that you had an encounter with God and your life is not changing.


That's why people who don't have an encounter with God will never do exploits.

Moses’ case

God told Moses, “Remove the shoes from your feet because the place where you are standing is holy ground”.


After he removed the shoes, God told him, “I have heard the cry of my people. I have seen the affliction from their taskmasters. Now, go and deliver them”.

Later, in Exodus 6, Moses was another man. He could talk to Pharaoh, “Let my people go and serve me” ad Moses started performing strange things.

That is the encounter Those who know their God are those who have a personal relationship with God…

It pains me when I see people who are just there. We provide the Bible study everyday. On top of that, devotions are also there. But, how many people connect? Listen? Take note? And pray about it?

No wonder, our life is just normal the way it is.

… Those who know their God. Those who have a personal relationship with God …


You see the second characteristic of men of exploit? They are men who have a personal revelation of who they are. All those who do exploit know who they are.


In Act 19, the Bible talks about the story of those men who tried to cast out demons from a demon possessed man, but the demons asked them a question, “Who are you?” They didn't have an answer.

As a matter of fact, they were beaten properly by demons. Why? Because they did not know who they were.


In 1 Corinthians 15:10, Paul says, “By the grace of God, I am who I am and his grace has not been in vain toward me. I worked harder than them all”.

Paul was a man of exploits because he knew who he was.


Gideon, in Judges chapter six, God appeared to him and told him, “God is with you. Mighty man of valor”.

Gideon replied saying, “If God is with us, why are we suffering this way?”

Gideon did not know who he was.

Friends, God cannot use you and you cannot be a man of exploits if you don't know who you are.

God wanted to deal with his I identity before he makes him a man of exploit.

Even in the secular world, those who perform exploit know who they are. There is nobody with a confused identity who can make exploits Nobody.

You better know. Who are you in Christ? Do you know who you are? What is your identity in the first place?

I am who I am. I know who I am and I thank God for who I am.

May you never have a confused identity again in Jesus name.


They are men who are doers. They have a personal book record of exploits in their account. They are doers, not talkers.

Let me confirm to you in Mathew 7:22, Not everyone who says, Lord, Lord will enter in the Kingdom Of God, but the one who does”

It is not about saying. It's about doing.

So, exploits are in doing, not in saying as James says, “Be ye doers of the Word, not hearers only”.

Anytime you mention a name, it is always connected to a doing.


For example, when you talk about Moses, what comes in your mind? The Red Sea.

You see? All men of exploit were ordinary men like you and I, but what made a difference with them is the doing.


When you mention David, immediately even those who don't know the Bible, what comes in mind is Goliath.


When you talk about Elijah who also was a man like you and I, he prayed and fire fell from heaven. He smote the River Jordan and the River Jordan parted. Abba.

Yet, he was a man like you and I. when threatened by Jezebel, he ran away. He was a man. He went to hide himself in the cave contemplating suicide. He was discouraged.


Paul in Acts 14:15 rebuked those who wanted to offer sacrifice to him, saying, “We also are men of like passions like you”.

Paul for example had a supernatural authority. And do not forget that he was a man like you and I.

Let us have a look a quick look at the exploit in his life.

In Act 13:11, he spoke against the man who was playing around the Gospel, saying, “You will become blind”. Immediately, he became a blind.

As Paul said, I declare and I decree … May all the enemies of the Gospel who want to stop the Gospel from moving forward fall under divine judgement in Jesus name. Hallelujah.

In Acts 14:9-10, Paul saw that a paralytic man had faith to be healed. He spoke to him and he got healed.

In Acts 16:18, Paul, being grieved, said to the evil spirit, “I command thee in the name of Jesus Christ come out.”

I declare and I decree … Any sickness, any disease that is tormenting your life, I command it to come out from you in Jesus name.

In Acts 20:10, Paul resurrected the dead who fell from the 3rd floor. He went down and fell on him and embraced him saying, “Trouble not yourself for his life is in him.”

IN Acts 19:12, a supernatural radiance was released from his body to the extent that those who were applying their handkerchief on him got healed.

In Acts 28:8, he laid his hand on the sick and the whole land and got healed. In verse 9, those who were diseased, all got healed.


Your hands carry power.

God asked Moses, “What is in your hand?” In Exodus chapter four verse two, Moses said, “A rod”.

In Exodus 4:17, God says, “You will do signs”.

What is in your hand?

Don’t think that the supernatural is only about healing. Go beyond it. It is about using the ordinary you have and do the extraordinary. It is about doing the extraordinary with the ordinary.

What do I have? I have a mic. That is what I have. What do I have? I have a voice. That is what I have.

Remember, in Second King chapter four verse two, the man of God told that woman, “What do you have in your house?” And she said, “I have just a small oil” And the man of God told her, “That is enough”.

God uses ordinary things and ordinary people to produce the extraordinary.

What do I have? I have my hand to write. I can write.


Lift your voice where you are and start praying.

Those men were men like you and I.

Lord. uproot bitterness from my heart.

Lord, deliver me from rebellious spirit.

Give me a teachable spirit and set me free from indiscipline

Release on me oh God discipline in the name of Jesus Christ.


I want to pray for your hand today in the name of Jesus Christ.

Look at your hand and say the following with me.

Those hands have made mad. And opened the eyes of the blind. My hand will open the blind in the name of Jesus Christ.

The hands of Jesus took five loaves and two fishes and multiplied to feed 5000 people. Everything that comes in my hand will multiply and will feed multitude.

The hand of Jesus, the hand of Paul healed the sick, my hand will heal the sick, will resurrect the dead in the name of Jesus Christ.

The hand of Jesus stopped a funeral procession, touched the body of this young boy and gave him back to the mother with joy. Let my hand oh God be a source that will bring joy to the people around me in the name of Jesus Christ

My hands carry resurrection power in the name of the Lord.

My hands carry power to get wealth in the name of the Lord.

My hands carry power to heal the sick in the name of the Lord.

My hand carry power to set the captives free in the name of the Lord.

Hallelujah father I pray for you you to become a man of exploit, a woman of exploit.

Don't despise the small, the little you have. That is what God will use to produce the extraordinary. Hallelujah!

The gift you have will make you extraordinary. The talent you have is what will make you extraordinary. Hallelujah!

You will emerge as a man and a woman of exploits in your generation and in the for to come.

Your life from now will never be the same again in the name of Jesus Christ. The son of the living God.

I release you as a man of exploits in your generation. You will never live an ordinary life anymore.

In Jesus name. Amen. And amen. God bless you.

See you on Sunday for the open door Sunday service. God has something amazing and great for you and your life will not be the same again. Thank you and see you. In Jesus name.

Blessed day!


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