Wednesday 31 May 2023



● I have a concern and my concern is for the generation to come. Five, ten, fifteen to twenty years from where we are now.

● My concern is how will our world look like with the generation which we have today.

●  The worst crisis our generation is facing is not economic it's not politic it's not social it is not environmental,

● The worst crisis is not the war that we see around. The worst crisis we have is the crisis of role models.

● There is a text I have ever read in my life and it has ever broken my heart.

● 2 Samuel 4:4 Jonathan, Saul's son had a son that was lame in his feet. He was five years old when the  news about Saol and Jonathan came from Jezreel; and his nurse took him up and fled. And it came to pass as she made haste to flee, that he fell and became lame. His name was mephibosheth.

● This young boy was okay. He was fine. He had all his feet but in the process of time he became lame.

Why did he become lame?

● Because of careless leadership  careless parenting.

● It is traumatic for our society, our country, our nation, for the world.

● That is the result of carelessness when a young boy was born OK becomes lame

● Today, at the sound of my voice you will never ever be careless in your life in the name of Jesus Christ.


- I am not able to see my future

- All that I can see is no7w

- Esau lost his birthright

- I cannot see far

- All that I can see is here

- Bitterness root cause of carelessness

- Carelessness as a way of protecting self against hurt

- Lack of wisdom

- Build on the sand not on the rock

- Will cry tomorrow

- Will envy others tomorrow

- Will steal tomorrow

- Crush the weak

- Red | Orange | Green are the 3 life flags

- David and Batscheba 

- Don't read the red flags

- Will suffer loss

- Are wasters and wasteful

- Neglegent 

- Mediocre

- It is a curse 

- Are poor listeners 

- Do we care about our next generation?

- Do we care about our legacy? 

- Do we care about the future of our country?

- Do we care about our own future? 

- Careless people are insensitive people

- One day you will wake up and it will be late

- The fake mother woke up after she has killed

- The real mother woke up to nurse

- Both slept. Both gave birth. 

- Do we realize how uncaring our generation has become?

- The strong uses their strength to crush the weak.

- Men in power use their power to crush the weak 

- Abortion is murder

- Not take responsibility of own action

- Cover up mistakes by putting blame on others




●  Main scripture - 2 Samuel 4:4 | Mephibosheth and the Nanny

● 2 Samuel 4:4 NKJV Jonathan, Saul's son, had a son who was lame in his feet. He was five years old when the news about Saul and Jonathan came from Jezreel; and his nurse took him up and fled. And it happened, as she made haste to flee, that he fell and became lame. His name was Mephibosheth.

● At the news of Saul and Jonathan's death, the nanny took Mephibosheth and ran away.  

● In the process, the boy fell and broke his feet and became lame his whole lifetime. 

● It's painful to hear this story of a boy losing his feet because of someone else's mistake.

● He didn't have any problem, but in the process of time, because of someone's carelessness, he became lame. 

●  Question : Where was the mother?

● The mother is not in the picture. Maybe she had died, separated or left.  The Bible is mute.

● When Jonathan went to the battlefield, he left the nurse in charge of his son. 

● I discourage those who think that the responsibility of their children should be in the hands of nannies, school or the government. 

● As long as we are alive, we have the responsibility to take care of our children. 

● It's unfortunate that many parents believe so much in schools than in God. Kids go to school the whole week but on Sunday they claim their kids are tired. They remain at home to be taken care of by the nanny.

● Warning : Parents, take responsibility of your children.


1st Problem. She had careless hands

● You will know someone is careless by how they handle what is put in their hands. 

● Careless hands are easy to break relationship, ministry, family, children...

● When you look at your hands, what can you say about your hands?  I call unto you to CHECK YOUR HANDS

● I am a shepherd, the people God has put in my hands, am I careful? Do I care for them or am I careless? 

● I am heartbroken because of this young boy. At 5 years old his legs are broken because of the carelessness of the nanny.

● There are careless hands. In the name of Jesus Christ, your hands will not be careless.

● I pray you receive the grace that your hands will not  break things that are put in your hands. Those are not blessed hands.

● I pray that your hands will be like the hands of Joseph. He had golden hands. Whatever was put in his hands was multiplying. 

● I pray that God will lead you to be in the right hands. I pray also for the ministry, that it will have the right people who will take care of it. 

● It pains my heart that innocent believers are broken in the hands of a careless Pastor, innocent children are broken in the hands of careless parents, careless teachers, careless nannies. .

● Jonathan went to the battle, the mother is not there, the boy is left with a nanny. The nanny drops him and he loses his feet. That is carelessness. 

● In the name of Jesus Christ, nothing will be broken in your hands. 

● Always pray for what God puts in your hands. 

● In  John 10:28-39  Jesus says, "What my Father has given me is greater. Nobody can snatch away what God has put in my hand." 

● I pray that what God has put in your hand will not be taken away. 

2nd problem : The woman was ignorant

What was her ignorance about?

● She was ignorant that Mephibosheth had an exemption package.


●  After Saul's death, David remembered his covenant with Jonathan and RESTORED to his son Mephibosheth all that belonged to king Saul ( 2 Samuel 9)

● 2 Samuel 9:1-6 NKJV Now David said, "Is there still anyone who is left of the house of Saul, that I may show him kindness for Jonathan's sake?" 

● 2 Samuel 9:2 And there was a servant of the house of Saul whose name was Ziba. So when they had called him to David, the king said to him, "Are you Ziba?" He said, "At your service!" 

● 2 Samuel 9:3 Then the king said, "Is there not still someone of the house of Saul, to whom I may show the kindness of God?" And Ziba said to the king, "There is still a son of Jonathan who is lame in his feet."


● 2 Samuel 9:4 So the king said to him, "Where is he?" And Ziba said to the king, "Indeed he is in the house of Machir the son of Ammiel, in Lo Debar." 

● 2 Samuel 9:5 Then King David sent and brought him out of the house of Machir the son of Ammiel, from Lo Debar. 

● 2 Samuel 9:6 Now when Mephibosheth the son of Jonathan, the son of Saul, had come to David, he fell on his face and prostrated himself. Then David said, "Mephibosheth?" And he answered, "Here is your servant!"

● 2 Samuel 9:7 NKJV So David said to him, "Do not fear, for I will surely show you kindness for Jonathan your father's sake, and will restore to you all the land of Saul your grandfather; and you shall eat bread at my table continually." 

● 2 Samuel 9:8 Then he bowed himself, and said, "What is your servant, that you should look upon such a dead dog as I?" 

● 2 Samuel 9:9 And the king called to Ziba, Saul's servant, and said to him, "I have given to your master's son all that belonged to Saul and to all his house. 

● 2 Samuel 9:10 You therefore, and your sons and your servants, shall work the land for him, and you shall bring in the harvest, that your master's son may have food to eat. But Mephibosheth your master's son shall eat bread at my table always." Now Ziba had fifteen sons and twenty servants.

●  Who is Mephibosheth?

1- He was born well but at 5 years old, he fell and remained impotent all the days of his life.

2- His name means “a shameful thing”


3- He was residing at "Lodebar," , the most decrepit of the Samaritan slams, where the rejected of society come to live and where the outlaws hide.

 4- Before he was ever born, he was already beneficiary of a covenant between David and Jonathan his father. BUT HE DIDN'T KNOW

● What can Grace do?

1- Grace removed shame from his name. 

2023 - Grace will take away anything causing shame & reproach from you.

2- Grace qualified him where he was unqualified. 

2023 - Grace can make the unworthy worthy and favor the disfavored.

3- Grace located him at Lodebar & relocated him to Jerusalem. 

2023 - Grace can locate you wherever you are & relocate you wherever you are called to be.

4- Grace answered to Mephiboscheth in response to the covenant. Not of his own effort or merit. 

5- Grace exempts

- In 2 Samuel  21:7 There was famine in the land and Mephibosheth was spared by the King when others were being killed because he was a covenant child. 

- Because of your covenant with God, you are exempted. There is an exemption over your life. 

- Remember in Goshen, among the Israelites there was an exemption because they were under a covenant. 

- Why are you running the way you are running? Why are you living in fear? Why are you living unsettled? 

6- Grace marks

There is a seal of grace on you. There is a mark of grace on you. (  Ezekiel 9:4 )

- You are sealed by the anointing and blood of Jesus Christ. What affects others will not affect you. Death will come over but it will pass you. The devil will try to attack you but it will be minus you. 

● 1st exemption : You are exempted from being cursed. 

- God will curse those who curse you. ( Genesis 12:3 )

- If anyone curses you the curse will turn into blessings. ( Deuteronomy 23:5 ) 

● 2nd exemption :  Anyone who fights you, God will fight them. 

- Let God fight for you, you remain quiet. ( Exodus 14:14 )

- God is the enemy of our enemies and the adversary of of our adversaries. 

● 3rd exemption : Those who hate you, God will plague them. 

- You are exempted from being hated. It's dangerous to hate those who are under a covenant. 

- I pray today for you to be settled in your faith and in your covenant with God. 

● 4th exemption : Those who trouble you, God wil trouble them back. 

- It is a righteous thing for God to trouble those who trouble you. ( 2 Thessalonians 1:6 )

- I pray from now by the grace of God, you will be settled. May you be covenant conscious. May you be aware of your covenant. 

● 5th exemption : In the midst of famine, you will not suffer famine. 

- You will enjoy supernatural provision from God.

- You are covered. God will spare you from what is happening now in the world. It won't come to your home. 

- I am not saying you won't face challenges. But when they come, there is an exemption package for you. 

- Everything evil will pass over. The Bible says in Exodus 12:23 I will see the blood and I will pass over. 

- The blood exempts you. May you stop running. Receive the grace to be firm in your faith and stand strong in the covenant with God. 


In the Name of Jesus Christ I pray ...

1. Lord, deliver and free me from carelessness. 

2. Lord, help me to build my faith. Deliver me from fear.

3. Lord, help me not to be ignorant of my covenant. Help me to know my rights in Christ. 

4. I declare, my children will not be broken by carelessness..

5. Lord, preserve my children from careless caregivers. 

✍🏽Pastor TD Kasuku

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