Monday 1 May 2023



● Acts 26:15-16 KJV And I said, Who art thou, Lord? And he said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest. 

[16]  But rise, and stand upon thy feet: for  I have appeared unto thee for this purpose, to make thee a minister and a witness  both of these things which thou hast seen, and of those things in the which I will appear unto thee;

There is a purpose behind the appearance of Jesus.  The purpose is to minister and witness

●  Acts 23:11-12 KJV

And the night following the Lord stood by him, and said, Be of good cheer, Paul: for as thou hast testified of me in Jerusalem, so must thou bear witness also at Rome. 

[12]  And when it was day, certain of the Jews banded together, and bound themselves under a curse, saying that they would neither eat nor drink till they had killed Paul.


● Today I want to let you know that the conspiracy of the enemy will backfire. 

● God told me to tell you that the witches and the wizard's projects will backfire in the name of Jesus Christ. 

● I have three reasons why I believe that the plot/project of the enemy will backfire:

Reason 1: You must witness

● You must have a testimony in the situation that you are in.

● You must have a testimony that God has opened your womb/visited you with a job/done something great for you.

Reason 2: God shall expose the enemy

● What they are plotting in darkness will come to light.

Reason 3: It is not yet over!

● They will plot against you, they will gather together to kill your life, and will decide to terminate your life. I want to let you know that the conspiracy will fail because God is not yet done with you. 


What is a conspiracy?

● This is a secret plan/plot/strategy/ action of plotting something evil against someone.

● Today, I want to draw your attention to let you know that witchcraft powers work essentially in hiding/secrecy/concealment of their plan/project and their purpose.

● Today, I want to announce to you as per the leading of the Holy Spirit that any conspiracy against your life/my life will backfire. 

● Anything that was done in secret/in hiding against your life/my life/the Church/the Pastor shall backfire in the name of Jesus Christ. It will fail and will not stand.

● In Isaiah 8:9-10 the Bible says, ‘Take counsel together, and it shall come to nought, speak the word and it shall not stand: for God is with us.’

● Any word that is ever spoken from the dark world, it shall never stand because God is with us. 

● The conspiracy of witchcraft will backfire in the Name of Jesus Christ. 

● Acts 23:12 shows clearly that there are people who gather against you. This is witchcraft. 

In this text, we learn that:

1 | They were all Jews. 

2 | They made a covenant

3 | The target of their covenant was Paul

4 | They said that they will fast until Paul dies. 

● You should know that the witches are aware of the following powers:

Power 1 | The power of agreement. 

● The Bible says, ‘They banded together.’ You should know that witches also have their gatherings/meetings. They have a place for their meetings/talks/services.

Power 2 | The power of fasting

● They bound themselves to fast. 

Power 3 | The power of purpose. 


● They had a purpose for their gathering which was to kill Paul. 

You should understand that witches gather and fast, but the purpose behind their gatherings and fastings is to kill. 

● But... They will eat their own flesh and drink their own blood. 

● I want to draw your attention to what is happening here in verse 12

What is happening in verse 12 is a result of what is happening in verse 11. 


● I want to let you know today:

- Any gathering of evil, according to Isaiah 8:9-10, take counsel together, it shall come to nought because God is with us in the name of Jesus Christ. 

● Witches are religious. How can you fast for the purpose of killing someone? You are fasting to do the wrong thing. 

- I announce today that conspiracy will fail. 

- Wherever two or three gather against you (To kick you out of your house/your heritage), I declare and decree that as the Lord lives in this season, it will fail. It will backfire.

● Isaiah 54:15 says, ‘…Whosoever shall gather together against thee shall fall for thy sake.’

● At your workplace, there are some people who are having meetings behind your back. They fast behind your back because they want to kick you out of your position. 

- I declare and decree from Isaiah 54:15, whatever the meeting is about, it shall backfire. The Bible says, ‘It shall fail.’

● *QUESTION: What did Paul do to them? 

- He did nothing to them.*

● The amazing thing that we read from verse 11 is that, before the gathering started, God had appeared to Paul at night and He told Paul, “Be of good cheer, for thou hast testified of me in Jerusalem, so must thou bear witness also at Rome.”

● Immediately after God unveiled His plan to Paul in verse 11, the devil came with his plot in verse 12. 

● God has a good plan for you while the devil has an evil plot against you. God's plans are of peace/joy/to prosper you/to continue the work. 

● I have some good news for you, In your life the devil will always come late. They will come and you have already left. They will send a bomb but you shall not be there. 

● That’s why friends,  it is important for you to let God lead your life.

● In the name of Jesus Christ, in the life of  (mention your name) the devil will always come late. 

● I want to announce to you this morning that the plan of God for you is greater than the enemy’s plot against you. 

● God’s plan for your life will stand/will be fulfilled. The devil’s plot against you will fail/backfire.

● I like what God said to Paul, ‘You must bear witness at Rome.’ He did not say you might, No, it is a MUST.

● I want to tell you this morning, whether the devil likes it or not;

- You must get married

- You must get your children. 

- You must preach the word.

God said YOU MUST. 

● You must fulfill the purpose of God for your life; you MUST move forward, you MUST succeed, and your children MUST succeed.

● I want you to know today, no matter the hatred of the devil, no matter the plot of the witches and wizards, I want to announce to you this morning that the agenda of the devil will fail in the name of Jesus Christ. 

● I must fulfill the plan for my life/my agenda on this earth/whatever God has called me to do in the name of Jesus Christ. My destiny/future shall not pack prematurely. No one will go prematurely. You must hold your Samuel/your blessing/your job/your visa.

● You must go where God wants you to go. You must have the husband/wife God wants you to have. You will hold your job. 


● God has a plan for you and the plot of the devil will not cancel the plan that God has for you. The devil will not stop the plan of God for your life. You MUST fulfill whatever God has planned for you. 

● Whatever the devil has planned for you this year 2022, they have failed already. You must bear witness. 

● When you read Acts 23:16, the Bible tells us that the hidden agenda of the 42 people was revealed. 

● I want to announce to someone today, whatever people will do against you in darkness, you will have the information. The Lord will make sure that you know what they are plotting against you. 

● That’s why we announced that this month everyone should take their fasting seriously. 

● Remember that when you are not fasting, there are people out there who are fasting for you to die.  

● I want you to know that  Our God is the revealer of secrets.(Jer 33:3)



● There are many things that you don’t know. That’s why you must pray because God reveals to us hidden things through prayers. This is the first thing that you need to do, for God to reveal to you the secret things. ( Jeremiah 33:3 ) 

● God will reveal to you the hidden things if you ask Him. May God reveal to you whatever they are plotting against you. It shall backfire. 

Examples of people in the Bible who were exposed by God:


- Achan was hiding in the camp and God exposed him.

- Jonah was hiding in the boat and God exposed him. 

● It is important for you to pray. You cannot afford not to pray.


● Acts 28:3... we read that the viper came out of the fire. 

● QUESTION: How did the fire spark?

- From the gathering of the sticks 

● There is power in agreement. You need to have an understanding of the power of agreement. We see those evil people treasure agreements/gatherings. They can miss anything else but they never miss their gatherings.  What about you? 

Things you need to know about the power of agreement:

- Where there is an agreement, the impossible becomes possible. 

- Where there is an agreement there is growth in strength. That’s where the strength of the first church lay.

- Where there is an agreement, there is fire. Where there is fire, no snake can stand/stay.


● This morning we are declaring the fire of God. 

● Let the fire of God expose every snake wherever they are gathering/hiding in the name of Jesus Christ.

● God, expose the plot of the devil against the church/my people/family/children. Let it backfire. Expose every Jonah hiding in the name of Jesus Christ. 

● Expose everything hidden in darkness through dreams, prophecies, and many other ways. God has a way to expose every piece of information, BUT you need the fire.

● Do you know why the devil is reducing your fire and disconnecting you from the Church? When your fire goes down, that’s when he can eat you raw. There is no way the devil can eat a believer who is on fire. Paul was a man on fire. 

● Receive the fire this morning. If you are feeling discouraged, receive the grace for the fire of God to rekindle in your altar so that the Lord will be revealing to you everything that the devil plans before it happens. 

● You will not die unexpectedly in the name of Jesus Christ. You are safe. 

● As I am closing, I want to ask you a question. God had a good reason to keep Paul alive. That’s why He revealed the plots of the evil one to him. 

● I pray that you will have clear night visions. May God speak to you through visions. 

● In (Acts 18:9-10)  God spoke to Paul through a vision and told him, “Do not be afraid, but speak and hold onto your peace. For I am with Thee and no man shall set on thee to hurt thee: for I have many people in this city.”


- What is the good reason for God to keep you alive? 

- What is the reason why God will protect you?

- What is the reason why the witches will gather together against you and fail?

● I pray today that you will live for the purpose of the Kingdom/serving God. 

God told Paul, “I have much people and that’s why I want you to be alive.” 

● That’s why the gatherings of the witches against Paul could not work because God had a purpose with Paul which was not to fail.

● I pray from now that you will live purposefully. May God grant you the grace to live for the purpose, to serve for the purpose. 

● No witch from the dungeon of hell will succeed to take away your life until you have fulfilled your purpose of God on this earth.  Live purposefully. 

● God said to Paul, ‘Speak the Word.’ Purpose to share the Word of God with others. 

● The reason why the plot against Paul backfired is that he had the purpose to speak the word, to witness.  Witness Jesus wherever you are. That’s your security. Your security is not the money in the bank, but serving the Lord. 

● I speak a blessing upon your life this morning. You shall live your purpose on earth. No devil/witch wherever they can be will take away your life before your time. 

● As you witness Jesus, God will cover and protect you. Be a witness of Christ in your family and in your house. 

● As the Lord is the Covenant- Keeping God, He will keep you/preserve you and protect you in Jesus precious name. 


✍ Pastor T.D. KASUKU

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