Friday 10 March 2023

UNCOMMON HARVEST | DAY 40/40 | FRIDAY 10-03-2023

UNCOMMON HARVEST | DAY 40/40 | FRIDAY 10-03-2023

What is harvest?

1.  Harvest is an expected and appointed season, time and hour.

i. For gathering the crops
ii. For reaping a blessing
iii. For getting the product of labour
iv. For getting the reward.
v. For the yield of what was planted.
vi. For bearing fruits.

2. Harvest is a divine hour, a natural consequence of sowing.

• Ecclesiastes 3:1 To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven – There is time to plant

• Galatians 6:7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatever a man sows, that shall he also reap 

Proverbs 14:23 In all labor there is profit: but the talk of the lips tends only to penury.

3. Harvest answers to God’s righteousness – take vengeance …

Hebrews 6:10 For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labor of love, which you have showed toward his name, in that you have ministered to the saints, and do minister.

Hebrews 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that comes to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

4. Harvest is ordained for your joy.

• Isaiah 9:3 You have multiplied the nation, and not increased the joy: they joy before you according to the joy in harvest, and as men rejoice when they divide the spoil.


● There are seven scenarios  in the book of Esther displaying the context in which the transfer from Haman to Mordecai  happened.  

● Scenario number one |   Mordecai provides to the king an  information of a plot against him. Esther 2:33

● Two people were plotting against the king  and Mordecai was informed  and reported  the matter to the King.  

● I like how things happened.  When Mordecai reported the matter,  the Bible says that they made Inquisition.  Meaning they did some Search to find out whether the information provided by Mordecai was true or false.

● LESSON | Never jump into conclusion over any information until you do the inquisition

● After the two men  were killed,  the Bible says that the action of Mordecai  was recorded in the book of the chronicles of the King,  but not rewarded

● Scenario number two | Haman is promoted Esther 3:1

● I am asking myself a question.  How is it that in the previous scenario,  it was Mordecai who saved the King but here it is Haman  who is promoted?  What happened in between?

● DECLARATION | I rebuke the Spirit of Haman  in your life.  Nobody will take your place again in the name of Jesus Christ!

● Maybe you are in that place like Mordecai. You did something good but you are not rewarded instead somebody else is.  If that is your case,  relax.

● I have a good news for you from Malachi 3:16.  The good news is   there is a book of remembrance  before the Lord.   

● I want you to know that all the good actions you are doing for the Lord,  the tithes,  the offerings and other liberalities you are giving,  the sacrifices you are enduring,  they are all recorded and will be remembered by the Lord and rewarded one day.

● Discouragement comes from the fact that we fail to understand  that our good actions  are recorded but not necessarily rewarded instantly.  Don't be discouraged because you will be rewarded one day in the name of Jesus Christ.

● Scenario number three |  Haman's promotion  who was an error from the ruler,  but not a mistake from the Lord

● We find this scenario clearly stipulated  and Illustrated in Ecclesiastes chapter 10 verse 6-7.   Folly is set  in dignity.  Servants are riding horses.  While Princes are rolling on the floor.

● I imagine that Harman was the one we went to the King  and lied to him that you was one behind the Salvation of the King.  And the King believe in him and promoted him while it was not him.

● That is what happens in this world.  We have many Hamans  who use crooked ways and means to get money,  to be promoted,  to buy cars  etc.  While Mordecai remain as a gatekeeper.

● But the truth is ...  Whatever you get using crooked ways will never last.

● And I declare and I decree that in the name of Jesus Christ there will be a turnaround  and that error will be fixed.  Each  one will be put back into their right place.  It is a matter of time.  And this time is now

● Scenario number four |  The attitude of Mordecai who was positive ( *Esther 2:11)

● Mordecai did not fall into frustration,  or murmuring and complaining.  Rather, Mordecai was busy to promote Esther as the next queen.  It's like he was saying to himself,  even if I am not rewarded,  let me keep myself busy to promote somebody else.

● That is what God is expecting from us in the last days.  As you promote the Kingdom, your own promotion is there

● Scenario number five |  The strategy of God

● God is a very strategic God.  God had a purpose on why he did not reward Mordecai at that time.  The purpose was to hide Mordecai and expose Haman  for a later  judgement.

● Sometimes in the strategy of God,  God can hide you  for the purpose of preparing you for what is coming

● God Is A wise God.  In the wisdom of God, there is always a preparation before the manifestation.

-  Moses was hidden for eight years in the house of Jethro

-  Elijah was hidden in the brook.

- John the Baptist was hidden in the desert

-  Jesus was hidden for 30 years

● Don't complain.  Remain hidden until the right time comes because our God is the God of due season  and in due season we shall reap if you faint not ( Galatians 6:9)

● So, relax because your due season will come.  Thank God for your friend who got married before you,  for your friend who got promoted, for somebody who bought a car  because yours is also coming. 

● That is the positive attitude displayed by  Mordecai  waited for the due season

● Scenario number 6 | Haman  started making mistakes because he was there by mistake

● Take note of this ...  

Anyone who is anywhere by mistake will make a mistake that will make him be removed from where he is by mistake

● The first mistake  is in Esther 5:14 :  his friends advise him to make a gallow to hang  Haman on it.

● Because of his power and his money, Haman  wanted everyone to bow before him.  Mordecai refused because as a Jew,  he cannot bow before a man but only before God. Haman  got offended and thought to kill  him and  all the Jews..

● The second mistake is in  Esther 6:8-9 :  he describes what should be done to the one the King should reward thinking it was him to be rewarded while the King had Mordecai in mind.

● The moment Haman  set the gallow  in place,  at the same moment,  the king lost his sleep and sought to reward Mordecai. ( Esther 6:1).

● Guess what?  It took 5 years for Mordecai to be remembered by the King.  That's why I declare that God will disturb the sleep of those who must reward you.  Your season to be rewarded has finally come.

● The moment Haman  set the gallow  in place,  at the same moment,  the king lost his sleep and sought to reward Mordecai. ( Esther 6:1).

●  It was by mistake that Haman rose in power.  And it was by mistake that he lost his power for Mordecai.

●  Your enemies will make mistakes that will restore you to your position

●  In Esther 6:2,  it was found and clearly written that it was Mordecai who rescued the King.

● DECLARATION |  I see The Book of remembrance being opened to reward some of you in this commission in the name of Jesus Christ.

● Scenario number 7 |  Spiritual strategies are set to provoke the transfer

● Esther and the whole congregation of Israel called for three days of fasting and prayer with the purpose of reversing  the decree of Haman and provoking the transfer from Haman to Mordecai. (*Esther 4:16

●  I see the table turning. Hallelujah !

● Prayer and fasting are our weapons necessary for us to provoke the transfer

● After the 3 days of fasting and prayer passed,  many things happened. 

● But the most important that happened was that Mordecai  was  remembered, rewarded,  restored,  promoted,  elevated in replacement of Haman who died on the gallow prepared for Mordecai (Esther 7:10)

● We see the transfer  happening in Esther 8: 1-2.  There, the ring and the house of Haman moved in the hands of Mordecai.

● In Esther 8:15,  we see Mordecai putting on him a royal apparel  coloured in blue and white,  and a great crown of gold,  with the  garment of fine linen.

● When the transfer happened from Haman  to Mordecai,  the Bible says that the old city rejoiced.

●  Haman was using wealth  to manipulate others,  to make them suffer,  to make them bow before him etc.  Because of him people were crying.  That is why God said,  the wealth will be removed from him to Mordecai.

● When Mordecai got the  wealth,  people were rejoicing.  The lesson is that God wants to transfer the money so that the people would rejoice through you.

●  God will transfer the wealth in your hand for you to be a source of blessing,  to promote the Kingdom, of God,  to pay the bills  and the rent  for those who can't afford.

●  in the last days,  God will move the world from the hand of the wicked today and of the righteous for them to play a bigger impact in the life of others.


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