Thursday 23 March 2023



● *Mark 8:24* And he looked up, and said, I see men as trees, walking.

● *Mark 8:25* After that he put [his] hands again upon his eyes, and made him look up: and he was restored, and saw every man clearly.

● *How you see yourself* determines how you feel, how you treat, how you think about, how you relate with you.

● To have a *right picture of who you are* is a determining factor for a healthy relationship.

● A wrong perception of yourself destroys your perception about others. 

● *Healthy self love* is the foundation for true love.

● If you never loved you you will fall in love with a wrong one. If you never loved you, when someone loves you, it will look like your miracle is just happening.

● You must learn to tell yourself what you know about yourself so when somebody compliments you, it will not be an information but a reminder.

● Many people become codependent because of people's compliments.

● There are things your soul must know ... David says... My soul knows it well. *Ps 139:14*

● Learn to tell to yourself what you know about yourself so, when somebody compliments you, it will not be an information but a reminder.

● Most relationship crisis are the result of the identity crisis of the partners.

● Marriage for example does not define you. If you get married to make it as your identity, you are miserable. It is you who define your marriage, not the other way round.

● I know I had dealt with many relationships crisis. And I came to realize that the foundation of it was identity crisis of the partners.

● For example, many relationships ended up breaking because one partner or both of them had an inferiority or superiority complex.

● I know a young man who got married to a lady and the lady was earning more money than him. It was a real struggle for a man who made life difficult for her. He wanted to have a say over all the income of the lady. He wanted to take hold of all her atm cards. He wanted her to submit like a dog.

● The relationshp did not last. They parted way.

● Know who you are. Know your worth. Know your identity in Christ. 

● Do you know that you are unique? Before engaging in any relationship, make sure you know who you are. 

● So, don't ever engage in a relationship that kills your uniqueness. 

● Beware of those relationships where you are compared with the previous relationships.

● You are one of a kind. You are special. You are fearfully and wonderfully made.

● What makes you unique?  Everything!

● Believe it or not—no one else is just like you. Your physical appearance, your voice and personality traits—your habits, intelligence, personal tastes—all these make  you one of a kind. 

● Even your fingerprints distinguish you from every other human being—past, present, or future. 

● Don't compete with anybody. You are unique. Don't compare yourself with anybody, You are unique. Would you please just thank God for creating you unique? 

● Don't engage in a relationship that stops you being you. That's suicidal. That's criminal. That's not different from the man who took the talent and buried it in the ground.

● You are gifted. You are talented. I command your gift. I command your talents to come alive in the Name Of Jesus Christ!

● Happiness starts with/in you

● The emptiness of your heart can never be filled by the love of a woman or man.

● No relationship makes anybody happy. Only happy men and women  make a happy relationship.

● No relationship heals anybody. No relationship makes anybody whole. No relationship makes anybody happy. No relationship makes anybody fulfilled.

● There's no joyful marriage, if you are not yourself first of all  joyful.

● Happiness does not start with your partner. Happiness start with you. You are a determinant factor. Don't expect your spouse to make you happy. Be happy and God will reflect it in your life.

● A man will only give what he has. Don't deceive yourself expecting someone who doesn't have the love of God in him to love you. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE! 

*John 3:27* 

● You give only what you have and as a matter of fact, your relationship is the reflection of who you are.

● Your relationship is the reflection of your heart and mind.

● You can't have a victorious marriage with a defeated heart. You can't have a settled marriage with an unsettled heart. You can't have a sweet marriage with a bitter heart.


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