Wednesday 10 April 2024





Glory be to God, word of life. I welcome you to the morning altar of prayer today. Welcome to 2024, our grace upon grace year. 




I believe you are all well, you are all strong in the Lord and we are so thankful to you for such a beautiful day,amazing day, April, the month of Overflowing grace.




May God bless you. May God do you good. May God continue to visit you in the name of Jesus Christ, the son of the living God.




Father, thank you for this day you have given to us again by your grace. Let your name be glorified forever and evermore.


As we gather in your name, oh God, minister to us. Show us the way and we'll be careful to give you the praise at the end of it all.


The earth belongs to you, our God, and we worship you in the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God. We have all prayed and we say amen and amen.


Glory be to God.









I was asking myself a question, what scares the devil? Why the devil is so mad? Why the devil is so angry? And I'm asking myself, what's the anger for?


And I came to realize that the devil is not mad at you when you go to church. The devil is not mad at you when you are praying or maybe you are fasting or maybe you are giving or maybe you are a good deacon.


The devil is not scared by your title. You can be a pastor, you can be a bishop, you can be a pope, you can be whichever name or title in church. He's not afraid of your title.


The devil isn’t afraid of the number of the people in the Church. How many people who are in churches? Big number there, yet no impact, no influence.


What scares the devil? I was asking myself. Is it because of the car you have? He doesn't care. Is it because of the money you have? He doesn't care.


Is it because of the color of your skin? I don't think so. Is it because you are a son of a pastor or the wife of a pastor or what have you? I don't think it is that.


So I was looking at the Bible and as I'm studying the book of the Acts of the Apostles, I've come to understand something scares the devil.


What scares the devil is the unstoppability of the Church. And the increase of the Church. The continuity of the Church. That is the biggest fear of the devil. That what angers the devil.



What scares the devil is the stubbornness of believers. 


And you will agree with me. Everywhere in the world when a people is stubborn, resisting the oppression of a Government, there is no way that government can stand and I've come also to see in the spiritual realm, if there is something that scares the enemy, it is the unstoppability of the Church, the continuity of the Church, the continuity of the growth of the Church. It scared the enemy.


I remember in a country. There was a crowd. You know the army was in front and they were shooting people and people were falling dead, yet the crowd continued to move to the extent that even the police, even the army started running away. That is what happens in the spiritual realm.


When we become unstoppable, there is no way the devil can resist. When we become unstoppable, that is when we start scaring the camp of the enemy.


That's why the devil can play around people who easily get discouraged. Something happens and they are discouraged. Something happens and they think I should stop. Something happens and they think they should give up. That is what now actually causes the devil to be strong : when we easily give up, when we easily get discouraged over anything.


That is something I saw in the early Church. They were men like you and I. It was an imperfect Church. We saw with you in Acts chapter 5. Those people were just normal people. They were also liars. But the church continued to move forward.


So I want you to understand if there is something that scares the devil, it is when you go forward.




If there is something that scares the devil, it's when you make up your mind to never stop what you are doing. Knowing that what you are doing, it is in the will of God.


Praise be the living God.


You remember the story, the parable of Jesus in Luke chapter number 18. It talks about the widow who was coming to the unjust judge She was coming to him day and night until I like what the Bible says.


The judge says this in Luk 18:5  Yet because this widow troubleth me, I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me. 


Hallelujah I pray you receive that kind of stubborn faith that never gives up. Stubborn faith never gives up until the devil gives up.


He says, “Yet because this widow troubleth me, I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me


Are you hearing that ? That is the only thing in the spiritual realm that scares and wearies the devil.


When the devil cannot weary you, that is when you can weary the devil.


You are receiving that kind of stubborn faith today in Jesus name.




I noticed something very interesting. 


When I look at the first Church, it was a Church of unstoppable increase.


There was no way the Jews, the Pharisees and all those evil people could stop the Church. That was driving them crazy.


Because in the first place, they said to themselves, We killed Jesus. Now, who are those people?


Oh, devil, it's a mistake. You made a mistake against your own camp. You think killing Jesus is killing the church? You think killing Jesus is stopping the Church?


Rather, after killing Jesus, Jesus resurrected and he sent the Holy Spirit and the people who came after Jesus became worse than before and the devil could not do anything and they were so mad.


That is why I want to pray that the Church World Of Life and beyond will go to a place where our increase will become unstoppable.


Hallelujah! I pray you receive the Spirit of unstoppability in whatever you do knowing that it is the will of God for you.


Hallelujah ! Praise the Living God.


I pray you receive the grace that you should never come to a place where you would say, “I think I should stop praying. I think I should stop giving. I think I should stop going to Church because things are not going well

That is what the devil is afraid of. He wants to stop you. If you don't stop the devil, he will stop you and the only way you can stop the devil is when you don't stop what you are doing.


How can you stop the devil disturbing your family, your household, your children? How will you stop the devil disturbing your son or your daughter? Disturbing your family? How will you stop the devil disturbing your finances? 


It is when you come to a place where you understand and say, “I will never stop what I'm doing. Devil, you are a liar. No matter what you do, no matter the attacks, no matter the circumstances around me, you can't stop me in the name of Jesus Christ


The first Church was an unstoppable Church. See what happened with the COVID-19. It was crazy. The devil used the COVID-19 to attack the Church. How on earth can you attack the Church telling people they should not gather beyond 50 while in the supermarkets people are mingling one another without restriction ?


According to them, the Church is spreading the COVID. Seriously!!!


Unfortunately, believers don't understand the reality of the warfare in which we are. That is why I pray you will stand in Jesus name. I say, I pray you will stand in the name of Jesus Christ.


Now I just got some Scriptures to help you understand the unstoppable growth of the Church.


Act 2:41 Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls.


Act 2:47 Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.


Act 4:4 Howbeit many of them which heard the word believed; and the number of the men was about five thousand. 


Act 5:14 And believers were the more added to the Lord, multitudes both of men and women.) 


Act 6:1  And in those days, when the number of the disciples was multiplied, there arose a murmuring of the Grecians against the Hebrews, because their widows were neglected in the daily ministration. 


Act 6:7  And the Word of God increased; and the number of the disciples multiplied in Jerusalem greatly; and a great company of the priests were obedient to the faith. 


Act 4:1  And as they spake unto the people, the priests, and the captain of the temple, and the Sadducees, came upon them, 


Act 4:2 Being grieved that they taught the people, and preached through Jesus the resurrection from the dead. 


Act 4:3 And they laid hands on them, and put them in hold unto the next day: for it was now eventide. 


Act 4:4 Howbeit many of them which heard the word believed; and the number of the men was about five thousand. 


Act 4:17 But that it spread no further among the people, let us straitly threaten them, that they speak henceforth to no man in this name. 


Act 4:18 And they called them, and commanded them not to speak at all nor teach in the name of Jesus. 


Act 4:19 But Peter and John answered and said unto them, Whether it be right in the sight of God to hearken unto you more than unto God, judge ye. 


Act 4:20 For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard. 


Act 4:21 So when they had further threatened them, they let them go, finding nothing how they might punish them, because of the people: for all men glorified God for that which was done. 


Act 4:22 For the man was above forty years old, on whom this miracle of healing was shewed. 


There was no way that the Jews can and could stop the Church, the house of God, the ministry, the furtherance of the Kingdom.


So you see, they started first of all by threatening them.


The devil is a coward. He is a coward. That's why he always uses threats. Threatening saying, “We will arrest you. Oh, we will do this to you.


No way, devil, the problem is not you will arrest. The problem is you are afraid. You are scared.


Act 5:14 And believers were the more added to the Lord, multitudes both of men and women.) 


Act 5:15 Insomuch that they brought forth the sick into the streets, and laid them on beds and couches, that at the least the shadow of Peter passing by might overshadow some of them. 


Act 5:16 There came also a multitude out of the cities round about unto Jerusalem, bringing sick folks, and them which were vexed with unclean spirits: and they were healed every one.


I underline the fact that multitudes” of people were coming from all over to hear the Word of the Lord, to get their healing and everyone got healed.


Praise be the living God. Hallelujah!!!


In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray that we will reach a level where we are making the devil mad.


What will make the devil mad?


Look at what the Bible says in Act 5:17, “Then the high priest rose up, and all they that were with him, (which is the sect of the Sadducees,) and were filled with indignation,...


They were mad because all the attempt to stop the Church was failing. 


No wonder Jesus said in Matthew 16:18, “I will build my Church and The gates of hell shall not prevail”.


What I am talking to you about is not new. It ever happened before.


When you look at the story of Isaac in Genesis 26, he had possession of flocks, of herds and great stores of servants, and the Philistines envied him.


In Verse 15, the well that his father had, his servants digged,and the enemies started stopping them.


In Verse 16, Abimelech said, Go from us, you are mightier than we.


In verse 17, Isaac departed and pitched his tent.


He continued to dig in verse 18. In verse 19, they digged again. In Verse 20, they digged again. In verse 21, they digged again. In verse 22, he reached Rehoboth and then he went to Beersheba. 


And the Lord appeared to him in verse 24. He built an altar in verse 25 and then Abimelech came back to him in verse 26 and Isaac said, Why are you coming to me? You have sent me away.


Abimelech said in verse 28, I see that the Lord is with you. And we say, let there be now an oath.




The devil is a liar. They know that the Lord is with you.


Listen to me. People who fight you, they don't necessarily fight you because you are wrong. They don't necessarily attack you because you are bad.


They don't necessarily attack you because you are doing the wrong thing they say you are doing.


I want to let you know this morning that there are people who are attacking you because you are too mighty to handle. You are so mighty they can't handle you. Because they can't handle you, they are telling you, Go from us You are mightier than we


Are you hearing what I'm talking about? 


Even the devil knows that you are mighty. You better know who you are. The devil does not fight the weak. The devil fights the mighty. He fights the powerful.


Now, look at this.


Genesis 30 verse 43… Jacob, the man increased exceedingly. And had much cattle, and men servants, and men servants, and camels, and asses.


Genesis 31 verse 1 … “ Now, Laban's sons say, Jacob has taken away all that was our father's, and of that which was our father's, hath he gotten this glory


Verse 2 … “And Jacob beheld the countenance of Laban, and behold, it was not toward him as before.


Laban was mad, double mad. Why? Because this man Jacob was prospering, succeeding, growing.


Growth is one of the things that cause the devil to be mad.


We see again with Numbers 22 verse 3, “Moab was so afraid of the people because there were many. And Moab was distressed because of the children of Israel.




I want to let you know. Time has come for us to distress the devil. Time has come for us to scare the camp of the enemy. Time has come for us to move forward to the extent that the devil is afraid of the Church.


My friend, I want to let you know that you should not be scared by the witches and the wizards in your country, in your society, wherever you can be, in your family.


We should not be the ones to be scared because of the devil. We should be the ones to scare the camp of the devil.


Because we are called to go and stress in the camp of the enemy.


How will we go stress in the camp of the enemy?


When we continue what we do. When we continue in the Lord. When we become unstoppable.


You come to attack me, I continue. You come to insult me, I continue. You leave the Church, I continue. You come to Church, I continue.




I pray that God will rise that army in this generation who will scare the devil, who will cause Moab to be afraid, who will distress the devil.


Say with me, …  I will distress the devil in my family. I will distress the devil in my community.


Time has come to distress the witches and the wizards wherever they can be.


Praise be the living God.


No matter the altar they are building in this country, we will distress them.


Praise be the living God.


We serve the living God.




Listen to this declaration from Balak, Curse me this people, for they are too mighty for me. Peradventure I shall prevail that I may smite them, and that I may drive them out of the land. For I want that whom thou blessed is blessed, and he whom thou curses is cursed.


Oh, when somebody curses you, it is not that he wants bad things to happen to you. He is afraid because you are mighty.


You understand? When people are fighting me, I understand it is normal for you to fight me because I am mightier than you.


So you better stop crying when people are attacking you. You better stop crying when people are mad at you. You better stop crying when people are insulting you.


They are afraid of you. Your presence scares them. Your advancement scares them. Your progress scares them. Your elevation scares them. Your movement scares them.


So don't be bothered. Continue your journey. Continue your journey. I say what? Continue your journey.


Praise be the living God.


The Word of life will continue our journey. No matter the matter of the matter of the matter. We will continue our journey.


Are you blessed today? Are you blessed this morning? Praise be a living God. Hallelujah.


Receive strength today to continue your journey. Receive strength today to continue to pray. Receive strength today To continue to go to church.


The devil is a liar. The devil is a liar. He is afraid of your testimony. He is afraid of your breakthrough. He is afraid of what God is about to do in your life. He is afraid. He is scared. 


That's why he is trembling. That's why he is threatening you.


Don't be afraid. Don't ever stop. Hallelujah!


Even if it means I will remain alone, I will continue. Even if it means that everything around me is not standing firm, I will continue.




Father in the name of Jesus and by the power of the blood of the covenant I command the spirit of fear lose your hold on me.


Fear will not help you to advance.


The devil uses fear to stop you, block you from moving forward.


The devil uses fear to intimidate you so that you will not go forward.


But today we pray, let the spirit of fear lose hold on you in the name of Jesus Christ.


I cast out the spirit of fear paralyzing me at the gate of my breakthrough.


Anyone paralyzed by the devil You are receiving the power of the Holy Spirit for you to go forward. Go forward in the name of Jesus.


By the blood of the covenant. Let any of my talent, potential, gift buried because of fear be unburied today and now.


Release the grace. Unbury your talent. Unbury your gift. Unbury your potential. Unbury the blessing. Unbury what you have in the name of Jesus Christ.


We silence today any voice of intimidation, threat, past failure, inferiority complex, low self-esteem, Jezebel, causing fear in my life.


Silence, silence, silence, silence.


Any contrary voice that is intimidating you, threatening you.




Causing you to feel inferior. Receive the grace today.


To continue in the name of Jesus Christ.


Cast out the spirit of fear. Paralyzing me at the gate. In the name of Jesus Christ.


Any door closed. Because of fear. Let it be open now.

I break free from any prison of fear. Today in the name of Jesus Christ.


Oh Jezebel. Jezebel you are a liar. Jezebel, you are defeated today. Jezebel, I defeat you today.


Any arrow of confusion, of isolation, of unsettlement, any arrow shot against me, back to center, back to sender, back to sender.


Jezebel shot an arrow against Elijah and Elijah lost control. He stopped the ministry. He started asking God to die. Any arrow of fear, of confusion,  of intimidation, of unsettlement from Jezebel back to sender. Back to sender, back to sender.


I am getting out of the cage of financial limitation, emotional limitation, spiritual limitation In the name of Jesus,


My life is getting out of financial limitation, emotional limitation, spiritual limitation In the name of Jesus,


My life is getting out of the cage of financial limitation In the name of Jesus,


Every anti-progress altar fashioned against me, I destroy it today with the thunder of God.


Let the thunder fire of God destroy destroy any altar that the devil has set for me to stop my movement, to stop my progress be broken in the name of Jesus! 


In the sight of all, oh let it be known that you are my God ! Oh yes the enemies of Isaac came back and said to him, “ We see that God is with you


Let it be clear that you are my God, that you are my God and I am your servant.


You sent fire to fall down and to confirm that Elijah was a servant of God confirm.


Today that you are indeed my God in the name of Jesus Christ, you are answering me wit fire


Today the Lord is telling somebody go forward, go forward go forward go, forward, go forward, go forward, go forward, go forward, go forward.


Exodus 14: 15, the lord said to Moses, “Why cry you to me? Speak to the children of Israel that they go forward go forward. Go forward.


I see somebody. You are there you are stuck. You can't move. God is telling you to go forward. Hallelujah! 


The Red Sea will open before you when you go forward.


Go forward. Go forward. Go forward. Go forward.


That business must go forward in the name of Jesus Christ.


You are going forward. No matter the fear.


Declare with me this morning. No matter the fear that controls me. I am going forward. The Lord is in control of my feelings and my emotions.


No matter the unstable or uncertain environment in which I am. I am going forward. The Lord is in control.


I will not be intimidated.


You are looking at Goliath. He looks very tall but I am going forward. Goliath will fall before you. Goliath will fall before you.


Don't be intimidated by the Red Sea before me. I am going forward.


The Red Sea will part. I will not be identified with stagnation, setback and delay.


Uncommon advance is my new name. My new name is advancement.


My new name is advancement. No more stagnation. No more setback. No more delay.


I am advancing. I am advancing. I am advancing. I am advancing and the kingdom of darkness is losing power. Losing their hold on me.


I have not received the spirit of fear but the spirit of power, love and self-discipline.


I will press on that I may lay hold of what that which Jesus has laid hold of me by the power of the Holy Ghost.


Every obstacle to my uncommon breakthrough shall be cleared away. Clear the way. Clear the way. Clear the way


Let any obstacle on my way be cleared be cleared, be cleared, cleared.


I will keep the Word of God. I will not deny the name of the Lord.


There is a door open before me. God said to you there is a door before you. Hallelujah! It is not behind you but before you.


There is a door before you my friend.


Pray and pray continuously saying … I will move forward! 

God says, I have set a door opened in front of you. A door is opened in front of you and no man can shut the door God has opened for you.


No devil can shut the door that's open for you.


No man can shut the door that God has opened for you. Your husband cannot shut the door God has opened for you


Declare I am going forward. The door is opened the door is opened. No one will be able to shut it in the name of Jesus Christ


I am going forward as per Exodus 14 15, I am going forward.


No more cry before the Red Sea. No more cry before the walls of Jericho.


No more cry before closed doors.


God said to me in  Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things Through Christ who strengthens me,


I cast out the spirit of fear, hindering me to go forward in life.


God, you empower me with love and self-discipline this season.


My enemies who rise against me are defeated before my face. Deuteronomy 28 verse 7. They will come out against me one way, they will flee before me seven ways.


You are empowering me to press on. I will press on. I will press on. I will press on. I will press on. I will press on. I will press on. I receive the grace to press on.


My friend, receive the grace to press on That you will hold what God has in store for you ahead.


Press on. Don't be depressed but press on.


The only solution to depression is to press on. The only solution to depression is to press on.




Go forward. Forget the past. Press toward the goal. As it is written, I forget the things which are behind. I reach forward those things which are ahead.


I receive the grace to run tirelessly toward the goal set in front of me.


I will not end up as a loser. I will win the prize.


Let every obstacle to my breakthrough be clear today.


The Egyptians I see today, I will see them no more.


You are empowering me to enter the door you have already opened for me.




Despite the red sea, despite the obstacles, whether spiritual, emotional, material, human, administrative, along my way,


I will never go backward. I will never experience any setback in my life.


Can you declare that this morning? I will never experience setback in my life. Setback is not my portion. Setback is not my portion. Setback is not my portion. Going forward is my portion.


No matter the obstacles I will go forward. I will go forward no matter the fear. I will go forward. 


The Lord is with me. No matter the unstable and shaking environment, I will go forward. Hallelujah ! I will not be intimidated. Hallelujah!


Glory be to God. Jesus is Lord. Jesus is King. Forever and evermore. Hallelujah.


Today that is the day. That door for that job is open today. The door for that business is open today.


You will enter where the devil says that you won’t,


Receive the grace of unstoppability in the name of the Lord.


No devil will stop you anymore. In Jesus precious, glorious and powerful name we have prayed.


The same way the church was moving forward, This church will move forward. We don't have any other option than to go forward.


Money will never stop us. Human beings will never stop us. Devil and demons will never stop us. Because Jesus is with us. Hallelujah In Jesus' name, amen and amen.


Wow, what a beautiful message, isn't it?


God bless you. I send my greetings to my people in Botswana who contacted us.


You are winners. You will testify. God will visit you. In Jesus' name, all the greetings to Botswana. I believe we will meet one day as the Lord allows. In Jesus name.


Amen and Amen. Have a glorious day. Hallelujah.


I say have a glorious day. The best day you have ever lived in your life.


Let it be today. I bless you with success and prosperity in the name of Jesus. No devil will stop you anymore.


I bless you with advancement in the name of the Lord.


Go ahead and prosper in Jesus' name. You will return with a testimony in the name of Jesus Christ.



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