Monday 17 July 2023



Shekinah greetings, Word of Life.


Welcome to the kingdom Bible study this amazing week. We thank the name of the Lord. 


Lift your voice, pray, be expectant to receive the Word and to see change in your life.


Father, thank You for this amazing week you are giving unto us.


we are thankful unto you, and we bless your Holy Name. To you the glory. To you the honor forever and ever more in Jesus precious name we have prayed and we all say Amen. And amen.




This week, we will talk about understanding the supernatural, and obviously today is part one.


It is important for you to take note that life is made of the natural and the supernatural. 


The natural is palpable, tangible, and the supernatural goes beyond the natural.


So, what I want you to understand is that the natural is not all that you can see. The physical is not all that you can see. Beyond it, there is what we can't see with our physical eyes.


Science can argue and say, Well, the supernatural is not true, it is a fiction, it is a myth and so forth and because we can't hold it, we can't believe it.


Well … I will just go back to tell the same people, “Do you see the air? Do you see the wind? Can you hold the air? Can you hold the wind?


So, not everything is palpable and tangible. There is beyond what our physical eyes can see and what our physical ears can hear.




Definition 1


The supernatural has two words : Super and natural.


Super means above the natural, beyond the natural.


So, if we can define the supernatural, we will say that the supernatural is superior to the natural.


Because superior”, superiority”, supernaturalall have the same root “super, which means above.


The supernatural is therefore above the natural. It is superior to the natural. 


Just to let you know that there is something superior to what is going on in the natural.


Definition 2


The supernatural is the extra ordinary act of God commanding, influencing and changing the course and the laws of the natural.


That it is the supernatural.


Extra ordinary act of God means that it is God acting in the natural God intervening in the natural, to command to influence and change the cause, and the laws of the natural.


So, the natural is made of laws.


John 3:31,  He that cometh from above is above all: he that is of the earth is earthly, and speaketh of the earth: he that cometh from heaven is above all. 


You see?


He that comes from above, from heaven is above all. I underline above. 


The natural is not all that you can see. The physical is not all that you can hear or you can touch.


2 Kings 6:15 And when the servant of the man of God was risen early, and gone forth, behold, an host compassed the city both with horses and chariots. And his servant said unto him, Alas, my master! how shall we do?


2 Kings 6:16 And he answered, Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them.


2 Kings 6:17 And Elisha prayed, and said, LORD, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see. And the LORD opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha. 


You see? Gehazi panicked because of what he saw in the physical.


But I like what the man of God Elisha told his servant, Do not be afraid for those who are with us, are more than those who are with them.


Gehazi saw physical armies, surrounding them where they were, but the man of God said, No worry. Don't bother. You can see it physically, but they are more than what you can see.


That is what I want you to understand about the supernatural.


Then, Elisha prayed God to open his eyes and God opened and he was able to see the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around.


I pray, as you open your hand, that God will open your eyes to see the supernatural in the name of Jesus.


Receive it, receive it, receive it, receive it, receive it, receive it. God is opening your eyes to see beyond the physical.


I pray that God will open your eyes to see beyond the physical.


I pray that God will open your eyes to see beyond the physical.


I pray that God will open your eyes to see beyond the physical in the name of Jesus Christ. Can we say a good day Amen to that.


I Pray that God will open your eyes and you will see.


Before I go further, I want you to know that the first lesson you need to learn in the supernatural is that we walk by faith, not by sight according to second Corinthians chapter five verse seven. 


Friend, the number one enemy of the supernatural is our senses : Our eyes, our ears, our nose, our hand, our tongue. 


The supernatural does not make sense and will not never make sense. Which simply means that to be able to experience the supernatural, you must become blind, deaf and ready to embrace the things that don't make sense provided it comes from God because not everything that does not make sense come from God. 


That is where many people fail in the school of the supernatural.


It is beyond the natural. It does not make sense and it will never make sense.


Now, turn seven times around Jericho for the wall to fall and the seventh day, turn seven times and the seventh time, shout.  ( Joshua 6:15)


Such thing does not make sense at all.


Stretch your hand to part the Red Sea. (Exodus 14:16) It doesn't make sense at all.


Peter saw the wind and started sinking ( Matthew 14:30).


The enemy of the supernatural is the physical : What you see, what you hear, what you touch.


Abraham was striken in age, Sara was past menopause. but it did not weaken his faith.


I mean, he considered not his own body, which was as good as dead since he was 100 years old and Sara was 90 years old. Despite all, he considered not the bareness of Sara. ( Romans 419)


I pray for you, you will have spiritual eyes. I pray that the eyes of the spirit will be opened in the name of Jesus Christ to see beyond the natural.


Write it down … The supernatural starts where the natural ends. Where the natural ends is where the supernatural starts.


The Red Sea was the end physically speaking. The five breads and two fishes were the end of all that they had.


Definition 3


Which leads me to the next definition which is very powerful.


The supernatural is the universe of unlimited possibilities. I underline unlimited possibilities.


The supernatural is the universe free from limitation. There is no limit in the supernatural.


The supernatural is the universe of divine answers and solutions to mankind questions and problems.


That is the supernatural.


The answer you can't find in the natural is in the supernatural. The solution we can't find in the natural is in the supernatural. It is there. I'm telling you.


So, you need to learn how to go to the supernatural.


Because I say it is an universe. It is a world. That world exists. That world is true. That is where your solution is. The devil is a liar.


Look at Ezekiel 37 verse three. God asked Ezekiel a question, Son of man. Can these bones live? 


Ezekiel was in front of the bones which were practically dry.


And he said, “Oh Lord God, you know”, meaning I don't know how it will happen. Humanly speaking, the bones cannot live. But I answered, “Oh Lord God, you know”.


I don't know which dry bones you are in, but in this season, I want you to know that in the physical, it might be impossible, but in the spiritual, in the supernatural world, it is possible. Those bones will come back to life in Jesus name.


John 6:5 When Jesus then lifted up his eyes, and saw a great company come unto him, he saith unto Philip, Whence shall we buy bread, that these may eat? 


John 6:6 And this he said to prove him: for he himself knew what he would do. 


John 6:7 Philip answered him, Two hundred pennyworth of bread is not sufficient for them, that every one of them may take a little. 


How to feed 5000 people only with 5 fished and 2 breads?


I want to let you know that Jesus knows what you will do for that situation.


We serve the God of unlimited possibilities. The God of impossibilities.


That is our God.


Which gives me another lesson…


To experience the supernatural, you must free your mind, your thinking, and your hearts from any kind of limitation and barriers. Why? Because the barrier is in your mind.


I pray that Your mind will be free from all kind of limitation.


I pray that all barriers in your mind will be broken in the name of Jesus.


I pray that Your mind will be free.

May your mind be free. May your mind be free. May your mind be free. May your mind be free. May all limitations in your mind. be broken in the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God.


Your mind cannot handle the supernatural. Your mind is too small. Don't rely on your mind. Your brain is too small.


So if you want to experience the supernatural, you must break the limitation in your mind. You need to have a mind without limit. That is what I mean.


In other words, your mind need to be reset. You need new settings in your mind to experience the supernatural.


Luke 1:37, With God, nothing shall be impossible. 


For you to experience the supernatural, you must think the unthinkable Believe the unbelievable. Speak the unspeakable provided it comes from God.


I don't know which challenge you are going through.


Maybe in your mind you are stuck and can't believe it can happen to you.


Maybe your mind is just tired. Maybe you have reached a place where you have reached the end. That is the beginning of the supernatural in your mind.


You must break any limitation in your mind. You must speak to your mind and say, “You know what? I have reached the end. But that is the end for me, not the end for God”.


I pray that Your mind will receive and your heart will believe. That it is supernatural.


Definition 4


What is the supernatural?


The supernatural is simply the performance of the hand of God producing what no human hand can do or produce.


So, the supernatural is the product of the hand of God at work.


Psalm 89:13, “Thou hast a mighty arm: strong is thy hand, and high is thy right hand”


God told Moses in Exodus 3:19, “I am sure that the king of Egypt will not let you go, no, not by a mighty hand”


I want somebody to know this morning that the hand of God is mighty. The hand of God is strong and mighty. The hand of God is high.


Many miracles that have happened in the Bible happened as the result of the hand of God.


Matthew 8:3, Jesus touched the leper, and the leper was healed.

Matthew 8:15, Jesus touched Peter's mother in law. And she was healed from fever.

Matthew 9:25, Jesus touched the young maid by his hand, and she came back to life.

Matthew 14:31, When Peter was sinking, Jesus stretched his hand and lifted him from the waters

Matthew 9:29-30, Jesus put his hand on the blind and the blind recovered their sight,

Luke 22:51, Jesus took the ear that Peter cut from Malchus and restored it back.


Which gives me the next lesson … In the school of the supernatural, you need to learn how to move the hand of God because the supernatural is the hand of God at work,


Definition 5


What is supernatural?


The supernatural is the doing of the Lord. And the doing of the Lord is always marvelous, always wonderful, always amazing.


Psalm 118, verse 23, “This is the doing of the Lord. It is marvelous, wonderful, amazing in our eyes.


The TPT Version says, The Lord Himself is the one who has done this, then it is amazing, so marvelous to see.


That is the supernatural.


I don't know what you are going through. The solution, the answer is in the supernatural.


God is supernatural.


When he was talking to his disciples, Jesus could tell them, “Touch me. God is Spirit…”


You can see God not with the eyes of the physical, but with spiritual eyes.




Let's go before the Lord and pray.


Father in the name of Jesus, I come to you this morning.

I pray and I thank you first of all that you are The God of the supernatural,

You are the supernatural God.

I come to say, Lord, Blessed be Your name because you are above.

I stand from this pulpit this morning, I come to this altar, to declare that you are above my circumstance, you are above the sickness, you are above this disease, you are above these school fees, you are above this loan that somebody has taken somewhere, and he does not know how to handle it.

You are above the circumstances, situation in my marriage, you are above the situation in my house, you are above the threat of men against my existence on the earth.

You are above that situation that looks so huge for me, you are above and I bless your holy name.

And I'm declaring today in the name of Jesus, that what is happening in my life, Lord, it is small compared to you, you are above.

That's why I come to lift your Holy Name, above my situation, above my circumstance, in the name of Jesus,

Lord, I pray you open my eyes, to see what the physical does not allow me to see in the name of Jesus Christ, in the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God,

I declare under decree this morning, that it is possible.

I declare that the impossibility I am facing now it is not impossibility for you.

I declare in the decree, I am limited physically, but you are not limited.

In the name of Jesus, I thank You today. Because this situation I am facing in front of me. It has an answer. It has a solution. In the name of Jesus, the Son of the living God,

Father, I know the bones will come back to life.

I speak to these bones, they will come back to life.

I speak to those needs, they will be provided in the name of Jesus Christ.

What no man can do is walk is what you are able to do

Fatter, today in the name of Jesus, I pray you stretch your hand over the sickness, stretch over this disease, stretch your hand over this predicament, oh God, stretch your hand over these eyes, who cannot see

Stretch your hand over these ears which cannot hear

Stretch your hand over this doctor report

Stretch your hand over this individual who is listening and following the kingdom Bible study today. Hallelujah.

Bring your situation to the Lord.

Now I speak the hand of God.

Let the hand of God touch you where you are.

Wherever you are feeling pain, whichever part of the body touch it. Now I declare the hand of God, which is the hand of the supernatural to be stretched toward you today, to touch you where you are, to touch that part of the body to touch the part of your life and anything that looks impossible.

Put it on the table, I stretch my hand on it. And I declare, I pray the hand of God to be touching this situation, that case,

Oh God Almighty, perform what no human hand can perform.

Stretch your hand Oh God, over everyone listening to this Study today. In the name of Jesus Christ.

You have problems in your brain? You have problems in your spinal bones, I declare the hand of God is touching you right now.

You have a problem with your heart, you have a heart condition. You have a liver problem. I pay the hand of God to touch you exactly in that place, or any other part of the body.

I pray the hand of the Lord, to touch you where you are, and receive your healing from above. 

Receive the touch TAT from above the Save the DAT from above. I say received from above hallelujah, in the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God, you are going to apply? I pray the hand of God to be on that application in the name of Jesus Christ, anything you have brought before the Lord. I pray the hand of God that you where you are and perform what no human can perform. Let it be so for you if you believe I say Let it be so for you if you believe I say Let it be so for you, if you believe in the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God, I have spoken. I have prayed socialists before you if something up into you write to us, addresses their justify. If you want us to pray for you, please send us a message there. Call the number is there. I personally will pray for you and you will see the miracle of God in your life this time round in Jesus name thank you


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