Tuesday 18 April 2023



We have 4 things in this verse Matthew 27:66 KJV So they went, and made the sepulchre sure, sealing the stone, and setting a watch.

1. The sepulchre, where the body of Jesus was placed.

2. The stone, that was placed at the entrance of the tomb.

3. The Seal that was placed by officials of Rome.

4.The watch placed to guard the tomb.  

Declaration : Your life will never remain in the tomb in the name of Jesus Christ. 

● The 4 things in the scripture had a purpose to keep Jesus in the tomb to make sure he is not go anywhere,  that the word he had spoken will fail. 

● The enemy is after the Prophetic word spoken over your life. May you get out of slumber and distraction.

● The word of God says the word of life Church is a mega church. Whether the devil likes it or not. 


● The stone was huge, heavy, not easy to move.

Mark 16:4 (NIV) But when they looked up, they saw that the stone, which was very large, had been rolled away.

Declaration : Nomatter how large the stone is, nomatter how large the blockage is, nomatter how large the obstacle is, I declare and decree it will be rolled away.


● Remember in Matthew 27:66 the Bible says they had sealed the stone.

● It was the official seal of the governor of Rome.

● The Greek word described a legal seal that was placed on documents, letters, possessions, or, in this case, a tomb. 

● It's purpose was to authenticate that the sealed item had been properly inspected before sealing and that all the contents were in order.

The following individuals and groups verified that His dead body was in the tomb before the stone was permanently sealed by an officer from the Roman court of law:

Joseph of Arimathea carefully laid Him inside the tomb.

Nicodemus provided the embalming solutions, assisted in embalming Him, and helped Joseph of Arimathea lay Him in His place in the tomb.

Mary Magdalene and Mary, the mother of Jesus,  lovingly examined His body and carefully contemplated every aspect of the burial site to ensure everything was done properly and respectfully.

Rome’s official officer  ordered the stone rolled back. 

- Then he went into the tomb and examined the body of Jesus to verify that it was Jesus and that He was really dead.

The chief priests and elders  entered the tomb with Rome’s official officer so they could look upon Jesus’ dead body and put an end to their worries that He had somehow survived.

Roman guards checked the contents of the tomb because they wanted to know for sure a body was there. They didn’t want to be guarding an empty tomb that would later be used as a claim of resurrection, while they got blamed for the disappearance of Jesus’ body.

- After all of these inspections were complete, Rome’s official officer ordered the stone rolled back in its place. 


● This was a group of four Roman soldiers whose shift changed every three hours. 

● The changing shifts assured that the tomb would be guarded 24 hours a day by soldiers who were awake, attentive, and fully alert. 

● When Pilate said, “Ye have a watch…,” a better rendering would be, “Here — I’m giving you a set of soldiers; take them and guard the tomb.”

● Despite the stone, despite the seal, despite the  watch set at the sepulchre, despite  all these efforts to secure the site and to keep Jesus inside the grave,  IT WAS IMPOSSIBLE FOR DEATH TO HOLD HIM. 

- While the chief priests, elders, and Roman guards watched, he secured the site and sealed it shut with the seal of the governor of Rome.

● There are people who come in your life not to rejoice with you but to ensure your marriage is properly dead, to verify that you are properly broke.

● Sometimes God will allow your enemies to see that your situation is out of hand, 

● Sometimes God will allow the enemy to be the inspector of your life to make sure you are broke properly, you can't conceive, nothing to hope for ... they come in church not to worship the Lord but to see who came and who didn't come. 

● Your enemies will witness that you are 'dead' properly so that they will know there is no manipulation when God visit you.

● Jesus was dead, they took his body and put it in the tomb.  Despite the soldiers set to watch,  it was impossible for death to hold Jesus.  He came back to life. He came out!! Hallelujah!!

Declaration : Despite the devices of the enemy and the witches in your life who are there to make sure you are not moving forward, I announce to you, you are coming out.

● Even in churches there are those who come to  worship and those who come to watch. I announce to you we will go forward.  

● The good news/ the mystery is this ... 

- Jesus came put of the tomb, the stone was still there, the seal was still there, the Watchmen were still there.

- So that nobody can say he had broken the law. He did not break anything,  he came out. Hallelujah

- So that nobody can say he has rolled the stone. He did not roll the stone but he came out. Hallelujah

- So that nobody can say he attacked the soldiers.  He did not touch the soldiers,  he did not touch the seal, he did not touch the stone but he still came out.

● You won't need to force, you won't need to struggle or use any energy of the flesh you will come out. 

● I see somebody coming out of the hospital,  I see somebody coming out of poverty,  coming put of piles of loans that have tied you up for many years.

● Jesus came out, you are coming out Declare: I am coming out. The stone will be there but I am coming out, the seal will still be there but I am coming out, the Watchmen will still be there but I am coming out. 

● I encourage the monitors of my life, continue to be there. 

● When preaching on the day of Pentecost, Peter proclaimed to the people of Jerusalem, 

“…Ye have taken, and by WICKED HANDS have crucified and slain [Jesus]: whom God hath raised up, having loosed the pains of death: because IT WAS NOT POSSIBLE THAT HE SHOULD BE HOLDEN OF IT” ( Acts 2:23,24).

● It is not possible for the devil to have the final say.

● IT is impossible for the devil to stop the movement and the growth of the church.

● It is impossible for the devil to keep you in barrenness, in poverty.... say with me, 'IMPOSSIBLE'


See how God dealt with all this things...

Application 1 | Matthew 28:2 KJV

And, behold, there was a great earthquake: for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and ROLLED BACK THE STONE from the door, and sat upon it.

● Your promotion will be an earthquake. Your elevation will be an earthquake.

● Men have put the stone but the angels came and rolled it away. 

Declaration: Your blessings will not need the help of men. 

● This ministry doesn't need the help of men so that nobody can claim that they are the ones who rolled the stone.

● Sometimes God will not allow people to help you so that no one will say they are the ones who helped you or helped God.

Matthew 28:4 KJV And for fear of him the keepers did shake, and became as dead men. 

● Forces anti-progress are those WICKED HANDS Peter is talking about the wicked hands...

- I want you to know there are demonic hands ...

- Using demonic stones : demonic roadblocks, 

- Using demonic seals :

demonic protocols, demonic covenants, demonic contracts, demonic laws and regulations, 

- Using demonic watchers : 

demonic monitors, demonic agents, witches, wizards

● What is the purpose? The purpose is to stop the progress of the saints.

●  I announce to you, The Stone Is  Rolled Away. The Seal Broken. The Watchmen are Paralyzed.

● In your life there is no more stone, there is no more seal, there is no more Watchmen than can stop you from moving forward. 

Start coming out.

Declare with me,: In my life, the stone is rolled away,  the seal is broken and the Watchmen are paralyzed.

Declaration : The monitors of your life are paralyzed. Those who are there to make sure you are not going anywhere, the power of resurrection is dealing with them and you are coming out. 

Give the Lord a shout of praise!! 

● It is done. I bless you all, you will experience the power of his resurrection. This time round,  he will show himself alive in your life. 

Pastor TD Kasuku

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