Tuesday 11 July 2023




Praise the Lord. Word of life. Jesus is Lord this morning. Lift your voice  and give thanks to him for giving us again the grace and the opportunity to be in his presence not by might, not by power, but by the spirit of God. 

Father thank you for yet another day to see you, to come to your throne. We are thankful. We bless your holy name.

Receive our thanks in Jesus name. 

By your word, transform our lives oh God and at the end we will be careful to give you the praise in Jesus precious name we have prayed and we all say amen joy joy. 


● The level of your joy depends on the level of your faith.

● There are people who will never experience joy because of the level of their faith. 

You have for example the people with little faith.

● In Matthew 6:30, Jesus says, “If God so cloth the grass of the field which is today and tomorrow is caste to the oven shall he not much more clothe you oh you of little faith”.


● They worry about tomorrow. They worry about the cloth, they worry about the the rent, about the provision, the fees, they worry and for a fact worry takes away your joy.

● May you be free from worry in the name of Jesus Christ. Your tomorrow is in the hand of God.


● I pray this morning that ah you will trust God. If God can clothe the grass of the field and you know how short is the life of the of the grass. It appears today. Tomorrow it disappears. But God takes care of those elements of nature. How much more will He not clothe you? Little faith.

● Friends God is the provider. He will provide. Don't worry. Trust God.

● The reason why you are not enjoying the joy is because you don't trust God.

Number one | Banks

● You trust your bank more than you trust God.

● Some of you who have millions in your account. It does not come in your mind that the bank will use your money wrongly.

● You deposit money in the bank because you trust the bank. And one of the proof that you trust is you relax. Why? Because you trust your bank.

● For those who have money in the M-pesa. Look at the amount of money you deposit there. It is because you know that nothing bad will happen. 

● Worry means that something negative will happen. It is in the mind. Worry is in the mind. And the mind is perceiving negative outcome of situations.

● Worry is a sign that you don't trust God.

● Why don't you trust God who is more reliable than the bank? 

Number 2 | Doctors

● People trust in doctors more than they trust God.

● When the doctor says that someone will die today, people will start trembling because of what the doctor just said.

● When the doctor says that a surgery will be done and that a part of the body must be amputated, people are ready to surrender to him. Why? Because they trust Him.

● The question is this … If you trust the doctor, how far more will you not trust God? If there is a word from God and a word from the doctor, who will you believe the more? 

Number three | Planes

● People trust planes though they are dangerous things.

● A bank is dangerous. It can disappear with your money. Your money can drown there. But you deliberately don't want to think negatively over the bank. That's why you deposit money there. If you had negative thoughts, you could have never deposited the money there.

● You allow yourself to go to the doctor and he will whatever things he will tell you and you still trust him and you will still believe that even if he does a surgery, it will be okay. Why? Because you put your trust in a man.

● Now planes, planes are dangerous and risky. Yet, people travel all over the world. And in their mind, it does not come that the crash will happen.

● They are confident in the plane that they will reach where they are going to reach.

Number four | Cars

● Those cars that are moving up and down can cause death anytime. How many accidents are happening? 

● But in the first place, when somebody uses his car, he does not have in mind that he will die. No. He uses his car and say, I will go and I will reach there. 

So, at some point, you trust the driver. 

● Do you know those drivers who are moving you up and down. Do you know how stressful they can be? How dangerous they can be? How evil they can be ?

● All the examples above help us understand that worry is a proof you don't trust God.

- Do you trust banks? Yes.

- Do you trust doctors? Yes.

- Do you trust planes? Pilots? Yes. 

- Do you trust drivers? Yes.

Why don't you trust God? Why don't you trust God? 

That's little faith.

● In Isaiah 26:3, it is written … “You keep in perfect peace those whose mind stayed on thee.”

● I pray today that your mind will rest in God.

Little faith.


● In Matthew 8:26, Jesus asked his disciples, “Why are you fearful oh you of little faith?” 

● Those are the things that rob you of your joy : Worry. Fear.

Friend, fear robs you of the joy.

● Why are you fearful? I'm asking you this morning. Why are you fearful? 

● After Jesus rebuked his disciples for being fearful, the Bible says, “Then he arose and rebuked the winds and the sea and there was a great calm”.

● You see? Before Jesus rebukes the winds and the sea, he first of all rebuked fear. Why? 

● To let you know that the problem is not the wind, the problem is not the sea, the problem is fear.

● Be free from fear in the Name Of Jesus Christ.

● 365 times in the Bible, God gives the instruction to not be afraid. 

● There are things I want you to know about fear. 

Number one | Fear works like faith but it is the opposite of faith.

● You attract what you fear. 

● In Job 3:25, Job says, “What I fear has happened to me.”

● The reason why Job went through what he went through is because of his fear. The devil took advantage of it and he was attracting bad things.  Fear attract bad occurrences in your life. Fear is like a magnet.

● You attract demons, you attract accidents, you attract bad things because of your fear. 

Number two | Fear is a prison

● You are a prisoner of what you fear. The disciples in the Bible they were together in one place. They were locked because of fear. Fear locked them in that room.

● Fear is a prison. You are a prisoner of what you fear. May you be out of that prison. 

Number three | Fear is not a feeling or an emotion. Fear is an evil spirit.

● In 2 Timothy 1:17, Paul talks to Timothy, “God has not given us the spirit of fear…”

● Fear is not only a spirit. Fear is also an evil spirit.

● That’s why, when you address fear, address it as an evil spirit.

● This morning I cast out fear from you in the name of Jesus. 

Number four | Fear robs you of joy.

● You can't be joyful and fearful at the same time and the cure to fear is joy.

Number five | Fear leads to bad decisions

● Many bad decisions people take is out of fear.

● David for example went to Tziklag in 1 Samuel 27:1 because he said to himself, “one of those days Saul will kill me…”.

● And you know the things that happened to him at Tziklag. 

● Faith and fear don't dwell in the same apartment.

Number six | Behind fear there are voices.

● If you want to overcome fear, you must silence voices of the devil behind the fear. 

● Fear is a weapon of the devil meant to keep people prisoners. (Hebrews 2:14).

● Sometimes fear comes from hearing the voice of the devil whispering to you, … “You will die you will perish …Bad things will happen to you. You will not come out of that bed. That sickness will kill you. Have you seen that sickness has killed that other person? The same sickness will kill you devil is speaking to you. Don't go there. It is dangerous.” 

● I want you to know the cure to fear is faith.


● Fear comes by hearing the devil. Faith comes by hearing and hearing the voice of God. 

● If you want to overcome fear, you must silence any voice contrary to the voice of God.

● I'm standing on the word of God and I declare silenced any voice you are hearing in your mind in your soul of the devil talking to you.

● When fear knocks at your door, reply back with the Word of God straight to his face. Tell the devil like Christ, “It is written … It is written … I will not die ... I will live and I will proclaim the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living… My Bible says my God is alive…My redeemer is alive.”

● In Job 19:25, Job says, “My redeemer liveth. I know he will stand at the latter day and he will come to rescue me.” 

● In 1 John 4:4, it is written, “He who is in me is greater than he who is in the world.”

● In Jeremiah 1:19, it is written, “They will fight against me, but they will not overcome and prevail over me.”

● In Matthew 16:18, Jesus says, “The gates of hell shall not prevail”

● That is how you can kick out fear from you and get back your joy.

● In the name of Jesus Christ. I will not die. I will live to proclaim the goodness of the Lord. 

● Look at David.  When he came, everybody was afraid of Goliath. And you know Goliath was using some words coming cursing people. 

● People were afraid, but David came and said, “The Lord who delivered me from the lion, the same God will deliver me. Who is this uncircumcised Philistine who is coming to attack the army the Lord? Today, I will give your head to the birds of the air and all Israel shall know that there is God in heaven.”

● That is how you can overcome fear with the Word of God in your mouth. 

● Mister Kasuku, you have COVID-19. I cannot have COVID not today not tomorrow. Why can't you have COVID? Because the Bible says, “I will serve the Lord and he will bless my bread and my water.”

● I will never be poor. I will never lack in this ministry in my life. Ah why? Because the Bible says, “I will serve the Lord and he will take away sickness from me.” 

● That is how you can kick out fear and get back faith and get back joy. 

● You can look at the mountain ahead of you and say, “Who is this great mountain before me? You will become a plain. My God is able. Nothing is possible with God.”

● You can look at the enemy and say, “I have power to tread upon serpents, upon scorpions, upon all the powers of the enemy and nothing by any means shall hurt me. Devil, you can't hurt me. I am seated above, above principalities, above powers, above names, above any other thing that can exist”.

● Friend, there is power in the Word. You can kick out fear from you by trusting God and declaring the Word of God.

Hallelujah. Hallelujah. 

● I declare over you today …. The last time you feared is the last forever in your life. Praise be the living God. 

● Nehemiah was threatened by his enemies who told him, “You know what? We are coming to attack.” 

● He said to them, “What what are you talking about? A man like me I won't go down. I have a lot of work I cannot go down.”

● The friends of Daniel were not afraid of the fiery furnace. They said in Daniel 3:17, “The God we serve will deliver us from this fiery furnace. Even if he does not deliver us.

We will not bow.”

That is the power of confession. Confess the word. 


● In Matthew 16:8, Jesus rebuked his disciples, “Oh you of little faith, why reason ye you among yourselves because you have brought no bread.” They were struggling in their mind. 

● Friends, we walk by faith. We don't walk by sight. 

Peter was walking on the water as long as his eyes were on Christ. The moment he removed his eyes from God, he started looking at the wind how it was boisterous, then, he started sinking. 

● We walk by faith, not by sight.

May you have mental peace in your mind.

● You know what? Nothing stresses me. Nobody under heaven stresses my life. Nobody. 

● You choose to be stressed. And it all happens in the mind. 

● I pray today that your mind will receive in the name of Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God. But it will take your faith. 

● God keep in perfect peace those whose mind stays. So, you need to build your faith for you to recover your joy. 


KEY 1 | Choose to trust God.

● You can be joyful only if you trust God over every area of your life. God is trustworthy. 

● I’m telling you the truth friends. God is trustworthy. He is worthy of trust. 

● If you can trust your bank, if you can trust a pilot, a driver, a doctor who are human beings, how far more can you trust God who is above? Trust God.


● Tune your ears to the Word of God. Choose who you listen to. Why ? Because behind fear there are voices you choose to listen to : people, news, etc. 

Tune into the Word of God. 


● Confess the Word. That is how you can get back. Stay on track with your joy. 


● David says in Psalm 103:1, “Bless the Lord oh my soul and all that is within me. Bless his holy name” 

● David knew how to tame his soul. He knew to tell his soul, “My soul, shut up! My soul, bless God! God is in control…”


- I shall not die but I shall live to proclaim the goodness of the Lord. In the name of Jesus Christ. 

- My God is my light. Jesus is my light. Whom shall I fear? - I cast out the spirit of fear. 

- I have not received the spirit of fear. 

- I receive the spirit of joy. The spirit of God. The Spirit of peace in the name of Jesus Christ. 

- My redeemer liveth. He shall arise in the latter end and he will come to rescue me. 

- I will not bow before this statute of the devil. I will not bow. The God I serve will deliver me. He will deliver me. Even if he does not deliver me. I will not bow before that statue. 

- The one in me is greater. 

- All things are possible. I believe everything is possible. 

- My God is able. 

- There is no enchantment against me.

- I will rejoice and be glad in him because he is in me and I am in Him. 

- He holds my future. 

- He holds my destiny. 

- He will provide for me. He is my provider. 

- I will not worry about tomorrow because he is the one who my provider Jehovah Jireh.

- He will provide for me, for my family, for my children. 

- He is my protector. He will protect me. 

- When I go through the valley of death, I shall not fear any death because he is there with me to watch over me and to protect over me.

- They will fight against me but they will not overcome against me in the name of Jesus Christ the son of the living God I am a winner.

- I am an overcomer. 

- In all those things, I am more than a conqueror. 


● As you confess the Word, you can listen to them over and again. You can make them your tune in your phone. Tune your ears to those declarations. You will find yourself you are joyful. No matter what is happening, you will be just floating in joy.

● May it be your experience from now. In the name of the father. 

I pray for the baptism of joy in Jesus name. 

● Can somebody say hallelujah. Can somebody say amen to that? Hallelujah. Glory to God. In heavenly places. 

Well God bless you. 

Thank you very much. I love you all. And I believe that this teachings will turn your life around and joy will be part of your life. In Jesus name.

 Thank you. You have a blessed ah day ahead.

Pastor TD Kasuku

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