Friday 24 March 2023




When the soul is wounded, we call it "inner wounds" just like the body is called physical wound.

Since it is inside the man, no one will ever notice it and no one will ever know it.

1st way | One of the way you can know that someone is wounded, it is through ...crying...

In Job 24:12, the Bible says, "Men groan from out of the city, and the soul of the wounded crieth out: yet God layeth not folly [to them]."

The text we have read today speaks about the cry of the wounded soul.

In fact, the same way a person wounded physically cries and is in pain, the same way a person wounded in the soul cries and is also in pain. If one can feel pain in his body, one can also feels pain in his soul.

2nd way | Just like physical wounds, the affected areas will have some manifestations like rashes, swelling, boils, lesions, tear, lacerations, etc. 

Emotionally speaking, the signs of inner wound are expressed and manifested through disappointment, self pity, Evil thoughts, Bitter words, bitterness, regret, unforgiveness, sulking, anger, loneliness, suspicion, resentment, hatred, distrust, mental exhaustion, inertia, actions and reactions that are in the likeness of the wounds to the soul man.

When we experience these things, it means our soul man is wounded and can lead to spiritual death, to all kind of relationship dysfunctions if not properly and or promptly taken care of.

That's why we are talking and teaching about HEAL FIRST.

My prayer is that through today's teaching, you will point out the bleeding area of your soul and allow the Lord Jesus to heal you.


In Genesis 4 verses 23–24, the Bible talks about a man called Lamech, fifth generation descendent of Cain (the first murderer).

We read ...

Genesis 4:23 Lamech said unto his wives, Adah and Zillah, Hear my voice; ye wives of Lamech, hearken unto my speech: for I have slain a man to my wounding, and a young man to my hurt. 

Genesis 4:24  If Cain shall be avenged sevenfold, truly Lamech seventy and sevenfold. 

From this text, we gather the following information that will help us ...

Information 1 | Inner wounds can be generational

Statement | Heal first to spare the next generation from unnecessary wounds

This text informs us that Lamech is the fifth descendant from Cain's tree.

In Genesis 4:16, we read something striking concerning Cain.

The Bible says "Cain went out from the presence of the LORD, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden." 

I pray for someone under the sound of my voice. You and your descendants will not and never depart from the Presence Of The Lord in the Name Of Jesus Christ.

Please, understand that when we talk about departing from the presence of the Lord, the meaning of it is curse, trouble, struggle, ... since there is no blessing, no peace, no faveur outside the presence of the Lord.

Brethren in the Lord, if there is a precious gift we can hand down to the generations after us, that gift is called the presence of the Lord.

See. Cain departed from the Lord. And the generations after him did the same. They departed from the pattern of God.

Prayer | Lord, Please, help me to leave a legacy of forgiveness, of blessing, of healing, of joy, of peace to my children and the children of my children and the children of the children of my children in the Name Of Jesus Christ.

Information 2 | Inner wounds are the foundations of dysfunctional relationships.

Statement | To build a healthy, thriving, harmonious, stable, you must heal first.

Lamech is the first polygamous man mentioned in the Bible. His polygamous orientation has its foundation in his wounds, his hurts, his heartbrokenness,

... Lamech said unto his wives, Adah and Zillah ...

As you can notice from this text, the foundation of polygamy is inner wound, inner hurt, ... which shows clearly that polygamy is sinful and unhealthy by nature.

Which means in other words that it takes a wounded man to be polygamous. 

In fact, when you look at the content of his speech and the relationship setup between Lamech and his "wives", there is no trace of love appearing anywhere.

We will see it as we proceed in the study.

Information 3 | Inner wounds cause negative feelings and harmful behaviors.

Statement | To be free from negative feelings and harmful behaviors (Evil thoughts, Bitter words, bitterness, regret, unforgiveness, sulking, anger, loneliness, suspicion, resentment, hatred, distrust, mental exhaustion, inertia, actions and reactions that are in the likeness of the wounds to the soul man...), one must be healed first.

Let us look at Lamech! We read ... “Adah and Zillah, hear my voice; you wives of Lamech, hearken to what I say: I have slain a man for wounding me, a young man for striking me. If Cain is avenged sevenfold, truly Lamech seventy seven fold.” (Genesis 4:23-24)

From this text, Lamech is presenting himself as a self-centered, selfish, hot tempered and murderer like his ancestor Cain who was the first murderer in the Bible.

First of all, we see self-centeredness, selfishness in him from his declarations. 

... my voice ... what I say ... I have slain ... wounding me ... striking me ...  

Secondly, we notice violence, hatred, bitterness, anger, wound, which are all exactly the same like Cain’s pattern.

So it goes, like father, like son, from generation to generation.

Information 4 | Inner wounds build strongholds, fortresses or prisons keeping men prisoners, slaves, captives of the devil.

Statement | Healing first sets you free

Let us look at Lamech. We read ... “Adah and Zillah, hear my voice; you wives of Lamech, hearken to what I say: I have slain a man for wounding me, a young man for striking me. If Cain is avenged sevenfold, truly Lamech seventy seven fold.” (Genesis 4:23-24)

Lamech doesn't look remorseful or repentant over his action. He is boasting, he is defending, he is justifying to his wives his emotion pattern. 

What is the pattern?

For the first time, I have slain a man for wounding me, 

For the second time, a young man for striking me. 

That is what we call strongholds



We find the concept of strongholds from Paul. 

What are strongholds? They are patterns of lies, falsehood, deception formed in the mind of men by the enemy to keep men his prisoners.

Let us look again at Lamech.  Lamech is a wounded man who never works to heal his wound but works to protect his wound by killing others. And By compiling women.

Watch this ... Lamech said unto his wives, Adah and Zillah, Hear my voice; ye wives of Lamech, hearken unto my speech: for I have slain a man to my wounding, and a young man to my hurt.

From this text, we see that Lamech killed a man and a youth because, according to him, he was wounded.

The Bible does not say anything about the reason why Lamech killed a man and a youth. 

However, I believe that there were wars going on within Lamech. The war of manhood and the war of childhood. I believe that Lamech killed what was killing him inside.

James 4:1  (ERV)  Do you know where your fights and arguments come from? They come from the selfish desires that make war inside you.

I believe that Lamech had an identity crisis related to the inner definition or the inner picture or the inner image of who a man was.

I believe that Lamech was having some crisis with his early childhood which he did not succeed to settle.

Since the conflict, the war was within him, since he was in a journey of finding himself as a man, and in a journey of dealing with his childhood crisis, what did he do?

- He killed a man outside representing the man within him who was hurting, bleeding and crying.

- He killed a young man outside representing the youth within him who was hurting, bleeding and crying.

- He married two wives as a validation of the inner crisis he was not able to settle.

This reminds me of Moses who killed an Egyptian who did not attack him, but who was attacking a Hebrew. Why did he kill the Egyptian?

Moses was bleeding within ...

There was a part of Moses that was Egyptian and another part that was Hebrew. The external fight of the Egyptian and the Hebrew was the picture of the internal fight that was happening in him between the Egyptian and the Hebrew.

What was he supposed to do? Since he could not kill the inner Egyptian in him, he killed the outer Egyptian he saw.


NOTE THIS : There is no healing if there is no surrender. If you want to experience the supernatural of God, learn to surrender ...


1. It is to stop fighting God ...

● Since a stronghold is built for defensive and protection purpose, Surrendering is to stop resisting and fighting the will of God.

● Surrendering is to say yes to the will of God, trust Him even though it doesn't make sense.

● The problem people have is to say yes to the will of God

● NOTE THIS ... God is expecting you to say yes in order for him to release the supernatural healing you need for your life.

● If you struggle to say yes to the Lord you will struggle to get blessing from Him

2. Surrendering is to stop questioning God.

● Since a stronghold is built with arguments, with reasonings, to surrender means to silence those arguments and start believing, confessing and acting on the Word

• You do not know how it will happen but still believe it will happen

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