Wednesday 6 December 2023

Relationship and emotional exhaustion... Self Worth is not pride. It is power | Wednesday 06-12-2003



Praise the Lord Word Of Life and welcome to the morning altar of prayer. Hallelujah. Glory be to God. We are starting a three days fasting today. 

Which is also the last ah fasting series of the year twenty twenty-three. 


Prepare your hearts before the Lord and may God minister to you in the name of Jesus Christ.  


Now pray where you are and tell God I'm ready to receive the Word from you this day. Talk to me oh Lord minister to me in the name of the Lord.  


Father thank you. We worship you. We adore you. We give you the glory. We give you the honor, we give you the adoration. Forever and ever more in Jesus precious name we have all prayed. And we say Amen. And amen. Glory be to God.  

We are still ah meditating on emotional exhaustion in relationship. 




So far we have seen a couple of causes of emotional exhaustion. We will continue today but just a reminder for you and I this morning is that life comes together with battles. Life comes together with challenges. That's one you should never forget. 


And God in his wisdom provides to us people will come our way in order to help us fight, confront the challenges of life. That is why provide to us people the way he did for David.  


In first Chronicles chapter twelve verse one the bible says, "now these are the they that came to David to Ziglag while he had kept himself close because of Saul the son of Kish. And they were among the mighty men us of the war, helpers of the war, helpers of the war. We need such people in our lives who will stand by us as helpers of the war." 


Now these are they that came to David to Ziglag while he yet kept himself closed because of Saul the son of Kish.  




There is a story behind Ziglag. Ziglag is a place where David went to hide himself from the attacks of this man called Saul. Ziglag is a place of refuge. 

Where David went. When he was emotionally exhausted.  


You know sometime we can find ourselves in a place where the battle has taken too long. Not every battle is the same. Not every battle has the same length. 


In first Samuel twenty-seven, David said in his heart, I shall now perish one day by the hand of Saul. There is nothing better for me than that I should speedily escape into the land of the Philistines and Saul shall despair of me to seek me anymore in any coast of Israel so shall I escape out of his hand.  

Verse two, and David arose and passed over with the 600 men that were with him unto Akish the son of Meoch king of Gath.  


You see Ziglag? Here we see a man David who is exhausted. He's tired. He's definitely tired. Day after day. Night after night. Saul is after him. Saul is attacking him. Saul is pursuing him. Saul wants to kill him. Saul want to destroy him. Saul wants to make sure that David does not become the king he was born to become. He tried. He fought. He resisted but he was tired. 


Maybe somebody is there listening to me, I pray that God will help you from the assaults of the enemy. Of the Philistines.  


David was in a very bad place. He wanted to get some relief. From the battle he was going on. There is no way that you can go in Ziglag and find rest. 


Because remember in first Samuel chapter thirty the Bible says that the Amalekites came and destroyed everything. And again David found himself in cry in tears because he went to the wrong place. 


God will send to you destiny helpers. The helpers of war. Who will be there with you.  




I continue with the causes of emotional exhaustion.  


Today I want to tell you the other cause, "I'm exhausted from feeling unimportant and insignificant in our relationship". 


That is the next reason why somebody can feel exhausted. You know everybody No matter who they are. Because of the image of God in their lives. Are important. 


But I just want you to know Not everybody. Will see how important you are. 

Not everybody will see how significant you are. And I want to tell somebody who is in that place this morning that you are valuable. You are important. 

You are significant. But not everybody will be able to to appreciate it.  


A bottle of juice can cost you five Kenya shillings in a rural place. When you move from the rural place to the urban place the same bottle. Will cost you 10 times. It can go to fifty. Kenya shillings. But when you go with the same bottle to upper places this same bottle worth five bob of five shillings in a rural place in some upper places the same will cost you times hundred or above. So the problem is not the bottle. The problem is the place.  


If you are considered unimportant, if you are considered as insignificant, the meaning of it can be probably that you are in the wrong place. Or probably you are with the wrong people. As a matter of fact you need wisdom from above. 


To know how to handle such a situation, you need God to lead you to a place where you will be more valued than where you are. Move to people who will value you more than those ones who don't value you.  


Listen to me Jesus himself said when you go into a place and they don't receive you, walk out of this place. Jesus says so. Wipe the dust from your foot and go elsewhere.  


But don't go by yourself. Let God lead you. And again don't allow your life to be defined by the opinion of people. You need to come to a place where you know yourself. You need to know your self worth. And I will tell you the truth. You don't need any validation from anybody for your self worth. 


You need to know that you are valuable. I am valuable. I am important. I am significant. If in a place people don't see, don't value, don't appreciate it is up to you to know your worth. 


May I tell somebody today if I was in church I could have told you tell your neighbor know your worth. 


People might despise you or reject you. That is not the real problem. Know your worth. The real problem is when you despise yourself, when you reject yourself.  




I want to tell somebody know your worth. Know your worth. Know your worth. Know your worth. Know your worth. Know worth. Know your worth. 


The brothers of Joseph sold him cheap. Because they did not see his worth. But he went as a slave. And it happened that he became. The number two important guy in the land. Know your worth. Know your worth. Know your worth. 


Never ever sell yourself so cheaply. 


Know your worth. It is not pride, it is self awareness. Know your worth. 


Don't waste your time. In whose eyes you look unimportant and insignificant.  

The bible says in Mark chapter six verse five to six that Jesus went into his town, homeland. The Bible says that he could there do no miracle. He could do no miracle. Why? Because he was overlooked. 


That is why I want to talk about the next point that can cause somebody to be tired. It is when you are overlooked and when you are taken for granted in a relationship.  


A relationship where you are overlooked, where you are taken for granted will not be a blessing. It can't bless you.  


That's why I want to tell somebody this morning. Don't take things for granted. Don't take things for granted. Don't take things for granted. Don't take people for granted. I always remember my mentor always says if you take God for granted you will be grounded. 


Don't take things and don't take people for granted. And don't waste your time where you are taken for granted. Don't waste your time there. Don't waste your time where you are taken for granted. Don't waste your time where you are taken for granted. 


That is why today I just want you to take note. The solution to emotional is to know your worth. Know your worth. Know how valuable you are. Know your worth. And don't allow anybody to take you for granted. 


Paul says to Timothy, "Let no man despise your youth". Don't allow people to despise you. I say don't. And again I add don't allow anybody to despise you.  

That is what causes emotional exhaustion. And also don't be led by how you feel.  


Because when somebody say I feel unimportant or I feel insignificant. That feeling is what is causing exhaustion. And I want to let you know that feelings are feelings. They are not fact. You can feel a certain way. You can feel insignificant. You can feel unimportant. 


Or let me say you can be in a relationship where somebody makes you feel unimportant. Make you feel insignificant. But you don't need to validate that. It is your responsibility not to allow it. It is your responsibility to push that agenda away because it is an agenda to make you feel worthless. To make you feel unimportant. Because the purpose at the end of the day is to pull you down. 


And remember that nobody can trample anything unless it pulls it down, unless he throws it on the floor. 


Get out of the floor this morning. Know your worth. I say know your worth. I say know your worth. I was saying know worth. Don't be taken for granted. Know your worth. Know how valuable you are. Know how important you are.  


And don't waste your time where nobody sees how beautiful you are, how great you are, how handsome you are, how important you are, don't waste your time.  

In first Samuel chapter thirty, David went to Ziglag Because Saul was pushing him away. Saul was showing how unimportant he was. He was treating him like a dog. It has affected David so deeply. That is why he went to Ziglag.  






Don't go to Ziglag. I wish I would tell you tell your neighbor if you are have a neighbor there. Don't go to Ziglag. You don't need to go to Ziglag for validation. Because Ziglag is a place where you are going because you are looking for validation and acceptance. 


But Ziglag is not the right place. Ziglag are not the right people. Because sometime we go to Ziglag because we want validation. 


Sometime we go to Ziglag because we are rejected. 


David was rejected in his own land. And when he went to Ziglag, they accepted him. He found a place. But it was a trap. And I want you to know that Ziglag is a trap. Because you can be emotionally exhausted and then you find yourself again in an emotional trap. He was running away from Saul, and then went again to find refuge under Ziglag. 


At Ziglag, you will find that you are getting more problem than before. 


Be led by God. Don't be led by yourself. You can be in a place where you are depreciated. You can be in a place where you are not valued. You can be in a place where you are not accepted. You can be in a place where you are not celebrated, but don't move on your own. Don't move by yourself. Let God lead you. Let God lead you. Don't be led by yourself. Let God lead you. That was the mistake of David. He was led by himself. He went on his own. And people followed him and finally he was in trouble. 


I understand that he was so exhausted that's why he went to Ziglag. 


Maybe somebody listening to me this morning, you are in that place called Ziglag where you are being granted validation, acceptance but it can be a trap. It can be a trap. And indeed Ziglag was a trap for David.  




But I like in first Samuel chapter thirty. Finally David encouraged himself. I like that. I like that he encouraged himself.  


Friends sometimes, you don't need people to encourage you. Encourage yourself. 


Sometimes, you don't need people to validate you. Validate yourself. Sometimes, you don't need somebody to tell you how handsome you are. Say it to yourself. Sometimes, you don't need anybody to appreciate you. Appreciate yourself. 


Because the reason why we get emotionally exhausted is because we are waiting for people to encourage us. We are waiting for people to appreciate us. We are waiting for people to say how handsome we are. We are waiting for people to tell us how ah great we are.  


And I pray for somebody this morning in the name of Jesus don't wait for others to encourage you. Encourage yourself. Encourage yourself. And that is now where David understood. David understood. If you want to be free from emotional exhaustion. Encourage yourself. Encourage yourself. Encourage yourself. If nobody encourages you. Encourage yourself. 


That's why David could say in Psalm chapter 139:14, "I know that I am beautiful and wonderfully made".  


Encourage yourself. Sometimes, you will be surrounded with naysayers. You will be surrounded with discouragers. You will be surrounded with people who don't believe in your dream but encourage yourself. Encourage yourself my friend. Know your worth. Know how valuable you are. Encourage yourself. I say encourage yourself. 


I was saying encourage yourself. Bartimaeus was in his time. It was his season to enter, to step into his miracle, his blessing. People were discouraging him but he encouraged himself. 


Sometimes what you need is just to say to yourself like this woman who was going to Jesus saying to herself, "If I can touch the garment of the Lord I will be healed". Because it was not possible for her according to the law to come closer to Jesus. But she encouraged herself.  


Somebody you are down. You are exhausted. You are emotionally down. Your husband is pulling you down. Your wife is pulling you down. Your boss is pulling you down. Your children are pulling you down. People around you are pulling you down. I want to encourage you this morning. Encourage yourself. 


Say to yourself, I will make it. Say to yourself it will be okay with me. Say to yourself, I will make it in my life. Say to yourself even if I remain alone. I will make it. I will make it. The Lord will be on my side. The Lord is on my side.  


If I could not encourage myself, I could have never been where I am. I was surrounded with discouragers in my life. But I stood my ground. I knew my worth. I know my worth. I know am valuable. I know what I carry. I don't allow anybody to despise me to belittle me. That is the source of my strength.  


I know I am smart. I know I am clever. I am intelligent. I have the wisdom of God. I have the calling of God. I have the anointing of God. I have the life of God. I have the presence of God. I have the presence of angels. I have the power God. I have the anointing. I am loved by God. I am accepted in Christ. 




Lift your voice where you are. 

Lift your voice where you are. 

If you are the one I'm talking to this morning just lift your voice where you are. 

Confess who you are. 

Confess your worth. 

Confess your worth. 

Confess your worth.  

I say confess your worth. 



If you have not given your life to Christ today you can give your life to Christ in the name of Jesus. You can tell Jesus, Come in my heart. I want to receive you as my Lord and my saviour. Turn my life around and make me a new creature in you in the name of Jesus Christ.  


Lift your voice where you are and tell God, blessed be your name. Oh glory to God.  

Lift your voice. Lift your voice. Lift your voice.  

Declare I am blessed in Christ. Declare I am accepted in Christ. Declare I am beautiful in Christ. Declare I am saved. I am forgiven. I am a new creature. Declare before the Lord this morning that my life will never be the same again. 


Hallelujah. Hallelujah.  


I am important. Declare before the Lord I am valuable. Declare before the Lord I am valuable. In the name of Jesus Christ. Hallelujah. Are you struggling with rejection? Declare before the Lord I am valuable. Hallelujah. 


I pray that God will restore you the knowledge of you. God may God may may God restore the value, the worth, the awareness of your worth, in the name of Jesus the Christ, the Son of the Living God.  


I pray that you receive the grace to encourage yourself.  


If nobody encourages you, do it yourself. If nobody is ah ah strengthening you, do it yourself my friend. Do it self. If you wait, you will be tired. 


May God bless you. May God do you good.  


We are fasting today evening we are meeting for the closing. 


Please take advantage that in the last fasting of the year. The corporate fasting of course if you want to fast alone you can do it. It is okay with you. But stay in the presence of the Lord. 


In the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit Let's meet on Sunday. God has something in store for you. In Jesus name, amen and amen. 

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