Friday 14 July 2023



Shekinah greetings word of life. 

Welcome this beautiful day, the presence of the Lord. It is possible to be joyful everyday. Pastor how can you say that? Yes it is possible.

Philippians four four. That is what Paul says, “Rejoice in the Lord”. And I believe that today as we are closing this series of teaching you have been blessed by this teaching and from now joy will be a daily thing in Jesus name.

Let us pray this morning in the name of Jesus son of the living God.

Father, thank you. Talk to us today and let your word change our lives. In the name of Jesus the Son of the Living God we have prayed and we all say Amen.


Let me tell you that joy is a person. Joy is Jesus living in me. Joy is not a feeling. Joy is a person So, having Jesus in you is having joy in you. That's why you can't be born again and you are not joyful.

If you have not given your life to Christ, you can give it to Christ if you want to, and Jesus will give you that joy. The Bible says, “Christ in me the hope of glory”. 


The key number one is the presence of God. 

Joy is found in the presence of God. Anytime you have the opportunity to be in the presence of the Lord, switch off your phone, switch off the notification, switch off of everything, go in the presence of the Lord. That is where you find joy. Worship Him, praise Him. (Psalm 16:11).

Jesus told Martha, “Martha, you are moving up and down, jumping up and down. Sit down. Look at Mary She's sitting.”

Learn in the midst of your daily activities, find time, switch off your phone and have time with God and then you are building joy.


Joy is a choice. Joy is your Personal choice. Joy is your responsibility. You choose to be joyful. You take responsibility over your joy. Don't blame anybody.

In Philippians four eleven, Paul says, “Not that I speak in respect of want for I have learned in whatsoever state I am to be content”.

Paul says, “I have learnt…”

It is you learn. It will not just happen. 

Let me give you some choices you have to make.

Choice number one | Your confessions.

There is a relationship between joy and your confessions. Nobody makes you angry. I choose to be angry. Nobody is responsible of my peacelessness. I'm responsible of my peace.

They will fight me. They will not defeat me. (Jeremiah 1:19) 

He who is me is stronger than he who is in the world. (1 John 4:4).

That’s how you can make everyday to be Christmas. Choose your confessions. Mister Kasuku you have COVID. I will never have COVID period.

Second choice | Your company.

Joy has also to do with the company you keep. Like Bishop David Oyedepo always says, “The company you keep determines the things that accompany you”. Choose your company.

The Bible says, “Iron sharpens iron”. Joy can be contagious. Bitterness can be contagious. Choose your company. Surround yourself with joy filled people.

I don't want people who are always stressed around me, complaining, murmuring and grumbling, complaining over the weather, complaining over the internet, complaining over the mahandamano, complaining over the business, etc.

Paul and Silas were in prison and together were praising. Nobody was murmuring.

Now, there are people you must let go of your life.

Let go of joy breakers.

Avoid them. Don't keep them around you.

First Corinthians 15:33, “Be not deceived. Evil communications corrupt good manners.”

Who you allow to hang around you will definitely affect what happens within you.

Let go of those who bring others down or those who bring you down.

First Timothy 4:12, “Let no man despise thy youth but be thou an example of the believers in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity”.

Let go of those haters let go of naysayers 

Weed them out and surround yourself with positive people 

Third choice | Christ like characters.

Joy is found in your habit. Because there are some habit that takes away your joy.

In Psalm 51:12, David says, “Restore to me the joy of your salvation,…” 

Watching funny videos and the things alike are the enemies of joy. Choose habits like Praying, Reading the Bible, Attending sessions, etc that promote and build joy.

Those are the habits you need to build your habit. Let me give you a couple of habit you need to divorce with.

Pity party : Divorce with pity party.Restore thanksgiving. Choose to praise. Choose to pray at your altar.

In Genesis 26:14, the Philistines envied Isaac. Refuse to allow people to pity you. You have been redeemed to be envied not to be pitied. Remember people pity only those who are in the pit. Don't let people pity you. It is evil.

Don't wait for your situation to change before you give thanks.

Remember. I'm talking about Christ like character, Christ like habits.

In First Thessalonians chapter five verse eighteen, Paul says, “In everything, give thanks for this is the will of God for you”. 

In everything give thanks. In everything give thanks. In everything give thanks. In everything give thanks. In everything give thanks. In everything give thanks. In everything give thanks. This is the will of God for you.

You don't need to wait for the the wall of Jericho to fall before you give thanks. You give thanks until Jericho falls.

Don't beg for love.

Don't beg for attention. Don't beg for cares from others. Don't beg people to stay in your life. Don't beg people to come to church. Don't beg. Don't beg. Love is freely offered not beggarly demanded. You don't need to be constantly in the centre of attention. Just be comfortable in your own skin. It's a choice.

I like David you said Psalm chapter thirty seven, “I was young now I am old. I've never seen the righteous forsaken, nor his posterity begging for their bread. Don't be a beggar of people. That is a habit you need to kill.

Refuse to be a victim of circumstances out of your control.

In Philippians three thirteen, Paul says, “Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended, but one thing I do is I do forget those things which are are behind and reaching forth unto those things which are before”. 

You see? Leave the past behind. Focus on getting a little better everyday. Leave the past behind. Leave the past behind. Leave the past behind. Leave the past behind. God says, “I am doing something new”. Don't allow the past to rob you of the joy of the present. Don't allow yesterday to rob you of the joy of today. 

Let go of hopelessness.

Develop the habit of keeping your hope alive. Keep your hope alive everyday. And you will have joy everyday. 

Proverbs 10:28, “The hope of the righteous shall be gladness but the expectation of the wicked shall perish”. 

The Bible says, “For every living there is hope”. 

Friend, there is hope. I said there is hope. As long as you are living there is hope for you. For every living there is hope. A living dog is better than a dead lion. Choose rise like habit.

Give up trying to please everyone.

Stop that my friend. Trying to make everybody's happy is thankless, it is a soul sucking endeavour. That will only leave you drained and miserable. 

Galatians chapter one verse ten, “For, do I now persuade men or God or do I seek to please men? For if I yet please men I should not be the servant of Christ”. 

You see? 

Even me as a pastor, I don't please people. I please the one who called me because I am answerable to the one who called me. Not to the one who who want me to please them.

Get rid of Worry.

I talked about it I won't stay there for long.

Laugh as often as you can.

Laughter has many health benefits. According to some research, children laugh on average 400 times per day and adults five times.

I remember Kirk Franklin who sang a beautiful song, SMILE.

Yes. Smile. Life is too short on the earth to waste it. Smile as much as you can. Laugh my friend. Sometime, when somebody wants to make you cry, laugh at that person Amen.

Cultivate Thanksgiving.

Gratitude. Appreciation. Worship. We have midnight praise every midnight.

Those are the tools to keep you joyful everyday.

In Nehemiah 8:10, it is written, “The joy of the Lord is your strength”.

Gratitude and joy go hand in hand. When you count your blessings, joy comes. Those are the habits that promote joy. 

Take a moment to sit down and remember. 

Think back to all the things that God has brought you out. Start reminding yourself of all the things God had done for you. Those are the habits you need to build for you to be always joyful. 

That's why Paul says, “Rejoice always”.

Remember. The same Paul says in first Thessalonians chapter number five, “Always give thanks. If you want to be joyful always, be thankful always. 

You need to come to a place where you make a list of the things you are worried about and ask yourself a question. Why? 

Those are the habits you need to build.

David says, “Seven times a day will I praise thee”. 

Three times a day Daniel was seeking the face of God. Even in the den of lions, he was still happy.

Choose your confession.

Choose your company.

Choose the Christ like character.

Choice Number Four | Contentment

Paul says, “Contentment is gain”.

Paul says again, “I learnt to be content”.

Don't leave in competitio. Ban comparison and competition. Concentrate on the life that God has given you and make the most of it. Quit wasting your time trying to be someone you are not. Life is not a competition.

I don't need to compare myself with other churches. I don't need to compare myself to compete with other pastors. I'm happy to be me and I am joyful for it. Period.

Second Corinthians 10:12, “For we dare not make ourselves of the number or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves but they measuring themselves by themselves among themselves are not wise”.

There are people who will never be joyful because they struggle to accept themselves the way they are. They look for others for validation or recognition. They are easily crushed when nobody compliment them or when people speak ill about them. When others gossip about them, they are crushed. 

My friend, you are unique you are special.

Kasuku is special. I am unique. My ministry is unique. The Word of life is unique. The teachings we are providing here are unique. The same way God made a man in his image, you are the reflection of the image of God. Period. So choose contentment.

That is how you can be joyful everyday. 

Choice Number 5 | Choose to control yourself. 

Nobody makes you angry, I will say that over and again, nobody makes you bitter. Hallelujah.

I'm happy for the church where I am leading, The Word Of life, a place where the king is praised and kings are raised. That is the place.

I thank God for all the churches in town. I thank God for the big big pastors who are in town.

I furthermore thank God for the Church where we are. A Church where we are singing, without keyboard, yet we are just jumping, enjoying ourselves. 

My friend, I want to let you know that life is in in phases, men are in sizes. So my size today will not be my size tomorrow. My phase today will not be my phase tomorrow. So take it easy.

That is how you can live a joyful life everyday. Rejoice at the phase where you are. Rejoice at the size where you are now.

I'm trekking today, tomorrow I will drive.

I'm living in a small house now, tomorrow I will have a bigger house. 

Today I have a small salary, tomorrow I will have bigger than that.

It takes self control for you to live a joyful life. The same way self control is a fruit of the Spirit, Joy is also the fruit of the Spirit.


A beautiful teaching, isn't it? Lift your voice where you are and start praising God. Lift your voice. Lift your voice. Lift your voice.

People will never have the opportunity to pity me or feel sorry for me.

I know things are dark. I want to let you know that the weeping have endured for a night. But joy comes in the morning.

Psalm thirty verse five, the bible says, “His favour is life. Weeping may endure for a night but joy cometh in the morning”.

Your season of sorrow will not last forever.

You will reap in joy. Psalm 1 twenty 6 verse five those who sow in tears will reap in joy.

I declare over you a new day is dawning. A new start is coming.

God is working things out for you.

What God is doing going to do for you will shock the nations.

One day you will say See what the Lord has done.

Praise the Lord. He is not a man who should lie.

God will never delay.

God is dependable. God is reliable.

He does everything at his right time.

The door God has opened before you will not be closed.

The battle of your life are not yours, they are God’s. 

Go ahead and praise.

Tell God, “Lord thank you. Thank You For the dawning of a new day in my life.

Thank you for making everyday of my life a happy life in the name of Jesus 

No one can break Jesus in me. Nobody can break the joy in me.

Declare, My God is in control of what happens. No matter the circumstances I choose to be content and to rejoice.

Declare again today, Jehovah God will turn things around for me in the name of Jesus Christ.

Receive the anointing of joy today.

Receive the joy and let depression leave you today.

May your heart be settled by the power of God.

I pray that any sickness or disease coming from anger, anxiety be free from them in the name of Jesus Christ.

Go at work with joy. Be joyful everywhere. And impact people around you.

Receive joy in your marriage, in your relationship with your wife, your husband, your children, receive peace in the name of Jesus Christ.

If you have not given life to Christ, give your life to Christ today and tell him be my savior.

Contact us if you want and we will minister to you in Jesus name.

Amen and amen. 


You have a glorious and joyful day. Let's meet this Sunday. The next level Sunday service. God has something for us. And your life will not be th

e same again. In Jesus mighty and precious name we have praised and we all say amen and amen.

Hallelujah. Thank you very much. We meet at night for the midnight praise. And may God do you good. In the name of the Father. The Son and the Holy Spirit. We have praised. And we say amen and amen. Thank you.

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