Friday 5 May 2023



● For one and a half years after my mothers' death - may she continue resting in peace-, we have waited for the consent of Grant. The court granted us a hearing date for the 25th of April.

● My mother's lawyer had fraudulently changed mums will to benefit my elder sister. On the day of the hearing, I decided to go to my lawyer's office and follow the proceedings from there, because lights had gone off at my place, and the session was taking place online.

● On the way, a very big black snake appeared on the road, and it had its head raised, as though poised to strike. The rider asked me to hold on, and he lifted the bike's front wheel, causing the motorbike to jump over the snake. I saw the hand of God upon us. 

● At the lawyer's office the power went off, so we had to rush to a nearby cyber cafe to watch from there. I thank God that the judge overturned the consent of grant  

●   I remembered Pastor giving me the word in 2 Chronicles 20:15-17 each time we would have this conversation. He would say that if the consent of grant was not the will of God, He would overturn it.

Word of Life, it may tarry but as long as He has spoken it and we remain steadfast in pursuit of what He has said, he will make it happen. 

Hold on to that word as though your life depends on it because it does.


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