Thursday 16 March 2023


● *God of vengeance*, I call upon you tonight and I give you the praise because you are the God who promised to avenge me from my enemies according to Luke chapter 18 Verse seven. 

● *God of vengeance*, I call upon you tonight as I give you the praise, as I worship you because you are the God whose vengeance belongeth as it is written in *Psalm 94:1*, "O God to whom vengeance belongeth, show yourself". 

● *Show yourself* tonight O Lord God of vengeance. 

● *Show yourself* in this country tonight, O God of vengeance. 

● *Show yourself* tonight in this land, O God of vengeance. 

● *Show yourself* in my family tonight in the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God. 

● *God of vengeance*, we call upon you tonight. We call upon you tonight. We call upon you tonight. We call upon you tonight. We call upon you tonight to show yourself in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God.

● *God of vengeance*, you are the God who executed vengeance and judgment against Haman who intended to exterminate the Jews and Haman was hanged on the gallows that he had prepared for Mordecai as it is written in *Esther 7:10*. 

● *God of vengeance*, as I'm calling upon you tonight, as I am worshiping you tonight, O God of vengeance, let every Haman plotting evil against me, plotting evil against my family, plotting evil against my school, plotting evil against my ministry, plotting evil against my university, plotting evil against my place of work, let evil return upon them and their families sevenfold, sevenfold, sevenfold in the name of Jesus Christ, in the name of Jesus Christ, in the name of Jesus Christ. 

Hallelujah ! Hallelujah ! Hallelujah !

After vengeance was executed upon Haman, my Bible says that Mordecai was promoted as prime minister in the kingdom as it is written in Esther Chapter eight verse 15. Tonight, as I'm calling upon you, as I'm bowing before you, the God of vengeance,  I thank you for the  change of garment in my life, in the name of Jesus. I thank you for putting on me the crown of gold. I thank you for putting on me a garment of fine linen and purple in the name of Jesus. 

Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. After the God of vengeance executed vengeance, the Bible says that the city of Sushan rejoiced and was glad. As I'm calling upon you tonight, as I am lifting your name as the God of vengeance tonight, I thank you because the city where I am will rejoice in the name of Jesus Christ. God of vengeance, thank you for executing vengeance upon the Hamman of my life, in the name of Jesus Christ, in the name of Jesus Christ.  Father, God of vengeance, thank you for executing vengeance against my enemies and changing my garment from mourning to celebration. In this season, the garment is changing, the garment is changing. Hallelujah in the Name Of Jesus Christ !!!

Hallelujah ! After you executed vengeance against Haman, my Bible says, morning turned into dancing for the Jews and dancing turned into mourning for the enemies of the Jews. ( Esther 8:16) 

As I worship you tonight, as I praise you tonight as the God of vengeance, I declare and I decree that this year is my year of dancing. This year is my year of joy. This year is my year of rejoicing in the name of Jesus Christ! in the name of Jesus Christ ! in the name of Jesus Christ ! 

After you executed vengeance against Haman, my Bible says in Esther 8:17, that in every province, in every city, wherever the King's decree came, the Jews had joy and gladness, a feast and a good day, and many of the people of the land became Jews for the fear of the Jews fell on them.  

I declare and I decree today, as I praise you as the God of vengeance, many unbelievers will become believers, when you execute your vengeance, there will be massive conversion, massive deliverance as a result of your vengeance upon Haman in the name of Jesus Christ ! God of vengeance. I praise you tonight. 

God of vengeance, I lift your name tonight. God of vengeance. I adore you tonight. God of vengeance, I bow before you tonight.  

God of vengeance, for every case where the enemy had unjustly accused me, wherever the enemy has falsely expropriated me, wherever the enemy has misrepresented me, wherever the enemy has ashamed me and wickedly humiliated me, it is my right to cry to you tonight as the God of vengeance, to answer me for my restoration, to answer me for my restitution in the Name Of Jesus Christ !!! 

God of vengeance, you say in your Word, in Luke chapter 18:7, that you will avenge your own elect, who cry to you day and night and you will avenge them speedily. 

God of vengeance, God of vengeance, God of vengeance, God of vengeance, as I worship you tonight, as I cry to you tonight, avenge me speedily, avenge your people speedily. 

Anyone who has been expropriated, avenge them speedily. Anyone who has been unjustly humiliated, avenge them speedily. Anyone who has been misrepresented, avenge them speedily. 

God of vengeance, God of vengeance, to you the glory tonight. To you the glory tonight. To you the glory tonight. To you the glory tonight in the name of Jesus Christ!

God of vengeance, as we praise you tonight, you are stopping the oppression of witchcraft. 

As we are praising you tonight, you are stopping the oppression of sickness. As we are praising you tonight, you are stopping the oppression of death. As we are praising you tonight, you are stopping the oppression of debts. As we are praising you tonight, you are stopping the oppression of negative dreams. In the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God. 

God of vengeance. We worship you tonight. We praise you tonight. We adore you tonight. God of vengeance, thank you for fighting for me. God of vengeance, 

Thank you, because my battles are your battle in the name of Jesus Christ. God of vengeance, you executed vengeance against the gods of Egypt to break generational captivity in the people of Israel, who was mistreated by the Egyptians for 430 years as it is written in Exodus, chapter 12, verse 12. 

My Bible says, I will pass through the land of Egypt this night, I will smite all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both men and beasts, and against all the gods of Egypt, I will execute judgment, I am the Lord. I declare victory tonight. 

Thank You for tonight, you are executing vengeance against the gods in the land of Kenya. Thank you for you are executing vengeance against the gods in families. Thank you for you are executing vengeance against the small gods that people are bowing to, the god of gold, the god of sex, the god of immorality. Tonight, God of vengeance, God of vengeance, God of vengeance, thank you for you are avenging the Word of Life Church in the land of Kenya and abroad.

God of vengeance, we thank you tonight, because you are fighting the small gods in this land, in the name of Jesus Christ. God of vengeance, we are calling upon you tonight standing on Ezekiel 11:4. 

We are calling upon you tonight and we are declaring and we are decreeing standing on Ezekiel 11:4, vengeance against all the evil men standing at the gate of our ministry, standing at the gate of our businesses, standing at the gates of our carrier, standing out to cut off our breakthrough, to hinder it in the Name Of Jesus Christ, the Son Of the Living God. 


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