Thursday 30 March 2023



*FATHER THANK YOU* because n Christ, I am sealed

● *FATHER THANK YOU* because *access denied* is my portion in Christ.

● *FATHER THANK YOU* because the evil monitors of my life has no access to my life.

● *FATHER THANK YOU* because the enemy has no right to enter in my life.

● *FATHER THANK YOU* because In Christ, I carry the marks of God. 

● *FATHER THANK YOU* because in Christ I am sealed. 

● *FATHER THANK YOU* because in Christ I have on me the fingerprint of God clearly visible by the devil and his agents.

● *FATHER THANK YOU* because in CHRIST I am a special God's property and possession.

● *FATHER THANK YOU* because in Christ, I am set apart.

● *FATHER THANK YOU* because in Christ, I am different

● *FATHER THANK YOU* because in Christ, I am unique

● *FATHER THANK YOU* because in Christ, 

I belong to God and God alone

● *FATHER THANK YOU* because in Christ, there is a "touch not" tag upon me in this present world and in the world to come

● *FATHER THANK YOU* because in Christ, I am untouchable.

● *FATHER THANK YOU* because in Christ, I am the apple of God's eye ( *Zec 2:8*)

● *FATHER THANK YOU* because in Christ, the anoiting of God upon my life does not allow the devil to touch me. ● *Ps 105:15...*

● *FATHER THANK YOU* because I have the mark and anyone who will dare to touch me, will not go unpunished. *Ez 9:6*

● *FATHER THANK YOU* because in Christ, I am safe. I am secured. I am protected.

● *FATHER THANK YOU* because in Christ, there is an hedge of protection around me which the devil is very much aware and is not permitted to cross ( *Job 1:10* / *Ex 19:12*)

● *FATHER THANK YOU* because in Christ, there are chatiots of fire around me to protect me ( *2 Kings 6:17*)


*Pastor TD KASUKU*

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