Tuesday 1 August 2023




Shekinah Greetings Word of life!

Now go again and say Lord thank you. Thank you for the night. Thank you for everything you are doing for us and we are thankful. We bless your name. In Jesus precious name. We have prayed. And we all say Amen.


1- Faith matters to God.

Hebrews eleven verse six, “Without faith you can't please God”.

2- Take notes also that faith matters to the devil. The devil is after your faith.

Remember Jesus told Peter in Luke chapter twenty two verse thirty one to thirty two, “The devil has requested to sift all of you but I prayed for you that your faith will faint not”.

3- Faith is fundamental as far as the kingdom of God is concerned.

4- Faith gives you access to the supernatural.

Before he opens the eyes of the 2 blind, he asked them a question, “Do you believe that I am able?”. And they said, “Yes we do”. And he said, “Let it be done as you have believed”.

This week, somebody's faith will come alive. Bring all cases before the Lord this week with your faith. It will turn into testimony.

So I welcome you to the Bible Study this week captioned faith for the supernatural.

In Mark 6:5-6, Jesus was shocked because of the unbelief of people. He could do no mighty work.

Not because he was not able but because they did not have faith.

Matthew 9:29, “… according to your faith be it unto you.

Luke 7:50, “Thy faith had saved thee. Go in peace”


I will use some metaphors that will help you to understand how works and it will help you to build your faith.

Now let us go to Luke 8:11. The Bible says, “…the seed is the Word of God”.

In the Greek version of this verse, the word seed is the word SPERMA.

You know Jesus was teaching a lot using illustration for the people to relate with what he was teaching and help them understand.

So we have many seeds. We have the seed of trees, the seed of animals, the human seed etc.

You see? The word of God, Jesus is comparing it with the seed.

Today, I want to do a little of biology.

The question is, “Why is Jesus comparing the Word of God with the seed?”. Let's do some few biology.


The seed, the eyes, the ears, the mouth, the teeth, the brain, the intestine, the neck, the hands, the feet, the loins, the liver, and what have you, the backbone, the voice etc… are in the seed.

Which help me to tell you that everything you need is in the Word.

Everything you need is in the word. Everything is in the seed. Everything. Everything is in the Word. Everything is in the Word. Everything is in the Word. Everything is in the word.

Even when we take the seed of a tree whichever tree, whichever seed, every seed has everything.

Now let me tell you. The seed is the Word. Everything is there. Eternal life is in the seed. Your destiny is in the seed. You are not yet married. The husband you need is in the seed. The wife you need is in the seed. The children you need are in the seed. The job you need in the seed. Whichever thing you need is in the seed.

The seed has everything in it.

That's why Peter says in 2 Peter 1:3, his divine power has given us all things …

There is no way a human being can come in the world without the seed. I am the product of the seed from my father. Look at my children. They are a product of the seed. Everything you need is in the seed. And the seed is the word of God.

Which leads me to tell you that God cannot do anything without his Word.


Let's go back to biology. The seed needs the ovule to produce a human being. If the seed is the Word, the ovule  is your faith.

In Psalm 119:130, the Bible says, “The entrance of your Word giveth light…

That is why in the bible in Hebrews 4:2 says, “For unto us was the gospel preached as well as unto themBut the word preached did not profit them. Not being mixed with faith in them that heard it.

I underline mixed with faith …

This explains why some people will never see the hand of God in their life because they don't mix the seed of the Word with their faith.

Mix your faith with the seed of the word. That is where the supernatural starts.

In John 1:12, the Bible says, “Those who believe and receive, God gives them power to become sons of God”.


Which simply means that faith in a very simple way is just to believe and to receive the seed of the Word as it is written in Psalm 119:130, “The entrance of the Word gives light”.

Friend, believe and receive.

The reason why many people don't experience the power of the word because they don't believe and they don't receive. They reject the Word and for sure it will never help you.

I beg you by the mercy of God, believe and receive the Word of God.

When you look at the the seed, it looks like nothing. In fact, when you look at it, it does not make sense. That is why you should not expect that the Word Of God should make sense to you.

What God expects from you is to believe and to receive. Believe and receive. Believe and receive. That is faith.

John 1:12 (paraphrased), let me repeat that again, “Those who believe and receive have power to become sons of God

Let me repeat again Hebrews 4:2, “The word preached did not profit them because they did not mix it with faith”.

You are the determining factor for the word to to work.

Let me repeat. For the word to work, you are the determining factor.

1 Thessalonians 2:13, “For this cause also thank we God without ceasing because when you received the Word of God which ye heard of us, ye received it not as is the word of men but as it is in truth the Word of God which effectively worketh also in you that believe

The Word you don't believe and you don't receive will never work.

It is written … which effectually worketh in you that believe… If you don't believe it will never work no matter who is preaching the Word.

O know I think that eh eh Pastor Kasuku does not have enough power. The Word of Life, I don't see any power there. I think I need to go to the very high bishop or archbishop or the big prophet, the mighty mighty and the mightiest of the mighty prophet.

My friend, if you don't have faith, if you don't believe, no matter who come to preach you it will never works. The Bible says, … in you who believe…

Receive the grace to believe. May the Word work in you who believe and receive. Believe and receive the seed of the word. Then it will work.

The man of God said something in second Kings chapter seven. He gave he gave a prophecy that there will be a twenty-four hours miracle. He said, “Tomorrow this will happen…”

There was a man who refused to believe and receive the Word. What happened? The judgement fell over him. He says, “Even if God opens heaven, can such a thing happens?”. The man of God said, “Eh my friend, you will see it but you will not eat it”.

I want to warn you over unbelief. Believe and receive.

The angel came to Zechariah announcing to him that they will have a child. Zechariah said, How will it happen? I am old. He refused to receive the Word. ( Cfr Luke 1:18-19).

The angel said, “Well, it will still happen because of the mercy of God but you will be dumb for 9 months because you want a sign that it is God who speaks to you you did not believe you did not receive. I will still do a miracle for you, but you will not talk because your mouth can be a hindrance to your supernatural”. (Luke 1:20 paraphrased)

The angel shut the mouth for nine months and yet Elizabeth conceived. They got the miracle, though he did not believe, though he did not receive, but at least he acted and God did what he said he would do.

May you stop struggling with the Word.


Now, I want to close by helping you on why you should I receive


In Psalm 119:89, the Bible says, “Forever, thy word is settled in heaven”.

The meaning of it is that what God says is done.

Has God said something about your life? It is done. Did he say that you are healed, blessed? It is done. Did he say that you are blessed? It is done. Did he say that the Word Of life is a megachurch? It is done. Did he say that you will travel all over the world? It is done. Whatever God says, it is done. What God is expecting from you is to receive because it is already done.

I remember back to 1996. I never forget that day where a prophet named prophet Bernard Nwaka.

Maybe he will follow me one day, I don't know, but I can't forget the prophecy this man of God told me. He said, “Young man stand”. I was sitting in front there. He told me, “God is telling me that you will travel all over the world to preach the Gospel Of Jesus”.  

Please, don’t forget. That day, I went too Church trekking. I did not have money to go to church. I did not have fair. And even that day I went back home trekking.

I was like, “How can he say I will travel and I can't afford a taxi?”

I want to announce to you that God does not look at your present to determine your future. He does not look at your past to determine your future.

I don't know which position you are in. I don't know in which situation you are in as I'm talking right now. I just don't care.

The seed is the Word. When God says, it is done.  It doesn't matter who you are or where you are, when God says that this year is a Shekinah year for us, receive it because it is already done.

When God says that he will promote you, receive it because it is already done.

When God says that he will open doors for you, receive it, because it is already done.

Somebody you have been diagnosed with whichever sickness the doctor said, God is saying to you today that the report of the doctor is overturned. The report of God is what will stand. Receive it.

You know? When you go to Church and you hear the Word of God, receive it as the seed because it is the Word you receive that will work in your life.


In 2 Chronicles 6:15, it is written, “With your mouth you promised and with your hand you fulfil it

Now, listen to me. If you hear the Word of God and you believe you can do it, forget about it. It can't be God.

When the man of God prophesied over me that I will travel all over the world, I could not understand that thing. Humanly speaking, it was impossible. But it took the hand of God. Today where am I?

From 1996, I started travelling in two thousand and seven. It took like 11 years for the Word to come to pass. That is where the problem of people is.

God can speak to you but because the seed must be mixed with your faith, the baby will not come in the world the same day.

The seed must go through the process. That is where now people don't want.

The fulfillment of the Word of God is a process.

Listen to me. When God speaks to you, when God gives you a prophecy or God gives you a word, don't use your hand. Your hand is too small and too weak to fulfil it. Only God can fulfil the Word.


If he promises you something, He is the one to do it not you. What He is requesting from you just receive. He is the one who will fulfil.

Let me repeat to you, you just receive and He is the one who will fulfil. You just receive and He will fulfil. You are not the one.

A pregnant woman is not the one. Now listen to me when a woman is pregnant what does she do for the baby to come in life?

Even those who are making noise here. We are hearing stupid statements here, There is no God.

My friend, how did it happen to you to be in the womb of your mother and everything came into place and you come in theh world declaring, there is no God anywhere. What? It will take the hand of God to fulfil the Word Of God.


Which simply means that God never lies (Read Hebrews 4:12-13/Numbers 23:19)


Brief reminder. The seed is the Word. The ovule is the Faith.

Now, the uterus is the heart because what enters in your heart can hurt what is inside you.

Faith come by hearing and hearing the Word of God. You need to hear and hear the Word of God. That is who it works.

Because your ears are an entry point. Watch over your uterus which is your heart.


The Bible talks about those who receive the Word and the seed falls on the way, the devil comes and snatches the seed. Others, the seed falls on the stone, worries, bitterness, anger etc kill the seed/the Word and it remains fruitless.

Those who hear and understand are those who will see the Word come true.


Lift your voice where you are and just start praying God.

Lord I receive your Word.

I want somebody to say sorry to God and say, Lord I'm sorry, forgive me my unbelief.

Can you pray to God and say, Lord forgive my unbelief. Forgive me how I struggle to receive the word. How I struggle to believe in you. How I struggle to believe in the Word.

You cannot see the supernatural if you are struggling to believe.

Just say, Lord I am very sorry. Forgive me my unbelief. Hallelujah !

Now you can tell God, I receive and I believe whatever you tell me even if it does not make sense to me.

Mix the Word with your word. The Word must become one with your word. What God says is what you say.

You will not say what the doctor says, you will not say what men say. What your mouth says is what the mouth of God says. That is mixing the Word.

For the supernatural to happen in your life, you must mix the Word with your word.

God says to me, “You will serve the Lord and I will bless your bread and your water’. and me I say, I will serve the Lord and He will bless my bread and my water. I will never lack bread. I will never lack water.

God says to me, “You will serve me and I will take away sickness from you. And I say, “I will serve the Lord and sickness will never be my portion”.

Mix the Word with your word. What God says make it your word.

I will not die young. I will die old as it is written I will go to my grave in my old age. Hallelujah.

Open your hand where you are. I speak healing in your body. If you receive say I receive.

Every door that is closed, I declare opened in Jesus name. You can receive that Word.

Any issue of concern as you will fast and pray, God will turn it into a testimony. Say, I receive and I believe.

The questions you are asking yourself, God will provide the answer to you.

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. It shall be so for you.

I rebuke unbelief and lack of faith in somebody today.

Your faith is coming alive. And you will see it. I say you will see it. I say you will see it. I say you will see it.

The same way the Word prophesied over me comes to pass in my life, so shall it be for you.

This body never suffers any sickness anywhere. This ministry never struggles at any point in time. Because God says so, it shall be so in your life. Believe and receive and it shall be so in Jesus Name. Amen!

Were you blessed? If you were, may it come to pass in your life in the Name Of Jesus Christ !

We fast from Wednesday to Friday and God will do you good.

Be alert. Stay tuned. Listen to the word of God. That is how you can mix it with your faith and then it can profit you.

And I want to announce to you whatever God said to you will come to pass. You will testify. God never lies. I say God never lies.

I love you all and have a good day!

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