Thursday 11 May 2023





*1. Knowing who you are boosts your self-esteem and shields you emotionally against emotional attacks.

● Nehemiah 6:11 KJV And I said, Should such a man as I flee? and who is there, that, being as I am, would go into the temple to save his life? I will not go in.

Nehemiah was threatened by some people who wanted him to be discouraged over his project. From the scripture we have read, it shows he knew who he was.

● When some people want to attack you emotionally, when you know who you are it is a shield. 

● There are people who are affected when they are insulted, are discouraged when people are talking ill about them, they given up because people are not complimenting them ir encouraging them, they drop Church.... Receive the grace to know who you are.

2. Knowing who you are, builds your confidence when facing adversities, relating with others and carrying out your daily duties.

Biical case | Moses

● Moses was asked who he was and he fled.

● Exodus 2:13 And when he went out the second day, behold, two men of the Hebrews strove together: and he said to him that did the wrong, Why smite you your fellow?

● Exodus 2:14 And he said, Who made you a prince and a judge over us? intend you to kill me, as you killed the Egyptian? And Moses feared, and said, Surely this thing is known.

● Later, when he knew who he was, he was bold, confident, could confront Pharaoh without being scared.

● There are people who are good at making others feel guilty. I believe you have met such people in life who do everything to make you feel guilty over things you never did.  

● For example: Moses killed an Egyptian and someone used the sin to point at him. He ran away.

● If the enemy comes to remind you of your past, don't keep quiet.  Rebuke him and say; DEVIL SHUT UP! I am forgiven. Romans 8:1 is my portion.  There I no more condemnation for those who are in Christ.

● There are people who take pleasure to expose the weakness of others and the sins of their past. It doesn't matter. You are forgiven. 

● Parents I encourage you, may you help your children to know who they are.

● There are people who's lives is just running away. Why are they running away? Why are yiu running away? Because you don't know who you are.

● You know what is happening here in our country about churches and people are running away because of one Pastor who is misbehaving in the land.My friend, do you kno who you are? 

3. Knowing who you are strengthens your spiritual authority over the devil and his demons.

● That's why I said your identity is the fundamental prerequisite for your spiritual authority.  

● To exercise your authority effectively,  you need to know who you are in Christ.

Biblical case | The sons of Sceva

● The sons of Sceva were asked who they were. Since they didn't know, they fled, they were beaten and overpowered by the devil.

● Acts 19:11 And God wrought special miracles by the hands of Paul: 

● Act 19:12  So that from his body were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons, and the diseases departed from them, and the evil spirits went out of them. 

● Act 19:13 Then certain of the vagabond Jews, exorcists, took upon them to call over them which had evil spirits the name of the Lord Jesus, saying, We adjure you by Jesus whom Paul preacheth.

● Acts 19:14 And there were seven sons of one Sceva, a Jew, and chief of the priests, which did so.

● Acts 19:15 And the evil spirit answered and said, Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are you?

● Acts 19:16 And the man in whom the evil spirit was leaped on them, and overcame them, and prevailed against them, so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded.

● Acts 19:17 And this was known to all the Jews and Greeks also dwelling at Ephesus; and fear fell on them all, and the name of the Lord Jesus was magnified.

● The sons of Sceva were beaten because there was a question they could not answer. The question was,  Who are you?'

● If you don't know who you are you will be beaten by the devil, by sickness,  by poverty,  by disease, by people's critics,  by gossip... because you don't know who you are.

● When you know who you are, there is no devil that can beat you up, no witch can beat you, no critics can beat you, no demon can crucify you,  .... KNOW WHO YOU ARE

● If you know who you are, you are thriving,  I pray from now you will know who you are.


● If I ask you a question; who are you? What would be your answer?

● The source behind spiritual authority or dominion is the knowledge and the understanding of who you are. That is why Jesus was living in power and authority.  

● The devil said; "...I know Jesus. I know Paul.  (Acts 19:15)

● If you know who you are, the devil will know you. The witches will know you. The problem is not the devil, the problem is you don't know who you are. Do you?

● In  John. 8:23 for example, Jesus said to the Pharisees, “Ye are from beneath; I am from above: ye are of this world; I am not of this world”. 

● Jesus had a supernatural mentality that conferred to him a supernatural identity.

● A supernatural mentality conferred to you a supernatural identity for your supernaturalauthority.  

● Jesus was conscious of His source. He knew where he was coming from. He knew who he belonged to. He knew where he was connected to. He knew that above is where he was coming from.

● I never thought  and I never think I am from Congo though physically yes. I am not from Congo, this ministry is not from Congo but from above. If you are in Christ, you are from above. 

● In John 3:31 the Bible says, 'He who is from above is above all...'

● Jesus knew that he was above the storm that is he slept when there was a storm. 

● The Word of Life is from above. That is why nomatter the storm, I am sleeping because this ministry is not for me. 

● Jesus knew that he was above death that's why he could face death without fear. 

● He knew he was above sicknesses, diseases, demons, that's why he could command them and they could obey him. 

● The question I'm asking you today is ...  Do you know who you are in Christ?


Biblical case :The sons of Sceva

If you don’t know who you are ...

1.  The devil will leap on you.

2.  The devil will overcome you

3. The devil will prevail against you. 

4.  The devil will strip you naked

5.  You will flee

6.  You will leave wounded 

● Don't you see those are the characteristics of those who are in church? There are people in church who always run away. A small problem they drop their service. Because you don't know who you are that is why you cannot face adversity and storms.  

● I declare,  you will never be beaten by the devil again. 

● I declare,   the devil will never molest you again at night. 

● I declare, The devil will no more assault your life. 

The prerequisite for this is to know who you are in Christ.


1.  In Christ, you are a child of God.

● It means you are born of God. You have the nature of God in you. ( John 1:12-13 )

● You are born beyond the family where you were born. If  there is a pattern; suffering the same thing it will be minus you because you are born of God. 

● If they have a blood pattern in them, it will be minus you because you are born of God. You are exempted.

● You better know who you are. When adversity comes you will be able to tell the devil; 'I am not born in this family, I am not part of what is going on there.  I am born of God. I have the nature of God in me'

● I can represent God on the earth, I can love because God is love, I can walk in power because he is my father. 

2. In Christ, you are a new creature.

● The past is passed. Everything is new. Do you know you are a new creature?

● Somebody can look at me with the lenses of the past, that is him it is his mistake. That is my past.

● Jesus was looked at as the son of a carpenter (Mark 6:3) But he was the Son of God. That is what confuse people.

● May you reach a place where you know, 'I am a new creature.'

● You need to look at yourself as a new creature. (2cor 5:17)

-  Yes I was  A murderer but today I am nolonger there..

-  Yes I was a lier but today I am nolonger there..

-  Yes yesterday  I was a thief,  I am nolonger there

-  Yes in the past I aborted,  today I am nolonger there..

● Somebody can say look at that thief... my friend you are right and totally wrong.  Totally right because that is my past, totally wrong because I am a new creature.   

● You need to come to that place where you know who you are.  A new creature. I am forgiven. 

● Those who always bring up my past, my friend you belong to my past. 

3. In Christ, you are seated far above principalities, powers and authorities

● You are in Nairobi maybe, or whichever part of town or country you are but you are sitted far above.

● It means in other word that where you are is far from where the devil is. He can not reach you there. (Ephesians 1:20-21)

● I am far above, no devil can scare me. Far above witches,  wizards, demons, far above freemason. In Christ I am far above. That's is Kingdom authority,  to know who you are. 

Receive the grace to know who you are. 

4. In Christ, you are forgiven, you are made righteous.

● I work, I walk in the awareness of a forgiven man. May you be free from guilt.

● There are people who are still living in guilt. They go to the prophets.  That is why you are manipulated by the prophets. My friend,  In Christ you ate forgiven.  

5. In Christ, you are a lion 

● You carry in you the nature of the lion of the tribe of Judah. 

● A lion doesn't run away from any. It is bold. 

● The difference between the lion and the elephant it is not the size, it is boldness. It is the attitude.  

● Do you know that the elephant runs away from a lion? With all it's size how can you run away? Because a lion is it's attitude. It's awareness of it's identity.

● If you internalise your identity in Christ no devil can molest you. 

●You know my body, no sickness can attack it. No!! I can't be sick because I know who I am.


● Go before the Lord and celebrate your identity in Christ.

Lift your voice and say, Father I thank you because...

-  In Christ  I am born again. I am a child of God.

-  In Christ  I am a new creature.

-   In Christ  I am sitted far above principalities, powers and authorities 

-  In Christ  I am forgiven. There is no more condemnation. 

-  In Christ  I am a lion. I carry the nature of the lion of tribe of Judah in me. 

-  In Christ  I am a child of God

-  In Christ  I am a branch of the true vine. 

-  In Christ  I am a friend of Jesus. 

-  In Christ  I have been justified and redeemed. My old self was crucified.

-  In Christ  I am not condemned.  

-  In Christ  I am accepted not rejected.

-  In Christ  I am called a Saint.

-  In Christ  I have the wisdom of God. 

-  In Christ  my body is the temple of Christ.

-  In Christ  I am loved

-  In Christ  I am nolonger a slave.

-  In Christ  I am set apart and sealed. 

-  In Christ  I am chosen

-  In Christ  I am holy and blameless 

● Father thank you for who I am in Christ.In the name of Jesus Christ the son of the living God.


Hallelujah !!!

✍🏽Pastor TD Kasuku

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