Sunday 12 March 2023



Shekinah Greetings Word Of Life!!

● I welcome you to the 3rd Watch Uncommon Praise tonight.

I am excited. Aren't you?

● And tonight, the focus will be, I will sing a new song to the Lord

Let us pray ... Father, In the Name Of Jesus Christ, we recommend this night into your hand. 

Take Control and Take Over this Session as we dedicate it to offer you our praises in the Name Of Jesus Christ !!!

Amen ! Amen ! Amen ! Amen !

In Psalm 43:3, we read; "And he hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God: many shall see it, and fear, and shall trust in the LORD"

● Tonight, God will give you a new song in the Name Of Jesus Christ !!!

Why? Because there are People that sung new Songs in the Bible ...

● When Pharaoh and his army perished in Red sea, Moses and the Israelites sung a new song

Exodus 15:1  Then sang Moses and the children of Israel this song unto the LORD, and spake, saying, I will sing unto the LORD, for he hath triumphed gloriously: the horse and his rider hath he thrown into the sea. 

● That will be someone's experience this season in the Name Of Jesus Christ !!!

● When Israel defeated the oppressive King of Sisera, Deborah sung a new song

● Judges 5:1  Then sang Deborah and Barak the son of Abinoam on that day, saying, 

Judges 5:2  Praise ye the LORD for the avenging of Israel, when the people willingly offered themselves. 

Judges 5:3  Hear, O ye kings; give ear, O ye princes; I, even I, will sing unto the LORD; I will sing praise to the LORD God of Israel. 

● All your oppressors will be defeated and you will sing a new song in the Name Of Jesus Christ !!!

- When do you sing a new song? When the Lord arises and fight for you

- When do you sing a new song? When God gives you rest from hot pursuers

- When do you sing a new song? When God delivers you from bondage

- When do you sing a new song? When the problems you see today you see they no more

- When do you sing a new song? When God brings you out of Egypt

- When do you sing a new song? When God takes you to your Canaan land

● When God granted Hannah her baby, she also sang a new song of Thanksgiving

1 Samuel 2:1 And Hannah prayed, and said, My heart rejoiceth in the LORD, mine horn is exalted in the LORD: my mouth is enlarged over mine enemies; because I rejoice in thy salvation. 

● Someone under the sound of my voice, the last time you shed tear because of Peninah is the last ever in your life in the Name Of Jesus Christ !!!

● David sang a new song when God delivered him from all his enemies including Saul that wanted to kill him

2 Samuel 22:1 And David spake unto the LORD the words of this song in the day that the LORD had delivered him out of the hand of all his enemies, and out of the hand of Saul: 

● All your Saul pursuing your life,  God will deal with them and you will sing a new song in the Name Of Jesus Christ !!!

- When do you sing a new song? When God turns your prayer points to testimonies

- When do you sing a new song? When God avenges you on your enemies

- When do you sing a new song? When the Red sea opens up and swallows your Pharaohs

- When do you sing a new song? When God answers His name in your life

- When do you sing a new song? When God delivers you

- When do you sing a new song? When your enemies perish

- When do you sing a new song? When Angels fight for you

● The saints shall sing a new song in heaven

Revelation  14:3  And they sung as it were a new song before the throne, and before the four beasts, and the elders: and no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty and four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth. 

- When do you sing a new song? When the sun and stars fight for you

- When do you sing a new song? When God turns your bareness to fruitfulness

- When do you sing a new song? On your wedding day

- When do you sing a new song? When you are discharged and acquitted

- When do you sing a new song? When you start a new job


1. MY GOD AND MY FATHER, I praise you today because Numbers 23:23 Amplified Bible is my portion

For ther is no enchantment or omen against Jacob, Nor is there any divination against Israel. At the proper time it shall be said to Jacob And to Israel, what has God done!

2. MY GOD AND MY FATHER, I praise you today because no enchantment, no divination against me, against my family, against my church, against my country will prevail. 

In the Name Of Jesus Christ !!!

3. MY GOD AND MY FATHER, I praise you today because at the proper time it shall be said to me, to my Church, to my country, see what has God done!

In the Name Of Jesus Christ !!!

4. MY GOD AND MY FATHER, I praise you with Job 5:12

He disappointeth the devices of the crafty, so that their hands cannot perform their enterprise. 

5. MY GOD AND MY FATHER, receive my praise with Jeremiah 1:19

They will fight against me but they shall not prevail against me for God is with me to deliver me.

● I praise you tonight for fighting and winning my battles.

In the Name Of Jesus Christ !!!

● I praise you tonight for that battle is not mine. It is yours.

In the Name Of Jesus Christ !!!

● I praise you tonight, for they will fight me at my work place, they will fight me in my church, they will fight me in my country, but they shall not prevail.

They shall not prevail. They shall not prevail. They shall not prevail. They shall not prevail. 

In The Name Of Jesus Christ !!! 

● As I praise you tonight, the effects and operation of crafty forces around my house are destroyed,

● As I praise you tonight, evil hand fighting my progress and causing unfulfilled dreams in my life are destroyed 

In the Name Of Jesus Christ !!!

In the Name Of Jesus Christ !!!

In the Name Of Jesus Christ !!!

6. MY GOD AND MY FATHER, I praise you tonight with Zechariah 2:5

For I, saith the Lord, will be unto her a wall of fire round about, and will be the bglory in the midst of her.

● I praise you ... You are my wall of fire around my house

● I praise you ... You are my wall of fire around my family

● I praise you ... You are my wall of fire around my Church

● I praise you ... You are my wall of fire around my workplace

● I praise you ... You are my wall of fire around my country 

● I praise you ... you are the breaker of every form of limitation (financial, spiritual, emotional, intellectual, ... )

In the Name Of Jesus Christ !!!

In the Name Of Jesus Christ !!!

In the Name Of Jesus Christ !!!

In the Name Of Jesus Christ !!!

7 .MY GOD AND MY FATHER, I praise you today with Psalm 91:3

“The Lord is the one who will rescue me from hunters’ traps and from deadly plagues.” 

● I praise you today because The Lord will cover [me] with his feathers, and under his wings [I] will find refuge. His truth is my shield and armor.”

● I praise you today “I do not need to fear terrors of the night, arrows that fly during the day, plagues that roam the dark, epidemics that strike at noon. ( Psalm 91: 5-6 )

● I praise you today  “A thousand may fall dead beside [me] or ten thousand at my right side...They will not come near [me].” ( Psalm 91:7-8 )

● I praise you today “The LORD [is] my refuge! [...] No harm will come to [me]. No sickness will come near my house. ( Psalm 91:9-10 )

● I praise you today The Lord will put his angels in charge of me to protect me in all my ways. They will carry me in their hands so that I never hit my foot against a rock.” ( Psalm 91:11-12 ) 

● I praise you today “I will step on lions and cobras. I will trample young lions and snakes.” ( Psalm 91:13 )

● I praise you today “Because I love the Lord, He will rescue me. He will protect me because I know his name.” ( Psalm 91:14 )

● I praise you today because sudden destruction, sudden death, sudden demotion prepared in the dungeon of hell against me, against my family, against my Church, against my country will not  and never my lot

● “When I call to the Lord, He will answer me. He will be with me when I am in trouble. He will save me and honor me. With long life he will satisfy me, and shew me his salvation.” ( Psalm 91:15-16 )

In the Name Of Jesus Christ !!!

In the Name Of Jesus Christ !!!

In the Name Of Jesus Christ !!!


✍🏽Pastor TD Kasuku

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