Sunday 6 August 2023




God is faithful. Can we welcome your neighbor on my behalf in the month of August? Tell him happy New Month of August. In the name of Jesus Christ.


Hallelujah. Glory be to God. Thank you Jesus.

Well. The announcement. You know? The Kingdom Bible study continues.

Open your Bible in Psalm 124:7, “The snare is broken and we are escaped”.

Say with me … “The snare is broken and we are escaped”.

Now, God told me to tell you this week you will escape. From whichever snare the enemy can put on your way , you will escape.

Do you know why you will escape? Because the Lord is with you.

Read Psalm 124. It is powerful. I mean the Bible says, if it has not been the Lord on our side… men could have eaten us raw.

But because the Lord is on our side, they will put snares, but you will escape.

Say with me I will escape.

Say as you mean it … I will escape…

This week, I don't know but I wish you could see what God showed me. God showed you people escaping.

They will put a trap on you, but you will escape. They will  create problem to you you, but you will escape. Ah ! It will happen this week. Amen. In Jesus Name !

So the Kingdom Bible Study this week will be awesome. It's so loaded in message, revelation and I believe it will help you if you are interested anyway.

So. that's what we will be talking about this week. So, Next Sunday will be our covenant day of escape. Can you clap for the Lord because Next Sunday is a Sunday of the way of escape.

You know? Paul says in 1 Corinthians 10:13, “… God is faithful … God will make a way of escape

Now tell your neighbor … There is a way of escape...

Now, I don't care where you are. I don't care where you have been. I don't know what is happening in your life. There is a way of escape.

I don't know how you will escape but my bible says you will escape.

It's amazing because David was surrounded by Saul. Saul wanted David badly. They surrounded him to catch him.

Saul was at Two minutes even one minute to catch David, but as he was about to catch him, there was a news that the Philistines were attacking the land. So, Saul had to leave him. That is how David escaped.

God has strange ways of making you escape. And he will use one of them.

Now, next Sunday, come with understanding, it is the way of escape service.

Those are the announcements. Praise God.

Well, we thank God for that and we bless His Holy name.

So, let us fast this week on Wednesday from morning to evening. At the end, we will close with the teaching. I believe that God is faithful and he will bless you. 


Well we go to the teaching of today you know today is the glory of glory Sunday service. Where are we picking our teaching from?

Our teaching is from 2 Corinthians 3:18. If you have your Bible you can open it.

Can we read together?

Those who are online I believe you have ah the privilege to see it on the screen.

Well… So, all of us with unveiled face, we behold the glory of God and we are transformed by what? From glory to glory by the Spirit of the Lord.

Well, please focus on that Scripture that is where my whole teaching will come from.

For the sake of understanding, we have three parts of my teaching today.

The part number one is the face.

The second part will be the veil.

The third part will be behold. To behold.

Those are the three parts of the message of today. Can you repeat together? The face. The veil and to behold.


Let's go to the first part of the teaching of today. I will talk about the face.

What is the face?

The face is the most prominent part of human beings. This is the part that people see before they see any other part of your body.

I have come to understand because we are still in the face



I have come to understand that according to scriptures the face can be the reflection of the heart. The face can reflect what is going on in the heart.

1- PROVERBS 15:13

When you read Proverbs 15:13, the Bible says … “A happy heart makes the face to shine”. A happy heart makes the face to shine.

And you will agree with me that when your heart is happy it reflects on your face. Isn't it? Yes. So that is amazing to know.


That is why when you go to Nehemiah chapter two verse two, the Bible talks about Nehemiah who was in front of the king and the King saw him and asked him, “What is going on? Why is your face sad?”

You see that? Because he was sad in his heart, the face reflected sadness isn't it?

3- GENESIS 31:2

So when you go to Genesis chapter thirty one verse two, that is a an amazing Scripture because Jacob said, “I noticed that the face of your father has changed toward me.”

And you will agree with me that when you want to keep somebody off, you change your face. Am I right? Because you know when you smile, you attract. When you are serious you keep him far far from you.

And you can also know that somebody has stopped being friendly with you by his face. Am I right? Yes.

You know like my children when they do funny things and when they come in the office I don't smile. I have a serious face. It should show them that I'm not happy.

So here in verse thirty in chapter thirty one verse two Jacob noticed that, “The face of this man has changed toward me”.

Now, let let me tell you my friends we cannot fake. We cannot fake things. When the heart is not there, the heart is not there. Are you with me?

So the heart towards somebody can change. And you will notice it also by the way he is looking at you has changed. Good.

So, Laban was unhappy because he saw that Jacob became so wealthy, he became so prosperous, things were working so well with him and immediately his face changed. He could not smile. He stopped being friendly.

And you know that there are some unfriendly faces. Am I right? There are some unfriendly faces.

Now receive the grace of having friendly face. 

Mostly when you are in the customer care or you are a steward or you are in praise standing here singing with an unfriendly face, even God will not answer you. Praise be the living God.

Your face matters. Today we we are studying the face (the faciology). I don't know if it exists… The study of the face.

4- 1 Samuel 1:18

Now, when you go to first Samuel chapter one verse eighteen, that is a very beautiful scripture talking about Hannah. The bible says that her countenance was no more sad. Amen.

Because she had an encounter with the Lord.

I don't know what is happening in your heart today. God tells me to tell you he will settle your heart. Amen. He will settle your heart. He will settle your heart. He will settle your heart. He will settle your heart. He will settle your heart. Any sadness must leave you from now.

And you know? When sadness left her, barrenness left her at the same time.

Do you know why sometime we are not fruitful? Because we are not happy. Because our heart is full of sadness.

You know? There's a Scripture I always like which says,  “… the fig tree is not blossoming because joy has left the heart of the people”.

Please, my friend, we have few years remaining on the earth. Don't waste it being sad over people. Amen. Don't waste it. Don't waste your time. Don't waste your day. Not being happy, not being joyful.

Now, the one who can remove my joy has not yet been born. Yes you should know that. You should know that nobody can take away my joy because, you know, I need it for my life.

And the Bible says in Proverbs fifteen verse thirteen, “A happy heart makes a joyful face”. 

Praise be the living God. I have come from my research to understand that happiness and joy in the heart prolongs life.

You will live longer when you are more joyful, when you are more happy and so forth. Are we together?

Now that is something I wanted you to know that your face can reflect / can be the reflection of what is going on in our heart.

But it is not the whole truth. That is just part of the truth.


The other truth I want to talk to you about is that a good looking face can hide a bad heart.

What did I say? So, we have today social media where everybody has a good face. Isn't it? Social media. Profile. There, everybody is laughing and smiling. But today I just want you to not be fooled by the face.

1- 2 SAMUEL 14:25

Because, when you go to Second Samuel fourteen verse twenty five, the bible talks about a man called Absalom. And the Bible says that Absalom was handsome. He was a very handsome man. But you know what Absalom did to his own father. It was not beautiful at all.

Absalom was good looking but badhearted to show to you you can be good looking but badhearted.

And you know in my ministry, by the grace of God, not only in my ministry, but in my life, I don't believe in the face that somebody shows me. I don't believe in the face. 

Absalom was a handsome man. Very handsome man. Very handsome man.

2- 2 CORINTHIANS 11:14

In second Corinthians eleven verse fourteen, the bible says that “Satan disguises also himself”.

Satan is not that ugly individual you think about. Satan comes with a very beautiful face. Isn't it? Very beautiful. Very beautiful face.

So, the enemy can disguise himself using a good face.

How many people have not conned others with a good face? Good face. Good suits. Good smelling. Good perfume and so forth but a very bad heart. A very bad heart.

I mean, I'm telling you the truth in my life I saw people with a good look but a very bad heart. A very bad heart.

That is why I pray for you today that in the name of Jesus Christ you will have discernment.

You need to have discernment. It is also true a wife can also be very beautiful, but also very evil at the same time. A man can also be very handsome but very much evil.

That is why sometimes there are people you will not know that they are the one causing trouble in your life. By looking at their look, you are like … what is happening in this life does not match the face.

Have you ever been in a place where somebody does something you look at the face it does not relate?

Have you ever seen something? It does not relate.

I have never been fooled by the face of people. 

That is why you listen to me. Somebody can do something to you. Don't be shocked at all in your life because it is about the heart.

We have many Absalom. Absalom is the one betraying his own father, yet he was very good looking.

Do you know what has always been my prayer? Let me share with you my prayer. My prayer has always been Lord show me the heart of people.

You know? It is written in Proverbs that beauty can be deceitful. Am I right? It can be deceitful. May you not be deceived by how good somebody looks. May you not be deceived by how pretty.

The heart is evil.

And there is a Scripture I like it in Ecclesiastes talking about a woman whose heart is a snare. A heart is a snare. The heart. The heart.

And I will tell you the truth there are people that can fake it very well. Am I right? They can fake it very well.

I read a story on social media this week on Facebook about a man who was living with his wife for more than 60 years Mister. This woman never knew that this man was a spy.

He was working for the intelligence service whichever country I think America or something like that and she never knew.

At the end when he died, she discovered from his documents that he was an undercover man. And he told his best friend, “In case I die before you, make me a favour. Take this letter. Give to my wife. Ask for forgiveness on my behalf that all the time I was living I was lying to her”

And he said something else, “Because of my love for her and because I could not display what I was doing, there is an amount of money in the bank. All the money I earned. I never used it. Give it to her. A way to say sorry. Because I could not tell her the kind of life I was living”.

Beware of human beings.

Am I telling you that you should be suspicious? No. Am I telling you that you should not be good to people? No. But what I'm telling you is that human being can do anything at any point in time to anybody.

Is it true? Is it true? Yes. The face. The face.

Nothing that can happen to me. Nothing that a human being can do to somebody else will shock me in life. Because I believe even those who are around me working with me, all of you, all of you who are working with me, you can do to me anything.

Am I right?

You can do anything to me anytime. You can do any you can do anything at any point in time. You can do anything. Because when I will do something to you and you are not happy with me, the way you will react will help me know your heart. Yes.

The day I will rebuke you, for example for anything that you have not done well. You can be, “Ah pastor” and then you start behaving funny. That is where now I will know the heart of men.

I don't trust people. No matter who is around me. It can shock you but I don't trust. I trust what I hear from God. Trust is a process.

Because when I look at everybody around me I don't know what you are able to do against me or for me. Even my own children. I don't know. So don't be shocked. Don't be shocked. Don't be shocked. I know you are a bit shocked but don't be shocked. It is the truth.

I can smile, I can laugh, I can greet everybody but I don't know what you can do.

Pastor are you saying we should be suspicious? Don't be suspicious. Live a normal life.

Are you getting my message? Do you understand? Anybody can do anything to you.

Even your parents, your wife, your husband, your brother, your sister, your children, etc.

Who did the coup d'état against the father? It was the son. Can the son do something against you? Yes.

The people we minister to them, where are they? They are not there. The face and the heart

I don't want to stay there for long because my point it is the face.

I stopped being shocked in life. Though it can happen but I stopped being shocked. That is the face.

3- 1 Kings 14:2/6

When you go to first Kings chapter fourteen verse two and six. That is now another Scripture to show to you that somebody's face can be disguised.

That is Jeroboam's wife. The husband who told her to go and disguise herself to the man of God to deceive him.

She went she disguised herself to go to the man of God and I like verse six. The man of God asked her, “Why are you pretending?”

Can we read together?

Ask your neighbor, why are you pretending? Why are you pretending to be someone else?

You know what? I like this man.

Now listen to me.

When Pastor Kasuku says, “I don't trust”. Don't misunderstand me. What I mean is I am blind to how good you look. I am blind to whatever you can do.

In this text, Ahijah the man of God was blind.

In life you must come to a place where you become blind to whatever human beings can show to you. I don’t see the lipsticks. Glory be to God for the lipsticks.

Put them. It is okay. Praise be the Living God. But be blind as far as human beings are concerned. Be blind. So do like I've not seen you.

So what helped Ahijah to detect that this woman was pretending? Read well verse six. The sound of her footsteps.

Now, I will tell you something. I am interested by your footsteps. More than your lipsticks.

How you walk is what matters to me. Praise the living God.

He could not see but how she was walking he heard. You should know that how you walk, your footsteps has/produce  a noise/sound in the spiritual realm.

When you are living in immorality, it is a footstep. It is heard in the spirit. When you are walking and cheating on others, and so on.

This lady came and the man of God did not even ask, but he told her, “Why are you pretending to be someone else?”

How did he know? Through her footsteps though he cannot see her.

Can you imagine?

This woman came to the man of God with gifts and offerings to bribe/blind the eyes.

Don’t be fooled by the offerings and by the tithes and by gifts that somebody can give to you. The Bible says that the gifts can blind the eyes.

You have seen that?

That's why when you go to court, somebody can go and bribe to blind the eyes of the judge. And the judges are blinded because of the gift. Because of what was given.

I pray we reach a place where we all become blind to human beings. And I pray that your ears will be able to listen to the footsteps. The way Ahijah was able to listen.

He did not fall in the trap of this woman who was Jeroboam's wife.

I don't know who I'm talking to today but I just want to tell somebody be true in your life. Be what? Be true.

You know? If there is a place that is one of the most dangerous place on the earth, it is the place of worship. It is the Church. When I say dangerous, it's not that it's a bad place. It's a place where we have a lot of snakes who hide a lot in the name of religion, in the name of the Lord. And they will come and you will not know that this one is the one causing you trouble.

If I tell you the people who came to cheat on me in this ministry, in this country, their face, you won't believe.

Somebody came to me saying, “Praise the Lord Pastor. Somebody has signed a cheque for me of 2 Millions.”

I was like, “Wow Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. That is powerful”

And he continued, “Can I get 100 K. I will refund you on Monday. When the cheque will be signed, I will refund it to you.”

Now, this man came in my office on Saturday and I told him, “My friend, on Saturday, I don't receive people. My PA is not here. The accountant, I can't reach her. Even Saturday I can't work. Which bank will work on Saturday? Okay. There is no money I can give to you. Can't it wait until Monday? That's simple”.

He wanted to fool me in the Name Of the Lord.

I say, “I don't have. In fact, here we do not borrow. How are you getting that energy to come to borrow money from me?”

Since then, until today, I have never seen that man anymore.

I don't believe what I see. I believe the footsteps. I believe what? How you walk.

And when I go to my knees, I always pray, “Lord, those who are in my office. Those who come in my house. Those who come in my life, show me their hearts”.

And for a fact, God shows me.

One day I was talking to somebody far away from from Nairobi. And as I was talking on phone with her, I told her, “My friend why are you sleeping with that man?”.

She said, “Pastor which man?”

I told her, “My friend be careful. Stop wasting my time. I see you. Just as I have talked to you, you have sex with a man”.

If you look at her, you won't believe she's the one  doing that. I was mad on phone and then she started crying. “Oh Pastor, please forgive me”.

The PA came and told me, “Please, pastor please”. I said, “No. This woman is wasting my time”

That's why I don't believe in what I see. I don't believe. I don't believe my friend. Anybody can come look good, nice, smiling and all that. Those are the people who pretend to be.

Listen to me... The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 3:18 … “All of us with unveiled face…”

Are we together? Paul talks about UNVEILED FACE.

When you come in Church, you must drop your mask. You can't see the glory with a with a veiled face.

Can we come to a place where we drop the masks that we have? The masks of pretending. We have a lot of pretenders. And then when you hear that somebody had done something, you are like, “Is it for real? That person?”

The heart of men…

Can we just make a prayer?

Tell God, “Help me to be true with myself”.

We cannot see the glory when we have masks on our faces, pretending to be together, pretending to love.

Lord, help me to be true. Because it's a glory for glory.

Lord, help me to be true to myself, to be true to you in my heart. May I never be a pretender even as I come in Church in the name of Jesus Christ the son of the living God. We have all prayed.

May God help you today in Jesus name. Amen.

Listen to me… When you are smiling to me, may your smile be genuine. Okay? May your smile be genuine to me.

When you are offering me a cup of tea, may it be a genuine cup of tea that you are offering me.

When you are serving me or you are working with me, may you do it from the heart.

Because we have a lot of pretenders there in town.

That's why Paul talks about an unveiled face.

Now watch this.

4- EXODUS 34:34-35

When you go to Exodus thirty four verse thirty five. That is where now the Bible is talking about Moses whose face was shining.

Why was the face shining? Because he had an encounter with God. Amen.

If you an encounter with God, it will show in your face that you have an encounter with God.

5- MATTHEW 17:2

The same thing we see in Matthew seventeen verse two.

The Bible says there that the face of Jesus was shining as he was transfigured before his disciples.


The face of Jesus was shining to the extent that in Revelation chapter one verse sixteen, the bible says that even John could not recognize Jesus. Why? Because the face was shining so bright that he could not even know that he was the Christ.

For your face to be genuinely shining of the glory of God, you need an encounter with God in your heart in Jesus name. Are we together? Did we understand about about the face? Good. Let's go to the second part the veil.


When we talk about the veil, the veil is the covering puts on the face at that time.

The veil is also the curtain to separate one place from another. That is the veil


In Genesis 24:65, the bible talks about Rebecca that when she saw Isaac from far, she put the veil on her face. The  meaning of it for marriage was because in Israel it was not permitted to have sex before marriage. Okay?

That is why you see like Mary could not understand why the angel came and said to her that she would conceive.

She said to the ange, “I don't have a man”. But she had a fiance, which simply means that the fiance was there but she could not have sex with him because they were still fiances.

So, they were putting the veil as a way of boundary. Okay ? A boundary between us. I cannot have sex with you because you are not my wife.

May we come to that place where if a lady is not your wife you don't need to sleep with her. If he is not your husband, you cannot sleep with him.

May we come to that place where we know to draw that boundary.

Today, we are in a generation where there is a lot of liberty where people do anything they want to do. That is in Genesis chapter twenty-four verse sixty-five.

So, the veil was like saying … “I've never known you. I've we never had sex”.

You see? It is funny to see people today who have already had sex with one another and in the wedding, they are coming with a veil on their face. That is a joke. It's a waste of time.

It is better to just remove it and just come with your wigs. 


So, when you go to Exodus 34 verse thirty, Moses had a veil on his face so that the people were not able to see the glory on his face.

So, he was putting the veil to cover the glory that was on his face.

And I want you to understand something very important here.

The veil that Moses was putting on his face was the image of Christ. That veil was the flesh of Christ. Why? Because Jesus came as the embodiment of the glory of God.

The Bible says, “We have seen. We beheld His glory.”

Praise be the living God.

Now, Jesus could not come in the fullness of his glory. You can't see the glory and stand. Glory is too heavy for you to handle.

So Jesus came using the flesh to cover the glory. So, he did not come in the fullness of the demonstration of the glory. You better know that.

That is why for example when he just removed the veil on him before the disciples on the mountain, we have read with you in Mathew 17:21, the disciples who were there could not stand his glory.

That is why in Mathew twenty four verse thirty, the bible says that Jesus will come with full glory. There will be no veil around him.

Because of the glory manifested and revealed.

Listen to me.

The state in which you are now and the state in the Glory are two different states.

Let us go down in the human organizations.

President Ruto before he has all the glory around him and now, is he the same? No. He is becoming more scary even now because of the glory.

I'm talking about the human/worldly glory.

If he steps here, he will cause panic around with the police around him and so forth. So that is the human glory/worldly glory.

What about the glory of God?

That is why when I look at you right now, I can see there is a state where you will be in the glory whereby nobody will recognize you anymore.

Are you hearing me? Are you understanding the glory?

So, when Jesus came, his flesh was the covering of his glory. So the body of Christ was the the veil to cover the glory.

But time will come. He will come with glory.


When you go to Exodus 305 verse two, it talks about the veil in the holiest of holy. Okay? So, there was the tabernacle which had three parts.  Between the second part and the third part, there was a veil that was separating those two compartments.

Now listen to me … The last compartment of the tabernacle, nobody was permitted to enter there if not the High Priest. And the high Priest could enter there only once per year. Why ? Because of sin according to Isaiah 59:2.

So, the veil in that context had a meaning of separation between God and people because of sin.


Now, when you go to Mathew twenty seven fifty one, the Bible says that the veil was torn from top to bottom.

What does it mean? It simply means when you go to Hebrew chapter ten verse nineteen, the Bible makes it clear that we have access to the holiest of holy by the blood.

The blood of Jesus was shed for you and for me and because of the blood, we have access to the throne of Grace.

The veil has been torn. Say with me … The veil has been torn … Say it again … The veil has been torn …

So, we have access to God because Jesus shed his blood. Today is a bit of theology.

That is the veil that has been turned on the when Jesus died on the cross.

ILLUSTRATION 5 | THE DEMONIC VEIL (2 Corinthians 4:4/Isaiah 25:7)


Now let us proceed a little bit and then I want to show to you the another dimension of veil. That is the demonic veil.

In Second Corinthians chapter four verse four, Paul says, “the god of this world has blinded the minds of those who don't believe…”

So, what is that veil? It is spiritual blindness. Isn't it?

So there is a demonic veil in the mind of men.

That is why when you are born again, the hardest work to do is in your mind because the devil blinds the minds of men.

And you know? Not only that.

There is also the blind of unbelief. That is why people cannot believe. Why? Because they are blind

So there are minds which are blinded. There are some veils which are in the mind of men.

I was watching online this week. It's crazy. I don't know if you know this man called Ted Cruz. He was asking a lady a simple question, “Is there, madam, a difference between men and women?”

This woman could not answer straight. She started saying, “You know? There is a difference between sex and gender etc.

He said, “No madam, I'm asking you. Is there a difference between a man and a woman?”

Now, let me ask you a question, “Is there a difference between a man and a woman?”. Yes or No?

Now, this woman could not answer. She started arguing, “You know? Physically, I am a female but I am not a woman”.

How? How can you be a female and you are not a woman. Nonsense. The mind is blinded by the devil.

Are you hearing me? That is the veil we are talking about.

When I talk about Ted Cruz, please I'm not doing any advertisement of this man, he is also a very funny man, but at some point, when I was watching him online this week, I said this man has a point.

He asked that lady again, “Why do we have competitions of football for men in one hand and of women in another hand? Why can't women play together with men? Is it possible? Why not? Is there a difference? Yes or no?

So, why people don't want to think?

As we are talking now, there is a world cup for women.

Now imagine women are changing clothes in their dormitory and you as a man come with your stuff there. How? What are you doing there in the first place?

So the mind is blinded.

Now, listen to me. The devil can blind a mind of somebody. That is why you will see somebody can do something to you and you are wondering, “Is he the one?”. Yes. He/she is blinded. And the devil is very good at blinding the mind of men.

I did not know that there is another category called transgender binary. So, every year we have a new style of lesbianism and gayism.

I pray for our children that they will not have such a confusion in Jesus name. Hallelujah.

If you are a man, be happy to be a man. Can men say, “I am happy to be a man?” Can you say as you mean it, I'm happy to be a man?

Can ladies say, “I am happy to be a woman?”

This woman, said, “I am a female, but I am not happy to be a woman”

They asked her a question, “Do you have an uterus?”. She said, ‘Yes, I do”. So, what is your problem? What do you want?

Her asnwer is, “Because it is about how I feel”.

Now, listen to me.

There are some feelings that are demonic. Do you know that there there is now trans-ability. It means that somebody can be physically good and he is feeling that he should be blind.

And there is a man who was feeling like he should be blind. He went to look at the sun until he destroyed his eyes. Why ?

Because he was feeling like to be blind and he became blind. And he was okay saying, “Now yes. That was my feeling”.

Do you see how the devil can blind the mind of men?

I'm talking to our children that will be not your portion in Jesus name. Our children will be stable in their mind. Don't want me to look at it.

There is also a trend of trans-race. You will hear somebody saying, “I feel like a black”. We have left the level of trans-gender. We are not at the level of trans-race whatever. That is madness.

There is a woman who changed completely her skin and said, “Now, I'm feeling okay because I'm feeling so”.

So lesbianism and gayism are demonic it is the devil blinding the mind of men.

I want to speak from this pulpit … Your mind will not be blinded in Jesus name… Say … My mind will not be blinded in Jesus name

I remember there was a conference in America and there was a man of God who just saw a boy who was there in the congregation. He just looked at him and told him that his condition started from his mothers’ womb.

You know what? Listen to me. The reason also we are having those kind of transgender trend, it's also from some mothers who never accepted the gender of the babies they carried saying, “I wish I had a girl”.

By saying so, they are sending messages to this boy that they were unwanted,

And if at all, the girl you wanted does not come, instead it is a boy, that boy who comes in the world will be a girl to you and will torture you.

So, you understand that when we are talking about warfare we are talking about the mind of men.

That is where the veil is. He can't see. He can't understand.

That is why Paul says, “When you are born again, the veil falls”.

And I believe in each one here the veil will fall. In Jesus name.

How? How can you be a female and you are not a woman. Nonsense. The mind is blinded by the devil.

2- ISAIAH 25:7

Now in Isaiah twenty five verse seven, the Bible says, “In this mountain, the veil cast/spread on the nations will be broken/destroyed”. Have you seen that?

Listen to me. Today I will pray. And you should know that there are demonic veils.

You can be walking in town there, but you have a big veil on you and nobody can see you, nobody can know where you are, nobody can contact you, nothing is working. Why? Because there is a veil over your business, over your life, etc.

Why? Because there is a demonic veil.

But the Bible says, “The demonic veil over the nations shall be broken”.

Today, as I am closing the session of today, I declare and I decree that any demonic veil in your life, on your face will be broken in the name of the Lord.

That is why Paul talks about unveiled face.

So, you can't see the Glory of God as long as you have a veil.



Let's do an exercise. Let's go back to second Corinthians three eighteen.

You see? Do you know that from that only verse I can teach it even for 1 year? I can take face, veil, and behold and preach it for one year. Just one verse.

Now beholding means watching carefully. Beholding means looking at with expectation. Beholding means looking at something and someone because of their  impressive nature.

There are people who see but they don't observe. Let us look at it in Isaiah forty two verse twenty. Go to your Bible please… Seeing many things, but thou observest not, opening the ears, but he heareth not.

You can see but you don't observe/notice. How many people see the glory of God but don’t observe?

Judah was among the disciples of Christ. Do you know that Judah prayed for the resurrection of the dead? Dead resurrected by the minister of Judah. He cast out demons. He saw but he did not observe.

I pray for you now you will be observing.

Seeing is not enough. You can see but you don't observe.

There are people complaining, “Oh God is not doing anything in my life. I don't see God there in the Word Of Life”.

My friend, you see but you don't observe. God is working. I say God is working. In this Church, God is working, but you are not observing. You are not observant.

Now we have children. Are they going to school? Yes or no? The fees are paid yes or no? Are they healthy? Yes or no? Now the rent is paid yes or no? You are healthy yes or no? Are you in an ICU right now? As we are talking with you, you are not in an ICU.

What is your problem? You see but you don't observe. That's why you are still complaining.

I pray you receive the grace to observe.

Do you know that before someone dies, there are always signs indicating that that man is dying?

It is only when he goes that people will start connecting the dots.

Before my bishop dies, his last sermon was, … Please Church. Men, love your wives. Parents, take care of your children. Church, remain faithful. Remain together and God will be with you.

People clapped and it was the last message.

Seeing not observing.

But I won't die now oh. I won't die now. There's no message like that. You are calculating. I'm here for very long. You better know. Yeah I discourage you. Someone might say, “I better check the message of this week, maybe it is the last”. I will live long.

You know?

There was a man who was a friend to Jenny. Before his death, this man came in our house and that day, he called almost everybody. He came to visit us, “Hello how are you? You are okay? I just felt like checking on you. Hey! How are you? You are okay?. It had been long time I've not seen you. Oh how are you?”

That day, he was okay. But the following day. He was in a bus going to work and in the bus, he saw somebody who owed him money. He requested the driver to stop. As the bus stopped, there was a car speeding, and he was hit and died as he was crossing to road before all his people.

And that day before he dies, there was a dog barking all the night. The people connected the dots later only when he died very young.

There are things God is speaking to you in dreams. God is sharing messages to you. You see but you don't observe.

Now the Bible talks about beholding. You can't see the glory if you don't behold. And there are many people who are in very big distraction. Be Free from distraction.

Do you agree with me that God speaks? Do you know that there are some messages that came before you and before something happened there were messages? But why when the message came did you not understand? Because you see you don't observe.

I speak prophetically but you see and you don't observe.

But I pray from now, you will become observant.

Even our children, there are things that happen in their life, we see, but we don't observe. Why? Because we are not careful.

One day, I woke up in the morning prompted by the Spirit. I said, “Today, I'm going to my boys’ school”. The boys panicked. They were dragging their feet to go to school. I went to school.

I was like shouting on them, “My goodness. What? My friend”.

But it was timely. Because there were things I was observing.

I can observe somebody for a very long time. I observe.

You know?

There was a time I was watching how some people were doing the map. Just from the observation, I knew that that person is gone. It did not take time.

When you are standing here, it shows that your heart is not here. I say, “Oh God have mercy”.

It did not take time. That person disappeared. Your body language tells that you are here or not. I observe, I am an observant, I can observe, I can observe.

Today I will pray for you, you will become observant of the even of our children.

You cannot observe because you are always on Facebook, on WhatsApp, on Tik-Tok.

One day, I remember. There was a time I was in the house and I saw like a dark cloud around Honneur. I took him. He was very small. I said, “Devil, leave my son now in the name of Jesus. Leave him. Leave him”.”

There was nothing. At night, he vomited and was diarrheing  at the same time. He was almost gone. But when I saw it, I thanked God and said, “I saw it before it happens”.

You need to be observant. You are always on Social Media. You can't observe.

Those boys of mine, I observe them how they behave. I observe. I look at them and there are things you can see and conclude … This boy is not behaving well.

You need to you have the grace to observe. That's why God asked Jeremiah in Jeremiah one ten, “What do you see?”

And I want to ask you today, what do you see? Is the message clear for everybody? 



To behold requires focus. Right?

So I want to give you five things that you have to focus on that will help you to behold.

Remember that Paul says, “All of us, with unveiled face, we are changed from Glory to Glory”.

So listen to me carefully, if you are not changing, you are not beholding. Or if you are not changing it is because you are beholding the wrong thing. Because your transformation depends on your beholding. You need to have something to behold for you to be changed.

What should you behold?


G is goal.

May I ask you a question?

Do you have a goal? What is your goal for the year2023? In fact, what is the goal for the month? Children, do you have a goal?

You need a goal you behold. You need a monthly goal. You need a weekly goal. You need a yearly goal. You need goals my friend.

Do you even have financial goals?

The way people spend money shows that they don't have a you don't have a goal anywhere under heaven.

And when we talk about the goal, the goal must be specific. It must be smart. It must be attainable. It must be realistic aand timely.

Let me tell you friends. There is nobody who can see the glory without a goal.

Do you know there are people who go to the Olympic games just to see how beautiful is the country. They are not going to win anything.

I don't know which country, but they listed a big woman to compete in an Olympic athletism. So they asked, “How did she qualify?”

Just as everybody started running, she was out of breathe.

And the organization summoned that country saying, “That is an embarrassment”

Even that lady distracted everybody.

Receive the Grace to have goals my friend.

Go home. You know? I teach you practical things. Go home. Write your goals. Work on your goal.

And I was telling the PA that my goal this week is to have all the Bible Study recorded by Sunday.

I'm happy to announce to the PA that I reached my goal.

What is your goal? Do you have some spiritual goals? What is your goal? You wake up in the morning you are just there. So everybody who will move you anywhere you will go because you don't have a goal.

We are together for a goal. If there is no goal, there is no need to be together.

What's your goal?

But among and above any other goal, God should be your goal. The Kingdom must be your goal. And I'm working hard even myself to have more goals.

What I mean is go home today. Write your goals. Okay. A goal for the week. Write it down. The goal for the month write it down.

The goal from today August until December write it down.

When you come in my office, there is a board before me. Those are my goals.

You can't see the glory if you have nothing to behold.

Do you have a picture of your next house? How your next house will look like? Do you have a picture? Do you have a picture of your next car? I have my car.

Maybe you were expecting to be thrown the coat to receive the glory.

My friend, define your goal.


Do you know that glory has levels?

Let me ask you a question. To be healed from malaria and to be healed from cancer. Is it the same?

Do you know why Jesus never came when they were calling him to heal Lazarus when he was sick? He refused to come when Lazarus was sick. He said, “I will come when he's dead. So that the glory of resurrection will be greater than the glory of healing”. (Paraphrased)

Sometimes, when you are crying to God and is not coming. don't think that God is not listening to you.

God is not coming because he is saying. “I won't come at that level. I will come at a higher level so that you will know that the glory I have in store for you is greater than the other one of the glory that you are asking me”

The glory of the the glory of using a matatu and the glory of having your own car, is it the same? No. The glory of driving a Mercedes and the glory of a Bugatti, is it the same? No. The glory of having a mansion and the glory of having a tent, is it the same? No.

So, I want you to come to the L “level” where you understand that's where you are is a stepping stone to where you are supposed to be.

It means in another word that there is a greater glory that's coming your way. I say, There is a greater glory coming your way. I say, There is a greater glory coming your way.

Now my friend, may you change level. Don't be comfortable where you are.

And there are people when they have bought their KFC they see that is the glory. It's no glory.

And you take the bones you put them on social media.

The glory of being a tenant and the glory of being an owner, is it the same? No.

What I mean is this. If you want to see the glory of God you must always aim to a higher level to where you are.

The glory of being here and the glory at being at our place is it the same? No.


There is no glory in disorder. Look at your bedroom. Just even I'm standing here. You know your bedroom how you left it. Yeah.

Even Jesus when he rose from the dead, he folded his cloth. Jesus was orderly.

There is no glory in disorder. There are some places you just enter, the shoes on the table, the underwear at the door.

The glory filled the tabernacle when everything was in order. May you be orderly.

That is the practical thing people don't like.



You need to have a role model, meaning someone you can behold, and look up to. (Isaiah 51:2)

I pray for our children that God will help you to have role models. That is the problem we have in our generation : lack of role models.


Listen to me and I'm closing there.

We talk about glory as per the result. Am I right?

Do you think that a child who goes to school but does not complete will graduate?. Is there a glory when you have not completed?

Like you are in business with clear target. Will you be paid because you made efforts or because you hit the target?

Listen to me. There is no glory where there is no result Thank you for your silence.

May I ask you a question what are the results? What do you have to show? Tell me. Or tell to yourself. What do you have to show?

Okay, you pray for 40 days, you fasted for 100 days. No problem. But what are the results of your fasting?

Do you know why all those big men there who are celebrated in the world ? What is the basis of their celebration? Results.

And I'm not ashamed to mention those names because our children are there.

Rick Ross bought a plane worth 2 billion and on a plane they wrote Rick Ross.

Glory is in the result.

What did I say?

I pray before the year is over you will have the result in Jesus name. It is in the result. My friend it is the result.

Do you know why even in this world we don't have a voice because we have no result.

You go to talk to someone like Rick Ross about the Gospel telling him that Jesus died for you and loves you. He will be like, “What's wrong with you man?” And you have your funny shoes. And the only thing you have is speaking in tongues.

Time has come for your hand to hold results. Time has come for your prayers to have answers. Time has come for you to come to a place where you tell me pastor you know what? This is what I prayed for and I have it in my hand.

Elon Musk is today the richest man. He is going from interview to interview because he has result.  There is no glory in talking. There is glory in result. It is the result that bring the glory. Stand on your feet please.


I want to hold my Samuel. I can't wait to step into that new place for this church. I can't wait to see that big Church which is on my vision board.

When I wake up in the morning, I see that church where you enter, you have screens everywhere where the man of God is standing the power of God is being released.

I can't wait to reach a place where each one of you come with your car. And you come not with your car. Some people will be coming with their helicopter.

Because the Church will be in a place where you come you just land with your helicopter and after the service, you go home.

It will come to pass in Jesus name. Hallelujah.

Nothing speaks louder like result. I pray that we will have children we will be proud of.

That's why before you criticize somebody, check your own result/records you. You know? It's easy to criticize. Now the Word of Life Church, do we have something to show?

We are somewhere my friend. And somebody can criticize.

Now, did you ever start anything that people can count? What have you in the first place? What have you done? You will have a greater glory. In Jesus name.

Some people I look at them here. Time will come where you just come on Sunday for the service and after the service, the plane is waiting for you because there are meetings waiting for you after the service. You are at another level where the glory of God will be seen.

Your hand will hold something. That is where the glory will be seen.

That is where and why the devil is hiding so that you will not hold your testimony. That's why the devil is fighting you. Can we pray today and say Lord my hand must hold. I must have the result of my faith. I'm talking too much. I have nothing to show. Time has come for me. Let the glory be seen in my life. And let me change glory from one level to another. Is that clear the prayer? Now go ahead and pray.


God must answer you my friend.

You are not hearing me. God must answer you. God you have to answer me. Because as long as people don't see they can't see the glory.

Can we pray? Hallelujah.

My faith must produce results.

Something must happen in my life. People we know are I must yield results.

I must yield results. I must yield results. Nobody will mock me. Ah no. No. No. My company will go forward. My ministry will grow. I will have more than what I have now. I don't know if you are praying. The glory must change in my life. I must shine a level of glory in my life.

Hallelujah. Pastor Kasuku will not continue to preach in this place. There is a greater glory

I don't know if you are understanding this prayer.

There is a greater glory than where I am. There is a greater glory than what I have.

Lord I pray I will have result Something to show. Something to tell. A testimony. Lord this thing is will work. This this thing will work. Because glory is in the result. Glory is in the result. Oh God glory is in the result. Glory is in the result. Glory is in the result.

I have talked too much. Time has come for me to have actions. Time has come for me to have result. Time has come for me to have something to show. Can you pray? Pray and tell let your glory be seen in me.

Are you praying?

Let your glory be seen in my life.

Let my eye, my wife see the glory, my husband see the glory, let my neighbors around me see the glory, the result, the result, the glory is visible, the glory is not something you talk about, the glory is something you show, something you show, something you show, something you show, something I show, something to show, my ministry should not be just like that.


Something to show. God almighty. We want a bigger place. We are going to a bigger place. A stable place.

Lord God almighty. If people don't see the glory in my life. They will ask me where is my God. Can you pray and say Lord God almighty. Nobody will ask me where is my God. They will see my God. The Bible says on you the glory.

The glory shall be seen. And the Gentiles shall come.

Oh God almighty let your glory be visible.

Are you praying my friend? Let your glory be visible in my life. Let your glory be visible in my life. Let the glory be visible in my life.

I will not look like I have failed in my children. I will not look like I have failed in my marriage. I will not look like I have failed in my life. I will not look like I am a failure.

I will succeed. There is glory in the result. The glory is in the result. The glory is in the result. The glory is in the result. The glory is in the result. That tender will go through. In the name of Jesus Christ. That business will go through. In the name of Jesus Christ. I will get that visa in the name of the Lord. This country I will enter there. Go let your glory be seen.

Glory is in the result.


Let your glory be seen. Glory is in the result.

Hallelujah. In the name of Jesus Christ.

Can you now pray today against any veil that is eh hindering the glory to be manifested in your life.

Go again and now engage warfare. Engage your warfare. Let any veil be destroyed over my business. Over my life.

The Bible says I will destroy the veil over the earth over the families. I will destroy the veil hindering the glory. I don't know if you are praying.

I will destroy destroy the veil hindering the glory. Any demonic veil. I don't know if you are praying this morning.

Any demonic veil hindering the glory in my business in my ministry let it be destroy in the name of Jesus

Go ahead and declare I destroy the veil. I destroy the veil hindering the glory, hindering my manifestation, hindering the result.

Let the veil be destroyed let the veil be destroyed the veil of witchcraft against my business

Let it be destroyed in the name of Jesus

Are you praying?

You have gift. You have talent. Nobody can see you because there is a veil.

Today the veil is destroyed. The veil is destroyed. The veil is destroyed. The veil is destroyed. The veil is destroyed.

Pray and declare the veil is destroyed over the word of life. Over your business.

Hallelujah. Hallelujah.

The veil is destroyed

We pray for your face.

Let the veil on my face be destroyed. Pray for the veil on your face to be destroyed.

There are people who have disfavour on their face.


Can you pray and declare, Father, let the veil on my face be destroyed.

Pray and declare, Lord my face will reflect the glory.

My face will reflect the favour of God.

Where I go, favour will locate me.

And I don't know if you are praying I don't know if you are praying. I don't know if you are praying. Hallelujah

My face will not hinder me from getting the blessing. I pray for favor upon my face,

My face will shine with the glory of God hallelujah. My face will shine the glory of God

Shine on my face. Shine on my face. Shine on my face. Shine on my business

The glory of God shine hallelujah Shine.

Shine on me oh God. Shine on me. Shine on me. Shine on me. Shine on me. Shine on me. Let your glory be shining on me.

Hallelujah. Hallelujah. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus.


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