Monday 26 June 2023





I believe you have been well from wherever you are watching the Bible study today. On our end we are thanking the lord for his doing sustaining us. Hallelujah ! Praise be the Living God.


We thank God for this week and we believe that this week is the week of the release of understanding.


This week is the week where God will love for the spirit of understanding in each one of us.


We Are The World of Life Church. A place where the king is praised and kings are raised. Hallelujah!


Now, why don't you lift your voice and pray and tell God, "Lord, I'm ready for the Word for today. Minister to me again oh God in the name of Jesus. I need you. I need you. I need you more than ever.


Father, thank you! Thank you! Thank you and thank you! And blessed be your Holy Name oh God In The Name of Jesus Christ who is the Son of the Living God.


Father, thank you! Thank you Lord! Let the Spirit of God minister to us again in a mighty way and we will be careful to give you the praise and the glory and the honor in Jesus precious name we have prayed and we all say amen and amen !



We will have our week of prayer and fasting for seven days as we will step into the month of July.


Before then, it is compulsory for me to teach you

  • - How to pray effectively.
  • - How to pray with outstanding result.
  • - The way we can pray with outstanding results is by praying with understanding.
  • - How can you pray with understanding.
  • - Why do you need to pray with understanding.
  • - Why understanding is paramount to success as far as prayer is concerned.


That is what we will talk about this week and I pray that you will tune in and I believe that somebody's life will not be the same again in the name of Jesus Christ.


Today is just the introduction. We will expound during the week and I am telling you it will be awesome. It will shift your prayer from the level where it is to a higher level in the name of Jesus Christ the son of the Living God.


Would you like to pray the way Abraham prayed and God answered him in Genesis chapter number 18?


Genesis 18:23 And Abraham drew near, and said, Wilt thou also destroy the righteous with the wicked? 


Genesis 18:26 And the LORD said, If I find in Sodom fifty righteous within the city, then I will spare all the place for their sakes. 


Would you like to pray like Isaac? The Bible says he prayed for Rebecca and Rebecca conceived.


Would you like to reach that place where you are praying like Isaac with result?


Would you like to pray like Jacob?


The Bible says that Jacob was praying and told God, "I'm too small for all the blessings and my brother is coming to attack me". As he prayed, God did something for him.

He prayed again and God moved all the wealth from the hand of Laban to his hand.


Do you want to reach that place where you pray like Moses?


He could pray and heaven would answer him in an instant way. God would do extraordinary and tremendous of miracles in the land of Egypt in response to his prayers.


Would you like to reach a place where you can pray like Moses?

Moses was a man who could lift his hand on the mountain when Israel was in the desert and God

would give Victory to Joshua in the field.


Would you reach the place where you pray like David?


David was a man of prayer. David would pray and God would do tremendous things in his life.


In fact, David has never lost any battle in the physical as far as he was concerned.


Would you like to reach a place where Solomon prayed and the Bible says that fire came from Heaven to fill the temple with a cloud symbolizing the presence of God?


Would you like to reach a place where you pray like Jabez? The Bible says that Jabez prayed to stop his predicaments and his life turned around.


Would you like to reach a place where you pray like Samuel?


The Bible says in first Samuel chapter 7 that the altar of Samuel was so fiery that when the Philistines tried to come close to the altar, they were all burned and thundered as a result of Samuel's Prayer.


Would you like to reach a place where you pray like Hannah? The Bible says that Hannah prayed and her womb was opened and Samuel was conceived.


Would you life to reach a place where you pray like Ezechias who prayed and God restored to him his health and added more years to him?


Would you like to reach a place where you pray like the people of the New Testament?


Peter prayed and said to Jesus, "If it is you bid me to walk on the water". Jesus answered him and he walked on the water.


Jesus prayed and he chose his disciples who were with Him.


Jesus prayed and the sick were healed.


Jesus prayed and heaven was opened in the beginning of his ministry.


Jesus prayed and bread multiplied.


Jesus prayed and the dead came back to life.


The disciples prayed in the upper room and the Spirit came on them.


Would you like to reach a place where you pray and Heaven is answering to you in response to your prayer?


Paul prayed and the dead were raised, the sick were healed and great things happened.


Would we like to pray corporately like the apostles who prayed in Acts chapter 5?


As they prayed, the Bible says that an angel came down and delivered Peter from the prison. Herod who wanted to keep Peter in prison failed and his plan backfired in response to the prayer of the Church.


Would we like to reach a place where we pray and the earth is shaken?


The Bible says that the Church was praying and the earth shook because of their prayer.


What else can I tell you?

It is just to stir you so that you will understand that you are missing something if you are not praying as you should and I believe that something unusual will happen this time round in our lives, in our church as we will engage prayer those 5 days and the Lord will be glorified.



But we need to pray with understanding.


All the examples I gave to you of outstanding results came as a result of praying with understanding.


The Bible says in Psalm chapter 119 verse 130, "The entrance of thy words giveth light. It giveth understanding unto the



Elijah prayed and fire fell from heaven in response to his prayer.


Prayer is not about length. Prayer is about depth. And the depth in prayer is understanding.


All the prayers I have mentioned today were not long prayers.


Elijah for example said only, "Let it be known that you are God in heaven, that I am your servant and that I have done these things by Your Word. Answer me o God, answer me and turn the heart of those people unto you" (first king chapter 18)


Two verses only and fire fell and the prophets of Baal bowed to the god of Elijah saying, "Only the Lord is God. Only The Lord Is God. Only The Lord Is God. Only The Lord Is God. Only The Lord Is God."


I was asking myself, "What was the secret of outstanding prayer?"


And I came to understand that the secret of outstanding prayer is prayer with understanding.


We have read with you Psalm chapter 119 verse 130 where the Bible says, "The entrance of the Word giveth light, it giveth understanding to the simple (not the complicated emphasis is mine)"


Who is compared to the simple in the Bible? The simple are the little children.


So, we understand that light equals understanding AND understanding equals light.


So, praying with understanding is praying with light.


You will agree with me that nothing in this world and in the universe is faster than the light.


The first thing God created after he created the Heaven and the Earth was the light. In Genesis chapter 1 verse 3, God says, "Let there be light".


So, the light is for outstanding results in prayer. The same way the speed of the light is unbeatable, the same way light in prayer is a provoker of uncommon results.


Somebody in a dark room and somebody in a room which has light will not operate with the same speed. Do you agree with me? Yes.


From where I am to the door outside my house, the speed I will use is different when there is light and where there is no light.


When you are in a dark room, you will not know which thing you will hit along the way.


So, when I talk about the light, I'm talking about spiritual understanding.


From now on, you will have the light from above in the Name Of Jesus Christ!


Coming July, God will release uncommon speed in our lives.


You need light in your business. Do business with light, meaning with understanding. Do ministry with light, meaning with understanding. Do marriage with light, meaning with understanding. Go to work with light, meaning with understanding.


No matter where, no matter what you do, when you do it with understanding, the result is always outstanding.


Those who are rich today in this world even if they don't know God the way you and I do, there is something they have in common : they have the understanding of the system to create wealth.


There is no stupid in the realm of wealth creation. Wealth creation answers to specific patterns which the rich have understood. That is why they are having those things they are having.


You will jump up and down as you want, but unless you get understanding, there would be nothing outstanding in your life.


I want you this week to strive for understanding.




So, light equals spiritual understanding and spiritual understanding equals light as per Psalm 119:130 which says, "The entrance of the Word of God giveth light and understanding".


The quicker you understand, the quicker you move.


God is moved by your understanding. Period.


The quicker you understand the greater the impact.


God is not slow. If God created the light with such a great speed, how can God himself be slow? He can't be slow.


Understanding is crucial in the kingdom of God and it is your responsibility (I am back again to my message) to come to a place where you understand and it will not fall on your lap just like that. It is you to take responsibility.


In Luke chapter 24:45, the Bible says, "He opened their understanding that they may understand the scriptures".


May God open your understanding finally in Jesus name. May God release understanding in you today.


The Spirit of God is not only the spirit of speaking in tongues. The Spirit of God is the Spirit of understanding. (Isaiah chapter 11 verse 2).


Pray this morning and say, "Lord, open my understanding".


As you pray, you are receiving the spirit of understanding today. You are receiving the speed of understanding today. The same way Jesus opened the minds of the disciples, you are receiving the spirit of understanding today in the name of Jesus Christ!


Whatever you do, you will do it with understanding. Where you go, you will go with understanding. When you come to Church, you will come with understanding.


You know what? The plague of the Church today is the plague of lack of understanding.


People go to Church without understanding. People serve and they don't understand.


That is why there is nothing as dramatic in life and catastrophic as lack of understanding.


I'm telling you the truth.




Let me give to you the danger of lack of understanding.


Danger 1 | Lack of understanding prolongs captivity


In Isaiah chapter 5 verse 13, the Bible says, "You will go into captivity because you don't understand".


Lack of understanding prolongs captivity.


You are not captive of the devil. You are captive of your lack of understanding.


Tithe with understanding. Give with understanding. Serve with understanding.


We are suffering all kind of sicknesses and disease here in town because of lack of understanding.


I will never be sick because I understand that serving God keeps sickness away from me. I will never be sick because of the understanding of service.


Because I have the understanding of giving, I tithe with understanding and God is my witness, this ministry never lacks anything not because we are the wealthier in the planet but because we have the understanding.


May God give you understanding.


When you go to Genesis chapter 15 verse 1, God says something and I want to show to you and I will close today we'll continue tomorrow.


God said clearly there that Israel's captivity was for 400 years. God is faithful to his word.


Moses went to his people and told them, "Brethren, why are you fighting?"


When you read Acts 7:25, "He supposed that his Brethren would have understood how that God by his hand will deliver them but they understood not".


When Moses went for the first time to his people to talk to them, Israel had spent already 390 years, meaning there were only 10 years away to get out of captivity.


Guess what? They rejected Moses, "Who made you our savior?"


In Exodus 12:40, the Bible says, "After 430 years...".


So, when Moses came the first time, Israel had spent 390 years. When they rejected him, he went for 40 years at Jethro's place. 390 plus 40 equals 430. That is when Israel got delivered.


Do you see that lack of understanding prolongs your captivity?


There is nothing as dramatic in life as lack of understanding.


My friend, take responsibility.


Put your hand on your forehead and pray with me this morning because I want to close there.


If you lack spiritual understanding, you will remain in captivity : financial captivity, spiritual captivity etc.


Jesus says, "You will know the truth and the truth you know will set you free". What does it mean?


If you lack understanding even if you are in Christ, you will be a captive, not because you are not saved but because you don't understand.



Pray with me this morning


Release spiritual understanding in my life in the name of Jesus Christ.


Let captivity come to an end in my life in the name of Jesus Christ.


I don't want O God to remain in captivity because of lack of understanding.


Release understanding in my life in the name of Jesus Christ

I want to pray with understanding.


I want to serve with understanding.


I want to tithe with understanding.


I want to give with understanding.


I want to go to Church with understanding.


I want to be a father with understanding.


I want to parent with understanding.


I want to be a mother with understanding.


I want to be a husband with understanding I want to be a pastor

with understanding as God says,"I will give you pastors who will feed you with knowledge and understanding".


I pray to be a pastor of understanding.


I pray that at work I will work with understanding in the name of Jesus Christ.


I take responsibility to pursue knowledge, to pursue understanding in this season.


Lord, flash out stupidity from me in the name of Jesus Christ the son of the Living God.


Release understanding In My Life.


Release understanding in my sexual Life.


Release understanding in my relationship.


Release understanding in whatever I do.


Release understanding in my life in the name of

the father in the name of the son in the name of the Holy Spirit !


May it be for you today in the name of Jesus Christ!


May God release understanding in your life in the name of Jesus Christ!


You will pray with understanding. You will serve with understanding.


The understanding is opening your mind in the name of Jesus Christ the son of the Living God we have all prayed and we say amen and amen !


Praise the Lord !


I invite you this Sunday to Church. Come with understanding and your life will not be the same again in the name of Jesus Christ.

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If you subscribe and if you connect, you will definitely never be the same again.


Please drop us a comment if you want to have more understanding and I will be happy to answer to you and provide to you the guidance you need.


We are on Facebook. We are on WhatsApp. And you can contact us anytime and we will be ready for you because you are precious for us in Jesus name.


Amen and amen. have a good day ahead and


God bless you !!!


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