Thursday 20 April 2023




John 20:27  "Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.”

Joh 20:28  And Thomas answered and said unto him, My Lord and my God. 

Joh 20:29  Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.

● When Thomas saw the scars of Jesus he saw Jesus as his Lord and his God.

There is power behind the scars. They maybe ugly  and sometimes they can be a reminder of a very bad memory.  

I have a scar on my hand. It reminds me of my father who hit me badly when he got a report from school that I was disturbing in class. He took the fridge cable and hit me. 

● Scars are a reminder of memories,  Whether bad or good. 

● Behind every scar there is a story and there is a story. There is no star without a scar.

● The Bible says Jesus is a star. Rev 22:16  I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the  bright and morning star.

● That evening on the day of his resurrection, the disciples were in the room and Jesus appeared to them and he said, '...peace be unto you' ( John 20:19 )

● And he showed them his scars on his hands and his side. ( John 20:20 )


1- As reminders of what our sins put him through.

- He has forgiven our sins but we should never forget that because of our sins, he was nailed.

2- As reminders of healing.

- Scars mean the wound is healed.

Psalm 147:3, "He heals the brokenhearted, he binds up their wounds"

● Nomatter what you are going through, I pray that this post-resurrection season that somebody under the sound of my voice you will be healed. 

● Isaiah says, "By His stripes, we are healed". ( Isaiah 53:5 )

3- God wants us to use our scars to convince a doubting Thomas.

- People have been through so much, there are people who have emotional scars, physical scars ... 

- It will take somebody who has been through so much and is healed to help a Thomas to believe.

- Jesus can allow you to go through some painful situation so that you can minister to someone who is going through the same pain and situation. 

- Where you are is a transition, you are not there forever.

4- As a reminder that whatever the enemy meant for evil, God will turn it around for the good of the mankind.

● In Luke 21:12-13,  the Lord is foretelling his disciples how they will be persecuted, arrested and dragged in front of kings and governors because of his Name.


● However, in the midst of all that, Jesus assures one thing in  verse 13,  " IT SHALL TURN TO YOU FOR A TESTIMONY"

● Through wicked hands, the devil used nails to hurt Jesus, but after his resurrection, Jesus turned the scars of the nail as a testimony to prove to all that he was alive.

● Act 2:23 Him, being delivered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, ye have taken, and by wicked hands have crucified and slain: 

● I have a good news for you ...


● Whatever can not kill you will make you strong.

● The reason why Jesus kept his scars is to teach us deliverance  from evil hands. That the power of God is available to deliver from wicked hands.

Acts 2:23 Him, being delivered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, ye have taken, and  by wicked hands have crucified and slain:

● Behind the crucifixion of Jesus, there were wicked hands.

I declare,  any wicked hand behind your affliction with be shattered in the name of Jesus Christ.


Act 12:1 Now about that time Herod the king  stretched forth his hands  to vex certain of the church. 

Act 12:2  And  he killed James  the brother of John with the sword. 

Act 12:3  And because he saw it pleased the Jews,  he proceeded further  to take Peter also. (Then were the days of unleavened bread.) 

One he streched his hand, two He killed James and thirdly  because the church did nothing, he proceeded further.  

Act 12:4  And when he had apprehended him, he put him in prison, and delivered him to four quaternions of soldiers to keep him; intending after Easter to bring him forth to the people. 

- When the church prayed, the wicked hand was paralyzed.

● After James died, the Church woke up and did something. What did they do?

Act 12:5  Peter therefore was kept in prison: but PRAYER WAS MADE WITHOUT CEASING OF THE CHURCH UNTO GOD FOR HIM.

● Watch this. The kind of prayers made here are not casual ones. 

The Bible says …

    - Prayer was made without ceasing

    - Fervent prayer

    - Prayer was made earnestly

    - Strong prayer to God 

    - The church never stopped praying to God

    - Unceasing prayer was made by the assembly to God concerning him.

● I pray that in this 40 days of post-resurrection prayers that you will engage prayers seriously. Any wicked hand behind your affliction, your trouble and misfortune will be dealt with in the name of Jesus Christ.

What was the result?

● Result 1 | God sent an angel verse 7

Act 12:7 And, behold, the angel of the Lord came upon him, and a light shined in the prison: and he smote Peter on the side, and raised him up, saying, Arise up quickly. And his chains fell off from his hands.

● Result 2 | Peter came out of prison the same day planned for his execution despite 

Act 12:11  And when Peter was come to himself, he said, Now I know of a surety, that the Lord hath sent his angel, and HATH DELIVERED ME OUT OF THE HAND OF HEROD, and from all the expectation of the people of the Jews. 

Result 3 | Herod was executed eaten by worms

● The same hand that killed Jesus is the same that killed James but when the Church prayed the hand was paralyzed.

Act 12:23  And immediately the angel of the Lord smote him, because he gave not God the glory: and he was eaten of worms, and gave up the ghost. 

Result 4 | The Word continued to grow

Act 12:24  But the word of God grew and multiplied. 

● You see? After Herod was dealt with through violent, earnest prayer, the plan aborted and the work continued.


A lady came to see me. Anytime she was pregnant, she could see a hand hitting her womb and the following day she would miscarriage. She lost 2 pregnancies just like that …

I prayed for her and I declared cut off the hand of witchcraft 

The next pregnancy was well kept and she gave birth.


● We will engage our prayer I will give you some scriptures and some prayers. That is an assignment and an instruction at the same time

● Take those prayers with those scriptures. Engage prayer today and see what the Lord will do.

Prayer number one

Micah 5:12, God says, "I will cut off witchcraft out of your hand"

● We pray according to this Word that any hand of Witchcraft in family, in Church, in the country of which are killing people around here to be cut off.

- We need to wake up. 

- When the thief is arrested, his hands must be bound first. Because when the hand is bound, that man will not be able to do anything.

● We pray that any hand of Witchcraft behind your sickness to be cut off

● We pray that any hand of Witchcraft behind your 

predicament to be cut off.

● We pray that any hand of Witchcraft behind terror, misfortune, illegal expropriation in this country of Kenya to be cut off in the name of Jesus Christ!

Prayer number two

● It is written in Job 5:12, "God disappointeth the devices of the crafty so that their hands cannot perform their enterprise"

● We pray the Lord to paralyze the hand of the wicked so that they will not be able to perform their enterprise.

● We pray that the Lord will paralyze any hand behind your sickness and disease.

● We pray that the Lord will paralyze any evil hand behind stagnation, joblessness in the name of Jesus Christ!

Prayer number three

● In Isaiah:14:5, the Bible says, "The Lord hath broken the staff of the wicked and the sceptre of the rulers".

● People sometimes wonder why they are we miserable, why they are we suffering.

● They don't know that the wicked has a staff he uses to hit people, to cause tears, to make the life of others miserable.

● We pray the Lord to break the staff of the wicked.

● That's why we will pray according to Scripture that this staff will be broken.

● Watch this. The same rods that were in the hand of the magicians of Egypt are the same that were swallowed and transfered in the hand of Moses who used them to afflict the whole land of Egypt. 

● We pray that anyone in this country or anyone in our families holding the rod to afflict others, to cause others to shed tears, we will pray with all anger in our spirits for such rod of affliction to be broken in the Name Of Jesus Christ !

● It shall be your experience and you will testify that the rod of the wicked has been broken in the Name Of Jesus Christ !

Prayer number four

● In Psalm 125:3, the Bible says, "The rod of the wicked shall not rest upon the lot of the righteous".

- Look at some houses. People are moving from one sickness to another. 

● We pray and say, "Lord, in my house, the rod of the wicked will not be found"

● God will deliver your house from the rod of the wicked.

● The rod of the wicked will not be in your company. The rod of the wicked will not be found in your house.

● I want to hear testimonies of deliverances of the people and you are next in line for a testimony in the Name Of Jesus Christ!

Prayer number five

● In 1 Kings 13:4, we see the hand of Jeroboam being withered.

● We see in this text that the hand of Jeroboam was pointed at the man of God from an altar. That altar broke and that hand withered.

● Friend, you need to have an altar where you are connected to. Locate your altar and connect there.

● We pray and say, "Lord, let every altar whereby they are sending arrows against my life be broken and the hand behind it wither"

● Any hand pointed at you from any altar to afflict you, to arrest you, to cause you shed tears will wither in the Name Of Jesus Christ !

Prayer number six

● From Genesis 38:29, we read, "Zarah drew back his hand, that, behold, his brother came out..."

- You see? There was no way Pharez could come out as long as the hand of Zarah was still there. 

● There are many people who are not experiencing breakthrough because of the evil hands. 

● We see it clearly illustrated in this text. Pharez came out only after Zarah drew back his hand.

● Believe God that the hand of Zarah will be taken away and you will finally come out in the Name Of Jesus Christ !

● You will come out of this poverty and this predicament in the Name Of Jesus Christ !

● Sometimes in some families there are Zarah who are using their hands to hinder the breakthrough of others so that they will be the only ones to prosper while others depend on them.

● I believe God that the hand of Zarah hindering your progress, stopping you from coming out will be taken away and you will come out in the Name Of Jesus Christ !!! 

● The same way Pharez came out and broke through, you also will come out and will break through. 

● Watch. When he broke through, the housewives wondered, "How did you break through?"

● As you fast and pray with all seriousness in the spirit, your breakthrough will be a shock, a surprise to people and they will ask, "How did you make it?" 

● Today, I declare that someone under the sound of my voice God will deliver you from 

This year 2023, declare Micah 5:12 Let any hand of witchcraft behind my affliction. Any hand of witchcraft that vowed to afflict my life, such hand will be paralyzed in the Name Of Jesus Christ. 

This year 2023, declare Job 5:12 Let such hand be out of service. I declare  let that such hand will not be able to perform their business in the Name Of Jesus Christ. 

This year 2023, declare Psalm 125:3 Let the rod of affliction be broken into pieces and return back to afflict the ones afflicting you. 

● The same way the rod in the hand of the Egyptians shifted to the hand of Moses to afflict them. That will be my experience this season in the Name Of Jesus Christ. 

This year 2023, declare 1 Kings 13:4 Let the hand of Jeroboam wither in the Name Of Jesus Christ. Any Jeroboam of my life will beg me for prayer

This year 2023, declare Genesis 38:29 Command the hand of Zarah to be withdrawn from your life.

● I pray, Jesus showed the disciples the scars on his hands, his feet and his side, the wicked hands failed... I declare in your life, wicked hands will fail in the name of Jesus Christ.

● In the land of Kenya, wicked hands will not perform and will not prevail.

So shall it be, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen 


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