Monday 5 June 2023




● In Psalm 11:3 the Bible says, 'If the foundations are faulty, what will the righteous do?'

● When you read Matthew 7 and in the last verses, the bible says that a house which is built on a rock, the wind will blow and the rain will fall but the house will stand strong. 

● Matthew 7:26-27 NKJV

"But everyone who hears these sayings of Mine, and does not do them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand:

 [27] and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it fell. And great was its fall."

● Why? Because the foundation is strong.

● There is no weak building. There are only weak foundations. 

● How you respond to the storms of life is the product of how strong the foundations of your life are. 

● This is also true for a Christian. when the foundation of Christianity is weak, you also have a weak Christian. When they face a small problem, they start panicking and start looking for their own solutions. It is all about the foundations. 

● When I talk about the faulty foundation of childhood please note that I am not only referring to when the baby is born, but I am looking at it from the time the baby is in the womb. Babies have their source from the womb of the mother. 

● A young boy who is born from a raped mother or a girl born from a rejected mother, or a child born from an unloved woman, you don't expect them to do any miracle unless the faulty foundations are dealt with.


● In Mark 9:21, there is a story of a man who came with his child to Jesus. The child was misbehaving and he had suicidal behaviors. 

● When the evil spirit was upon him, he would jump everywhere, in the water, in fire, and behave funny.

● The child was brought to Jesus and the disciples tried to cast out that demon and it never went out. 

● There are some stubborn cases we can face in our lives that have their roots in the faulty foundation of our childhood. 

● The disciples fasted, prayed, and cast out the demon but it never went away. People were laughing at them for failing to cast out the demon. 

● Jesus came and the first thing he does is ask the father, "How long has the boy been in that situation?" The father answered and said, "Since childhood."

● Why do you think Jesus asked such a question?

● I want to let you know that the faulty foundation of childhood creates an entry point of stubborn demons. 

● Bring your children to church for the anointing and for them to be exposed to the word of God.

Prayer declaration:

- I declare today that the demon of anger that entered your life during childhood is defeated in Jesus mighty name. 

● Demon of fornication, I command you to leave this woman/man in Jesus name. 

● There are children who grow in pride because their parents created that environment of pride in them. 

Any demons of all kinds that entered your life since childhood, be defeated in the name of Jesus Christ.

● It is your responsibility to stand in the gap and declare the demons defeated in the name of Jesus Christ. 

Today is your day of deliverance. 

● The Bible says in Mark 9:25, that Jesus commanded the demon to leave that boy and never return.  

I command any demon in your life to leave you now in the name of Jesus Christ.

● The disciples asked Jesus why they were never able to cast out the demon and Jesus answered them that these kinds of demons that enter someone from their childhood and are difficult to deal with in a natural way. 

● Do you know that Hannah dedicated her child from the womb? Do you know that there are children who are dedicated to the evil one while they are still in the womb? 

● When someone grows up in an environment of occultism and witchcraft, such demons enter this person in their childhood.  The demons in this person cannot be dealt with the same way you deal with other demons. 

I declare today by the anointing of God in my life that you are free from any demon in the name of Jesus Christ.

● There are people who live even to the man of God. I believe that such lies started in their childhood. You can break such kinds of lies by speaking to the faulty foundation of your childhood. 

Pray and declare in the name of Jesus Christ; 

1 - Polygamy from my childhood foundation I confront you today in the name of Jesus Christ. 

Jesus said that such demons can only leave through prayer and fasting. I urge you to pray and fast this week from Wednesday to Friday to deal with the demons from your childhood.

2 - I will not suffer what my parents suffered. 

3 - Foundations of my childhood, hear the voice of the Lord. I didn't come into the world to live the same way my parents lived; a life of struggles and lack of love. I am not a repetition of my father's life in the name of Jesus Christ. AMEN.  

✍🏽Pastor TD Kasuku

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