Tuesday 18 July 2023




Good Morning and Shekinah greetings to you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Father, thank you for this day you have given unto us. Let your name be glorified forever and ever more.

We give you the praise and the glory and the honour because you deserve it oh God.

Blessed be your name for this day. In the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit we have prayed. Amen.

Understanding the supernatural part 2

This week, it's just about helping you to understand the supernatural, to have the light from the Word and from Scriptures of that reality called the supernatural.

Obviously, it will help you yourself to have access to it because the entrance of the Word gives light. So, what will allow you to have access, it is understanding.

Understanding is therefore the gateway. It is the door, it is the highway that allows and will allow you to have access to it.

So, listen to it not only once but as many times as you can so that it will sink in you. And it will help you in whichever situation you can find yourself in.

You know that the natural is not everything. What you see is not everything. There is what you don't see. There is what we don't see which is beyond the natural. And what is beyond the natural, we can bring it to the natural.

And I'm teaching you how we can reach there.


Today, there's a concept I would like to talk to you about. I want to talk about signs and wonders.

I believe you have heard about signs and wonders. What is it?

1.1. SIGNS

When we talk about, signs, please understand that sign comes from the Greek word “Semeion” and means a mark, a proof, an evidence, undeniable, irrefutable, notable. That is the meaning of a sign.

We can say in another word that a sign is a clearly visible object bearing a short message in words or pictures.

That is why we have signposts on the highway. We have billboards in supermarket and in all those places which are around us.

Those are signs. They are visible. You can't hide a sign. It is very important.

Act chapter three verse nine…”All the people saw him Walking and praising God.”

I underline … All the people saw Him… That is a sign.

Verse ten “… and they knew that it was he that sat for alms at the beautiful gates of the temple and they were filled with wonder and amazement at that which had happened unto him”.

You see ? They used to see him sitting and begging. Now, they see him walking.

How people used to see and where people used to see you, they will no longer see you there.

Your life will not and never continue to be the same.

When you go back to verse ten, “… they saw him (as a sign) and they were filled with wonder. (as a wonder)


So, wonder comes as a result of a sign. Wonder is how people respond to the sign.

Wonder comes from the Greek word T E R A S.

And T E R A S is where the word terror comes from.

So, a sign is visible. A wonder is strange.

A wonder is God's strange act that causes the beneficiary and the beholder to marvel, to be amazed and to fear.

You see the difference? A sign is visible. A wonder is strange.

Anytime there is a wonder, it means in another word that people marvel. People are amazed.

I declare over you from this altar. Your life will be a life of wonders. People will be amazed at what God will do in your life.

Wonders are Strange acts of God.

Act four fourteen, “And beholding the man which was healed standing with them”.

Beholding This man in this verse means that this man became a centre of attraction and attention.

That is sign and wonder. You become a center of attention and attraction.

And they could say nothing means that Signs and wonders shut the mouth of the mockers. 

Now I announce to you today from the Lord whom I serve, the God who called me … that God will do something in your life that will silence the mockers.

You will become a centre of attention and attraction because of the doings of the Lord in your life.

Enough is enough for people to see you there sitting at the gates begging for money and for attention.

He was begging for attention but now, when God intervened, he became a centre of attention and attraction. That will your experience. Praise the living God.

Act Four Verse sixteen … “What shall we do to these men for that indeed a notable miracle has been done by these men is manifest to all them that dwell in Jerusalem and we cannot deny it.

So you understand sign and wonder. Isn't it? Is it clear for you?

1.3. Characteristics of a sign

So, here in verse sixteen, what they say is giving me a beautiful information. I'm getting beautiful information on the characteristics of a sign.

Characteristic 1 | A sign is notable.

They say … indeed a notable miracle has been done… So a sign is notable.

You cannot ignore a sign. Now welcome to your season where nobody will ignore you again.

I am telling you. You are entering in a season where nobody will will will ignore you again.

Word Of Life, we are entering in a season where nobody will ignore our Church again.

Notable means all efforts to ignore it is vain. You can try to ignore but you can't.

Notable means also that you cannot stop people from talking about it.

A sign is therefore not only visible It is also talkable, meaning people talk about it.

God will do something great in your life and people will talk about it.

You see? A sign, you don't need to talk about it. A sign, it is people who talk about it saying, “It is a doing of the Lord. See what the Lord has done. See what the Lord has done. What I waited for has come to pass See what the Lord has done. Wow. Have you heard what God did for Sarah? She conceived a baby in her old age. Have you heard that man who was a tenant and he could not pay the rent he has become the CEO? And now he has bodyguards around him? Have you heard? This lady who was just holding the Bible here. Going to church all the time. She got married? What? Are you sure? Yes. It is all over.”

That will be your experience in Jesus name !

So, a sign is worthy of attention. Worthy of notice. That is the meaning of notable. Remarkable. Prominent. That's a sign.

Characteristic 2 | A sign is manifest

Manifest comes from the Greek word P H A N E R O, meaning open.

Remember in verse 16, those people said, “… it is manifest to all…”

I announce to you that God will bless you openly. Can you say good amen to that? You know?

There are some miracles that happen in our life which are hidden miracles. Let’s say for example, you had headache and you got healed. Or, God provided for you. It is a miracle. No problem. It is God intervened for you. Okay. We have no problem about it. But there are those kind of miracles that you cannot hide. They are manifest. Evident. That is the meaning of manifest. You can touch it. You can hold it. It is clear.

Characteristic 3 | A sign is manifest to all.

Meaning, it is known to a broad audience. It is universal.

That's why there are some situations that God will allow a great number to know it so that a great number will also witness.

In Acts 3:9, “All the people saw him all all.”

In Act 3:10, “They knew that it was that which sat for alms at the beautiful gates. And they were filled with wonder and amazement at that which happened to him.”

Characteristic 4 | A sign is undeniable

The fourth thing to know about the sign, it is undeniable.

Undeniable means obvious. We cannot not to accept it. You can't doubt that it happened.

In Act 4:14, “Beholding the man which was healed standing with them, they could say nothing against it.”

As I said earlier, your mockers will be silenced finally in Jesus name. That is a sign. Do you understand? Let's go to the wonder.

1.4. Characteristics of a wonder

What are the characteristics of the wonder? 

Characteristic 1 | Wonder always come together with fear.

There are miracles and miracles. There are fearful miracles.

So, a wonder is a fearful miracle. When it happens, people fear God for what has happened.

People will fear your God finally.

Acts 2:43 … “And fear came on every soul. And many wonders and signs were done by the apostle.”

Act 5:5 … “Ananias hearing these words fell down and gave up the ghost and great fear came on all them that had these things”.

Act 5:11 ... “And great fear came on all the Church. And on as many as heard these things had fear”.

A wonder is fearful. That is what God will do for you in Jesus name.

Act 5:13 … “And of the rest no man joined himself to them. But the people magnified them.”

Luke 5:26 … “And they were all amazed and they glorified God and were filled with fear saying we have seen strange things.

A wonder is a strange it is strange. Out of this world.

Characteristic 2 | Wonder always comes with praise

Number two, wonders always come with praise.

Matthew 9:8 … “They marveled and glorified God.”

There are things that happen and can't leave people without giving praise.

Mark 2:12 … “and immediately, he arose, took up the bed and went forth before them all so that they were all amazed and glorified God”

You see? Wonder comes with amazement and praise. They were amazed. They marveled. They glorified God

Acts 4:21 … “All men glorified God for that which was done.”

That is a wonder. Those are signs and wonder.


The application of what I am talking about is to let somebody know today that the will of God is to make you a sign and a wonder. Not only to do for you a sign, but to make you is sign and a wonder.

Isaiah 8:18, Behold, I and the children the Lord has given me are for signs and for wonders in Israel from the Lord of hosts which dwells in Zion.”

Ezekiel 24:27, “Thou shalt speak and thou shall be a sign unto them shall know I am the Lord.”


I like what the Lord said to Ezekiel. He says to him, “You shall be a sign and they shall know that I am the Lord.

Do you know why God wants to make you a sign and a wonder?

Because He wants people to know that there is a God in heaven. If your life is a normal life, if your life is a common life, how people will know that there is God in heaven?

God want to heal you. God wants to prosper you. God wants to bless you. God wants to promote you. God wants to settle you. Why?

To make you a sign of healing. To make you a sign of blessing. To make you a sign of prosperity. To make you a sign of promotion. To make you a sign of settlement. So that people around you will know that there is God in heaven.


Can you pray where you are? Hallelujah.

Thank you because you are the God of signs.

You are the God of wonders. Because what you did in today's paralytic man, you are able to do it for me.

People see me struggling, sitting at the same place. People see me broke. People see me with issues. Challenges.

Today, oh God, I come before you and I pray that your hand oh God will be at work in my life. Make me a sign.

Make me a sign oh God that all the people around me will see that you are the one who did it oh God.

All will see me walking. All who saw me begging will see me prospering.

All the people who saw me struggling will see me thriving. All the people who saw me stuck will see me moving.

All those who saw me in difficulty they will see me in prosperity.

All those who saw me yesterday at the gate will me inside, inside the house, inside the office, they will see me flying. They will see me succeeding.

All those who saw me a failure will see me a success.

Thank you Lord because this season you will do what o  God will shut the mouth of my mockers.

Thank you Lord because Act 4:14 is my portion.

They will not be able to say anything because of your doing in my life.

Lord, thank you almighty God. Nobody will ignore it.

People will talk about it.

Thank you because you are making me a centre of attention, a centre of attraction.

A centre worth of notice remarkable, prominent.

Thank you Lord because what you will do in my life will be open, will be evident, will be touchable, will be clear, will not be done in secrets.

Thank you because this time, this season you do undeniable things in my life and my mockers will go hiding.

Thank you because what you will do in my life o God will be fearful and will cause people to fear my God.

Thank you because what you will do in my life will make people to glorify you, to marvel, to be amazed.

Thank you for making me an amazement to my world.

My life will not be the same again oh God.

I say my life will not be the same again.


Now do you have anything or any situation where you want the hand of God to be stretched on you?

Stretch your hand where you are. Is it a bill to pay? Is it any situation in your body? Is it any weakness mental, physical, spiritual etc. Just stretch your hand where you are and I pray that the hand of the Lord will be stretched on you and touch you where you are if it is a part of your body that is damaged and it needs a touch from God, I declare the touch of God on you this morning in the name of Jesus Christ.

I pray that God will stretch his hand upon you in the name of the Lord.

Arthritis, high blood pressure, low blood pressure, whatever that can be physical and your sexual life if you are married. Anything that is tormenting your mind. I don't know which situation the God I serve will visit you.

May God open that door for you, may God do for you what no one can do and may God shock you and shock the people around you in the name of Jesus Christ.

Those who mocked you will praise you and they will praise your God in the name of Jesus Christ.

I pray that God will visit you in an amazing way.

I command any spirit, any demon behind your situation, behind your case, I command the devil to leave your life, to leave your house, to leave your case in the name of Jesus Christ.

Any door that is closed, I declare the opening in Jesus name the son of the living God.

Be healed. Be touched by God today and you will testify that the Lord has done it and all who are around you will know that it is God who did it in the name of the father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. I have spoken and so shall it be. 


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