Monday 15 May 2023




● Today I taught about the Paradigm shift, the perspective of God on Kingdom authority.  

● When we talk about Paradigm shift please understand it is a time when the usual and accepted way of doing or thinking about something changes completely. 

● In other words, it is the change of the way people think or do things.  


● In Acts 19:11-17 KJV

[11] And God wrought special miracles by the hands of Paul: 

[12] So that from his body were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons, and the diseases departed from them, and the evil spirits went out of them. 

[13] Then certain of the vagabond Jews, exorcists, took upon them to call over them which had evil spirits the name of the Lord Jesus, saying, We adjure you by Jesus whom Paul preacheth. 

[14] And there were seven sons of one Sceva, a Jew, and chief of the priests, which did so. 

[15] And the evil spirit answered and said, Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are ye? 

[16] And the man in whom the evil spirit was leaped on them, and overcame them, and prevailed against them, so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded. 

[17] And this was known to all the Jews and Greeks also dwelling at Ephesus; and fear fell on them all, and the name of the Lord Jesus was magnified.

● This is the story of the 7 sons of a high priest, who tried to cast out evil spirits from a man in the name of Jesus, but the spirits turned against them & beat them. They fled wounded and naked.

Information to take note of

Information 1. | Their father was a high priest

- He was the chief of all the priests 

Information 2. | They saw how Paul was casting out demons.

- They saw the impact of how the sick got healed. 

- It is amazing to see how Paul was radiating an extraordinary kind of power.

- I trust God that such demonstration of power will come back to Church. 

Information 3. | They tried to do what Paul was doing.

Information 4. | The demons reacted against them

Information 5. They were vagabonds.

- Vagabonds are not planted in one place. They wander from one place to another.

Information 6. | They were usurpers/ illegal

Information 7.| They never knew they who they were.


● The kingdom where we are has a way of operating.

Principle 1. | Kingdom Authority is about sonship

- It is rooted in God.

● It is for the sons of God not the sons of the Pastor or the sons of the high priest.

● It is delegated to the sons of God to carry out his assignment on the earth.

● Receive the baptism of sonship in the kingdom.  

Question: Are you a son of God?

Principle 2. | Kingdom Authority is about personal relationship with God.

- It is not about a man.

Acts 19:11 KJV God wrought special miracles by the hands of Paul:

- It had nothing to do with Paul but God.

● When we talk about Kingdom Authority it is about bringing back God to the scene. It had nothing to do with any human being.

● We have many people today who are praised allover  ... No no no no no .... I pray in your life it will be about God. 

● Kingdom Authority is all about God not about man. God told me, the time of praising people is over. It is about Jesus.  

 ● Word of Life I beg you by the mercy of God, bring back God in the center of your life.

Mat 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

● May God be the center of your ministry,  business... of everything that you do. May God use you from now. 

Principle 3.| Kingdom Authority isn't about titles.

● The father of those men was a high priest which was a big title.  

● Kingdom Authority is about your personal relationship with God and your personal faith in God.

● Being a son of a prophet or pastor does not entitle you to authority in the kingdom. It's about your personal faith. 

● The kingdom of God is about taking personal responsibility. ( Biblical case : The ten virgins; Matthew 25:1-9 ) 

● When you read the Bible in there were some ten virgins who were waiting upon their master. He took long and they slept. When the master came, they arose and prepared their lamps. The foolish virgins borrowed oil from the wise ones but the wise ones told them to go and buy for themselves.

● The Bible says, 'If you believe, you will see the glory of God. Not of somebody believes for you. 

● Receive the grace to have a personal approach in your relationship with God.

● Two will be on the same bed, one will be taken and the other one left. 

● In Luke 22:3 KJV  the Bible says all the disciples were around Jesus but Satan entered Judah

"Then entered Satan into Judas surnamed Iscariot, being of the number of the twelve."

● How did Satan enter Judah who was with Jesus? Because faith is personal.

● When I talk about personal faith please understand it is about personal connectivity with Jesus.

● Today we have a sickness in Church of people who follow blindly. That is not the kingdom.  That is a market because that is where people follow one another.  Where things are cheap, you see people go there. The kingdom is the same.

● Receive  the grace to be personal in your approach with God.

● Ruth was together with Naomi and instead of going back to her people she remained. She said, your people shall be my people,  your God my God. (Ruth 1:16-17) But Oprah on the other hand she left.

● You know what? Ruth became the ancestor of Christ. Receive the grace to be personal. 

● The Disciples were all in the boat, only Peter stepped out of the boat and walked on water. The others,  watched.  (Matthew 14:28-29)

● They were all thronging on Jesus but only the woman with the issues of blood got healed.  ( Mark 5:29-31)

You who follow people,  BE CAREFUL!! It is personal. 

● Bartimaeus was in the crowd, he was the only one who got healed. ( Mark 10:46-49)

● The kingdom of God had nothing to do with a crowd but a cloud. 

● I pray from now you will take personal faith and responsibility. 

● We have a sickness where people don't want to take personal responsibility; everything is the pastor. No wonder people are taken to a forest and made hostages there. God forbid! Take responsibility.

Principle 4.| Kingdom Authority isn't about number

● It is about the effective dwelling of the King. 

● The sons of Sceva were 7 but they were beaten up by one.  

- You can be many but God is not there.

- We have churches where people are many but God is not there. 

● You can't have God and be beaten by the devil.

Principle 5. | Kingdom Authority is bout being under authority

● We have so many vagabonds. They have no address. 

Question: Where do you belong to? Who is your pastor? Who is your spiritual father?

2 Samuel 7:10, the Bible says, 'moreover I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them any more, as beforetime. 

● Do you know where your affliction is coming from? Your affliction us coming from the fact that you are not settled.  

Question: Where is your church? Who is your Pastor? You hear a pastor somewhere,  you rush and take a handkerchief, another one you take the anointing oil, ...nowonder there are people who are beaten by the devil because they are not settled.

● Matthew 8:9 For I am a man under authority, having soldiers under me: and I say to this man, Go, and he goeth; and ro another, come and he cometh; and to my servant Do this and he doeth it.

Question: Are you under authority? 

● If you are the kind that do not want to be under authority you are not part of the kingdom.

Principle 6.| Kingdom Authority is about the authorization to use the power

● The constitution of the Kingdom is the word, those sons were illegal.  They were using illegal powers.

● If you are part of the kingdom, you will learn to walk with integrity.  

● When you use something that you have not been given, you are a thief.

Kingdom Authority is about integrity.

Question: The man you are sleeping with, is he your husband? The woman you are sleeping with, is she your wife? 

● We have many people this days who are in illegal relationship.


Principle 7.| Kingdom Authority is about identity


● Altar call

Lift your voice and pray ...

Lord, I receive you today in my life,  as my Lord and Savior; be my king, be my Lord. Change my life, change me in the name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.


 If you are in need of spiritual guidance kindly contact our office.  +254794212120

Pray with the following prayer guidelines

● Lord, help me to have a sonship mentality. To be son not a member.

● Lord, help me to have a kingdom mentality.  

● Lord, give the grace to be a son. 

● Lord, I pray for a personal relationship with you. Help me to be personal in my walk

● Lord, I pray may not follow the crowd, may I follow the cloud. 

● Lord, I pray May I be personal in my faith in God.

● Lord, give me the grace to be a man/woman of integrity. 

● Lord, help me to be under authority.

● Lord, help me to be humble enough to submit to the authority you have provided for me. 

● Lord, help me to have a place where I will be located and planted.

● Lord, help me to have the knowledge and  understanding of my identity. 

● Lord, help me to have a personal faith. 


Know who you are in the Kingdom and you will walk in Kingdom Authority

✍🏽Pastor TD Kasuku

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