Saturday 1 April 2023

What Then, Shall the Church do?

 What Then, Shall the Church do?

• Now, ordinarily the Church tends to be very silent on social issues, but mercifully now we can see the Church taking her position on some of these matters. 

• In the past, the fathers in Kenya were very vocal even as they fought to call out the ills that were happening in the country, until their voices got drowned when the Church went 'to bed' with the same people they were fighting.

• Some if not most of us, have carried spiritual wounds from encounters within the church, which was meant to be a place of healing, but became the source of deep traumatic experiences. 

• Sometimes, the Church does tend to condemn the sin and the sinner, which I believe is different from what God sees. He loves the sinner but will not accommodate the sin.

• As the body of Christ, are we able to see the sin, rebuke it and walk with the sinner, not stoop down to their level, but help them come up instead? 

• I like what one Pastor said, "It's not the Kingdom of God to lower the standard to meet people half way, but the people to raise the standard and fit into what God expects, even as we love the sinner".

• The Bible says to remove the log in our eyes before we see the speck in our brothers' eyes. I believe that is what God is doing.

• Remember the prophecy about God cleaning His house and judgment falling over Eli and his sons, a lot is happening within the body of Christ, with atrocities committed against God's children coming to light. 

• When we have clean hands, then we can stand and condemn without fear. May we be found worthy before God, that we may stand before men and be heard

• The Church needs to arise and take position. In a different post, we will look at the 7 mountains of influence and how they play out in pushing for agendas, that may be ungodly or tailored towards the benefit of a select few, and how the church can counter the same, to secure the land, and generations to come.

• The body of Christ must speak on one voice, or one accord. Mthw 18:19

• We see that it was only when the disciples prayed in one accord that the Church grew and the spirit of God came upon them. May we be as effective as that Church and especially now in the end time. Acts 2:1-5

• Pray in agreement, and that will definitely move God to act. Most times though, we do not pray and petition God as members of one body. May we aspire to do this and we shall indeed see the move of God. Mthw 18:20

Wanjiru Mbuthia 

Word of Life - Media

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