Monday 10 July 2023





● Word of life, I welcome you to the ah the kingdom bible study.


● I believe you have been well from your end and the name of the Lord be glorified.




● Heavenly Father, thank you for this great day you have given unto us. What a joy to be counted among the living. To you the glory, the honour, the adoration oh God forever and ever more in Jesus Precious Name we have all prayed and we say hallelujah.




● Glory to God! We had an amazing week all of us and I am so thankful to God for his his doings in our midst and I can just only say "Baba Pokea Sifa" (meaning Father receive the praise)


● Today, I just want to talk a topic captioned ...Joy Everyday.


Joy is powerful. In case you did not know joy is powerful.


Joy always dwells in the side of winners.


● In Psalm 47:1, the bible says, "Oh clap your hands all you people. Shout unto God with the voice of triumph".


● In a football competition you all know. Those who have won are those who rejoice. Those who lose are those who cry.


● But I like what the Bible says. Here, it talks about the voice of triumph.


There is indeed a difference between victory and triumph.


 I feel like I should tell somebody, from now on, your life will be triumph over triumph.


Now what the difference between eh victory and triumph?


A) Victory


Victory means there was a huge battle. Where there is a victory it means that there was a battle. You can't have victory unless there is a battle.


● I want to announce to somebody today that the battle you are going through will culminate to your victory in Jesus name.


● So, it is not strange to go through battle. Battle is what makes champions.


● Argentina was the champion worldwide champion not by mistake but by winning all the competitors around And they emerged as the worldwide champion for the next 4 years.


● In boxing, the one defeated is on the floor and the winner is lifting his hand.


● May you change the way you look at your adversities, your battles.


● Battle does not necessarily mean that you are wrong or you are bad. No. It means that you are on the way to be crowned as a champion.


● All the races you see in the world. The competition you see in the world. Only one will emerge as a winner. I believe that the next to emerge as a winner is you. Say amen to that.


● So, victory means that there was a huge battle, a huge challenge. But at the end the enemy failed and you won.


● So we don't talk about victory in the beginning. Victory is always at the end.


● We had an amazing week of fasting and prayer and after that time, I believe the enemy challenging you is finally defeated. Can you say amen to that?


● But when we go to the word triumph, triumph is the external celebration of the victory.


Victory is when you win.


B) Triumph


Triumph is the external celebration of the victory.


● That's why in Psalm 47:1, the bible says, "Clap your hands all you people. Shout unto God with the the voice of triumph".


● When you triumph, you jump, you dance, you roll on the floor. Others take the champagne or hug one another because of triumph. Hallelujah.


● Where there is triumph, there is clapping of hands. I wish I could tell somebody today. Clap your hand to the Lord Almighty. Hallelujah.


● Now, the thing is now this one.


● You don't have to wait to win to celebrate the victory.


● That is now the understanding of triumph.


As far as our faith is concerned, you celebrate the victory even in the midst of the challenge. Even when it looks like the enemy is winning, but you are celebrating and you know that victory is at the end.


Triumph does not need to wait for the end. That is the difference between triumph and victory.


● You know? When a team is on the field, the supporters shout and clap for their team until it wins.


● We are on the winning side.


● Triumph is a mental celebration. It's an attitude of celebration. Triumph is a superiority complex of more than conquerors.




● Now listen listen to me.


● In battle, there are three outcomes.


● Number one the loser. The loser is the one who fights and who is defeated. That is the first outcome of a battle.


● Number two the conqueror. The conqueror is the one who fights and win.


● Number three the more than a conqueror. That is the one who does not fight at all but win all the time. Because he knows who is fighting for him. He knows who is fighting for him.


● In Christ, you are not a loser. Hallelujah.


● In Christ, you are not a conqueror. No.


● In Christ, you are more than a conqueror.


Can you give the Lord a shout of praise where you are? We are not winners. We are not conquerors. We are not losers. We are more than conquerors.


● You know? There are those who fought on the field and there are those who take the dividend of the victory. Those are more than conquerors.


● They did not get any punch anywhere. They were not beaten. No. But they have dividend in the victory. Amen.


● Now, we are we are not the one who died on the cross. The one who did on the cross is Christ. He shed his blood for us, for you and me. And the one who who enjoy the victory, it is us.


● That's why they call us more than conquerors.


● I want to let you know this morning that the battle is the Lord's. Praise the living God. The battle is the Lord's. Stand still and know that He is God. No need to fight because the battle is not yours. The battle is the Lord's.


● That is the thing to know. The one who is more than conqueror hands over his battles to the greater than him to fight and he hands down the victory to him.


● We hand over the battle to our God and he takes over. We are not the one fighting. He is the one fighting for us.


● Can you give him the praise where you are? Can you please give Jesus the praise today? I say can you give the Lord praise today because he is the one fighting for you?


● This week, we fasted, prayed, and handed over everything to God. Now take let him take over.


● In Exodus 14:14, it is written, "The Lord shall fight for you and you shall hold your peace."


● We know that we have won in advance.


No matter the circumstance or the challenge, the devil is not permitted to have the final say.


In 2 Corinthians 2:14, the Bible says, “Now, thanks be unto God which always causeth us to triumph in Christ”.


Note that the Bible does not say … to win … but to triumph in Christ


Note also that the Bible says … Always. Always. Always. Always.


What does it mean ? God does not cause us to win but to triumph. Hallelujah.


Even in the midst of the challenge. When  it was very hot, the three friends of Daniel were walking. That is triumph.


 Triumph is a mental celebration. It's an attitude. It goes beyond victory.


God causes us to triumph always and always. The challenge is there. It is hot. It is difficult. It is painful. Yet in the midst of it we have our head up high. Praise be the living God. That is your experience in Jesus name.














In Jeremiah 1:19, the Bible says clearly, “They shall fight but they shall not prevail. 


I say They shall fight but they shall not prevail.


● I say They shall fight, they shall not prevail.


● I say They shall fight, they shall not prevail.


In Revelation 2:7, there was war in heaven, Michael and his angels fought against the dragon and the dragon fought and his angels verse eight and prevailed not. Neither was their place found anymore in heaven. Hallelujah.


● I say The enemy will not prevail.


● I say The enemy will not prevail.


● I say The enemy will not prevail.


● I say The enemy will not prevail.


● I say They will fight but will not prevail.


Friend, it should not shock you why am saying that it is normal to happen that way.


Victory belongs to Jesus. And triumph belongs to us. Hallelujah.


In Mark 10:34, Jesus says, “They shall mock me. They shall scourge me. They shall spit upon me and shall kill me and the third day I shall rise again.





Yes. Maybe you are in that place where they are mocking you or mocking your faith. Maybe they are mocking the challenges you are going through with your family, with your children, maybe with your wife, maybe with your husband. I don't know whichever challenge you are going through but at the end of it, they shall not prevail.


One thing is to to have the victory or to overcome a challenge. Another thing is to preserve it.


There are some people who get victory, but don't know how to preserve it.


How do you preserve the blessing, the deliverance, the opening of doors?


You preserve it through joy. Have you seen that?


The Bible says, “Neither was their place found anymore in heaven. 


There was no place in heaven. After you win, after you overcome, don't give the devil a place.


How do you give the devil a place ?


When you are not happy. When you are not joyful. When you are complaining. When you are murmuring.


May the devil never find a place in your life anymore.


Jesus said, “They shall mock him. But he shall rise again.


In your life you shall rise again.


I say You shall rise again.






It is very much unfortunate because believers celebrate their problem. They celebrate their challenge. 


You remember the story of Goliath and David?


When David came to the field, he was asking a question, “Who is that uncircumcised? Who is that Philistine who is insulting the army of the almighty God?” 


Listen to the answers of the people, “You don't know who that is a giant?” Even Saul was celebrating Goliath saying, “He's a fighter since his youth. Look at how tall he is. 


Can you stop celebrating your problem? Can you stop saying, “It is a big problem. It's a very big problem. Ah it is so huge. 


My friend, God is bigger than your problem. I say God is bigger than your problem.


All that I am saying today is just one truth … Joy is found only in the camp of the winners.


I am a winner. I can never be sad. Sadness will not be found in me. In the name of Jesus Christ. Hallelujah.


Now what do you find in the camp of the of the losers? Murmuring. In the camp of losers what do you find? Complaining. Tears.


Do you remember those great names in football? After losing, they just go by the small corridor and disappear. And when losers come back in their country, there is no camera, no delegation to welcome them or celebrate them.


Do you know that you are on the winning side?


But the question is this … Why Believers Look Unhappy? Why is it that way? Why is it that in church people look like they are unhappy to be in church?


Now let me give you some truths which will help you today.




The level of your joy reveals the level of your faith.


Joylessness can mean that you don't have faith at all. I can go further and it can shock you. Allow me. Joylessness can mean that you are not born again.


Let me shock you again. Joy is the evidence, the proof, the assurance, the guarantee that indeed you are born again.


In Psalm 51:12, David says, “Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation and uphold me with thy free spirit. 


In Acts 8:39, the Bible says, “When they were come up out of the water the spirit of the Lord caught away Philip that the eunuch saw him no more and he went on his way rejoicing.


You see? Philip left but the eunuch continued rejoicing. So his joy did not depend on Philip. Even if Philip went, his joy was intact.


Can you reach a place where you can say, “My joy does not depend on who has left the church. It has nothing to do with who has left or who is there.









Let me confirm to you by asking and answering a question…Who is the born again?


The born again is not the one who says. To be born again is something you show. You don't say. You show.


1- When you are born again, your sins are forgiven. THEREFORE, REJOICE!


When you are in Christ, you have the forgiveness of your sins. There is no condemnation. Nobody can condemn you anywhere. 


Somebody can point out my flaws, my weaknesses, or the mistakes of my past and so forth, it does not matter because I am forgiven. Period.


Be free from the guilt of the devil because guilt takes away the joy. Guilt takes away the joy.


There are many people who are depressed because they feel guilty over what they do or did.


2- When you are born again, you are seated above the devil in Christ. THEREFORE, REJOICE!


How can't you rejoice when you know that you are above?


In Luke 10:17, Jesus said, Don't rejoice because you have cast out demon. Rejoice because your name is written in the book of Life”. Praise be a living God! 


In Christ, we are seated above demons and above evil spirits. 




3- When you are born again, you are a new creature. THEREFORE, REJOICE!


Friend, you are a new creature. Praise God forevermore.


4- When you are born again, you have God as your father. THEREFORE, REJOICE!


God is not your enemy. He loves yo. He cares for you.


In Romans 8:37, Paul says, “No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.



All the 4 points above put together provide to you the reasons to rejoice. Hallelujah! Rejoice! 


That's why Paul could be in prison, but the prison never took away his joy.


If there is an epistle where Paul talks about joy the most, it is the epistle to Philippians while he was in prison.




I want to tell somebody


The Bible says in Nehemiah 8:10, “The joy of the Lord shall be our strength. 


What does it mean?


Don't allow the devil to steal your joy. If the devil steals your joy, he steals your future. If the devil steals your joy, he steals your power. Your strength and that is why a believer who is not joyful is a weak believer.






Friend, rejoice because your sins are forgiven. Rejoice because you are a new creature. Rejoice because you are seated above. Rejoice because God is your father, not your enemy. He loves you.


Rejoice my friend. They can criticize. They can talk ill. But Rejoice anyway. Rejoice anyway. I say rejoice anyway I say rejoice anyway.


Can somebody rejoice this morning? Hallelujah. Glory be to God.


Paul and Silas they were in prison and they did not allow that prison thing to cause them saying, “Well …. we have preached the Word of God, how come we are in prison?”. No. They started rejoicing in the midst of the prison and the prison started shaking. The foundation were shaking. Your prison will start shaking from now because of the joy of the Lord.


Hallelujah.Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Glory be to God.


Can you start rejoicing where you are? Can you give the Lord praise where you are?




















Just tell God father


I praise you.


I give you all the praise, all the glory.

I give you the honour and the adoration.

Hallelujah. Oh glory, glory, glory, glory, glory.

Clap your hands all you people.

Shout unto God with the voice of triumph. Hallelujah.

Thank you Lord. Blessed be your name.

This morning hallelujah I lift my voice to give you the praise because oh God hallelujah you are fighting my battles. You are fighting my battles. You are fighting my battles. You are fighting my battles.

You cause me to always triumph in Christ hallelujah hallelujah.

I thank you and I praise you today.

I rejoice because they shall not prevail over me. They can fight me but they cannot prevail over me. They will not prevail over me. 

They can Fight me. They can gather together. They can fight me from all corners of the world. But they shall not prevail against me. They shall not prevail against me. Hallelujah.

They shall mock me. They can mock my life. They can mock the challenge I'm going through. But at the end oh father I thank you because I will rise again. I will rise again.

This morning oh God. I will not celebrate the enemy. Hallelujah. I is my portion. I am saved. I am born again. My sins are forgiven. Ah I am a new creature. I am seated above.

God is my father.

Wave your hand. Celebrate him because it is done. It is done. I see it is done. I was saying it is done. In the name of the father, the name of the son, in the name of the Holy Spirit. Amen and amen.





Wow. Now receive a fresh baptism of joy this morning. You will never be joyless again in your life.


By the way, that battle you are going through, you will overcome. No, you don't. No, no, no. You have already overcome. Hallelujah. In Jesus name.


Amen and amen. You have a blessed day. We meet at the midnight praise and we continue to celebrate the Lord.


Have a blessed day ahead in Jesus precious name and Amen.


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