Thursday 29 June 2023





This week, we are asking ourselves a question and the Lord is giving us answers from this the Word.


How do I pray with results?


And the key to pray with results is praying with understanding.


Praying with understanding is fundamental for our prayer to produce results.


It is obvious because even Jesus says in


Matthew Chapter 13:23 But he that received seed into the good ground is he that heareth the word, and understandeth it; which also beareth fruit, and bringeth forth, some an hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty. 


The proof that you understand is the fruit that you bear. If you don't bear fruit, I will doubt if you understand.


In Luke Chapter 13:6, He spake also this parable; A certain man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard; and he came and sought fruit thereon, and found none.


Luke 13:7  Then said he unto the dresser of his vineyard, Behold, these three years I come seeking fruit on this fig tree, and find none: cut it down; why cumbereth it the ground? 


Those who don't understand the Word never bear fruit.


For your prayer life to carry results, you need to pay with understanding



When you read Romans chapter 10 verse 17, the Bible says, Faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word”.


Now, we have two hearing. The first hearing is the physical hearing. The second hearing is the understanding of what you are hearing. 


Faith does not come by hearing only. No. No. Faith comes by hearing and hearing and hearing and hearing and hearing until you get the understanding.


As long as you only hear and you don't understand, you can't have faith.






























We have different levels of faith.


Level 1 | Measure of faith


We have what the Bible calls the measure of faith. That is

the faith for salvation.


Paul talked about it in the Book of Romans.


Rom 12:3  For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith. 


And in Ephesians chapter 2 verse 8.


Paul says, Ephesians 2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God


So that is the faith of Salvation and everyone who believes in God is given by God that amount of faith.


But when you read Romans chapter number one verse seventeen,


Paul says, “For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith. 


Faith to Faith means that faith has the capacity to grow.


So somebody can be just at the level where they say, “Well. I am saved. Thank you Lord. I am saved. Jesus is Lord


There is no problem with that. Yes, you are saved, but the question is this one … Is your faith growing?”


That is the question.


Faith Comes by hearing and hearing … (Romans 10:17)


So, if you increase, you will change the level of hearing from hearing to understanding. That is the moment where Faith Comes Alive.


Faith comes alive when your understanding comes alive.


The area where you are struggling to have faith is the area where you lack understanding.


So, you have the lowest level of faith which is the measure of faith (Faith to be saved). But your faith must change level from one level of faith to another level of faith as it is is written in Roman chapter one uh 16 and 17.


Level 2 | Little faith


Jesus mentioned it many times challenging his disciples, “You, people of little faith


Who are the people of little faith?


1- People who always worry


Mat 6:30 Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith? 


You worry about tomorrow. You worry about the clothes. What will I put on tomorrow? We are at the end of the Month. Where will I get the money for paying the rent. What will I do ? etc.

If such is your case, you have little faith.


2- People who are always fearful and doubtful


Mat 14:31 And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt? 


You always second guess, “Can this thing work? I am not sure what God has said. Is it for real? Can it work really?”


If such is your case, you are a man/woman of little faith.


Level 3 | Weak faith


Rom 4:19  And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead, when he was about an hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sara's womb: 


People with weak faith are those who walk by sight not by faith they. They are too much aware of what is happening. They look at their bank account. They look at the money in their pocket. They look at the the result of the doctors.


When they hear a negative repord, they look around and start checking all over.


The devil knows how he can catch you just by showing you something scaring in a dream when you are sleeping. And then, you start panicking all over.


Level 4 | Strong faith


Romans 4:20 He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God; 


That level of faith is the faith that is immovable and is not shaken by anything.

Abraham was strong in faith and gave glory to God. He knew that the body was dead. He knew that he cannot give Sarah a child. He knew that the was Sarah was, she could not conceive.


Despite all the above, Abraham gave glory to God and the Bible says in verse 21 that he was fully persuaded that what God has said, he was also able to perform.


Strong faith is a faith that is persuaded of the ability of God. If God is the one who told you that he will do it, believe and be persuaded like Abraham that you will see it happen.


Do you already see that it is the prayer of faith that produces result?


If you don't have faith and you pray, I don't see how that prayer can can come through.


The Bible says


James 1:6  But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. James 1:7  For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord.


So, if you doubt, you shouldn’t expect anything from God. You understand therefore that the prayer that produces results is the prayer of faith.


And ultimately, Abraham was persuaded, being strong in faith.


I pray for you today to be strong in faith giving glory to God.


Those who are strong in faith are those who have reached a level where they don't need to ask God all the time, “God, give me; God, remember me; God, you remember me oh…”




They are those people who are in a place where even if things don't go the way they should go, in the midst of the way things are going, they are giving glory to God knowing that God is able to do whatsoever he said.


Abraham was persuaded that's what God promises, he is able to do.


I want to tell you this morning friends that whatever God told you, He is able to do it.


It might look like things are not going that direction, but that should not affect your faith.


He says, he will do, He will do the way he said, period.


he says I am blessed, I am blessed as he said, period.


While weak Faith complains and murmurs, strong faith never complains and never murmurs. Rather, it gives glory to God.


Can you give glory to God today? Can you tell God, “You know what God? I give you the glory


I always share with you my experience of Faith. There are many things that God told me, but they did not happen the way they were to go. Sometimes, things were going in opposite way.


But if things go the opposite way, it does not mean that God is going that way. That is the enemy who wants to distract you. 




May you be free from distraction.


God does not change his Word. He says he will do, he will do as he said. I don't need to manipulate to God. I don't need to manipulate things. He says so, it will be so.


Level 5 | Great faith


Case 1 | The Syrophenician woman


Mat 15:28 Then Jesus answered and said unto her, O woman, great is thy faith: be it unto thee even as thou wilt. And her daughter was made whole from that very hour. 


Great faith the faith that never gives up. It is a faith that says like Jacob, “I will not let you go until you bless me” (Genesis 32:26)


Jesus was literally pushing her, but she was practically coming closer to Jesus.


A man/woman with great faith says, “The more you push me the more I come closer”.


That is the kind of faith that can produce results in your life.


Case 2 | Jacob


A man/woman with great faith says like Jacob, “Lord I'm going nowhere. I will not let you go until you bless me”.


Like Jacob, strive, battle, fight until in the morning the blessing was released.


This time round, as you pray with great faith, your miracle will be released. Whatever you expect from God will be released.


Case 3 | The widow and the judge (Luke 18:3-4)


Great faith is that kind of faith that this widow had. The judge was saying no to her many times. But she was still coming and telling the judge, “Avenge me”. 


Afterward, the judge said, “Though I fear not God and man, yet because this widow troubleth me, I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me (Luke 18:5)


Have you seen that level of Prayer that will bring results?


That is the prayer with great faith. The kind of prayer  whereby though the Lord does not answer you, though you don’t see anything, though nothing is happening, yet, you come again and again until the answer is released.


When you pray and say, “I see nothing” and you get discouraged, my friend, you will never see God


Case 4 | Elijah (1 Kings 18:41)


In 1 Kings 18:41, Elijah said unto Ahab, “Get thee up, eat and drink; for there is a sound of abundance of rain


After Elijah heard the sound of abundance of rain, he told his servant, “Let's go to the mountain because I have heard the sound of abundance of rain. Now, what I have heard, I want to see it physically”. 


Elijah went to the mountain, closed his ears, closed his eyes, put his head on his knees and prayed. Hallelujah !


In his prayer, he was praying like, “Lord, you said that you will send the rain. God Almighty, I’ve heard you saying that you will send the rain



While he was praying, he told his servant, Go up now, look toward the sea.


For 6 times, the servant saw nothing.


Instead of being discouraged, he continued to petition saying, “Lord, I have heard you saying that you will send the rain. Lord, send the rain as you said. I don't want to be distracted with my eyes. I don't want to be disturbed with my ears. Send the rain as you said oh God. I won't give up until you send the rain because you are the one who said it”.
































You see what the prayer of great faith is all about?


It is about praying with the Word. It is about praying with what God told you. That is the prayer that can produce results. That is praying with understanding.


As it is written in James 1:6, “Ask in faith...”. 


The prayer with result is a prayer whereby you don't need to pray for many things.


That is also the problem with people who pray for many things.


Can you come to a place where you have one thing you're praying for?


When Elijah went to the mountain, he went with one thing.


Now, we are praying this coming July. We are praying for only one thing.


The question is this … “if you are told to ask one thing, what will be the one thing you will pray for? Not anything else but what God told you
















That is how you can pray to get results : pray with what God told you.


It is not about saying, “I hear people saying this or that…”. please, stop that! As long as they have a mouth, they will still talk.


Can you come to a place where what is important for you is what God said ?


God said that the Word of Life is a Church of multitude of men and women. Whatever I can see is irrelevant. I don’t care how many people have come to Church. It doesn't matter. This is a Mega Church, a place where the King is praised and kings are raised.


Elijah heard the sound of abundant rain. He went to pray about it on the mountain. He persisted though he could not see anything. And ultimately, he saw a cloud on the sky and the rain fell.


I declare and I decree over you that your rain will fall finally in Jesus name.


Biblical Study Case Of The Centurion


He went to Jesus to pray for his servant who was sick. In Matthew 8:8, he told the Lord, “I am not worthy. Don't come in my house. I am a man under authority. When I say to one, Go, and he goes; and to another,, Come, and he comes. Just say a word. One word is enough.”


That is great faith. That is somebody who prays with understanding. Somebody who just needs a Word.




“When Jesus heard it, he marvelled, and said to them that followed, Verily I say unto you, I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel (Matthew 8:10)


As a matter of fact, his request was released.


What is great faith? Great faith is the faith that takes Jesus at his word. That is great faith.


Do you want to pray with result ? Pray with the Word. Take God at his Word.


That is what Elijah did when he prayed in 1 Kings 18:36, “Let it be known that you are God in Israel, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Let it be known that I am your servant and let it be known that what I'm doing I am doing it at your Word”.


That is taking God at his Word.


In the book of Hosea 14:2, the Bible says, Take with you words and turn to the Lord…” 


Do you see how you can pray with result?


Take words and bring them to God.




Lord, you said, I will serve you and you will bless my bread and water. I declare and I decree that I should never lack bread and water.


Lord, you said, I will serve you and you will take away sickness from me. I cannot take sickness in me. No. I cannot.


Lord, you said, I will serve you and the number of my years you will fulfil are you not there yet.


Biblical Study Case Of Peter


In Luke chapter five, Peter was fishing and Jesus came to him, spoke a Word to him, “Throw your net at the right …”.


And Peter said, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net. 


You see? That is the prayer with great faith. That is the prayer with understanding … “Because you say so I will pray according to what you said”.


You know what? When we give you the prayers for the advancement of the Kingdom, we are giving you what God says for the Church to grow. So, we pray according to what God says.


Lord, you said  Lord, you said  Lord, you said Lord you said Lord, you said 


That is great faith


Tomorrow, I will talk to you about another dimension of faith that is a Faith with a Target.


Your life will never be the same again Hallelujah!!!


What did God tell you this morning? What is the word that God has spoken concerning your life? 


Praying the Word of God is what produces result because the word of God carries power.








Biblical Study Case Of Caleb


Caleb went before Joshua and told him, “You know what? Congratulations! You are my leader today though yesterday you were my colleague. As my leader, I respect your leadership but remember that Moses told me that this mountain will be given unto me. Now, according to what God told me, give me this mountain wow”.




































What God says is what we call the Rhema word.


Taking the Word of God and Converting it into Rhema is that prayer that definitely produces result no matter the circumstances, no matter the place.


Praying with the Rhema is praying not only with the Word of God but with the voice of God. That prayer carries power.


Why? Because there is the voice behind the Word. 


Praying with the Rhema is therefore praying with the

voice that is behind the Word of God. And that Word carries power.


And the prayer made with the Word, with the voice, with the Rhema carries power.


Peter threw the net and the results were there.


Caleb claimed the mountain and the mountain was given to him.


The centurion told Jesus, Say a Word and my servant will be healed. And instantly his servant was healed.















Pray for your faith

I don't know where the level of your faith is pray and thank God lord I pray that my faith will grow

I pray for the growth of my faith in the name of Jesus Christ hallelujah

Let my faith grow. Let my faith grow. Let my faith grow. Let my faith grow. Hallelujah

I pray that my faith will grow from Faith to Faith

I pray that my faith will grow from Faith to Faith

I pray that I will change the level of my faith

I pray that oh God help me. Give me the grace to hear and hear the Word of God while I pray

God, give me the grace to hear and hear the Word

May I never get tired to hear the word

I pray : change the level of my faith that I will change the level of my walk with you

Let the level of my prayer life change

I pray oh God from now I rebuke anything that causes me to have small Faith

Anything that makes me have little faith, Lord, deliver me from worries in the name of Jesus Christ

I pray I will trust in you

My eyes will be on you. My ears will be connected to the heavenly sound. 

Father, I pray for a strong faith.

I pray for great faith

Change my level o God

From now on. I will be praying with results

Help me to have time to locate in the world the matter that I'm bringing before you and pray accordingly as per the word of God

Help me to believe in you no matter what in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit I have prayed









Hallelujah ! Whatever you will pray God this time round, you should pray with the word of God it will be granted unto you.


Whatever you are praying God for if you believe God for it, you will get it according to what God told you in the name of Jesus Christ the son of the Living God Amen and amen


Your day is blessed. Your life is blessed. The work of your hand is blessed in the name of Jesus Christ !



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