Tuesday 4 July 2023



Praise the Lord Word of Life and welcome to the Kingdom Bible Study. 

Welcome to our 5 days fasting and prayer where we are making a decree a verdict, "something must change".

Nothing can change in your life until you come to a place where you desire the change. 

It came a moment in my life back to 1999, I refused to continue to get money from my parents

for my fair. I desired so much to see God providing

for me that I preferred to go trekking than asking them for money, and it has changed my life forever.

Nothing will change in your life until you are dissatisfied. 

To be dissatisfied means that you thank God for where you are and pray God for more than where you are. That is dissatisfaction : the thirst, the eagerness. 

That is what will make you change. As long as you are still satisfied where you are, you will never go to where you ought to be. 

I was threatened by my lender, the one who lent me some money. I borrowed something from him and he humiliated me openly. It was so shameful. 

Since then I got angry and I said, "I will never borrow money or anything from anybody I'd rather die than borrow" and borrowing left me. 

You can't change until you reach a place where you say, "enough is enough". 

You cannot change until you reach a place where you become uncomfortable. Comfort brings stagnation and discomfort brings transformation. 

Many people don't change because they are comfortable where they are. 

It came a moment in my life where I became uncomfortable remaining at the same level in my Ministry. It was clear that I was stagnating and I became very much uncomfortable and I told God, "Something must change in my life". 

That is where we are today in our ministry by the grace of God. 

Welcome To The Kingdom Bible Study today.

I believe you have been well in your homes, wherever you are. 

Why don't you lift your voice and just pray and tell God, Lord, I'm ready to receive instruction from you. As we are fasting today I want to receive your direction that will change my life for good. Thank you for this day you have given unto us.

The Bible says, "The day the Lord has made. We shall rejoice and be glad in him"

Yes, I will rejoice and be glad in you. As I'm starting this day, Lord, indeed, something must change in my life in the name of Jesus Christ the son of the Living God we have prayed and we all say

amen and amen and amen. 

The kingdom of God is the Kingdom of responsibility. 

I'm challenging everybody since then to show me one miracle in the Bible that has ever happened without the responsibility of the beneficiary. There is none.

Which means in other words that nothing will change in your life until you take a responsibility.

For things to change, it will not just happen. You ought to take responsibility.

Luke 8:22, "It happened on a certain day that he went into a boat with his disciples and he said to them, Let us go over to the other side of the lake and they put out to sea" 

Let us go to the other side of the lake and they put out to sea, meaning they took action to go to the other side.

You don't advance sitting down. You advance taking steps. Going to the other side is not a suggestion. It is an instruction from the Lord. 


DEFINITION 1 | The other side refers to progression, improvements physically, mentally, morally, socially, furtherance, promotion to a higher rank, place or dignity, moving from one level to another. 

The other side is moving forward, moving upward. 

That is the other side. It is the process of growing or causing somebody to grow or to become larger or more advanced.

Let us go to the other side. I underline us ... Us means together.

So, when we talk about going to the other side, it is not something you do it on your own. You do it with the Lord on your side. 

You can't go to the other side without the Lord on your side. 

Let us ... meaning ... I will go with you. We will go together.

That is the first thing to consider. 

DEFINITION 2 | Going to the other number two is an unending and ever growing process.

Progress is continuous, continual, Unstoppable until we reach the perfect manifestation of the will of God.

Proverbs 4:18 says, "The path of the just is as the shining Light that shineth more and more and to the perfect day the perfect day".

DEFINITION 3 |  The other side is a command. He did not say, "Do you want to go to the other side".

Let Us Go simply means in other words, "I am going and then if you are interested, you can go together with me".


My friend, listen to me. Life is dynamic. Life is not static. You are either growing or dying physically, mentally, intellectually, spiritually, financially. 

If you are not growing, you are dying.

Look at the nature. All living things are either growing or decreasing toward maturity or they are deteriorating toward decay and death. There is no middle ground. We think that there is a gray ground there.


In Exodus 14:15, the Lord said unto Moses, "Wherefore crieth thou unto me? Speak onto the children of Israel that they go forward".

Now listen to me ... God will not go forward for you. Put it in your heart, in your head, in your mind. He will not go forward for you. 

It is you to take action of faith believing the word the voice of God. 

In Deuteronomy 1:6, the Lord says, "You have been long enough in this mountain make a move now and go".

God will not make a move for you. It is you to make a move.

That's why God says, "Let us go to the other side".

Something must change in your life. Show me one miracle that ever happened in the Bible without the responsibility of the beneficiary. It does not exist. 

Even the blind man who was there in John Chapter number nine. Jesus puts the saliva on his face and told him, "Go to Siloam".

He could have opened his eyes straight away, but he said, "Go to Siloam".

Bartimaeus the blind was shouting. Jesus did not stop because he was shouting. He stopped because he continued to shout despite the opposition. His shout drew his attention and Jesus said, "ah this one is interested because maybe somebody is just crying or shouting for nothing" When he insisted, Jesus stopped.


I'm asking myself a question why do people stagnate in life?

This week, I want you to pray to enforce change in your life. 

There are many reasons why people don't progress or people stagnate. But one of the reason why people stagnate is because of lack of instruction.

Peter was working hard. Remember. In Luke 5:5, he told Jesus, "We toiled all the night, and have taken nothing : nevertheless at your word, I will let down the net"

You see? He was skilled. He was a very skilled fisherman. He was not lazy. He was a hard-working man.

What was the problem? Why could he not get the fish? Because he lacked instruction.

Ecc 10:15 says, "The labour of the foolish wearieth every one of them, because he knoweth not how to go to the city".

They don't know how ... How to is the instruction ... 

When you hear for example ... How to grow your business? How to grow your money? How to stabilize your marriage? How to parent successfully? etc.

Everywhere you see "how to", there is an instruction. 

And the Bible says ... The labour of the foolish wearieth every one of them, because he knoweth not how to go to the city... meaning, they don't have instruction that will move them from where they are to where they are supposed to be.

Every change in the Bible happens as the result of compliance with specific instruction. 

Now ... Go forward and the Red Sea will open. Not when they were standing and watching.

Turn around Jericho seven times. They did and then the wall fell.

I want to show to you and to confirm to you why people are stuck.


Now read with me a text in Genesis 42 verse 20. Joseph instructed his brothers to bring Benjamin.

In Genesis 42 verse 38, Jacob refused and said, "My son shall not go down with you".

In Genesis 43 Verse 1, the Bible says, "The famine was severe in the land..."

Where the famine is coming from? There was a pending instruction that Jacob was not willing to comply with. 

As long as you have not complied with the instruction, you will be hungry, you will suffer famine, you will suffer stagnation, you will suffer setback. 

There is an instruction you have to comply with if at all you want to change or go to the next level. 

Now in verse 43, Judah spoke to Jacob saying, "The man solemnly protested to us, you shall not see my face unless your brother is with you. If you will send our brother with us, we will go down and buy your food but if you will not send him, we will not go down for the

man said to us, you shall not see my face unless your brother is with you" 

In verse 16 ... when Joseph saw Benjamin with them, he said to the ruler of his house, bring the men into the house and kill an animal and make ready for the men shall dine with me at noon.

In Chapter 45 verse 1, Then Joseph could not control himself before all those who stood by him and he cried, cause every man to go out from me. And there stood no man with him... 

Verse 24 ... he sent his Brothers away and they departed and he said to them, do not quarell along the way.

Verse 25 ... They went out up out of Egypt and came to land of Canaan to Jacob their father 

Verse 26 ... They told him Joseph is still alive. But Jacob's heart fainted.

Verse 27 ... They told him all the words of Joseph

which he had stayed unto them and when he saw the wagons which Joseph sent to him, the spirit of Jacob their father revived 

Verse 28 ... Israel said, It is enough. Joseph my son is still alive. I will go and see him before I die. 

Genesis 46 verse 1 and Israel took his journey

with all he had and came to Beersheba and offered sacrifices to God... 

That is a very long story but you know and you understand that this man was given an instruction to release Benjamin to see Joseph on the other side.

That's why today release Benjamin...


Jacob was not ready to release Benjamin for the following reasons

1- Fear : Jacob was afraid that mischief would happen to Benjamin along the way

Gen 42:38  And he said, My son shall not go down with you ... if mischief befall him by the way in the which ye go, then shall ye bring down my gray hairs with sorrow to the grave. 

2- Distrust : Jacob was not trusting God enough to release Benjamin 

3- Negative Memories : Jacob was holding onto negative memories of the past. For him Joseph was dead.

Genesis 42:36 And Jacob their father said unto them, Me have ye bereaved of my children: Joseph is not, and Simeon is not, and ye will take Benjamin away: all these things are against me. 

4- He was holding onto negative voices he was hearing, voices telling him, "If you release this ... that will happen..."

But the famine became sore, things became tough...

You may wonder why things are becoming thin in your life. Check well ... There is a Benjamin to release 

5- He was not ready to surrender 


That is where many people are. Many people don't advance. Many people get stuck. Why? Because of holding onto Benjamin. 

Friend, you will not advance in life and nothing will change in your life if you are not ready to release.

Selfishness, self-centeredness in the heart causes

people to be stuck in their life. 

Many are living like the dead Sea which never releases water but holds it. 

If you have that mentality of not being ready to release what God wants you to release, you will be a Dead Sea : taking more and more without releasing.


Release Benjamin if you want to see Joseph.

Pastor what do you mean?

1- Job prayed for his friends and God turned his captivity

Release Benjamin means to come to a place where you are not at the center of your prayers. The center of your prayer should be the Kingdom. The center of your prayer should be others praying for others.

You are so stingy and selfish that it is you, my, I and myself.

2- Hannah was praying for God to give her a baby. Her prayer was ... give me ... give me ... give me my baby 

Now, she decided and said to herself, "It's not about give me Lord. I will give to you after you give me".

Then, she got her Samuel

3- The Widow shared her last meal with the prophet and she activated the supernatural provision for three years of famine and she had enough provision for three


She released and God released.

Oh I don't have. No it's not true. You have. 

What is in your hand that you can release and make available for the Kingdom to advance? 

That is how your life can change.

I gave you my testimony on how by the prompting of the Holy Spirit I took what I had and released it into the ministry. I sow it as a seed and heaven opened over my life. 

You are stuck because you are stingy. Nothing will change in your life if you don't take responsibility to release as per the instruction of God.

4- Peter gave up the boat to be used for the advancement of the of the Gospel and then he got the multitude of fish. (Luke 5:3)

Jesus sat down and taught the people out of the ship and in verse 6, "after they have done this, they enclosed a great multitude of fishes and their net break"

He gave out the boat. There is a boat that you need to avail for the advancement of the Kingdom of God for you to see the change you want to see

5- Rebecca watered the camels. 10 of them. 

The same camels that he watered are the camels that brought her to her husband (Genesis 24)

In verse 22, she was even Golden Earring 

In verse 61, she rode on the camels.

To what extent can you use your time and energy to advance the kingdom of God?

6- The shunamite released, gave out the house to advance the prophet Ministry. 

Then, the Lord changed her situation from barrenness to fruitfulness. 

In second king chapter 4 verse 10, she says, "Let us make a little chamber" 

In verse 17, the woman conceived. 

Those are the mysteries of the Kingdom.

Again, I'm asking you ... What is the change that has happened in the Bible without the responsibility of men? 

I'm giving you the cases of men who took responsibility for their change.

Job took responsibility to pray for his brothers.

Even when we are fasting this week, it's not about God changing you ... No. 

Things will start changing in your life if you start praying for others.

God is my witness in heaven. 99 % of my prayers are for others, for the church, for you. I don't pray for me oh

and God blesses me indeed. He blesses me a lot.

Hannah decided and made up her mind. She took responsibility saying, "You give me, I give back to you".

She did the transaction with God and God blessed her.

Rebecca took responsibility to feed the camels which came there. 

She exercised hospitality and said, "I will feed those camels no matter how tricky it can look like". 

She took responsibility and she was a single and she got her marriage. 

The Shunamite took responsibility, "No. This bareness should not continue. Something must be done. I will give to the man of God the house".

7- Solomon. God came to him and told him, "Ask whatever you want". 

Solomon took responsibility and said, "I will not pray for myself. Let me pray for the Kingdom. Give me wisdom"

And the Bible says in verse 10 of First Kings 3 that the speech pleased the Lord. Why? Because he was asking for wisdom for the kingdom of God.

I want wisdom for the ministry. I want to serve God more. Release Benjamin.


Even in your prayer, you need to pray not holding on to you. Release Benjamin.

This time round, you will see God as you have never seen him before

All those seven cases I gave to you are people taking responsibility to not hold onto things, to release them. And when you release, heaven will release. When you release, you start praying for others. 

When you release, when you start giving to God for the Kingdom to advance the kingdom, to advance others, you will see God.

When you come to a place where you are not at the center of things, you will see God. Things will start changing in your life. 

Start sharing the message to others not holding on to you. What are you doing with the notes you are taking? Who is it in your life that you are impacting in life?

Back in the church where I was, I made up my mind many years ago. I said, I will promote the teachings of my Bishop. I will promote his teachings. I started promoting his teachings online, typing the messages sending them on Facebook, on YouTube I am enjoying the returns today.

May you be free from selfishness and stinginess.

The instruction is this ... For things to change in your life, release Benjamin.

I know you are afraid. Be free from Fear.

I know you have negative memories. Be free from those memories. 

I know you are wondering now what will be next. Surrender. 

I dropped my job from home. I was working in the ministry of finances. I resigned from that job

to come in this country. God is blessing me Beyond My Imagination.

It is hard to release Benjamin, but you have to release that thing you are holding onto which is not yours. 

You are holding on to that boyfriend who will never marry you.


Let us pray Lord today in the name of Jesus.

I come before you and I pray that you will change my life. Change my life oh Lord

Lord, I'm coming before you from the depth of my heart and I'm praying oh God something must change in my life but nothing will change oh God if I do not take responsibility. 

Father, I pray today in the name of Jesus Christ the son of the Living God, release Me From stinginess. Oh God, release Me From selfishness in the name of Jesus.Set Me Free o God from holding on to things while I should release.

Father, I pray today for the grace to surrender. Jacob was struggling to release Benjamin because he was not ready to surrender to surrender to your will to surrender.

Lord, in the name of Jesus I know I can't make it on my own, but I come to release myself unto you first.

Lord, help me. Things must change in my life. Help me comply with the instruction.

I don't want to continue to stagnate oh God where I am. Whatever you want me to release, I pray for the grace to release this season in the name of Jesus Christ.

I must go to the next level. I must go to the other side Father, in the name of Jesus Christ.

it is your will for me to go forward, to go to the next level.

Anything I am holding on to and which you want me to release, I ask for the grace.

Lord, Release Me From negative memories. Release Me Oh God. Empower Me O God to trust you enough for my life. I don't want to continue this way. It is too heavy to continue to hold on to Benjamin. 

Lord, I want to see Joseph to the other side. I refuse oh God and I silence all voices speaking and talking to me. Father, in the name of Jesus, I Surrender. I Surrender. I Surrender. 

Father, I pray for each and everyone who has heard this message that the grace of God will be on each one to go to the next level. 

Father, I pray that the selfish mentality, the Dead Sea mentality will die in the heart of the people. I pray for each one to take responsibility to release for you to release. 

Open your hand where you are. As you have opened your hand, anything you are holding onto and you are not ready to release, you are receiving the grace to release. You are receiving the grace to release.

As you release, God will also release for you in the name of Jesus Christ. May God open your eyes to understand and to know the Benjamin you are holding on to which is also keeping you stuck where you are.

It can be forgiving somebody. It can be praying for somebody. It can be giving in Church and in the kingdom. It can be serving the interest of the Kingdom with your gift.

Because you are holding on to your gift, you have to release it to bless somebody somewhere for you to see change in your life. 

Be free from Fear. Be free from disobedience. In this time round, as you fast and pray for change, may God open your eyes and take action that will change your life in Jesus name ! 

Amen and Amen God bless you and do you good. 


Be focused. Have time to pray. Don't be distracted with all those movies everywhere there. Take time to pray as the Lord is instructing you and you will see the hand of the Lord.

Pastor TD Kasuku

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