Friday 5 May 2023



Today you will encounter help from above 

Ebenezer - means the Stone of Help.

• The good Samaritan Luke 10:30-34 

• No one will fall to thieves among us. 

• You should know that there are evil people in the world.

• Friends I want to let you know there is a difference between compassion and sympathy. Compassion is always followed by action, while sympathy is just feeling sorry.


• Only action shows that you care. Love is not in words, but in deeds and in truth.

- If you love, you care!


How do I know I am under the siege of helplessness? 

• God never designed our lives to be helpless. 

• The levite and the priest left the man hurt and bleeding, but the Samaritan helped him. The people who help are those least likely to help you. 

Case 1: When no one wants to help you. Luke 10:31-32 

- In the name of Jesus God will touch people to help me.

Case 2: When those who are meant to help you, can't help, even though they want to. Dan 6:14, Gen 30:1-2, 1 Sam 1:8 

- It will reach a moment when people want to help but they can't, because God want to be glorified 

- Human hands are limited.

- There are things only God can give you. That is why you must remove your eyes from people.

Case 3: They want to, but it's beyond their ability. Ex 14:14-16

- I pray that you will never take things for granted in your life.

Case 4: The help is available and ready, but their is demonic hindrance Daniel 10:12-13

- God answered Daniel, sent the blessing/help. But there was a demonic hindrance.

- Be humble before the Lord. There are people who are stronger than you. An angel was stopped, and Michael  was sent to contend for him.

- Be aware that you need to seek a stronger person to help you or sustain you when you are stuck in life.

Case 5: God releases help, but the Kingdom of darkness blocks it.

Case 6: God sends help to you and it gets diverted. Jonah 1:4,  Mathew 2:9-10

- Any blessing that should come to you, be aware you will have to stand and pray.

- There are many things that happen in the spirit. 

- From now, nothing will be diverted in your life.

Case 7: God sends help, but it's discouraged in the process. John 11:39 

- Friends, we are in a wicked world, with wicked people who's ministry is to spoil your name.

- Even if you 'stink', that will not stop Jesus from coming to bless you.

- Today, anywhere you are being misrepresented, the Lord will destroy it.

- In the name of Jesus, everywhere you are misrepresented in a dream, the devil is a liar.

Case 8: The Absalom factor. 2 Sa 15:6


What happens when one is helpless?


Fact 1: when one is helpless they suffer disgrace/shame and are confounded. Isaiah 50:7 

- The Lord will help me, I will not be confounded. 

Fact 2: When one is helpless they become the mockery of men. Lamentations 1:7

Fact 3: When you are helpless people will not know you God and will ask your God is. Joshua 4:23-24, Micah 7:10 

- The Lord wants to do things for you, for his glory.

Fact 4: When one is helpless, life becomes bitter. 2 Kings 14:26-27 


What to do you do to access divine help.

1. Go to the throne of grace. Heb 4:16, 1 Sam 7:2-3 

Lesson 1: God helps those who cry for help. Not those who help themselves.

- We have a generation of people who don't know how to access grace.

Lesson 2: Grace does not come through an institution, a building, it's decor, but through a human vessel. In this case, it was Samuel. John 13:20, Phil 1:7

- God sent Moses, to free the Israelites from Egypt. Ex 2:23. The Bible says that by a prophet they were brought out of Egypt and by a prophet they were preserved. Hos 12:13

What happens when you're under the covering of grace?

- When they came under Samuel, the men of Israel went out to pursue their enemies. *1 Sam 7: 11 

- The battle was overturned. 1 Sam 7:10

- The Philistines were subdued. 1 Sam 7:13

- There was restoration of all that was taken. 1 Sam 7:14 

• If you want to enjoy help from above receive the source of grace Jesus and the carrier of grace the Man of God. John 13:20

Lesson 3 Receive the source of grace and the carrier of grace for grace to flow.

Lesson 4: Receive with revelation and understanding. Mathew 10:41

The Shunamite woman. She got the help she needed when she saw him as a man of God. 2 Kings 4:9

Prayer 1 

• Pray boldly that your God ordained helpers don't find rest, until they locate me. 2 Cor 2:13

Prayer 2 

• In the name of Jesus any demonic veil placed on me hindering me from being located be torn in pieces for me to be visible to my helpers. Is 25:7 

Prayer 3 

• In the name of Jesus, will never be helpless, the Lord will help me, I shall not confounded, I shall never be ashamed. Is 50:7 

Prayer 4 

• Jesus was made a curse for me, to be a blessing. I declare my freedom from the curse of helplessness. Gal 3:13

Prayer 5

• In name of Jesus Christ, the earth from now will help me. The sun, moon and stars will not be against me. They will be favorable to me, from now, help will come to me from above. I will never be helpless again. No more curse of helplessness.

Pst. T D Kasuku

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