Tuesday 23 May 2023




Genesis 12:1 Now the LORD  has said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will shew thee:

● That was instruction given to Abram which is directed to us today. Why did God give Abram such instruction? Why is He asking Abraham to get out of his father's house?*

● Jesus says that you will have enemies who are members of your household. (Matthew 10:36) This simply means that  there are giants in our households where we are coming from. 

● Declaration : I want to trust God that somebody under the sound of my voice will conquer the giants in your father's house. 


●  When Jacob was about to die he was making some pronouncement over his children. I mostly interested in what he pronounced on his son Levi and Simeon. 

● Gen 49:5 Simeon and Levi are brethren; instruments of cruelty are in their habitation. 

● It is very important to identify what is in your father's house, the lineage before you, and the heritage you are handing down to your children. 

Question: What can you identify when you look at your habitation/your father's house? What can you trace?

● Whatever is in your habitation, whether you like it or not, it will pursue you. 


● Exodus 2:1-2 the Bible says, "And there went a man of the house of Levi..."

● Remember that the house of Levi is the house of cruelty and anger. 

● The Bible continues to say, "...and took to wife a daughter of Levi."

● This means that he took a wife of cruelty and anger.

● Exodus 2:2 And the woman conceived and bare a son; and when she saw him that he was a goodly child, she hid him three months.

● Remember that this child was Moses. He was born in a house of cruelty and anger. 

● Descriptionof Moses :

- He was a distinguished man

- He was a prince of Egypt. 

- He was a lawgiver

- He was God's faithful servant. 

- He was a humble man

- He saw God face to face. He could talk to God and God could answer him. 

- He was a spokesman

- He was a psalmist

- He was a stammerer

- He was a mighty warrior

- He died on the mountain and nobody ever buried him. This means that it's God who buried him. 

- He was a man who could stretch his hand and the Red Sea would open. 

- He was a man who could speak to Pharaoh and things happened. 

- He could speak to nature and nature answered him. 

● Despite all this greatness and description, there was a giant in his father's house which Moses never defeated until his death.

● In Exodus 2:11-12 we read a story where Moses killed an Egyptian. 

● Moses was a man who grew in the wisdom of Pharaoh. He was a man of great knowledge. 

● When Moses went to the mountain of God, God gave him two tablets of the law. He spent a very nice time in the presence of the Lord. He was a man who could stay 40days and nights fasting and praying. (Exodus 34:28)

● God used to talk to Moses but the giants in his father's house never left him. 

● When he came down from the mountain he broke the two tablets out of anger. (Exodus 32:19)

● The Bible says that when Moses was about to enter the promised land, that giant stopped him from entering. God told him he will not enter the promised land. The giant caught up with him. (Numbers 20:11-12)

Question : Do you find yourself where over and over again something comes back to you and you end up going backward instead of making progress? 

● You speak in tongues or cast out demons but you still go back in circles going nowhere.


1 - The giants can cause confusion in life. 

●  There people who are just living confused. They don't know where they are going. 

2 - They can stop you from enteringyour promised land. 

● Moses never entered the promised land.

Declaration : I declare over you today that the giants from your father's house will not prevail over you.

● You need to identify the evil powers and deal with them. 

● Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you are almost there but never there? That was Moses. The blessings are slipping out of your hand. 

● Have you ever noticed such things in your life? You need to check your father's house.

● Have you ever dreamt that you are back in primary school and you are having a uniform and you sit for exams in the dream and you fail the exams? Those are the giants from your father's house. 

● That's why it is important to ask yourself about the husband/wife you are married to, do you know anything about his/her father's house? Did you ever identify the problems associated with the father's house?


● Judah had a very colorful destiny. He was called to be a lion/a leader. You know that Jesus came through Judah. 

● The enemy can know that there is something great coming from you/your tribe. 

Declaration : I want to declare to you that any giant tha is after you to hinder you from fulfillness of your  destiny will be destroyed in Jesus mighty name.

● There was a giant in Juda's father's house. Marrying the wrong people, sexual perversion which was to an extent of sleeping with his daughter-in-law.  (Genesis 38:15-16)

● If you look at the genealogy of Judah you will see that his foundational problem affected many in his lineage. 

● Paul says we should, 'Fight the good fight of faith. (1 Timothy 6:12)

● To deal with the giant in your father's house, you need to fight the good fight of faith.

● You need to come to a ace where you identify those giants and say in faith, "Those giants, I will kill them in my generation the way Caleb did."


● We have the case of David, Solomon, and Absalom. All these are descendants of Judah. 

● In 1 Kings 3:3, the Bible says that Solomon loved the Lord. 

● You can be a lover of God but if you don't deal with that giant, it will catch up with you. 

● In 1 Kings 11:1, We read that Solomon loved many strange women.

● As if it was not enough, he  built temples to the gods of those women. 

Declarations :

- I pray for you any demon you have defeated will remain defeated,

- They will not strike your children. Our children will be strong enough to defeat the giants we have defeated in our lives. 

- The giants in your father's house will not catch up with you and generations after you in the name of Jesus Christ. 

● How can you explain the 360degrees turn-around in the life of Solomon? The man who loved the Lord ended up having 300 concubines and 700 wives. How?

● There are people who have generational lust because of lust in their father's house. 

● That's why if your husband is an unfaithful man/polygamous, you better pray hard with understanding because already this is a giant in his father's house.


● David had a problem with lust in his life, although he was a man after God's heart. 

● He committed adultery with Bathsheba to an extent that he ended up killing. He lost his four sons. (2 Samuel 11:15/17)

● In Psalm 51:5 David got a revelation that he was shaped in iniquity.

What is iniquity?

● These are sins in our family lineage that have not been defeated. 

● The house was Judah was the house of lust. 

● David knew that he had a generationally inherited lust. His father didn't live sexually straight. 

● There was a spirit of rejection in David's life and he suffered rejection. 

● When Samuel wanted to anoint a king, all the other children of Jesse were there, but David was in the woods taking care of the sheep. 

● In Psalms 69:8 David talks about being despised by his siblings. He suffered a lot of rejection from his mother's womb. 

● Because of that spirit of rejection, the giant of lust and immorality took over because he wanted to prove a point that he can have many women around him. The lust for women was another mechanism of David to deal with rejection. 

● Judah was called to produce kings but he could not produce kings for ten generations. 

● When David came into the world, he was in the tenth generation in the lineage of Judah. Davjd lifted the curse that was upon the house of Judah yet lust was still there.


- Maybe you are going through the same pain of being rejected, I want to you to know that your past should not define your future. 

- Do not be confined in your past. It doesn't matter the conditions of your past, God can still locate you and make you great. 

Declaration :  For someone listening to me today, you will be that one person that God will use to lift and deal with that giant  in your father's house in the name of Jesus Christ.


By the Weapon of grace.

● In John 1:17 the Bible says that the law came through Moses but grace and truth came through Christ. 

● David was located by the grace of God. 

Declarations :

● The grace of God will break you free from the evil powers in your father's house. 

● The grace is released to you today for you to win, to defeat the giants and to break free from those giants in your household.

● What your family members have gone through, it will be minus you by reason of the grace.

● Paul says in 1 Corinthians 15:10, "By his grace of God I am who I am and His grace has not been in vain in my life."

● I want to announce to you today, the grace of God is locating you. You will make a difference in your father's house.

● If in your father's house people are drunkards or if there is the iniquity, the grace of God will spare you. 

● The grace of God will keep your children from the curse of the family lineage. Where everybody failed, the grace of God will spare you. 

● That grace will locate you BUT you need to know what is in your father's house and confront it by the grace of God. 

● David was the first king in the lineage of Judah. 

● If you want to flow in grace, you need to grow in praise. Judah means praise. David survived through praise. 

● You can make up your mind today that your body is set apart for praise to the Lord. 

● You need to be intentional for your life to be a life of praise. That's how the grace of God will locate you. 

● When Samuel was looking for a king to anoint, David was not there but the grace of God located him.

● For you to overcome the evil powers in your father's house you need the anointing. 

● Grace empowers you to do what no human hand can do. 

● David was rejected, but he was loved and the grace of God located him. He was a murderer, but the grace of God made him who he was. 


1 - Let your grace, oh Lord, spare me from the evil powers in my father's house. I don't want to end my life like Moses because of anger. 

2 - Lord, Free me today. 

3 - I pray that my children shall be free from the evil powers of my father's house. 

4 - If Moses and David won the battle and became what they were by the grace of God, I will overcome by the grace of God. I will win that battle of evil powers from my father's house in the name of Jesus Christ. 

5 - The grace of God will distinguish me from other family members. Barrenness in my father's house will not be my portion. By the grace of God, I will be expected from any evil power from my father's house. 


- May the grace of God be your portion. You will overcome in Jesus precious name. AMEN


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