Tuesday 8 August 2023




I welcome you to the Kingdom Bible study this beautiful day.

We thank God for this Sunday service. It was a great Service in the presence of the Lord.

This time oh God we want to listen to your word and your voice. Minister to us, Lord, we are ready to receive instruction, direction from your Word that will change our lives. We give you the Praise. We give you the Glory. We give you the Honour. We give you the Adoration. In the name of Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God we have prayed. And we all say amen and amen.

Well ! This week the topic I will share with you is in Psalm 124:7.

The Bible says, “Our soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers, the snare is broken and we are escaped”.

Today is part one and we will continue until Friday and Sunday is our Sunday of Escape Service.


I want you to believe and to know that escape is your birthright in Christ. Escape is for you who are born again. But there is a way to escape. What is that way?

I welcome you the Kingdom Bible Study this week. And on Sunday we are coming together. The Lord will show us the way to escape whatever is happening in the world.

Calamities, catastrophes are going on in the world. The devil is releasing his last missile to destroy humanity, to destroy lives, to destroy families, to destroy everything around. But in the plan of God he has a way of escape for us who are in Christ.


There was a calamity in the world and the COVID-19 which have has killed many. But you know that you know in Christ in this generation for those who have the revelation the understanding of the covenant we have escaped.

You will escape in the name of Jesus Christ.

Welcome to this Kingdom Bible study and also welcome to the way of escape Sunday service. It will be just awesome. So get ready for it. We will teach you this week from Monday to Friday and the climax will be on Sunday the way of escape Sunday service. In Jesus name, amen and amen.

Glory be to God come expecting that there is a touch and encounter with the Word of God that will make the reality of escape in your life in Jesus precious name.


Well again this morning there are some pictures which I want you to have in mind and it will help you also to understand when we talk about escape what does it mean. The first picture I want you to have in mind is the picture of new birth. Okay.

Escape is your birthright in Christ. It is in the package of salvation.

God has ordained as far as your salvation is concerned you do not be a victim of the enemy.

The snare is broken And we have escaped. Any snare of the enemy : The snare of poverty in your family, The snare of celibacy in your family, The snare of pornography, The snare of sickness and disease, The snare of stagnation.

I just don't know which snare is holding people in your family. I want to announce to you you will escape. In fact you have already escaped. The snare is broken and we have escaped.

I see someone escaping in Jesus name.

God has not ordained you to suffer what others are suffering. Have it in mind. That's the picture of new birth. It is part of your birthright in Christ.

God has not ordained you to be the prey of the enemy. Remember the Bible says in first Peter 5:8, the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom whom he may devour

But I pray you will not be devoured in Jesus name. He has ordained you to be supernaturally delivered from any danger from the coven of wickedness. Hallelujah.

Salvation should not be just a slogan saying, “I am born again”. No. It is not a song. It's not a slogan. It's a reality. And you need to know what is inside that reality.

In 1 Co 10:13,  Paul says, “There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.

I want to announce to you that there is a way of escape : from that situation, from that blockage the enemy has put on your way.

In fact, when we talk about salvation, salvation means to escape. To be saved means to escape.

What is to escape? To escape is to flee from, to avoid, to obtain security from, to pass without harm, to escape danger.





You have escaped from what?

A) Escaped from condemnation

So, when you are saved, put it in mind it is part of your salvation. When you are saved, you have escaped from condemnation.

What is condemning you?

In Romans chapter eight verse one, Paul says, “There is no more condemnation for those who are in Christ because the law of the spirit the law of the Spirit has delivered you from the law of death”.

I don't know what is condemning others. I don't know what is condemning your family. I don't know what is condemning your siblings where you are. I announce to you you will escape in name.

You have escaped from what?

B) Escaped from the coming judgement.

In Matthew 25:41, the Bible says that hell has been created for the devil and his angels. So those who will go to hell, it will be on their own volition, by their own will.

But I believe that our children will be born again. And you, who have not yet given your life to Christ, it's an invitation this week for you to give your life to Christ for you to escape the divine judgement that is coming. For you to escape from hell, from destruction.

The devil is a destroyer as it is written in John 10:10, “The devil comes only but to kill, to destroy and to steal”. But you will escape in Jesus name.





To escape from what?

C) To escape from eternal damnation. 


In John 10:10 still, Jesus said, “I have come that my sheep will have life and life in abundance”.

So, have it in mind that escape is your birthright in Christ.

In Hebrew 2:3, the Bible says, “How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him”.

So, you see? How shall we escape if we neglect the salvation? Salvation is escape.

Receive the grace to take your salvation seriously. There are many who take salvation for granted.

Did you have that picture? It's a picture of new birth. A Picture of birthright. You don’t fight for it. It is included in your salvation .


The second picture is the picture of purpose. Why should you escape? It will help you. It will change your mind. It will change your whole perspective of life.

Job 1:14  And there came a messenger unto Job, and said, The oxen were plowing, and the asses feeding beside them: 

Job 1:15  And the Sabeans fell upon them, and took them away; yea, they have slain the servants with the edge of the sword; and I only am escaped alone to tell thee.

Job 1:16  While he was yet speaking, there came also another, and said, The fire of God is fallen from heaven, and hath burned up the sheep, and the servants, and consumed them; and I only am escaped alone to tell thee. 

Job 1:17  While he was yet speaking, there came also another, and said, The Chaldeans made out three bands, and fell upon the camels, and have carried them away, yea, and slain the servants with the edge of the sword; and I only am escaped alone to tell thee. 

Job 1:18 While he was yet speaking, there came also another, and said, Thy sons and thy daughters were eating and drinking wine in their eldest brother's house: 

Job 1:19  And, behold, there came a great wind from the wilderness, and smote the four corners of the house, and it fell upon the young men, and they are dead; and I only am escaped alone to tell thee. 


The next picture is the picture of the hedge. Spiritual hedge is real. There is a hedge of protection around those who belong to God.

We live in a wicked world.

In Psalm seventy-four verse twenty, the bible says, “Take heed (have respect) of the covenant because the dark places of the world are full of the habitation of cruelty”.

We live in a cruel world.

In First John 5:19, the Bible  says that the whole world lies in wickedness.

I pray for you …


Remain covered and the hedge of the almighty. In Zechariah chapter two verse five, God says, I will be a wall of fire around you”.

I declare over you there is a wall of fire around you. I say there is a wall of fire around you a wall of fire. The Lord himself is a wall of fire.

Anyone who will dare to come close to you, I declare and I decree will be burnt by the fire of the Lord. Praise be living God. Anyone who will dare to come close to our children will be burnt.

Brethren sons and daughters, be serious with your salvation. Be serious. How shall we escape if we neglect? Which simply means if you are negligent you will not escape. I'm telling you the truth.

30 minutes only for you to come in the presence of the Lord sitting and listening to this Word, taking note, praying will not destroy your life. It will build your life.

There is a hedge of protection. But the edge of protection is for those who are serious with God.

Come this Sunday of Escape. Invite somebody and say you know what? There is a way of escape. Come in Church.

The wall of protection. It is the Lord. Your money will not help you. I'm telling you the truth.

People think that when they have money they are safe. There is no safety in money. Your job is not safe. You should know without the Lord. (Psalm one twenty seven verse one) 

Your money is not safe in the bank. The bank is not a safety. The only safety is the Lord.

In Job 1:10, the devil tells the Lord, “I want to strike that man. You are the one protecting him. You have built a hedge around him and I can't touch him”.

But Job opened a door. The door that Job opened was called, fear.

Fear is an entry point of the devil in the life of individuals.

The Lord is the hedge of protection around us.

The text we have just read shows how when the hedge was taken away, the Sabeans, the Chaldeans, all the the Amalekites and other enemies around there came to destroy everything. I said everything gone (children, houses, properties,cars, camels, asses…).

The Lord is our wall around us.


Isaac was tormented by the people around him who were very much disturbing him.

In Genesis twenty six, the bible says that he built an altar and when he built a altar, the attacks of the enemy against him stopped.

Those who chased him away came back to tell him, “We are sorry for what we did to you. We want to make a covenant with you. We see that the Lord is with you.?”

Why? Because there was an altar.

Please, don’t joke with spiritual matters.


In Ephesians 6:12, Paul talks the shield of faith to stop all the fiery darts of the enemy. Take your faith seriously.

All kind of arrows that the devil will send against you, you can be able to stop those arrows because of the shield of faith.


We have angels who are also our hedge, our wall.

The Bible says in second kings chapter six that there was an army who came to arrest the man of God the eh servant of Elijah, Elijah panicked and he was like, What are we doing?

But the man of God said, Relax, there is a hedge of fire around us. There are angels who are around us who are protecting us.

After saying so, he prayed for his servant and said, God, open the eyes of this man so that he will know that we are not alone. (paraphrased)

And I want you to know this morning that we are alone, There are angels surrounding you. There are angels surrounding your business. There are angels surrounding your work. There are angels surrounding our children. There are angels surrounding this country. There are angels surrounding the office where you are. There are angels surrounding. 

That's why I want you to have in mind the reality of the hedge of protection.

But the Bible says in Ecclesiastes chapter ten verse eight, Whoever breaks the wall will be beaten by the snake.

So, please I beg you by the mercy of God, don't break the wall.


And let me add to you something else. You should know that the man of God provided for you is the wall for your life to protect you to preserve you.

In 1st Samuel chapter 17:34-35, David the man of God said, When the lion or the bear will come to take one sheep, I arise, I smite that lion and he goes where he belongs. If he takes one sheep I smite the lion and rescue my sheep. (paraphrased)

Who is your shepherd? Who is your pastor? Where do you belong to? As far as your salvation is concerned.




Another thing to consider about the hedge is covenant practices.


For example, tithing is a wall around you. God says, “I will rebuke the devourers who will not come to destroy your finances. It is a wall.

Psalm chapter twenty ah verse three. The Bible says, “Let God send you help in time of trouble. May He remember your offering.


Something else. The blood of Jesus is a hedge for us.

In Revelation chapter number twelve verse 11, the Bible says, They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb”.

In Exodus 12:23, God says, “I will see the blood and I will pass over.

Anything the devil is planning or plotting against you, by the power of the blood, it will pass over you. Death will pass over you. Sickness will pass over you. Disease will pass over you.

Anything the devil is plotting won't touch you. I say it won't touch you.


The household of faith is also a hedge of protection for you.

It is written, “How shall we escape if we neglect salvation??” 

Hebrews 10:25 talks about those who don't take seriously the gathering of the saints.

All the above are the hedges that God has ordained for your protection.

To have friends, to have people around you is a wall of protection for you.

Look at the animal world. Look at the lion. When the lion sees animals gathered in group, they won't do anything. The first thing they will do is to scatter. Then, they can devour.

Do you understand that your brethren, your fellow brethren in Christ, in Church, your sister, your brother in Christ, gathering with them on Sunday, it is protecting you?

And there are people who are not smart enough. They say, “No. I don't want to go to church. It is better for me to remain alone.

Alone is dangerous. That is where you will be devoured by the enemy.

God has ordained the gathering of the saints as a mean for us to be protected. It's a hedge of protection around us. Aaron and Hur holding the hand of Moses, together they were strong. Two are better than one.

In Ecclesiastes Chapter Four Verse Nine, it is written, “If one falls, the other will lift him up. Two they can resist the enemy”. (Paraphrased).

Being together in fellowship with people of faith who can lift you up, build you up, stand with you and support you in your walk with God is a wall of protection.

Don't miss Church. Don't miss the gathering of the saints. 

Word Of Life, we have Saturday where we meet to pray for the Church. The links are there. There are people who are just looking at it, they just pass by.

One day you need it. I'm telling you. I'm a prophet. One day you will need it. I pray it will not be late.

Take advantage of every opportunity of gathering with others. It is your protection. The devil wants to isolate you to destroy you. You better know.

You don't need the things that you put around your waist there. It is a waste. That thing you put under your tongue will not protect you. That covenant you are signing with people will not help you.


The purpose behind you escaping is simple to witness

I like what those men were saying… I only am escaped alone to tell thee … (Job 1:14-19).

Why were those individuals escaping? To go and tell Job what happened.

Why should God God keep you alive? Why? To witness.

But there is a story of this man called Paul. They were 42 wicked people who vowed that they will not eat nor drink until they have killed Paul.

He escaped from whatever they were planning and plotting against him. And do you know the reason? 

In Acts 23:11, God said to him, “Be of good cheer, Paul, for as thou hast testified of me in Jerusalem, so must thou bear witness also at Rome? 

You will escape to witness.

In fact, witnessing is the covenant platform of escape.

Do you know how many demons want to attack me for me to be sick?

I escape sickness because I have a testimony to tell.

You will escape poverty because of testimony to tell that God is the provider.

Why should God keep you? Why should God protect your money? Your house? Your car? There is no other purpose. The purpose is to go to tell that Jesus is Lord. Witness to others that God loves you.

God kept Paul for a very clear purpose … to witness...

You don't need to be a pastor like me to to witness.

What are you doing with your platform? Your WhatsApp? Your Facebook? Nothing.

Listen and let me show something

The Bible says, “There came a messenger unto Job and said

Those men escaped because they were messengers. The plan of escape for God is activated for the messenger.

Remember that the children of Job were only eating, drinking and partying. That was their lifestyle.

Bring children in church. Are you hearing me? They are not safe anywhere if not in God.

These men escaped because they had/carried a message.

You will testify. I say you will escape to testify. David says in Psalm 118:17, I will not die. I will live to proclaim/declare the works of the Lord.

I will live to share/serve. That is why you will escape to serve : preaching, sharing the Word with others, serving the king … That is the covenant platform for escape. Nothing else.

 I alone am escaped alone…


Salvation is personal. You who are following others there blindly, know that salvation is personal. Eternal life is personal.

 I alone am escaped alone…

I pray for you to have a personal covenant with God. 

In Luke 17:34, it is written, “Two will be on the same bed, one shall be taken, and the other shall be left”.

I want to announce to you that in your family what affects others will not affect you.

I want to announce to you what is affecting the world will not affect you.

I want to announce to you that what is destroying others will not destroy you.

I want to announce to you what is pulling others down will not pull you down.

I want to announce to you that the celibacy in the family that is affecting everybody will be minus you.

I want to announce to you that the power of witchcraft disturbing everybody in the family, it will be minus you in the name of Jesus Christ the Son of God.

 I alone am escaped alone…

My friend, I have a individualistic perspective of life. I don't do because somebody is doing their. No. It is individual. It is personal. Waking up early in the morning at 3 am, working, praying, seeking the face of God, coming for the Bible Study, it is personal.







We can't do anything without you oh Lord

Come and deliver me, come and let the plan of escape work in my life.

You want a Church? The word of life is a place where the king is praised and kings are raised.

On Sunday we have the Sunday of escape Sunday Service. please purpose to come because there is a plan for escape that God has in store for you

You need to know it and it will work in your life in Jesus precious name.

Pray and tell God Lord thank you for the salvation of my soul.

Thank you for the deliverance of my soul.

Thank you Jesus for the blood of escape for me.

Thank you for the hedge around me : The hedge of the blood, the hedge of the covenant practices, the hedge of my brothers and sisters in Christ, the hedge of my spiritual authority, the hedge  of the church, the hedge of the altar,

Lord, Thank you for the forgiveness of my sins.

Lord, I pray today help me to be serious with my salvation. Help me to not neglect my salvation nor neglect my salvation in the name of Jesus Christ the son of the living God.

Father, thank you because of the covenant that is around me

Thank you Lord because the wickedness of the wicked will not destroy me nor touch my life in the name of Jesus Christ.

Thank you to help me oh God to take responsibility, to be personal in my approach of the things of the Kingdom in the name of Jesus Christ.

Thank you for this coming Sunday. The Sunday of escape, the way of escape.

Thank you Lord for going ahead of us. Thank you for drawing people from all over Nairobi and the environs to come to church to seek the face of God.

Thank you Lord for this country will also escape from whatever the devil is plotting to destroy oh God.

Thank you almighty God. We give you the glory. We give you the honour. We give you the adoration. In the name of Jesus.

We take authority against the plan of the enemy against the country. We take authority against the plan of the enemy, against my family, against my children, against my spouse, against the work of my hand.

In the name of Jesus, I am covered. I say I am covered. I'm protected. There's a head around me. And it will not be broken in the name of Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God. We have prayed.

Bless the day oh God. Go ahead of us and let your protection continue to be with us wherever we go. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. We have prayed and we all say amen.

What a beautiful way of starting the day.

Go ahead. Go in peace. Succeed. Be covered. Remain under the covenant with God and may God continue to be with you in the name of Jesus In Jesus precious name amen.



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