Thursday 13 July 2023




Shekinah Greetings Word of life and praise be the living God. I welcome you this ah beautiful day in ah the presence of the Lord.

Lift your voice where you are and say thank you to Jesus Jesus is the reason of our joy.

Worship him and say, Father, thank you for this opportunity to be again in the presence of God. Lord, we thank you. Lord, we worship you for a great day you have granted unto us to be in your presence. What a joy. What a joy, oh Lord, what a joy oh Lord, what a joy In the name of Jesus Christ, the son of the living God, we have prayed. And we all say amen. Glory be God.


Yes. It is possible to be joyful everyday.

This morning, I want you to take note that it is a command from the Lord to rejoice, not a suggestion. It is not optional. It is compulsory.

When you read Isaiah fifty four verse one, the bible says, “Sing oh barren. Thou that did not bear break forth into singing and cry aloud thou that did not travail of child for more are the children of the desolate than the children of the married wife saith the Lord”.

In this verse, God is instructing to sing. He is not saying, “Do you want to sing or can you sing?” No. If you are really born again to sing is mandatory.

Paul says in Philippians chapter number four verse four, “Rejoice in the Lord. And again I say rejoice.”

It is possible to be joyful everyday.



This morning, I want you to know that every instruction from God is for our benefit. It is for our good. Not for the good of God So when God says, rejoice, it is because it is for your good. It is for your benefit. It is for my benefit.

Now, let me give you the benefit of joy. Are you ready for that? Let's go.

Somebody will tell me, “oh why pastor, why should I be joyful? Don't you see the situation I am in? Don't you see how I'm suffering? Don't you see The problem I have at home. Don't you see how my husband is treating me? How can you tell me to rejoice? Don't you still they promote me with my children? Look at how my health is. Pastor, how can you tell me that you have to rejoice no it is not possible”.

Friend, I don't care where you are, rejoice. I don't care what you are going through, rejoice. I don't care the pain you are in this morning, rejoice. I don't care in which prison you are, rejoice. I don't care who is mistreating you, rejoice.

God says in Isaiah fifty-four verse one, “Sing you oh barren”

How can you sing when you are barren?

How can you sing when you don't have children?

How can you sing things are not working?

Paul in Philippians chapter number four verse four says, “Rejoice in the Lord always”

I underline ALWAYS REJOICE IN THE LORD … always … always … always … always … always. That is what the Bible says.


Friend, I am with you in what you are going through. But take note that it is possible to be joyful everyday.


Benefit number one | When your heart is at joy your face will shine.

Proverbs 15:13 A glad heart makes a shining face. When there is sorrow in the heart the spirit is broken and the face is gloomy.

You are receiving the oil of joy today. Your face shines when your heart is at joy.

Moses’ face was shining because he talked with God, because of the joy of being in the presence of God.

After fasting for 1 week, if you don't have joy in your heart, something is wrong with you.

In Psalm sixteen verse eleven, the Bible says, “There is abundant joy in the presence of the Lord.”

This week, you have the opportunity to set your hearts right and get back the joy of God.

Last week, I talked about the encounter and I told you one of the sign of the encounter, it is joy. If there is no joy, you don't have an encounter. You are in entertainment. The encounter always comes with joy. And joy will make your face shine.

Do you remember Hannah? The Bible says that her countenance was no more sad. Why? Because of the encounter.

In Acts chapter number eight, Philip left but the eunuch went his way rejoicing.

The joy makes your face shine.

Now, look at Hannah. When she rejoiced, she conceived and God opened her womb because of joy.

I pray today let any gloomy face be destroyed today in the name of Jesus Christ.  Refuse to have a gloomy face. May your heart with joy then your face will shine joy And bitterness are contagious.

There is no happy life anywhere. Write it down. There is no happy life anywhere. There are only happy men and happy women who make a happy life.

That is why the bible says, A glad heart makes a shining face”.

The heart is inside and the face is outside, which simply means that happiness does not start from outside Joy does not start from outside.

Joy starts with you. Joy starts from the heart.

Now, listen to me … you can fake smile but you cannot fake joy. You are the determining factor for joy.

It is about you.

Don't expect your spouse to make you happy or joyful. It starts from the heart. When there is joy in the heart, it shows on the face.

There is no happy marriage anywhere. There are only happy married who make a happy marriage.

Only happy people can make others happy.

Some people say, “Oh! The day I will get married is the day I will be happy.”

Don't lie to yourself. If there is a place of high level of stress, it is in marriage. With the wrong person. But it starts with you.

Receive the fresh baptism of joy today in the name of Jesus Christ.

Did we get something there? Why God is instructing her to rejoice.

Someone might say, “Pastor I don't feel like rejoicing.” I will tell you … Rejoice anyway


I declare over you … You will be healthy. Depression will flee away from you.

Joy is the cure to depression. You can't have joy and be depressed at the same time.

Now, Isaiah thirty five verse ten, the Bible says, “Happiness and joy will overwhelm them. Grief and groaning will flee away”.

Can you see that? When you are overwhelmed with happiness and joy grief and groaning and depression will flee away from you.

Can you say good amen to that?

Proverbs 17:12, A joyful heart is great medicine but a crushed spirit dress up the bones.”

J. O.Y. is the medecine-code medicine.

Nehemiah eight ten, “The joy of the Lord is your strength.

Depression is mental and spiritual. That is what the Bible calls the spirit of heaviness. That is the spirit of depression.

I declare and I decree in the name of Jesus …

Depression is leaving your heart now. Receive the spirit of joy. Receive the spirit of joy. Receive the spirit of joy. Receive the spirit of joy. Receive the spirit of joy in the name of Jesus Christ.

Joy is the cure to depression.

Do you know that according to some research, depression, anger and stress are the cause of most diseases including cancer, arthritis, heart disease, loss of energy and interest in activities, anxiety, reduced concentration, indecisiveness, restlessness, feelings of worthlessness, guilt or hopelessness and thoughts of self harm or suicide and more … ?

That is according to some research. So, even science confirms the benefit of joy.

Indeed, joy has an impact in your health.

Now, I found five of them

ONE- According to Science, Joy lowers blood pressure.

Maybe you are there and you are taking some drugs for blood pressure, I don't tell you to stop those drugs, but I will suggest to you to add the drug of J.O.Y., that will lower your blood pressure.

Now, I have never been tense in my life. I don't want that kind of thing where I am always tensed.

Circumstances come not to be a reason to be crushed, because we have read with you that a crushed spirit dries up the bones.

Depression destroys you within because bones are inside.

Receive the baptism of joy today in the name of Jesus Christ!

So, when God gives an instruction it is for your good.

TWO | According to Science, joy releases muscle tension.

THREE | According to Science, joy decreases stress hormones.

FOUR | According to Science, joy boosts the immune system.

When you are not happy enough inside you, it weakens your immune system.

The immune system is the defensive system of the body. That allows it to respond to any external attack in the body. So the immune system will be boosted because of joy.

Be free from depression in Jesus name. Hallelujah! Receive the spirit of joy this week. This week is the week of joy in Jesus name.

FIVE | According to Science, the quality of your life will be far away healthier and more enjoyable because of joy.

Don't you know that it is difficult to live with a joyless person? Yes, you can't live with a joyless person. Everything you do will anger them. If you sneeze, they will ask, Why are you sneezing? Should I not? If you yawn, it angers them. If You smile, it angers them. It is hard.

And you will confirm with me that people like hanging around joyful person. When you are joyful, people find it easy to connect and to communicate with you.

Some people ask, “Why do people run away from me.?” But the true question is, “How joyful are you to keep them around you?”

Receive the spirit of joy. Receive the joy of the Lord. Receive the joy of the Lord.


The third benefit of joy we find it in Proverbs 15:15, “Everyday is a terrible day for a miserable person but a cheerful heart has a continual feast.”

When your heart is at joy, everyday will be Christmas for you.

There is a difference between joy and happiness.

Joy is the fruit of the spirit. Joy does not depend on external circumstances. Joy does not depend on the happenings. Joy depends on the one controlling the happenings that is joy.

Paul and Silas were in prison and were rejoicing.

So joy is supernatural. It has nothing to do with what is going on.

Joy is heavenly joy is generated by God himself. God is the source of joy as it is written in Psalm sixteen verse eleven, “There is abundant joy in the presence of God.”

Happiness in the other hand depends on the happenings. Happiness is in the soul. Happiness is a feeling. Joy is not a feeling.

Happiness is a feeling in response positive vibes, positive occurrences, good things.

Happiness is limited.

You can be happy without being joyful but you can't be joyful without being happy. Because when something opposite happens generally happiness is gone. But joy is beyond happiness.

That's why the Bible says, “Everyday is a terrible day for a miserable person. But a cheerful heart has a continual feast.

Now I like the BBE version that says … an ending feast

CEV says … endless feast… 

LSV says … perpetual banquet…

I pray from now on, joy will not depart from you in Jesus name.

In Philippians chapter four verse four, Paul is instructing the Church saying, Rejoice in the Lord always. Rejoice. Rejoice. Rejoice. Rejoice Always. Rejoice Always. Rejoice always.

In Psalm twenty-three verse six, David confesses, “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”

I underline … All the days of my life. All the days of my life…

Yes. It is possible to be joyful everyday. Receive the grace to be joyful everyday.


Now lift your hand and say

Lord thank you. For this word of today.

I receive the grace to be joyful everyday.

Receive that grace this morning. Receive it. Receive it. Receive it. Receive it. Receive it. Receive it. Receive it. Receive it. Receive it.

Any depression is leaving you right now. Whatever depression it can be in your heart, in your spirit, in your soul. I command it to leave you right now. In the name of Jesus Christ.

Be free from depression. Be free from depression. I cast out depression.

I cast out depression. I cast out sadness. In the name of Jesus. I cast out grief. In the name of Jesus, I cast out any anxiety, worries from your heart, receive the baptism of joy, receive the baptism of joy, receive the baptism of joy, receive the baptism of joy, receive the baptism of joy,

I say, receive the baptism of joy. I say receive the baptism of joy.

Receive the baptism of joy in the name of Jesus Christ,

May any groaning and the gloomy face be destroyed in the of Jesus Christ with the joy of the Lord.

Be strong because of the joy of the Lord. And let it be so for you. In the name of the father. In the name of the Son. In the name of the Holy Spirit. Let it be so for you.

Rejoice. And again I say rejoice. And again I say rejoice. And again I say rejoice. Hallelujah. In the name of Jesus Christ we have prayed and we all say And amen.


Perfect. Were you blessed?

God bless you and God do you good. Have a blessed day. Have a joyful day. In the name of Jesus Christ. The son of the living God. Amen and amen.


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