Monday 31 July 2023




Shekinah Greetings Word of Life and Welcome to the Kingdom Bible Study this day that the Lord has given unto us. Lift your voice and pray. Expect an encounter with the Word in the name of Jesus. The Son of the living God.


For the supernatural. Our text today is in Matthew chapter number nine Verse 26 to Thirty.

And the fame thereof went abroad into all that land. And when Jesus departed then two blind men followed him crying and saying thou son of David have mercy on us and when he came into the house the blind men came to him and Jesus said unto them, “believe you that I am able to do this”, they said unto him, yeah Lord. Then touched he their eyes saying, according to your faith be it unto you and their eyes were opened and Jesus straightly charged them saying see that no man know it.

You don't need to beg for miracles as children of God.

Mark 1617 it is your birthright, but it takes your faith to access it.

This week, I will teach you how you can access to the supernatural your faith.

This week, I will teach you how your faith can produce result.

The only genuineness of your faith is the result of it.

James says, “faith without works is dead”. It means that faith without result is dead.


And the question is this … “What are the results of your faith? What are the results of your prayer?”

Okay, you pray for 40 days, 50 days, 100 days, I don't have a problem, I congratulate you, but what are the results of your prayer?

Let me see with you those who obtained result for their faith and see how it will apply in your life.

The Bible says in Mark 9:26 that the fame of Jesus Christ went abroad into all the land.

I want to announce to you today that God wants his fame to be spread because of you. Say amen to that if you believe.

In Mark 9:31, after they got healed, when they got the result, they spread the fame of Jesus in all the country.

Time has come where God wants to do something in your life that will spread his fame all over the world.

Time has come where Jesus wants to heal you from that cancer so that the fame of Jesus will be spread abroad.

Time has come for to have your Samuel in your hand that will spread the fame of Jesus into all the country.

Time has come where God wants to prosper you, not talking, that the fame will be spread all in all the country.

Time has come time has come. I say time has come where God wants to do something in your life that will spread his fame all over the world.

In Mark 9:32, because of the fame that was spread, the fame of Jesus, people were coming to Jesus because of the result. Because of the result.

In the Name of Jesus, your faith will produce result.

In the Name of Jesus, your faith must produce result. Praise be the living God.

In the name of Jesus your faith will never be mocked again.

Because the Bible says in Psalm 115:2, “let the nation not say where is your God?”

The Bible says in Micah 7:8/10 (paraphrased), “Rejoice not over me mine enemy, when I fall, I shall arise… Those who ask where is my God they will see my God.

The Bible says in the Book of Isaiah 60:2 (paraphased), “On you the glory shall be seen … and the Gentiles shall come.”

Why? Because of the result because of the result of your faith.

Praise be the living God.



Now because of the fame of Jesus, two blind men when Jesus departed, followed. Very interesting. That is what I call smart move.

So, that is the first key for your faith to produce result. You need smart moves in your life. Smart move. Praise God.

When I say smart move, I mean sensitive to the move of God. When Jesus departed they followed him. When Jesus moved, they moved with him.

Do you know why many many of us our faith does not produce result?

It is because we are not smart enough to know that God is moving in a direction.

We don't have that smartness to know that things are moving tats direction.

Israel was moving when the cloud was moving. (Read Numbers 9:21).

Now my prayer for your faith to produce result is to be sensitive to the leading of God. To know that the cloud has moved and move with God.

You know what?

There were three things that were happening when the cloud was moving.

Number one | When the cloud moved, Israel was moving because the cloud was providing protection in the day when it was very sunny.

You know? The desert was sunny. The cloud was protecting them against the sun.

Number two | It was very cold in the night and the cloud was covering them when it was cold. At night, it was a pillar of fire and was protecting them.

Number three | When was battle and the enemy could come close to them, the cloud was defending them between them and the enemies.

So the cloud was important for the people and they were moving with the cloud. If you continue to do the same thing the same way and expect different results, you are not smart.

In sum, what I'm talking about it is be led by God and know when God is moving.

We were in Muthaiga in this office and I am very sensitive to the move of God. I told the PA Hilda, “I sense in my spirit our time here is over”.


Now, may you get the grace to know when your time is over in something.

I also became so much uncomfortable because the baby who is in the womb of the mother must come to a place where he understands that his time in the womb is over.

I want to announce to you that your time to be in the womb is over. Hallelujah! Your time to continue to be in that same cycle, same business, same activities is over. You must come to that realization. That is how your faith can become effective and produce results.

The sons of Issachar in 1 Chronicles 12:32 knew the times and season. You need to know the times and seasons and move accordingly.

You are overdue for a miracle. In Deuteronomy 1:6 (paraphrased), the Bible says, “You have stayed here enough. Move.

That is Smart move.


When I say supernatural revelation as the key for the faith that produces results, the Bible says, “When they were following they were crying and saying, thou son of David, have mercy”  (verse twenty seven).

They were following with relation. They knew who they were following and they knew why they were following.

Your faith cannot produce result if you don't know why you are following. If you don't know who you are following.

That is Supernatural revelation.

When I talk about spirit revelation, please understand I'm talking about a personal knowledge of God. Knowing Jesus personally that is what I'm talking about.


They knew why they were following Christ. They knew why they were following Christ. They knew why.

Now, the Church where you are going there. Do you know why even you are going there in the first place? Do you know?

The pastor you are following leave alone me it's not about me it's about who why.

Those people were blind physically but spiritually they had the revelation of Christ. Do you have the revelation of Christ? Who is Jesus for you? Answer me.

You can't produce result when you don't know who Jesus is.

Now, I am healthy throughout. I know Jesus is the covenant keeping God.

Our ministry does not lack anything. We don't beg. We don't take loans. We don't call, Please come and give. Come and give. No we don't do that.

There is no Harambee in our Church. Oh come let us gather money here and there. Is it wrong? I don't say it is wrong but us we don't do because of the revelation of who Jesus is for us.

Who is Jesus for you? Since you are in that Church. Who is Jesus for you? Why are you following Jesus in the first place? Otherwise, your faith will be a barren faith.

That is why Paul was praying for people to have the understanding. You need to pray the same today.

Open your hand where you are. May God open the eyes of your understanding. I pray may God open the eyes of your understanding. May you have the revelation of Jesus. May you have a personal knowledge of Jesus. Not that my father is a pastor or my husband is a pastor or the pastor is my good friend.

It has nothing to do with being friend with pastor.

That's why there are people who are close to pastors, but they don't see anything from God.

Because zero revelation equals zero manifestation.

Who is Jesus for you. In fact, who is even the pastor Which you are following?

Oh we are from the same place, we are from the same tribe it doesn't matter. What matters is revelation.


Why am I saying, strange persistence? The Bible says, they were followins and crying, Jesus son of David, have mercy on us. (Verse 27).

So, they were following Him and Jesus was not answering them. My God.

Why am I calling it strange persistence? Because this is the kind of persistence even if nothing is happening. It is strange.

I'm asking you a question. You are praying and you are not getting the answer. Will you continue to pray? You have given up. Right? You have given up. Why?

Many miracles happened in the Bible as a result of persistence of people. I will never say that enough. Bartimaeus was stopped by people. But the more they  were stopping him, the more he cried.

Elijah had nothing to show. That is why I call it strange persistence. Where you see nothing but you are persisting.

Hallelujah. Open your hand where you are, you are receiving the grace of persistence.

The four friends of the paralytic man, they came and they found the result. The door was closed. There was nowhere they could enter. They found the roof. They removed it and put their friend there. That is Strange persistence.

Hallelujah. Open your hand. Receive the grace of persistence. You are discouraged over the case you are praying for. But the Lord is telling you today get back to your faith.

When they came into the house, verse twenty-eight, the blind men came to him and Jesus say unto them, believe you that I am able to do this.


Those people were smart investors.

Do you know why I call them smart investors? Those people were smart investors because they were using what they had to get what they did not have.

That is an investor. An investor is not bothered by what he does not have. He's bothered by what he has, he uses what he has to get what he does not have. And use it in a smart way.

Those blind men they did not have eyes. But they had a mouth. They did not have eyes but they had their feet. They did not have eyes but they had their hand.

Instead of being bothered by what they don't have. They used smartly what they had to get what they did not have.

I wish somebody can give the Lord praise for those two men.

God will use what you have to give you what you don't have.

God will use what you have. God never uses what you don't have.

You better know that. That is the faith that can produce result. He uses what you have. What do you have?

God asked Moses in Exodus 4:2, “What do you have?”. Oh well, I have the that rod. Okay well I will use that one you have.

He asked that lady, “What do you have?” She said, Oh well I have a jar of oil. Is it enough? The man of God said, “Use that one”. That is a smart investor.

May you never be stupid in the name of Jesus.

So you see? Those who get result are smart people. I want to pray that you will have a smart faith.

You have a smart phone, do you have a smart faith? People want smart TV that you can connect to the internet. No problem. Smart faith. Smart investors.

The two blind men used their feet. They were following Jesus using their feet to get their sight.

My friend, maybe you are there in a place where you lost something. I mean you lost things but listen to me.

What matters is not what you lost. What matters is what has remained. With what remains you can get what you lost. Praise be the living God.

The stones in the hand of David are what God used to destroy Goliath. What do you have? What do you have? What do you have? Oh I don't have a job. It is not true. It is not true.

I always share with you that I started selling newspapers back home because I can't believe that I am jobless.

I can do something. I mean I can do something. I was doing something. I went to the Catholic Radio called Elikya. And then from there, I was doing the work as a volunteer, but at least I was doing something.

My friend, your faith will never produce result if you do nothing. Use what you have.

We started the Church Word of Life with nothing. And someone is saying, “I’m waiting God will open doors for me to get a job.” How? What are you waiting for?



The Bible says, … when they have come into the house …

For your faith to produce result, you need to specify your location. It is only when they reached the house that they saw the supernatural.

Let me tell you the supernatural is in the house. The house of God. Not on the street. They recover the eyes in the house. Now let me tell you. Your miracle is in the house.

Until you come to your specific place, the place specifically ordained by God for your miracle, as long as you have not located and specified that place, you will struggle.

If I may ask you a question, What is your address? Where is your spiritual house?

There are people who are just there on the street. They are they are street followers. They don't have a house.

Listen to me. God says, “I will appoint a place for my people. I will plant them”. (2 Samuel 7:10 paraphrased)

May you receive the grace to locate your place. Locate your place.

God told Abraham, “Go to the mountain I will tell you…” So it was the mountain. Don't give your offering at any mountain you see there in town. Give at the place I will tell you.

So there is a place. There is a place.


Jesus asked them a question…”Believe ye that I am able to do this. Do you believe I can do this?” They say, Yeah Lord. You cannot see the supernatural if you don't speak your faith.

Believe in your heart. Confess with your mouth.

From Mark 16:20, we learn that what you cannot confess God cannot confirm.

The disciples were confessing and God was confirming. God cannot confirm what you don't confess.

I always confess, “I will never be sick”. People say, “How are you saying?”. Yet, I still confess, I will never be sick. Some ask, “What if now you fall sick?” Yet, I still confess, “I will never be sick. Let God be true and men be liars”.

God confirms what you confess boldly.

Do you believe that I can? It was to give them the opportunity to speak their faith to experience the supernatural.

Speak your faith. Your speech is important.

Many people don't see the supernatural because they pray one thing but say another thing They pray for healing but they are speaking sickness. They pray for marriage, they speak celibacy. They pray for prosperity, they speak poverty. They pray for advancement. They speak stagnation.

You must change your speech.

That is what they did to get the result. If we do the same thing they did, we will get the same thing they got.


See the hand of God stretched.

You need to see the power of the hand of God.

He touched their eyes. It is strong in my spirit that God is touching somebody today in Jesus name. According to your faith.

You see? He touched.

Jesus had their eyes in his hand. So he took the eyes in the spiritual realm and brought them back and they could see.

I want you to come to a place where you can see the power behind the hand of God (Mkono Ya Mungu).

See the power behind the hand of God.

1- That hand is what defeated Pharaoh. God told Moses, “You will not deliver those people with your own hand.” The hand of God is the hand of deliverance.

2- The hand of God is the hand of speed. The hand of God was on Elijah. And he gave Elijah the speed he needed.

3- The hand of God the hand of God is the hand of multiplication. The five bread and the two fishes in the hand of God multiplied to feed multitude.

See the hand of God. What you need is in his hand. Whatever you need is in his hand. But you need to see the power of the hand. See it in your spirit. See it. See the power that is behind the hand.

He took the eyes, he put it. What you need is in the hand of God. Whatever you need is in his hand. But, he will release it to you only by your faith.

Only your faith can move the hand of God.

The visa you need is in his hand. The husband, the wife, the job, trip you need is in his hand. The growth of the Church is in his hand.

He has the whole world in his hand and he's ready to release what is in his hand to you by your faith. Open your hand where you are and receive it by your faith. Hallelujah.




Father trouble every Ahab who troubles the Word of Life Church. Father I receive my miracle today.

Father today I receive the supernatural touch from above.

Father today is the day you have made I will rejoice and be glad in you.

Father today is the day that I will see your hand in my life.

Your hand has defeated Pharaoh. Lord let your hand defeat all the pharaohs of my life.

Your hand has opened the eyes of those blind men.

Lord your hand has my eyes.

If you can't see where you are, the hand of God is touched to you for you to recover your eyes.

The hand of Jesus took the ears and put it back on that man whose whose ear was cut. The hand God is restoring whatever has been destroyed.

The hand of God has what you need. It is in His hand. It is in His hand. Receive it today if you believe. If you believe let it be done for you. If you believe let it be done for you.

The work permit, the visa, the document, for your job, your business, it is in His hand. You don't need to bribe anybody anywhere. He has what you need. He has it. He has it. He has it.

Now receive it if you believe it. Receive if you believe. Receive if you believe. Receive if you believe. Receive if you believe. Receive if you believe. Receive if you believe.

God is opening your womb. He's opening the womb of somebody. Receive if you believe.

God is doing some surgery today. His hand can do the surgery where doctors want to do things. His hand is able.

In the name of Jesus Christ I have spoken and prayed. A Oh we give you praise Lord. And we adore you in Jesus name. Amen and amen.

Wow. I believe you got something. Apply and let your faith produce results. Sunday we are in Church for the glory to glory. Sunday service will be awesome.

Invite a friend and let us come together and serve the Lord and praise Him. Midnight Praise is there and let us continue. Persist until the devil flees and bows.


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