Thursday 15 June 2023




● *Genesis 38:27-30 KJVS

And it came to pass in the time of her travail, that, behold, twins were in her womb. 

[28] And it came to pass, when she travailed, that the one put out his hand: and the midwife took and bound upon his hand a scarlet thread, saying, This came out first. 

[29] And it came to pass, as he drew back his hand, that, behold, his brother came out: and she said, How hast thou broken forth? this breach be upon thee: therefore his name was called Pharez. 

[30] And afterward came out his brother, that had the scarlet thread upon his hand: and his name was called Zarah.


● Today's message is for someone who is left behind while others are very much ahead.

● Today's message is a message of hope for someone that no matter how far others have gone,  no matter how you are left in the back, there is still a way out for you to overtake.

● In 1 Kings 18:46, we read about how Ahab went ahead of Ahab riding his chariot and how Elijah overtook him on foot because of the hand of God ... "And the hand of the Lord was on Elijah; and he girded up his loins, and ran before Ahab to the entrance of Jezreel."

● I pray that the hand of the Lord will be stretched upon someone's life, business, marriage, fruitlessness and cause you to overtake those who went ahead of you. So shall it be!

● Today, I'd like someone to enter a covenant with the God which I call "the God of Pharez".

● Today's message is for those who are not satisfied to the way things are in their lives

● Today's message is purposed to catapult someone from where you are to where you should be.

● Through today's message, God will release an anointing of promotion in the Name of Jesus Christ.


● There is a sad observation to point out in life. Many people are originally destined for the top, but practically are living on the floor.

● We see such sad observation in Ecclesiastes 10:5-7 KJVS

There is an evil which I have seen under the sun, as an error which proceedeth from the ruler: [6] Folly is set in great dignity, and the rich sit in low place.

I have seen servants upon horses, and princes walking as servants upon the earth.

● In this text, those who are supposed to rule sit in low place while fools are on top. Princes are walking as servants while servants ride horses.

● Why is it that way? According to the text we have read, the Bible talks about an error.

● What is an error? In this text, error comes from an Hebrew word that means inadvertent sin.

● What does inadvertent mean? It means an action that you do without realizing what you are doing. An action marked by or resulting from carelessness, 

The synonym of inadvertent is unintentional, accidental, unintended, carelessness, ...

● Many people in the Bible lost their position by error, meaning by inadvertent sin.

● For example, Esau was not realizing that by his words, he was selling his birthright. 

● Genesis 25:32 KJVS And Esau said, Behold, I am at the point to die: and what profit shall this birthright do to me?

● Later, he realized his error with tears, but it was late. He lost his position, his birthright, his heritage, ... Until today, we could have been calling God as the God of Esau but unfortunately.

● I pray for someone under the sound of my voice, you will not make such errors in your life.

● I pray you will not make errors that will cause irreparable damage and tears in your life in the Name Of Jesus Christ!


● This text is about twins. Obviously, in that time, there was no advancement technology like nowadays. 

● Therefore, there was no way a mother would know anything in advance.

● Now. What was the rule? If the babies are twins, the one who comes out first is naturally the elder.

● Watch this. in our text. One of the twins brought out his hand. And the midwife tied a red thread around his hand and marked him as the firstborn.

● Instead of proceeding out of the womb, that baby withdrew his hand and came back to the womb.

● When he withdrew his hand, the one who was left behind came out first and left his brother behind. His name was pharez or Perets. 

● When the midwife saw what happened, she asked the baby, HOW DID YOU BREAKTHROUGH?


Who is the God Of Pharez? 

● He is the God Of Uncommon Breakthrough. 

● The God who reconfigures, rearranges, remolds and pushes a person who has been completely written off to make him a subject of decoration and celebration. 

- He can take someone from the back and move him in the front

- He can take someone who is rejected and make him respected. He can make someone who is nobody and make his somebody.

- He is the God of supernatural breakthrough that will make people ask and wonder how did you breakthrough?

- He is the God who makes his people a subject of celebration where men have completely written off.


I want to prophesy over someone under the sound of my voice. 

● God of Pharez is the God of uncommon Breakthrough who  will grant you a major breakthrough to the point that people around you will be shocked and will wonder, "How did it happen?"

● Very soon your identity will become a glorious controversy.

● Those who mocked you in the past will announce your celebration 

● Every chair the enemy has designed to keep you stagnated shall catch fore

● Your breakthrough shall surprise your enemies.

● The miracle of how did it happen shall manifest in your life

● God will lift you up where nobody will pull you down


● In Matthew 1:3 KJV, we read the following in the genealogy of Jesus Christ, 

● Judas begat Phares and Zara of Thamar; and Phares begat Esrom; and Esrom begat Aram;

● From this text, it is clear that Jesus Christ came from the root of Phares, not of Zara.


Let us talk a little bit about Zara . 

● There are people who fight battles in their lives since the womb of their mothers. Even at their old age, they are still fighting.

● I pray today that every battle that would not leave at peace shall backfire to the sender in the name of Jesus Christ !

● Zara started fighting PHAREZ from the womb.

See the descendants 

● Joshua 7:1 KJVS

But the children of Israel committed a trespass in the accursed thing: for Achan, the son of Carmi, the son of Zabdi, the son of Zerah, of the tribe of Judah, took of the accursed thing: and the anger of the Lord was kindled against the children of Israel.

● From this text, we record that Achan was from the lineage of Zara. 

● Abraham had 8 children. And God chose one called Isaac. Isaac had 2 children. And God chose one called Jacob. Jacob had 12 children, God chose one called Juda. Juda had 2 children. God chose one called Pharez.

Who is Zara and what Zara stands for?

1- Zara means sunshine. He used his hand to conceal his brother, to kick his brother out, to stop his brother from coming out, to show he was the first...

● Like that baby, Zara want to shine in life by all means, to show off, to show how flashy they are even if it means to cheat, to steal, to pact with the devil 

● Zara manipulates his way to the top by kicking out others behind

● Zara conceals, hinders the progress, the promotion, the advancement, the breakthrough of others.

2- Normally in delivery, childbirth does not start with the hand but with the head. Now, 

● Zara was behind and he tried to steal leadership from his brother and to shine before his time. 

● Zara put out his hand to be recognized as the first while he was not in the first place.

● There are people who do the wrong things and are recognized by the society, they are making progress, 

● Sometime you do the right thing but no one recognizes you. Someone else uses crooked things and ways and is recognized as a winner. '''

Prophetic utterance :

● Any Zara  who will dare stretch his hand against you to take or steal your position, his hand shall wither and shall clear the way , shall be exposed and destroyed, in the Name Of Jesus Christ!

● Zara is also the power of witchcraft hand assigned to spoil, to waste, to destroy your harvest, your blessing, your destiny ...

● One thing about Zara ... He took the lead using crooked ways and means, but he could not sustain the advantage in the process of time. He withdrew his hand.

● Brethren, it is impossible to sustain lies, deception, pretence for long...


● After Zara withdrew his hand, Pharez came out ... I see the evil hand of Zara withdrawing from your way in the Name Of Jesus Christ!


● To put out the hand doesn't mean to come out.


Father in the name of Jesus Christ...

● I declare, the uncommon breakthrough that breakthrough beyond human understanding is my portion.

● I declare, the breakthrough  that will make people ask 'how did it happen? How did you make it to that point?' Is my portion.

● Father thank you for those who have gone ahead of me, today I receive the uncommon breakthrough, the pharez anointing to overtake those who have left me behind. 

● I declare,  somebody who has taken my position will withdraw his hand, will give up  and I will move forward.

● I declare,  everything that was set to stop me, to ground me, to keep me behind is shattered

● I declare, my end will be better than my beginning. (Ecclesiastes 7:8)

● I declare, starting early in the journey does not mean I  will finish last. I receive the strength that comes from above to keep breakthrough 

● Father thank you for turning my life around, empowering and anointing me to contend the hand of Zara

● Father thank you because the testimony of how did it happen will be my portion this season. 

In the name of Jesus Christ the son of the Living God we have prayed.  AMEN

Pastor TD Kasuku

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