Sunday 17 December 2017


SUNDAY 17.12.2017

SCRIPTURE : "And immediately the man was made whole, and took up his bed, and walked: and on the same day was the sabbath." (John 5:9)

The miracle we read today is about a man who was paralytic for 38 years and healed by Jesus in the pool of Bethesda. 

When Jesus showed up, just by one encounter, he overturned 38 years of paralysis like a dream of the night. 

In the same way, before the year is over, just one encounter is enough for my Jesus to overturn what has taken years in your life.


😔 Today I prophesy in the Name of the Lord that the Lord will overturn, overturn and overturn whatever is not from Him as the Bible says in Matthew 15:13 
"Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up."

😔 For 38 years this man at the pool was identified with sickness. When Jesus showed up, Jesus overturned his identity from sickness to health. 

I DECLARE OVER YOU THIS WEEK THAT Jesus will show up in your life and  overturn your identity from sickness to health. 

😔 For 38 years this man was identified with stagnation. When Jesus showed up,  Jesus relocated him and overturned stagnation to advancement.

I DECLARE OVER YOU THIS WEEK THAT Jesus will show up in your life and  overturn stagnation to advancement. By his power, you are being relocated.

😔 For 38 years this man was carried by a certain bed. When Jesus showed up, Jesus overturned things and empowered him to carry what was carrying him. 

I DECLARE OVER YOU THIS WEEK THAT Jesus will show up in your life and you will no longer be a burden to anybody. Rather, you will help  to carry others burdens.

😔 For 38 years this man was a burden to others.  When Jesus showed up, Jesus turned him into a burden carrier.

I DECLARE OVER YOU THIS WEEK THAT Jesus will show up in your life to  overturn things and empower you to carry what was carrying you. 

😔 For 38 years this man was victim of delay. When Jesus showed up, Jesus overturned the delay and granted him speed

I DECLARE OVER YOU THIS WEEK THAT Jesus will show up in your life and  grant you supernatural speed. 

😔 For 38 years this man was rejected, abandoned and lonely. When Jesus showed up, Jesus overturned the loneliness and reconnected him with his people.

I DECLARE OVER YOU THIS WEEK THAT Jesus will show up in your life and reconnect you rightly with the right people.

😔 For 38 years this man was unable to walk. When Jesus showed up, Jesus overturned the paralysis and enabled him to walk

I DECLARE OVER YOU THIS WEEK THAT Jesus will show up in your life to overturn any paralysis whether spiritual, emotional, financial or physical. Be empowered to walk now in the name of Jesus Christ

😔 For 38 years this man was nothing. When Jesus showed up, Jesus overturned the nothingness and made him somebody.

I DECLARE OVER YOU THIS WEEK THAT Jesus will show up in your life and cause you to matter, to add value, to be meaningful, to be somebody, to be important in the society.


Pastor T.D. KASUKU K.K.
The Word Of Life Church International

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